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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 9:10 am

*We are live inside of the AT&T Stadium and the 85,000 plus in attendance are making a deafening noise. Five Finger Death Punch have been invited to perform "This is the way" live whilst DMX (RIP) is up on all of the big screens to sing his part of his screen. The feeling within the stadium is rocking whilst pyros explode high into the afternoon sky. The ring ropes are red, white and blue whilst the 6CWF logo has been placed on the ring canvass. All four announce tables (Spanish, Japanese, Social Media & 6CWF) are in a row at ringside. Michael Bird receives a monumental pop as he steps up into the ring to welcome us to Scars & Stripes (cue more pyros).

JT: Ladies and gentlemen good afternoon and welcome to 6CWF Presents Scars & Stripes from the glorious AT&T Stadium right here in Arlington, Texas....I am Jeff Thadeus, joined as ever by the legendary RJ.....RJ, eight matches are signed tonight for our first pay per view of the brand new season....are you ready?

RJ: Howdy partner (sorry I couldn't resist).....I am so stoked and I know this crowd is as well, just listen to this noise....nobody does PPV like 6CWF....coming off the back of the greatest Night of Glory ever and now we are steamrollering into Texas for a gigantic show....eight matches, as you say, and every single one of them has the potential to be spectacular...

JT: Texas Bull Rope, Ladder, Last Rites, Ambulance and of course "The Hour".....could we be any more stacked?

RJ: European Championship on the line to kick us off....two of the best ever, Dicey Reilly will defend against Enforcer.....Uryu & Perfect Jack will collide....

JT: And we will crown brand new tag team champions....The Coalition versus The Wolf Gang...

RJ: Texas is ready....we are ready....a big thanks to Five Finger Death Punch for getting us rocking but I think the time for talking is done...we want some action...

JT: In the words of JJ Johnson....DAMN STRAIGHT!

*There is yet another huge procession of pyros as a countdown appears on the big screens......"3.....................2.....................1!.........then the message "TIME TO PLAY" appears on all the screens as the audience raise the decibels once more.


Posts : 10240
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 9:22 am

Bout 1
6CWF European Championship
Dicey Reilly (c) vs Enforcer

"Saturday night" rips through the airwaves now and there is a huge response from the crowd as the challenger appears in the entranceway...

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the opening contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the 6CWF EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP!

*Crowd pop

Michael Bird: Introducing first, the challenger.......hailing from Cardiff, Wales....weighing in at 295 pounds......Eeennnnffffooooorrrrccceeeeerrrrr!

JT: What a way to start a PPV......

RJ: European Championship on the line and two of the very best ever set to collide...

JT: Enforcer returned to 6CWF during the "Gateway to Glory" and he made it clear he wanted to prove he could still go with the best of them....massive performance last month at Night of Glory against Robin Reborn and now he wants championship gold...

RJ: One of the very few men who has held the 6WF & 6CW Championships, he really is a part of the elite...

JT: But can he still hang at title level?

Enforcer slaps the hands of some of his fans around ringside before he climbs up inside the ring. The challenger looks pumped...

RJ: Incredible atmosphere here in Texas....

JT: And we haven't even had a match yet....

RJ: This one, in the main, has been built around respect......Enforcer & Dicey do not dislike one another but that won't stop them from going to war...

JT: They are both warriors...

The crowd are hyped as a lone blonde woman in a spotlight walks out on the stage

RJ: My god that looks like….it can be

The woman raises the mic in her hand and starts to sing a slower version "Saturday Night" by Wigfield

RJ: It is it’s Wigfield and my god she looks good

The crowd start to sing along when another spotlight shines on Dicey up in the stands holding the European Title in the air, on seeing him the crowd go crazy and Dicey starts his descent through the crowd and towards a unimpressed looking Enforcer.

RJ: The mind games have begun and here comes the European Champ

Dicey makes his way to the ring as the fans are still singing along with Wigfield. He climbs into the ring and mouths “This is the real Saturday Night” towards Enforcer before climbing on one of the turnbuckles and blowing a kiss towards the beaming Wigfield

Michael Bird: Introducing his opponent....from Dublin, Ireland.......weighing in at 266 pounds....he is the reigning and defending 6CWF European Champion.....Ddddiiiiiceeeeeeeeyyyyy Reeeeiiiiilllllllyyyyyyyy!

JT: I said it was built on respect but a little bit of needle with that entrance from Dicey Reilly...

RJ: We know Dicey enjoys getting under his opponent's skin...

JT: I'd say it definitely worked....

RJ: Adds fuel to the fire of what should be an explosive opener...

JT: Dicey Reilly looking to make the fifth defence of the title he won at Night of Glory....a win tonight would put him halfway to that £1 million prize that JJ Johnson & VIP Promotions have offered to any champion who can record 10 defences...

RJ: That announcement certainly got the talent buzzing this last week...

The bell sounds and the Texas crowd are making one heck of a noise. There are duelling chants and plenty of support for both competitors. The referee has final words with both and they nod in acceptance before taking a step back…

JT: These are two of the best to ever do it….sixteen years performing at the highest level and still putting on a show for the masses….

RJ: Enforcer vs Dicey Reilly….it hasn’t happened many times at all but listen to this noise, this crowd know what a big deal this is…

The two veterans circle one another and then they lockup in the middle of the ring. There is plenty of pushing and shoving as they look to gain control. Enforcer manages to back Dicey up on the ropes as the referee gets involved to break them apart…

JT: Two very strong men….two very similar styles….this will be a brawl but there will be a tactical element…

Dicey smirks as Enforcer nods at him and takes a step back. Dicey walks forward now and he slaps his hands into Enforcer’s chest to knock him backward….Enforcer looks at the reddened skin on his chest and he nods his head before he smashes his head into Dicey’s face, staggering him backward….

RJ: Neither of these men are afraid to get their hands dirty and go at it…

Enforcer tees off now with right hands to the jaw and then looks for an Irish whip. Dicey comes back off the ropes as Big E slams a back elbow into his head and drops him to the mat. The champion staggers up again and Enforcer clatters a huge arm across his back before ragging him into position for a powerbomb…

JT: Enforcer is a strong guy but Dicey not playing ball…

Dicey slips out the side and staggers away to the corner. Enforcer presses forward but the champion kicks out at his stomach now to wind him and then switches their positions. He slams punches into Big E’s face and then lifts him onto the turnbuckle…..Enforcer kicks out now at Dicey’s chest and staggers him back toward centre ring before he leaps from the second rope with a shoulder tackle takedown. Dicey gets up and throws a right hand but Enforcer dodges it and snaps his foe down with a neckbreaker…………………1……………………2…………..shoulder up!

RJ: It has been quite some years since we saw Enforcer wearing championship gold but this man has done it all…

JT: And in both companies….one of very few, an exclusive list, to hold the 6CW & 6WF World Championships…

RJ: Cassius Zhi….Lex Hart….Keith Leone….Max Adamson….you are talking a who’s who…..

Enforcer throws right hands again to knock Dicey onto the ropes and looks for another whip but this time Dicey turns inside and lands a boot to the gut. He grabs Big E’s head for the “Craicdown” but Enforcer scurries backwards to the ropes and backdrops his foe over to the outside…

JT: Enforcer has been in this game a long time, he knows when danger is afoot….

RJ: The biggest kind of danger right there….

The referee wants to administer a count but Enforcer is fully aware he cannot win the title that way so he rolls out as well. Dicey is getting to his feet as Big E seizes him and looks to slam his head off the steel steps…

JT: This is where the brawl starts…

Dicey gets his boot up to block the impact and then he slams elbows into the side of Enforcer to break his grip before smashing his face down onto the top of the steps. Enforcer staggers now as Dicey twirls him around and slams him into the ringside barrier before running him forward and throws him into the ring. The champion pulls himself back on the apron now and waits for the challenger to rise before he propels himself over the top into a shoulder tackle…


The crowd applaud and Enforcer’s fans are on their feet as he shows great strength to capture Dicey in his arms as he comes over the top. He holds him firm and nods his head before launching Reilly across the canvass with a fall away slam…..

JT: This is usually a big way to set up the “Facecheck”…..

RJ: If Enforcer lands this, it could be early curtains….

JT: Dicey has no idea what is coming his way…..FACECHECK!

Dicey sidesteps at the very last second and sends Enforcer crashing into the turnbuckle. He lifts Big E into an atomic drop as he comes back out and rolls him up……………..1…………………..2……………kickout!

RJ: Dicey is looking to make the fourth defence….

JT: Fifth……Reborn, Harris, Kincade, Hobo….

RJ: Hell of a list in just a month as champion…

JT: If he can add Enforcer to that….

RJ: It’s all about being a fighting champion and showing honour….Dicey wasn’t happy that a lot of those title defences ended in undesirable circumstances…

JT: Not the Hobo one….he put him down…

RJ: Something I am sure Enforcer would like to gain revenge for….

They storm up and Enforcer looks for a lariat but Dicey avoids it and he lands a boot to the stomach. He looks to lift Big E for a powerbomb of his own but Enforcer lands out front and shoves Dicey back into the ropes. The champ roars forward for a big boot now but Enforcer dodges it and runs the ropes himself before returning with a brutal “northern” lariat to the back of Dicey’s neck….Dicey drops on one knee as Enforcer looks to flip him up….

JT: Pumphandle….

Dicey slips off the back and shoves Enforcer to the corner. He runs in but E throws his feet up to block. The champ stops short and catches the feet before slamming them back down and follows up with a crushing clothesline. He beckons Enforcer out and scoops him up…


Enforcer rolls down the back and pulls Dicey to the ground………………….1………………..2…………kickout. Both men get back to their feet and Enforcer quickly fires in with a knee to the stomach before he flips Dicey into position now….


Dicey kicks his feet and he manages to fall off the back of the attempted crucifix powerbomb before reaching back and grabs Enforcer’s head before snapping him down with a sickening “rude awakening” neckbreaker…

RJ: Enforcer may have dislodged a vertebrae off of that impact….

Dicey scrambles back up to his feet now and he places his leg over the back of Enforcer’s neck and grabs his arm…


RJ: I don’t think I have ever seen Dicey pull that one out…

JT: This is the kind of match to go above and beyond…


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 9:23 am

………..Enforcer presses his shoulder off the mat!

RJ: Dicey thinking outside the box, that’s why he is a champion…

JT: And why he has enjoyed the longevity that he has….

Dicey nods in acceptance of Enforcer’s toughness before he rises and punts him in the ribs. Enforcer drags himself over to the corner and he rests there against the bottom turnbuckle as Dicey circles the ring and then charges over…


Enforcer pulls himself under the bottom rope before the knee strike can be detonated. Some of the crowd boo but he stays out to regain himself. Dicey decides to clamber out on the apron and he leaps off with an axe handle to the spine of his challenger before he spins him around and looks to chuck him back in…..BOOM!

JT: Enforcer wasn’t willing to play ball there….

RJ: Veteran instincts….even against the tide he found a way….

Enforcer steps to the side and he manages to drag Dicey forward so that he smashes, ribs first, into the steel steps. Enforcer then lifts him up onto his shoulders before launching him off across the steps again with a modified gutbuster….

RJ: Enforcer has a vindictive side, he has that streak in him….

JT: He came here tonight to win gold….he will do what he has to do….

Enforcer slings Dicey back into the ring now and he rolls in after him. Dicey staggers to his feet and Enforcer scoops him onto his shoulders again…

RJ: Torture rack….Enforcer targeting that body now…

JT: He’s looking to make Dicey suffer….

RJ: This is a throwback and a call to his former stablemate, Hobo….The Dumpster!

Dicey is yelling in pain as Enforcer crushes him across his shoulders but the champion point blank refuses the referee’s pleas to give up. Enforcer is showing great strength to keep the champion up but he decides that he isn’t getting close to the submission so he decides to lock his arms and change tact…


Dicey slams elbows into the side of Enforcer’s jaw until he releases him and then he lands out on his feet and runs the ropes…


There are huge, nostalgic, cheers as Enforcer uses Dicey’s momentum to spin him into the bearhug slam and hooks both of his legs…
…………..thr-shoulder up!

JT: That was as close as we have come…

RJ: Enforcer lost his 6WF Championship to that very move….

Enforcer sits for a moment and has to shake his head as the referee declares a definite two count. The challenger listens to the “Let’s go Dicey/Enforcer” chants ringing around the stadium as he climbs to his feet and paces back and forth. Dicey is slowly moving around on the canvass as Enforcer chooses to back up in the corner and stalk his prey….

JT: He looked for it once already but Dicey is much more susceptible now than earlier…


Dicey dodges the flying forearm smash at the final second and then he spins Enforcer around and smashes his head into the canvass with a snapmare driver (ala LA Knight)….

JT: Came out of nowhere but Dicey needed that….even just for the respite…

RJ: He can’t capitalise with a pin but it buys him some time to breathe and start again….

JT: Regroup and fire back….he knows he’s in a fight here and he needs to dig deep if he wants to leave Texas with that European Championship….

Dicey stumbles to his feet and into the ropes. He sees Enforcer starting to rise and he moves over to him and pulls him into a front facelock….


Enforcer floats over the back of the attempted brainbuster and he slams a fist into the small of Dicey’s back before hooking his arms…


Dicey leaps from the side of the slam and he kicks out at Enforcer’s stomach before ducking into him and nails a big time teardrop suplex that slams Enforcer onto the back of his neck….Enforcer rolls over toward the corner as Dicey wills himself back up and he runs in…



The Irish contingent in the crowd are going crazy as Dicey’s knee thunders into Enforcer’s face, crushing him against the turnbuckle, and then he seizes his legs and drags him away from the corner before dropping on top…


RJ: That had to be….

JT: The referee saying Enforcer popped the shoulder….

RJ: That was so close….so, so close….

JT: Dicey thinks it was three….

RJ: Half of the audience do too….

Dicey is almost disbelieving as the referee indicates a two count. He sighs and then spits in frustration before pulling himself back to a vertical base…

RJ: Dicey knew coming in how tough Enforcer is…..

JT: There’s one thing knowing about it….but experiencing it first hand is completely different….

RJ: Dicey still has the advantage though and he needs to press that home……CRAICDOWN!


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 9:28 am

Enforcer steps out to the side from the cradled piledriver and scoops Dicey onto his shoulders again before throwing him off so that his ribs land across the top rope…..

JT: Enforcer went back to the damaged body…..WHAT A BOOT!

Enforcer runs the opposite side and he returns with a brutal kick to the face as Dicey stumbles around….

RJ: I thought we may have had a new champion right there….

Enforcer kneels for a second and takes a deep breath as Dicey gets his shoulder up. The noise levels are continuing to boom the decibels as Enforcer rises once more and he pulls Dicey into a front facelock….


Dicey kicks his legs repeatedly to block the attempted jackhammer and then he tries to counter into a brainbuster but Enforcer breaks their lockup and uncorks a big uppercut under the chin. He grabs Dicey’s arm now and whips him to the turnbuckle before he spins on his heel and chases in for a flying splash…

RJ: Dicey avoided that….WHITE NOISE!

Cheers ring out around AT&T as Dicey scoops Enforcer up on his back now and he drills him into the canvass with the back to belly piledriver…

JT: That was barely….and I mean barely a kickout….

RJ: This match delivering on the level we hoped it would…

Dicey pushes himself up and almost has to suppress a laugh. He listens to the roar of the crowd and then he bends down to seize Enforcer by the head….

JT: Dicey knows he has Enforcer in big trouble here but finishing him off is proving tough….

RJ: Many have found that out to their detriment over the years….

JT: Dicey finished some of the best with this move……CRAICDOWN!

Enforcer swipes Dicey’s legs at the final second and then he drops back and catapults him into the turnbuckle. Dicey clatters, ribs first, and winces in pain as he stumbles back out….


JT: Enforcer gonna be a 2x….


RJ: Did he get him?!?

Enforcer and his fans have their hands on their heads as Dicey kicks out and the referee holds up two fingers. Texas is electric with noise…

JT: They have thrown the proverbial kitchen sink at one another but this is why they are hall of fame talents…

RJ: Both athletes have hit one another with gigantic manoeuvres but to no avail…..we continue….

Enforcer stands and he stumbles into the ropes before coming forward and kicking Dicey in the side of the head, keeping him grounded. Enforcer heads for the corner now and he starts to climb….

JT: For a big man we know Enforcer can fly….but he only pulls it out when he believes he has to go one step further….

RJ: I’d say the occasion calls for it….MOONSAULT!

The cameras flash as Enforcer throws his giant frame into a fantastic moonsault but the European Champion rolls out of the impact zone at the very last minute, sending the challenger crunching into the canvass. Dicey rolls under the bottom rope and he pulls himself up on the apron before catapulting back over into a battering ram shoulder block (ala Sheamus) as Enforcer staggers to his feet…..Dicey gets up again now and he ushers Big E to a standing position…


Dicey drills Enforcer into the canvass with the pumphandle drop and hooks his legs…………….1……………………2………….shoulder up!

RJ: Dicey looking at the referee there and you can see the, almost, disbelief in his face….he knew Enforcer would challenge him tonight but I’m wondering if he expected this level of resilience….

Dicey gets to his feet and backs against the ropes as he sucks in deep breaths. Enforcer is trying to crawl back up as the champion approaches and grabs him by the hair….


Enforcer sinks a huge right hand into Dicey’s stomach and you can audibly hear the air leave his body. Enforcer grabs Dicey’s head now and he jawbreakers him, staggering Dicey back into the ropes and then he pops him up on the comeback into a reverse powerslam that slams Dicey down on his spine in the middle of the ring….

RJ: I have absolutely no idea where Enforcer just pulled that out from….

JT: Running on fumes now but they are still giving it their absolute all…Enforcer ready to fly again….DROVE IT HOME!

Enforcer is successful from aerial position now as he drops from on high with an elbow that slams right into Dicey’s heart……………………1……………………..2……………………..3!

RJ: Still not enough….fantastic opening contest….

JT: Just what we were hoping for and more…

Enforcer gets back up again and he holds up three fingers to the referee but the official waves him away. Enforcer looks annoyed now as he fixes his gaze back on his downed foe and then he bounces back off the ropes and runs forward…


Enforcer leaps up and slams downward with the brutal forearm smash (ala Ilja Dragunov) but Dicey throws himself away at the final second as the challenger clatters the mat. Dicey staggers back up as Enforcer rolls to his feet and runs at him…


Dicey ducks under the running forearm and uses Enforcer’s momentum to lift him up and drop him, throat first, across the ropes. Enforcer collapses back on the canvass as Dicey heads for the corner and pulls himself up…

RJ: Dicey worked himself an opening….can the champion take full advantage?


Dicey has just made it to the top rope when Enforcer is back up and smashes a big right hand into his jaw. The crowd watch on with anticipation as Enforcer hauls himself up the ropes now and pulls Dicey forward….

RJ: At this juncture a superplex from here could be more than enough to end proceedings…


Dicey is battling and he begins to hammer and claw with lefts and rights to the body and the head. He then swings his head up and butts Enforcer in the cheekbone as he steps over the ropes to reposition his feet and then he lifts Enforcer up into a suplex position…..


JT: He dropped Enforcer’s head on the turnbuckle….astonishing….

Dicey drops from the turnbuckle and crushes Enforcer’s head into the top rung (ala Sami Zayn vs Gunther)…..Enforcer is folded up in a heap as Dicey immediately drags him into the middle of the ring….




JT: Forget it….

Ding ding ding

RJ: Definition – WAR!

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner……..AND STILL 6CWF European Champion……….Diiiiiiiiiiccccccccceeeeeeyyyyyyy Reeeeeiiiillllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

JT: Fantastic opening contest...

"Born to fight" is playing out now as Dicey staggers up, patting Enforcer, respectfully, on the chest as he does so. The referee presents Dicey with his title belt and he slings it over his shoulder as he heads for the corner....Allie Thompson (the timekeeper) tosses Dicey a beer and he downs it....

RJ: I'd say Dicey earned that drink...

JT: They both did....what a hard-hitting opening fight.....Enforcer showed why he is a hall of famer, he pushed Dicey to the limit...

RJ: But Dicey keeps defying the odds and Father Time....he finds different ways, he adapts in there....absolutely brilliant....he truly is a fighting champion...

The crowd are applauding and making huge amounts of noise. We see seas of green and gold in the audience as Dicey raises the championship over his head now and nods his head...

JT: We are just getting started here but I already have goosebumps....

RJ: Dicey & Enforcer just set the bar incredibly high....pressure is on...


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 9:36 am

*We see Geoff Steel backstage performing some last minute stretches ahead of his clash with Marty Helms. Clarissa approaches to grab a word with Steel and he says tonight he understands he will need to be at his very best but that Marty Helms needs to start understanding that he is the Xtreme Champion for a reason and that is because he thrives in this kind of environment. Geoff Steel expects to bleed tonight, he expects to be battered and bruised but when all is said and done he also expects to still be the 6CWF Xtreme Champion.

*Dicey Reilly has returned backstage and is being congratulated on his victory. Dicey is telling Tim Allen that the "Open Challenge" will be continuing from next week and that he's taking that £1 million from VIP Promotions. Dicey once again finds himself face to face with Perfect Jack at the end of the scene.

*We see JJ Johnson/The Saint arriving in Texas in their own sports cars. JJ sits on the bonnet of his car and he stares up at the giant poster on the side of AT&T. Saint walks around and sits next to him. The two men reminisce on 6WF back in 2008 and how far they have come, warring with The Dynasty, Trash TV, Anarchy & Nemesis. Saint claps JJ on the shoulder and says "Now's not the time to look back, mate, we look forward to later tonight and THE NEW tag team champions"....JJ nods and smiles before looking back up at the stadium again.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 10:05 am

Bout 2
6CWF Xtreme Championship
Geoff Steel (c) vs Marty Helms

ding ding

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is the TEXAS BULL ROPE MATCH!

*Crowd pop

MB: And will be for the 6CWF Xtreme Championship!

JT: The second championship match of the evening and the first of five stipulation bouts.....this one is special to the people of Texas....

RJ: Geoff Steel and Marty Helms have been embroiled in a ferocious rivalry that began at Night of Glory....Helms was the first man to introduce the bullrope into the equation and Steel was more than happy to accept his challenge....we know Steel is a fighter and he backs down from no challenge....

JT: And we know his challenge this evening will be one of the toughest of his career....

RJ: Both men will be tied to one another via the bullrope....victory can occur by pinfall, submission or touching all four corners in a row...

Michael Bird: Introducing first, the challenger.....from London, England......weighing in at 280 pounds....Maaaarrrrttttyyyy Heeeeeeeellllmmmmmssss!

JT: One of the of the scariest and most violent stars in the business...

RJ: A former world champion who had to basically destroy everything in his path to get to the mountain top....

JT: And he feels he should still be there....Marty Helms views the Xtreme division as a way to tap back into his most violent nature and will propel him back into the upper echelons of 6CWF...

Marty Helms has his usual angry expression on his face as he marches to the ring, snarling at the fans who try and reach over to touch him. Helms rolls into the ring now before "Last Resort" booms out to a standing ovation from the Texas faithful....

MB: And his opponent...........from Sheffield, England..........weighing in at 259 pounds....he is the reigning and defending 6CWF Xtreme Champion..............Geeeeooooooooffff Steeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllll!

JT: The 6CWF fans absolutely love the Xtreme Champion...

RJ: The ultimate professional....he has always put his body on the line and given everything for this industry....this is his second reign as Xtreme Champion and I truly believe this man is the embodiment of this division....

JT: Geoff Steel showed at Night of Glory what he is willing to put himself through in order to win....that's why he gets so much respect from the fans...

RJ: Another former world champion who I am sure, one day, would like to find his way back to the mountain top....but for right now this man is carrying Xtreme on his shoulders and he could not be prouder...

Geoff Steel is interacting with his fans around ringside, posing for pictures and the like, before he clambers up on the apron. Steel and Helms lock eyes now and it is all business...

JT: Plenty of bad blood here, these two have knocked holy hell out of one another in the last six weeks...

RJ: And it's only going to get more intense here this evening....this is going to be blood and guts..

The referee has the rope now and he moves from superstar to superstar in order to strap the end of each side to their wrists. Marty Helms looks annoyed whilst Steel just stares across the ring as he is attached to the ropes...

JT: I believe this is a first time ever…

RJ: By my recollection….we’ve had variations, potentially a strap match or two….but we are deep in the heart of Texas tonight and a Texas Bull Rope match is fitting for the occasion….

JT: These two warriors have spent the last month and a half beating chunks out of one another and it comes to a head right here….Xtreme Championship on the line…

RJ: Pinfall, submission or you touch all four corners simultaneously without a prolonged break in between….this started at Night of Glory when Geoff Steel pipped Marty Helms at the post for the title….Helms seeks retribution tonight…

JT: This is going to be brutal….

The bell sounds and the crowd are literally bouncing with excitement. Steel and Helms check the wrist straps on the rope and then both sets of eyes head for the cowbell in the middle…

RJ: That cowbell has done some serious damage of late…

JT: Helms damn near broke Steel’s face with it at one point….

RJ: I am sure it will be a factor once again this evening….AND WE’RE OFF!

Helms suddenly grabs the rope and tries to tug Steel forward but Steel holds firm and stands his ground. They continue to wrestle over control until Helms releases and just slams a right hand into the champion’s face….he follows up with a kick to the stomach and yet more punches as Steel falls back against the ropes…

JT: Marty Helms is as vindictive as they come….that’s how he made his name in this business….but he’d be the first to say that since losing the world title last September that he has struggled with form…..I believe he saw the Xtreme Championship as a way to tap back into the kind of persona that brought him to the dance…

RJ: And at Night of Glory we certainly saw that side of him re-emerge….but Geoff Steel was also on a mission that night and it was Steel who came away with the gold…

JT: Will he be able to repeat that feat tonight? Because in this one they have to beat one another, there’s nobody else to pin or submit….

Helms has Steel in the corner and is letting loose with more punches and brutal stomps to the midsection. He grabs the rope now and he wraps it around Steel’s neck so that he can choke him with it…

RJ: That rope is going to come into play time and time again….not only is it keeping the competitors attached but it is a great way to inflict damage on your opponent…

The referee just has to stand back and watch as Helms continues to choke Steel in the corner whilst stomping away at him. He then shows his strength to pull Steel forwards and launch him across the canvass with a Biel throw…

JT: Marty Helms has settled to his task quickly….it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise…

RJ: Helms was built for any kind of environment that involves violence….

Steel is sat on the canvass as Helms lashes a boot into his spine. The challenger then grabs the cowbell and he smashes it down across Steel’s back…

JT: You see those lights on top of the turnbuckles? They will turn green each time a competitor presses the turnbuckle….you have to get all four in a row to secure victory in that manner…

Helms wraps the rope around Steel’s neck again and he places his foot on his back for more leverage. Helms is yelling for Steel to give up as the champion desperately tries to get his fingers under the rope to pull it away from his throat….

RJ: Steel is in trouble here…

JT: He knew he was in trouble when he took this challenge but Geoff Steel runs from nobody…

Helms kneels down and lands savage elbow strikes to the neck and side of Steel’s head before he stands and stomps at his opponent. The crowd are already starting to look concerned for Geoff Steel…

RJ: This has been a mauling thus far….

Helms shoves the referee aside as he drags Steel up and headbutts him back into the ropes. Steel answers back with a right hand which sends spittle flying from Helms’ mouth….Helms responds with a kick to the stomach and more punches before he grabs Steel’s wrist and whips him across the ring…


JT: That’s one way to change the complexion of a match….

Helms looks for a lariat on the comeback but Steel ducks it and grabs the cowbell before smashing it into Helms’ gut. Steel quickly drags Helms into a suplex and transitions into a front slam across the cowbell on the canvass…

RJ: Geoff Steel shies from no man….arguably, pound for pound, the strongest man on the roster and the return to Xtreme has revitalised his career…

Steel grabs Helms by the head and looks to drag him into a piledriver position but Helms shuffles backward and he backdrops Steel over the top rope to the outside….

JT: Remember they are attached by the wrist….

Helms tries to use his own power to drag Steel forwards into the ring apron but Steel reaches under the bottom rope and he grabs Helms’ feet before dragging him under the bottom rope so they can brawl on the outside….

RJ: In a normal one on one encounter I believe this would be a great battle but tonight neither are showing their wrestling prowess tonight….

Helms slams a knee into Steel’s gut and then batters his head off the steel steps. The champion staggers over toward the announce area and then Helms tugs on the rope in the attempt to pull Steel back into the steps again…

JT: Steel holding firm…..ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT!

Steel holds his feet and then uses his own power to drag Marty Helms toward him and he scoops him onto his shoulders before he launches him through the “Spanish” announce table with a huge FU…

RJ: This match is minutes old and Geoff Steel just destroyed Marty Helms….

JT: Absolute devastation…

RJ: Steel needs to get Helms back in the ring though to capitalise….

JT: The rope isn’t long enough for Steel to reach all four turnbuckles unless they are in the ring….

Steel looks pumped as he stares down at Marty Helms amidst the wreckage of the table and then he drags him up and chucks him under the bottom rope. The crowd are applauding and chanting for the champion as he nods in appreciation of their support and then rolls in…



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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 10:06 am


RJ: I think Marty Helms just reacted on pure instinct because there’s no way he even knows where he is….

Steel is just getting to his knee as Helms runs over and dives into the huge knee strike to the back of the skull. Both competitors are flat on the canvass now….

JT: Both men have hit each other with some of their very best moves but the Xtreme Championship remains up for grabs…

It takes a few minutes for both men to start getting back to their canvass and they stagger in opposite directions, slapping the turnbuckles as they go…..

RJ: They’ve both hit three turnbuckles…..first man to hit one more is leaving with the belt….

Marty Helms is six inches from slapping the fourth turnbuckle as Steel digs deep and pulls down as hard as he can on the ropes. Helms’ face is a picture of determination as he reaches out again…

JT: Even a fingertip will do it….


Steel suddenly manages to rag Helms into the centre of the ring and onto his shoulders again. This time Helms elbows his way free and he grabs the cowbell off the canvass before swinging it…

JT: He nailed Steel right in the cheek with it….that same cheek that was damaged last month….


Steel is dazed from the impact and then Helms kicks him in the stomach and lifts him into a powerbomb position before dropping him for a lungblower (replacing his knees with the cowbell)…..Steel is writhing in agony on the canvass….

JT: This is extremely physical…

RJ: We knew it would be…these two men are going to be feeling this for some time…

Marty Helms has a sinister expression on his face now as he places the cowbell next to Steel’s head (crouched on the canvass) and then he backs away into the corner…

JT: Marty Helms has got the most sinister of ideas here….BLOODTHIRSTER!

Helms runs forward for the punt kick but Steel pulls his head out of the way at the final minute and then he grabs the cowbell and smashes it against Helms’ knee before pulling his legs out from under him…


Helms is thrashing from side to side as he desperately tries to avoid the submission. Steel is trying to lock it in but is struggling to keep the challenger at bay so instead he drops backwards and catapults him into the corner….


Helms smashes his head off the turnbuckle and staggers back into a release full nelson slam from the champion. Steel sucks in a deep breath and then indicates he is going up high…

RJ: Geoff Steel looking to take a risk here…..OH GOD!

JT: That is the definition of a risk not paying off, not even in the slightest….

Steel is on high and he launches himself through the air into the flying headbutt but Helms holds the cowbell up and forces the champion’s head to smash down into it as he lands…

RJ: That has opened up a huge cut on the forehead of Geoff Steel…

JT: That may be the least of his worries….his title is hanging in the balance here…

Steel is bleeding, profusely, as he tries to stumble back up to his feet and Marty Helms seizes him by the wrist and pulls him forward…



The “Bullhammer” elbow thunders into Steel’s face and drops him in a heap….


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 10:07 am



JT: I have no idea how…..Geoff Steel is as tough as they make them…

RJ: Has to be instinct alone….he is busted wide open and Marty Helms has, potentially, broken his face….

JT: Steel’s title reign is in serious jeopardy here…..

Marty Helms curses the official and then he stands up and begins to walk from corner to corner, slapping the turnbuckles as he goes…

RJ: Remember if Helms touches all four in a row, this is a wrap…

JT: He’s got three….

Helms wastes no time in hitting three of the turnbuckles. He almost laughs at the ease of his task as he saunters toward the fourth….


Helms is suddenly tugged backward as Steel pulls with all his strength. The challenger holds firm, however, and reaches his hand out toward the fourth corner…

JT: Helms just needs to touch it and he’s the champion….

Steel lets out a huge roar of effort as he uses both hands now to pull at the rope and he gets Helms close enough to drive a boot into his stomach…


Helms steps to the side and he scoops Steel up on his shoulders…


Steel smashes elbows into Helms’ head until he is able to pull himself free. He staggers to the ropes as Helms twirls around and sprints toward him….

JT: Steel reacting from the gut here…

RJ: It’s keeping him in it…

Steel manages to sidestep and uses Helms’ momentum to toss him over the ropes to the apron. Helms tries to use the rope to drag Steel toward him but Steel leaps into the air and crashes his head into Helms’ face….

JT: What a shot that was, knocked Marty Helms senseless……AND HOW ABOUT THAT!!!

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

RJ: I’m with them….

Helms is swaying on the apron as Geoff Steel decides to bounces off the opposite ropes and then storms forward with a flying spear (ala Big E) which sends himself and Helms crashing to the arena floor….

JT: That was incredible impact….

RJ: Geoff Steel has lost crazy amounts of blood but he is a proud champion and he is showing what it means to him tonight….

JT: Representing Xtreme is a huge deal to Geoff Steel….

It takes a few moments for both men to start clambering back up to their feet. Steel grabs the cowbell and he looks to swing it at Helms’ head…..CLANG!

RJ: Helms’ saved himself right there….

The bell clatters against the ringbell and sends Steel off balance before Helms picks him up and spinebusters the champion across the top of the steel steps….

JT: That is horrid impact…

RJ: And Helms isn’t done….

Steel remains draped across the steps as Marty Helms pulls them away from the ring now. He grabs a steel chair from the announce area before pulling himself up on the ring apron. Helms positions the chair under his arm before diving off with an elbow drop (ala Mich Foley)…..


Helms is yelling in agony and cradling his arm as he smashes down onto the steel steps, the chair driving upward into his elbow joint. Steel staggers to his feet now, blood running down his face, and then he grabs Helms’ arm and places it on top of the steps…..CRACK!


JT: Marty Helms has shown him none for over a month…..this is kill or be killed….

Steel smashes the steel chair down into the arm of Helms now before throwing it away. He grabs Helms’ arm and repeatedly smashes it off the steps now before dragging him up and launching him back into the ring….

RJ: If Marty Helms’ arm wasn’t broken before, it potentially could be now….

Marty Helms is clutching his arm close to his chest as he stumbles up and then Geoff Steel drags himself up onto the apron….


Steel flips over the ropes but instead of using his arm for the lariat he smashes Helms in the face with the cowbell. Geoff Steel listens to the roar of the crowd as he makes his way over to the corner now and climbs up high….

RJ: Didn’t pay off last time but I think Marty Helms may be practically unconscious right now…..


Steel launches through the air and drives his head right into Marty Helms’ chest as he lands. Helms is all at sea as Steel stumbles back up to his feet…


Steel crushes Helms into the canvass and makes the cover……………………1…………………….2…………….thr-shoulder up!

JT: One thing that can never be denied is the toughness of Marty Helms….the challenger must be on fumes right now but he is one of the baddest SOBs to ever lace them up…

RJ: Geoff Steel near knocked him out with that cowbell….I don’t know how Helms is still in this….

JT: He barely is…..Steel just needs to get to the ropes….touch the turnbuckles…

RJ: I think that’s his plan now….

The champion is on his feet, swaying slightly, and then he starts to walk to the corners and slaps the turnbuckles in turn. There are three lights on green as he starts to march over to the fourth and final…..

JT: Steel leaving Texas the same way he walked in….

*Huge boos from the crowd


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 10:08 am

RJ: I’m not so sure….that will switch the momentum….

Steel is close to the turnbuckle when Marty Helms suddenly tugs him back toward centre and slams a low blow right between his legs, dropping him in a heap on the canvass…

JT: Absolutely no rules preventing that from being legal…

RJ: Marty Helms doing whatever he needs to in order to keep his championship aspirations alive….

There are huge “Let’s go Steel” chants around the AT&T as both men slowly try and get to their feet once more. Steel’s face is a bloody mess and Marty Helms is sporting heavy bruising on his own. Both men head for the corners and begin to slap the turnbuckles…

JT: It’s a race now….

RJ: Steel moving quicker….

Marty Helms seems to realise that Steel is hitting the turnbuckles quicker than him so he swings himself around and charges at the champion, looking to squash him in the corner…

JT: Steel knew he was coming……ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT!

Steel moves at the last second to send Helms crashing against the turnbuckle and then he drags him out to the centre and lifts him onto his shoulders for another F-U but somehow Helms flips out and lands on his feet before grabbing the cowbell and smashes it right into Steel’s stomach, dropping him onto his knees….


Helms bounces back against the corner and then runs out and kicks at Steel’s head….


Steel twists his body as Helms’ boot thunders into his back instead of his skull…..Steel is still hurt from the shot as the challenger drags him up……


Helms plants Steel into the canvass with heavy impact and rolls him over….Helms holds his arm in the air as the referee counts…




Marty Helms is looking at the referee as though he wants to throttle him. He gets back up and kicks the ropes with frustration…

JT: Marty Helms always exudes confidence against any opponent but I have to admit he looks a little stunned here…

RJ: He has hit Geoff Steel with devastating offense, he’s busted him wide open….but still Steel remains fighting…

JT: Steel is Xtreme and he is proving that for all to see here….


Helms suddenly grabs the ropes and he wraps it around the head of Steel as he drags him back to the canvass to apply a crossface submission. He locks the ropes around Steel’s neck and pulls another strand of it up across the champion’s mouth…

JT: He’s going to literally tear his face off here…..Geoff Steel’s championship reign is about to end here at Scars and Stripes…



Steel tries to show incredible strength to push himself upward onto his feet despite the incredible pain. He then uses the power in his arms to begin lifting Helms off the canvass but the challenger headbutts him repeatedly in the side of the head until he sags to the floor again for the submission….Steel is barely moving now and looks ready to succumb to the hold when he reaches out and grabs the cowbell before swinging it back over his head and clatters it against Marty Helms’ head three times….

JT: I’m not sure Geoff Steel even knew what he was doing or where he was…

RJ: He swung with hope but he found the target….

JT: He’s cut Helms badly on the top of his head as well, that is bleeding profusely…

There is blood matted in Marty Helms’ hair and running all down the side of his head now as both men try and get back up to their feet again. Helms staggers upward and has to grab the ropes for momentum as Geoff Steel stumbles into the corner and then he runs forward….


Helms drives his boot up at the last second and smashes Steel in the face with it before he whips him into the corner. He follows in and dives into a splash but Steel catches him and walks him out….

JT: That is the incredible power that we have been talking about from Geoff Steel…..FALL AWAY….

Steel looks to throw Helms into the fall away slam but the challenger is somehow able to leap over the back and land on his feet and he bounces into the ropes before returning with a brutal clothesline to the back of the neck, felling Steel instantly. Helms spits in frustration and then he rolls from the ring and grabs a steel chair and the bottom second of the steel steps (the flat half) and throws them into the ring…

RJ: Marty Helms looking to finish this now and he has brutality on the brain…

JT: When doesn’t he?

Helms grabs Steel by the head now and he drags him up and places his head between his legs before flipping him into the air…


Steel lands out on the steel steps and he punches Helms away to the ropes and then leaps off and takes him down with a Lou Thesz press as he returns. Steel unloads with punches and then he stands up and grabs the steel chair off the canvass….


Helms ducks the chairshot at the last second and it thunders off the steps before Helms grabs Steel by the throat…


Helms drives Steel down on top of the steps now with the slam before drawing his arms over one another to indicate that this one is over. He shakes his head at Steel as he makes his way over and begins to slap the turnbuckles….

JT: Marty Helms feels he has done enough here, he doesn’t see Geoff Steel coming back from this….

RJ: I’d be inclined to agree….

JT: But I’m not sure this is the Marty Helms way….it isn’t sadistic enough….

RJ: This is foolish….

Helms hits the third turnbuckle before he turns back and looks at Steel, who has just rolled off the steps and slumped on the floor. Helms’ chest is heaving in and out but it is obvious he is far from content with proceedings. The referee tries to stop him but he shoves the official over and grabs the steel chair before wrapping it around Steel’s head….

JT: What the hell is he doing? He just needs to touch one more turnbuckle and he’s the champion…

RJ: Marty Helms has evil intentions….winning the title isn’t enough….he wants to make a statement….

JT: This’ll put Geoff Steel on the goddamn shelf….he’s a madman, someone stop him….



Helms runs from the corner to punt Steel’s head when the champion grabs the steel steps and drags them in front of him so that Marty Helms boots them instead. The challenger is hobbling in pain as Steel gets to his feet (pulling the chair from around his neck) and then he scoops Helms on his shoulders….


The crowd cheer as Steel nails the huge fireman’s slam on top of the steel steps and then he grabs the steel chair…..CRACK!


Steel lashes the chair across Helms’ spine over and over until it breaks apart from the enormous impact. Steel seems to swell with rage as he thinks about what Marty Helms was going to do to him….

JT: Marty Helms was going to try and end Geoff Steel’s career……that isn’t something the champion is going to forget in a hurry…

RJ: You’re damn right he won’t….

Helms’ back is bloody and bruised from the beating bestowed on him by the champion but Steel isn’t done. The champion grabs the rope now and uses it to make sure he can wrap Helms’ legs together as he drags him into the liontamer….Steel positions the cowbell so that it is on Helms’ back and he drives his knee down into the bell so that the solid steel presses deep into the spine of the challenger…

JT: This is torturous….he’s bent Helms’ body like a contortionist….

RJ: Marty Helms is in utter agony….

Helms’ yells of pain fill the air as he somehow tries to fight through the pain barrier and drag himself toward the ropes. Geoff Steel’s bloodstained face is a picture as he shuffles his body forward so that Helms’ hand is pulled further from the ropes and then he bends the back of the challenger even more…..

JT: Marty Helms is one of the toughest I have ever seen….I have seen this man go through literal hell on earth but I’m not sure I have ever seen him in this position before…

RJ: Almost shades of the brutality that Steel put Mike Hill through at Night of Glory to win the title….

Ding ding ding

JT: I don’t think he had a damn choice right there…

RJ: Either give up or leave here on a stretcher with a broken back….

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner………..AND STILL 6CWF XTREEEEEMMMMMMEEEE Champion………..Geeeeoooofff Stttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllll!

JT: Sheer brutality from start to finish, just as we expected….these two warriors put each other through the wringer tonight and I’m sure somewhere deep down they have gained some serious respect for one another…

RJ: They beat the holy hell out of each other….so many times I thought we would have a new champion….but Steel persevered and demonstrated his championship credentials to dig deep and pick up the W….

JT: And I don’t think I have ever seen Marty Helms tap out….that is a testament to what Geoff Steel did to him in there….

RJ: Both men are busted….both men will need medical attention in the back….this show is just two bouts in and already the action is incredible…

JT: Two successful title defences in the bag too….is that an omen for both Edward Plague and Eddy Kent here tonight?

RJ: This capacity crowd are on their feet and giving these men the standing ovation that they deserve….what a war, what a match…

JT: I knew Scars and Stripes would deliver but this is hitting the heights from the very beginning….

RJ: Management knew they were taking a gamble reintroducing the Xtreme Division but what a decision that was…..two PPVs and two incredible matches, and that man right there….Geoff Steel, is the embodiment of what this division is all about….

Geoff Steel is bloody and battered but he staggers to the corner with his championship belt and climbs up to pose in front of the adoring masses. We see a sign that reads “Steel is a f***ing bada55” as the champion holds his title high….

JT: Incredible stuff…..Geoff Steel, you deserve all the plaudits tonight….Marty Helms, you’ll come again because you are a bad motherf***er…..

RJ: Marty Helms could be even more dangerous after this loss because he’s a wounded animal and that only spells danger to anyone who gets on the wrong side of him….


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 10:18 am

*JJ Johnson & The Saint are just finishing their final prep for the upcoming tag title match when Acer walks in. There is some tension but it is dispelled when Acer wishes his "brothers" luck. JJ and Acer touch knuckles (is there animosity?) whilst Saint hugs Acer. Acer is left in the dressing room now and he looks at the cabinet in the corner with replicas of all the titles that JJ/Saint have won in their careers.

*GazzyD is sitting alone when one of Edward Plague's "followers" enters the room. Gazzy almost jokes about how he isn't worthy of Plague's time now. The follower (Kristian) tells Gazzy that Plague is expectant tonight because Logan Kincade presents a very real threat to what they have built up. Plague knows Gazzy will not disappoint him if he wants to see Christy & Willow.....Plague needs Gazzy to not only take care of Kincade but also ensure the future of "The Family" by making sure the 6CW Championship remains in Plague's possession. Kristian leaves and Gazzy is left staring at the wall (clearly in very deep and distressed thought).


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 10:50 am

Bout 3
6CWF Tag Team Championships
The Coalition vs The Wolf Gang

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest will crown brand new 6CWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!

*Crowd pop

JT: Listen to this noise....this is the culmination of a fantastic tournament to crown brand new champions...

RJ: The tag division has been major to both 6CW & 6WF over the years.....Red Arrows, Trash TV, Perfect Execution, Anarchy, Revolution.....

JT: So many tremendous many careers that have been catapulted into the stratosphere because of this division...

RJ: We all love tag team action (hahaaha!)...

JT: It's great to see it back....and look at those beauties...

The crowd pop as we see the brand new tag team title belts which been placed on a plinth at ringside before "So fresh, so clean" begins to play out...

Michael Bird: Introducing first, representing The Wolf Gang...........weighing in at a combined weight of 511 pounds.....Ojooreee & Roooobbbbbiiiiinnnnnn Reeeebbbbbbbboooorrrrrnnnn!

JT: Robin Reborn started his career as a tag team specialist....will he reignite his career tonight by returning to the division that kickstarted his run?

RJ: Not only would he be glad to get championship gold around his waist but he'd love to get one over on JJ Johnson....which is a massive factor in this contest...

JT: JJ & Reborn do not like one another, we all know this....

RJ: The hatred mainly stems from it jealousy?

JT: I think so....Reborn has achieved so much in his career but he just isn't JJ Johnson and I think that eats him up...

RJ: Tonight he is bringing Ojore with him.....the former King of Xtreme....

JT: And he is the equaliser....we have seen that over the last month....he even pinned The Saint in singles competition...

RJ: Ojore is a game-changer and Reborn will be banking on him to lead them to glory here tonight...

Reborn is standing in front of the cameras and talking trash before removing his fur coat. Ojore is walking just behind him...

JT: This is a very formidable team....they aren't popular with the crowd but they don't give a damn if they leave tonight with the titles...

Reborn leaps over the top rope into the ring as Ojore slams his huge hands on the steel steps and then rolls in. The lights them dim as the opening to "Not giving in" by Rudimental plays out before we hear "BOOM" and it turns to "Here comes the boom" by Nelly.....the noise levels in the stadium are now making the cameras shake...

MB: And their opponents.....representing THE COALITION (Crowd pop).........weighing in at a combined weight of 540 pounds.....Thhhheeee Saaaiiiinnnnnttt and JJ Jooooooooooohhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnssssssooooooooonnnnnnn!

JT: Have we ever had a more popular or star-studded team?

RJ: Two of the best ever....two beloved hall of famers.....eight world championship reigns between them.....they have practically done it all in this industry...

JT: But given they have been friends since 2008 they have never won the tag titles together which is astonishing...

RJ: Yes it is but tonight they are bidding to change all that and I worry this stadium might actually explode if that happens....

JJ and Saint are hyped as they make their way to the ring, slapping hands with the fans as they do so. JJ leaps over the barricade to sit with some of the younger fans and take pictures before he leaps back into the ringside area. Saint places his aviators on another fan's head before we see Robin Reborn glaring at them with disgust....

JT: We know Reborn does not like this opponents...

RJ: I think the feeling is mutual...

JT: The referee is going to have a hard task keeping this guys in order....

JJ & Saint are up in the ring now as the referee stands between both teams. Reborn is running his mouth from behind Ojore whilst JJ glares at him and smirks. Saint' and Ojore are just eyeballing one another....the crowd are chanting "Let's go JJ, let's go Saint" before a rendition of "Robin sucks" rings out. Reborn lets the fans know what he thinks of them as the referee orders one member of each team to leave the ring so we can get underway...

RJ: Tag team titles on the line here, not something we have said in some time…

JT: Three years since The Next Big Things held the 6CW version of these titles…..tonight we combine both companies and crown 6CWF tag champs….

RJ: It’s been twelve years since the last time we had 6CWF Tag Champions… you remember, Jeff?

JT: Genesis….

RJ: Absolutely spot on….Eddy Kent & Michael Sweetwater…..

JT: And tonight it’ll either be JJ Johnson & The Saint or Robin Reborn & Ojore…..

RJ: Plenty of facets and layers to this one….

JT: Ojore & The Saint ready to start us off…..this crowd are bouncing….

The bell sounds and the crowd erupt as Saint & Ojore circle one another and then engage in a lockup in the middle of the ring. Ojore lets out a roar as he throws Saint back against the ropes and then aims a right hand at him but Saint dodges it and then snaps off a huge punch of his own…

RJ: This is two powerhouses just throwing down….this is a test for Ojore here because he’s up against one of the best ever…

JT: JJ Johnson & Saint, two hall of famers….you don’t get a higher calibre team than that….

RJ: But Reborn & Ojore are a well-oiled team as well….this is a fascinating clash…

Saint lands three more punches and then looks for an Irish whip but Ojore turns inside and drags Saint toward him, scooping him onto his shoulders…


Saint drops off the back at the last second and he smashes a boot into Ojore stomach as he turns him around…


Ojore counters the powerbomb attempt into a backdrop and then he leaps into the air for a huge posterior splash but Saint rolls away at the last minute as the big man lands hard on the canvass. Saint gets up again now and he tags in JJ, drawing a huge response from the audience….

RJ: Three time world champion, the owner of 6CWF….it’s great to see JJ Johnson back on a full-time basis…

JJ leaps over the ropes and he lets Ojore up before landing a right jab, left hook to the body and then drives up through the guard with an uppercut. Ojore staggers back as JJ grabs his arm and looks for a whip…

JT: JJ’s a strong guy but not strong enough with Ojore…

Ojore reverses and sends JJ across the ring but Johnson dodges a backhand on the comeback and leaps into a clothesline as he returns which knocks Ojore off his feet. Ojore gets up in the corner as JJ smashes into him with a clothesline and then he laps the ring and returns with another clothesline. Ojore stumbles out and JJ kicks him in the stomach before running the ropes…


The crowd boo as Reborn slams a kick through the middle ropes into the spine of JJ. Johnson spins and decks Reborn off the apron with a right hand but then he turns around and is drilled by a running headbutt to the chest from Ojore. Ojore drags JJ up and he headbutts him back into the corner now before backing away to the opposite corner. He lets out a roar before charging across and lands a huge back splash, crushing JJ against the turnbuckle…

JT: This is what Ojore can do, what he is capable of…

RJ: And Reborn knows that, which is why he recruited him….

JJ is wheezing from the impact and then he walks out into a huge belly to belly slam (ala Rikishi) which leaves him in a heap on the mat. Ojore kneels for a moment as Reborn gets back on the apron and yells out for a tag…

JT: We know Reborn wants some of JJ Johnson….

RJ: Especially in a weakened state….he wasn’t in a hurry before…

Reborn gets the tag and he springboards over the ropes into a plancha across JJ’s body. Johnson stumbles up as Reborn crashes a kick against the side of his knee and then he leaps into the air and smashes both knees against Johnson’s head, knocking him down. Reborn is running his mouth as he lands a standing moonsault and then stands up and nails a standing 450 splash………………1…………………….2………………shoulder up!

RJ: We know Robin Reborn is an exceptional athlete, we know he is one of the best in this business…

JT: But boy doesn’t he like to talk about it….

RJ: You said it, partner….

Reborn stands and he rakes his boot across JJ’s face before turning and crotch chopping in Saint’s direction. Saint tries to get in the ring but the referee holds him back…..Reborn leaps into the air and stomps down on JJ’s head again before he pulls him up and pushes him into the ropes. Reborn continues to talk trash as he lands multiple kicks to JJ’s body and then he looks for a whip…

JT: Reborn is not going to win in power stakes…

RJ: Speed and agility, however….

JJ reverses the whip but Reborn baseball slides through his legs on the comeback and then throws his legs up (from a prone position) and wraps them around JJ’s neck before dragging him down with a headscissors. Reborn kicks back onto his feet and he springs off the ropes before landing with a heavy knee strike to JJ’s head as he gets back up……………………1…………………….2…………….kickout!

JT: Reborn first cut his teeth in the tag division as a part of the Red Arrows, would be a big moment for him to leave here tonight with championship gold once more…

RJ: But beating JJ Johnson, I believe, is his main motivation…

Reborn slaps JJ around the head now and we hear words like “A fraud” and “Goddamn Uncle Tom” before he pulls Johnson to his feet…

JT: Thinking “Wing Clipper” here….

The crowd roar in delight as JJ suddenly nails a sit-down jawbreaker and transitions straight into an overhead throw. They get back up and JJ leaps into a knee strike to the midsection before flipping Reborn up…..

RJ: Power….great counter!

Reborn swivels on the back and counters the powerbomb attempt into a poisonrana. JJ staggers back up in the corner as Reborn crashes into him with a helluva kick, dropping Johnson into a seated position. Reborn circles the ring now and then rushes back in with a low flying clothesline against the bottom turnbuckle….

JT: Reborn is really having his way with JJ in the early going of this one….

RJ: Yes he is and that will instil great confidence in him….

JJ is slumped in the corner as Reborn uses the turnbuckle to stand on his foe’s chest and repeatedly stomp down on him (ala Spike Dudley) until the referee forces a break. JJ rolls back toward centre ring as Reborn decides to climb the turnbuckle now….


Reborn throws himself into the picture perfect moonsault but JJ moves at the last moment. Reborn manages to land out on his feet and then sprints forward but JJ lifts him up and nails a brutal release spinebuster (ala Ron Simmons)…..

RJ: JJ needed that to stem the flow……

Ojore suddenly reaches over the ropes and grabs JJ but Johnson drives his boot through the middle rope into the gut of Ojore….Saint drops down and runs over to the opposite side before he gets underneath Ojore…



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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 10:51 am

RJ: That is incredible….Ojore just got splattered on the arena floor….

Saint stands over Ojore now and smirks as the audience go wild. Back in the ring and JJ is stalking Robin Reborn before kicking him in the stomach…..


The crowd are shocked as Reborn counters the stunner attempt into a zigzag neckbreaker out of nowhere….

RJ: You may not be a fan of Robin Reborn’s attitude but you have to respect his ability….

Reborn backflips into a standing stomp to JJ’s body, doubling him up, and then he leaps out on the apron and he beckons JJ to his feet before he springboards in and lands a legdrop to the back of Johnson’s neck………………..1…………………….2………..shoulder up!

JT: Reborn, however, doesn’t have his partner to call on right now….

RJ: Doesn’t need him at this moment….

Reborn turns and trash talks the audience before he heads to the corner and climbs up top. JJ is slow to rise but reaches his feet as Reborn leaps toward him…



The Texan crowd roar as JJ catches Reborn across his shoulders and nails him into the canvass with a powerbomb before demonstrating his power to launch Reborn back into the air again for a second powerbomb…

JT: That is why JJ Johnson is a hall of famer…even in adversity he can find a way…

RJ: Just ask Cassius Zhi about that….

Ojore rolls back in the ring now, looking angry, and he smashes through JJ with a brutal clothesline, drawing massive boos from the audience. Once again, The Saint tries to intervene but the referee holds him back….

JT: Why are The Wolf Gang allowed to flout the rules but The Coalition cannot?

RJ: Referee is doing the best job that he can….

Ojore is back on the apron now and he holds out his hand as Reborn drags himself over and makes the tag. The Ugandan drags JJ up and flips him into a powerbomb position before dropping him backwards on his face…..Ojore then grabs JJ’s wrist and drags him to the corner…

JT: Ojore is gonna look to finish JJ off here….

RJ: If he lands on him then he will…..BANZAI!

JJ moves at the last second as Ojore smashes down on the mat, wincing in agony. The crowd are making a huge amount of noise now as JJ pulls himself across the canvass….


Saint roars into the ring and he drills Ojore with a huge big boot. Reborn tries to springboard in but Saint catches him in his arms and then body presses him over his shoulders before throwing him at Ojore as he stands up again. Saint grabs Reborn by the scruff of the neck and throws him over the top rope before he beckons Ojore up and charges off the ropes…


JT: Saint picking up the momentum now…..

Saint nods his head as the crowd chant his name and then he heads to the corner and climbs up high….


JT: He can fly for a big man…

The AT&T is roaring as Saint comes off the top rope into the senton bomb on Ojore…

RJ: Reborn keeping this one going…

Reborn returns to the ring and dives on top of the cover to break it up. JJ returns to the ring now and he pummels Reborn back to the ropes and then clotheslines him over the top to the outside before he follows him. Back in the ring and Saint is stalking Ojore now and he waits for him to reach his feet before making his move….


Ojore sticks the brakes on and he shoves Saint into the corner and then charges in for a huge splash but Saint moves at the final minute, sending his opponent crashing against the turnbuckle. Ojore stumbles back around as Saint succeeds in scoop slamming him to the canvass and then he bounces back off the ropes….



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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 10:51 am


JT: Ojore just popped his shoulder….it was close but he kicked out…

On the outside JJ is battering Reborn’s head off the announce desks before he launches him over the railings into the front row of the crowd. JJ takes RJ’s bottle of water and sips it before he slams it across Reborn’s head as he tries to get back over the railing…

RJ: That’s my water, JJ….

We hear JJ say “I’ll buy a new bottle, b1tch” before he grabs Reborn and launches him over the barricade and slams him down on the arena floor. JJ then rips the covers off the “6CWF” announce desk….

JT: Not our table, JJ…..cmon….

In the ring and Saint has dragged Ojore up and drags him into a front facelock….


Saint digs down deep and tries to lift the big man into the jackhammer…

JT: If he succeeds in getting him up, I’ll be amazed….


JT: Referee is too busy with Saint & Ojore…….GOD’S MOST POWERFUL WRATH!

Reborn has left JJ flat on the arena floor after the low blow and then he leaps up on the apron and springboards back in with a brutal forearm smash on The Saint….

RJ: The Wolf Gang are gonna steal this….


JT: That was so close…..

RJ: Saint is one of the best ever….

Ojore pulls Saint up now and he lifts him into his arms….


Saint fights and wriggles free before smashing a knee into Ojore’s gut….


The audience are bouncing as Saint somehow gets Ojore up and he drills him into the canvass with a jackhammer…


Reborn comes flying off the top and crashes down on top of Saint’s back with the shooting star press. The referee rushes over to get Reborn out of the ring but RR shoves the official away as he pulls Saint up….


Reborn looks for the hooked suplex but Saint pushes him back into the corner. He chases in but Reborn spins around the ropes and nails a kick over the top, knocking Saint back. Reborn climbs up the turnbuckle now….


Reborn nails the mesmeric DDT from on high…

RJ: But Reborn isn’t legal…..OH MY LORD!

Reborn kneels over Saint after landing the flying DDT and he trash talks him before JJ grabs his heel and drags him to the outside and stunners him on the arena floor…..JJ gets back up now as Ojore runs around the ring at high speed and nails a “pounce” which sends Johnson flying through the air and through the ringside barrier…

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

JT: JJ just got decimated….

RJ: We have seen JJ in some wars over the years but I’m not sure I have ever seen him taken out like that….

JT: Ojore is a pure animal, we know that….

RJ: And he has his eyes set on The Saint now….he wants to finish the job and take those titles back with The Wolf Gang…

We see JJ wincing in pain amidst the wreckage of the ringside barrier before Ojore rolls back in the ring. Saint is slumped in a seated position in the corner as Ojore charges into him and nails a brutal hip attack (ala Umaga)…..he then clambers up the ropes….


RJ: Get the belts!

Ojore thunders down on Saint’s chest and he covers…

JT: Foot on the ropes….Saint reacting off pure instinct there and not much else….

RJ: I don’t think he even knows where he is…

Ojore looks annoyed, his nostrils flaring, before he gets up again. He grabs Saint now and he drags him up before slinging him onto his shoulders….


Ojore wants the running powerslam but Saint drops behind him and kicks him in the stomach as he turns….


Ojore steps out of the powerbomb attempt and lifts Saint onto his shoulders before dropping backward and squashing him with a Samoan drop. The big man gets up again and heads for the corner…

JT: We don’t often see Ojore clambering up high….

RJ: He doesn’t look overly stable…

JT: But if he lands from up there, forget it….

It takes awhile for Ojore to get his footing on the top rope which allows Saint to get up and nail him with a right hand. Saint follows up with more punches and then he climbs on the ropes to join Ojore…

RJ: A superplex? Surely Saint can’t manage this…

JT: He nailed the jackhammer earlier….OH MY LORD!

RJ: We have new champions….


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 10:52 am

Saint is looking for the superplex but Ojore lands brutal blows to the body and follows up with a sickening headbutt to daze his opponent. He then scoops Saint into his arms and stuns everyone as he drops off the ropes and crushes him with a “World’s Strongest Slam”….


*Crowd pop


The three count is an inevitability but JJ Johnson grabs Ojore’s legs from the outside and drags them between the ringpost….

RJ: Ojore felt that one….

JT: You’d have to be inhuman to not feel that…


JJ raises an arm to the crowd (The Coalition Salute) but then turns into a crunching superkick from Robin Reborn which staggers him into the “Social Media” desk. Reborn looks angered as he nails a second superkick and then a third until JJ slumps across the table….

JT: Robin Reborn is hell bent on leaving here tonight as a tag team champion….

Saint rolls from the ring, clutching his body, as Reborn superkicks him now and throws him onto the “6CWF” desk (the furthest of four). Reborn yells at Ojore now…

RJ: I have no idea what The Wolf Gang are planning here but I don’t see it ending well for JJ Johnson & The Saint….

JJ is on the first table (Social Media) and Saint is on the last (6CWF) with Spanish & Japanese between them. Reborn heads for the ring now and climbs onto the apron before scaling the turnbuckle….Ojore climbs onto the Spanish table….

JT: We are about to witness something destructive….



Ojore throws his arms up and then he runs along the Spanish & Japanese tables as he prepares to leap into a huge splash but Saint rises at the last second and jumps into an RKO which decimates the Ugandan through the “6CWF” table…..the audience are going wild as Reborn freezes on the turnbuckle….

JT: Reborn caught in two minds, now or never….SHOOTING STAR PRESS!



This time it is JJ Johnson who rolls off the table at the last second as Robin Reborn thunders down through the “Social Media” table and is left in a battered heap amidst the wreckage. JJ and Saint are on their feet now and staring at one another as the audience chant their names…

JT: Demolition and destruction……Ojore & Robin Reborn have been destroyed…

RJ: They were the architects of their own downfall…

Saint & JJ give the crowd the “Coalition Salute” now before they rag Reborn out of the wreckage and toss him in the ring. Saint rolls in and grabs Reborn by the head before flipping him into position for the “Divine Force”. He drops him backward, however, as JJ waits to combine with the “Access All Areas” (stunner)….


JT: We’ve got new champions….

Ding ding ding

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen here are your winners…..AND NEW 6CWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS……The Saint & JJ Joooooooooooooohhhhnnnssssssooooonnnnn!

RJ: The Coalition are representing tonight at Scars & Stripes….

JT: They showed up and they showed out…..what a battle between these two teams…

RJ: Extremely hard-hitting….it went back and forth, it could have swung either way…..but it all changed on that decision from Ojore & Reborn to try and eliminate their opponents in the most high-risk way….

JT: They had the upper hand and I think when they look back on this they will realise their mistake…..Reborn was almost consumed by his desire to really exert dominance over JJ Johnson and he, ultimately, cost his team the gold….

RJ: And now for the first time ever The Coalition are tag champs….

The crowd are on their feet as pyros explode into the evening sky and the referee is handed the brand new title belts. He presents them to JJ & Saint before they take hold and crash them together in celebration….the partners take to opposite corners now and stand in front of their adoring masses, holding their new titles high in the air…

JT: Spectacular moment here at Scars & Stripes….new champions have been crowned, the first tag champions in over three years…

RJ: And two of the best to ever do it will lead the new era of this historic division….

JT: Yet another momentous occasion on what is becoming a triumphant night for this company…..

RJ: Three matches in and we are delivering….

Robin Reborn has rolled from the ring and is sitting next to the ringside barrier with burning hatred in his eyes as he stares up at JJ Johnson. Ojore is swaying on the spot after rising from the wreckage of his crash landing….JJ & Saint continue to celebrate and they drag one another into a hug before clambering from the ring to interact with the fans around the aisleway….we get a parting shot of the two men standing in front of the entranceway with their titles before we head backstage…


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 11:03 am

*Logan Kincade is standing and staring at himself in a mirror backstage before the Ambulance match. Damien Andrews is suddenly standing behind him. Logan's breathing becomes a little more ragged at the sign of his father. Andrews wants to wish Logan good luck but also wants to tell him that he should never "hide from yourself". Andrews wants Kincade to know that his "true self" is what should be portrayed to the world. He leaves and we see a staredown between Andrews & Blue Dragon in the corridor. Dragon does not look happy to see his father.

Dragon enters now and he tells Logan that he has this in the bag but he needs to focus on winning and moving on because Gazzy is not their prime target. BD is almost trying to reason with his brother that although Gazzy needs to pay for his allegiance to Plague...."he doesn't need to suffer in the same way Plague does"......Logan stares at his brother through the mirror but doesn't say anything. Dragon says he needs to go and get ready for his title match, leaving Logan alone. We then hear "He's got the whole world in his hands" and we can see Edward Plague sat on the bench now behind Kincade. Plague wants to know that unlike "Daddy" and "little brother" he doesn't want anything from Logan except to show him what a real family is all about. Plague reaches out a hand and says "Let me in and I will show you the world".


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 12:19 pm

Bout 4
Ambulance Match
GazzyD vs Logan Kincade

Ding ding

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is an AMBULANCE MATCH!

*Crowd pop

Michael Bird: The only way to win this contest is by incapacitating your opponent long enough to place them inside the back of the ambulance and closing both of the doors…

JT: Simple but brutal….

RJ: To my recollection there has been one…..6WF Let it Rock 2009…..JJ Johnson battled and defeated Acer….

JT: I remember watching it…

RJ: But this one, I believe, will be a hell of a lot more brutal than that….Logan Kincade and GazzyD have been a part of a huge waging war that has spanned months here in 6CWF….

JT: Logan Kincade returned at Day of Reckoning to assist his brother, Blue Dragon, in his battle against Edward Plague and GazzyD….since then they have been embroiled in multiple battles, steel cages…hell in a cell….

RJ: And now tonight…..there is also the aspect of both men’s mental state going into this….GazzyD is certainly experiencing growing doubts in his affiliation with Edward Plague….

JT: Let’s be honest, Plague is manipulating him….he has control of Gazzy’s wife and daughter….if he didn’t then I’m not sure Gazzy would still be onside….

RJ: I agree….as for Logan Kincade, well he’s never been the most stable character but the return of his father, Damien Andrews, has certainly begun to push his mental fragility…

JT: The relationship been Logan, Blue Dragon & their father has always been strained and fractured….Damien definitely has a history of affecting Logan’s mindset for the worse…

RJ: Andrews is the one who signed off on this match….it’s almost as though he wants Logan to tap into his violent tendencies…

We hear the beeping of the ambulance as it reverses out from the back and parks to the right hand side of the entrance area. “The Heretic Anthem” then booms through the airwaves and there is a very mixed response from the crowd in attendance…..GazzyD slowly walks out from the back and stands staring at the ambulance…

JT: Penny for the thoughts of GazzyD here….because this path he is treading is all down to his allegiance to Edward Plague….he has gone to war for a man who has shown no remorse for the suffering he has sustained….I don’t know many who would willingly put themselves through steel cage matches and hell in a cell matches with Logan Kincade and Blue Dragon just to stand side by side with an ally….

RJ: And tonight he knows he is in for the fight of a lifetime….

JT: A fight that he, again, finds himself in because of Edward Plague… is very simple, if Gazzy wasn’t Plague’s right hand man then he wouldn’t be in the sights of Logan….

RJ: I’m with you….but we know Logan Kincade doesn’t show mercy, he doesn’t have that side of character to let Gazzy walk away tonight…..which means Gazzy will need to be ready for war….

Gazzy clambers up in the ring as flames burst from grills in front of the entranceway and “Edgecrusher” storms through the airwaves to a huge ovation…

JT: You can sense the atmosphere here in Texas….this crowd is expecting something bad to happen….

RJ: They know Logan Kincade is here and this is the kind of match which represents his element….plus he’s becoming more and more unhinged….anyone who has followed Logan’s career knows that you put him in a match with no rules or restrictions and you are likely to see something brutal….

JT: Both men have fans here inside the AT&T, and both men also have detractors….it is a real split….

RJ: Some fans will never warm to Kincade’s psychotic ways… the same way that some fans still hold out hope that GazzyD will see the light and free himself from the shackles of oppression….


Logan marches down the aisleway toward the ring as Gazzy decides to sprint forward and launch himself over the top rope into a senton takedown, leaving them both sprawled in the aisle….

RJ: I think it’s Gazzy’s only option….either that or run but we all know he won’t do that, GazzyD is no coward….

JT: Gazzy will fight…..he will do everything he can to survive…

Gazzy is the first to his feet and he leaps onto the security barrier now and moonsaults back into a takedown on Kincade, his knee smashing into Logan’s eye as he comes down…

RJ: Kincade really got hit hard by that knee….

Logan is wincing as he holds his head and tries to stumble back up again. Gazzy does not relent as he dropkicks Kincade in the back and sends him crashing, head-first, into the steel steps…

JT: Tremendous start here from Gazzy…..

RJ: He’s a three time world champion, one of the best to ever do it….say what you want about his career decisions of late and his mindset but he can go with the elite in this business…

Kincade is once again trying to get up and staggers around the ring as Gazzy sets into a sprint and uses the steel steps to launch himself through the air into a solo poetry in motion which takes himself and Logan crashing over the barrier into the front row of the crowd….

JT: You can see Gazzy’s tactic here….he’s swarming Logan, trying to ensure he gets no offense in….

RJ: But we also know Kincade has an inhuman pain threshold….he can take some damage….

Gazzy gets up again as some of the fans pat him on the back. He looks at Logan, who is crawling on the concrete, and then he grabs the barrier again and leaps into another moonsault…


*Crowd groan

Logan is ready for Gazzy this time and catches him on his shoulders. He snarls at the fans to move before he powerslams him across a stack of chairs in the front row…

RJ: And just like that Logan Kincade changes the complexion of this bout….

JT: GazzyD got drilled there….

Logan kicks some of the chairs away now before dragging Gazzy back up and he lifts him into a backbreaker position before slamming him down on top of the security barrier, adding to the pain already coursing through Gazzy’s spine….

JT: Logan absolutely excels in this kind of setting….

RJ: Where the aim is to hurt and destroy, Kincade is the man…

Gazzy falls off the barrier and back into the ringside area as Logan follows him. Kincade drags his foe up to his feet and he throws him into the ring…

JT: It isn’t necessary for any of this match to take place inside of the ring but Logan Kincade fancies causing a little more damage before we approach the ambulance…

Logan searches under the ring and delights the crowd as he drags out a table to slide inside. He also rolls in a few more weapons…

JT: We already had our Xtreme Championship match but I guess there’s no rules to prevent the use of weapons in this one…

RJ: I think it was practically guaranteed….

Logan has a steel chair in hand and he raises it over his head….CRACK!.....he bring it down on Gazzy’s back (currently on all fours) before he sets the chair up in the middle of the ring…

JT: You can see from Kincade’s demeanour and that dark look in his eyes that he is settling now….he is exactly where he wants to be…

RJ: And that is not something that GazzyD will want to hear….

Logan hauls Gazzy back up again and he whips him into the ropes before popping him up on the comeback…


Kincade wants a powerbomb onto the seat of the chair but Gazzy counters with a hurricanrana takedown. They scramble back up and Logan attempts a clothesline but Gazzy ducks underneath it and he grabs the chair off the deck and throws it at Kincade’s face (ECW style)….

RJ: Gazzy is a fighter….and he seems to perform at his very best when he is up against it…

JT: And up against it he certainly is tonight…

Logan staggers to the turnbuckle from the impact. Gazzy grabs the chair and sets it up again before circling the ring and running back in for an assisted poetry in motion….

RJ: Logan caught him again…

Kincade catches Gazzy in his arms and pushes him over the top rope onto the apron. Gazzy nails a step-up kick to the face as Logan turns and knocks him backward before he grips the top rope and springboards back in with a missile dropkick takedown…..Gazzy gets to his feet and he grabs the table before setting it up, vertically, in the corner…

JT: As of yet neither man has even attempted to get their opponent near the ambulance…

RJ: I think they both know that a lot more damage will need to be inflicted before that becomes a reality…

Gazzy turns as Logan is getting up to his feet again and he drives a boot into his stomach…


Logan swipes Gazzy’s legs from under him and then he twists his body in the direction of the table before dropping back into a catapult….

JT: Gazzy got his hands up just in time….

Gazzy throws his hands up to block himself from slamming through the table as Logan rises quickly and seizes his foe by the back of the neck…


There are mixed views from the crowd as Gazzy suddenly flicks his heel back between Logan’s legs to block the face-first chokeslam. Kincade is badly winded as Gazzy sneaks up behind him now….

RJ: HISTORY MAKER….that set him down….and STARSHIP PAIN!

Gazzy plants Logan into the canvass with the inverted twist of fate and then drags him a little closer to the opposite corner to nail the split-legged moonsault….

JT: If this was a one on one singles contest then Gazzy may fancy his chances of a pinfall here….


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 12:20 pm

Gazzy looks across at the ropes where there a number of weapons (placed there by Logan earlier) and he stumbles over in search of something….

RJ: Gazzy may not be, primarily, a hardcore based wrestler but he can go if he needs to…

Gazzy picks up a steel pipe and he waits for Logan to rise before he ducks into him and smashes the weapon against his midsection. Kincade is bent double as Gazzy springboards onto the ropes now and returns with a smashing shot across the spine with the weapon….

JT: Logan Kincade may be a “monster” in many people’s eyes but he still felt that…

RJ: He can be hurt, we’ve seen it….I’m just not sure it particularly bothers him in the same way it would a normal human being…

Logan drops down on a knee now as Gazzy bounces back off the ropes and returns with a low, crunching, dropkick to the side of his opponent’s skull. Kincade is flat on his back as Gazzy decides it is time to head up to the top rope…..

RJ: Gazzy’s the “history maker” and the “human highlight reel”….he doesn’t run away from a risk…

JT: I’m not sure this is necessary at this juncture, however….

RJ: Spinal tap!

JT: I felt it was a mistake and I was right…..OH MY!

Logan rolls out of the impact zone as Gazzy crashes into the canvass. Kincade doesn’t waste any time in getting back to his feet and he flips Gazzy onto his shoulders before running him to the corner and buckle bombing him through the table…

RJ: One mistake and Gazzy put himself, immediately, into the firing line… sounds unfair but you almost have to be “perfect” against Logan Kincade because he will punish a slip-up…

JT: And that was a severe punishment, Gazzy landed on the back of his neck there and that table shattered in pieces….

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10


Gazzy is barely able to roll from the wreckage of the table as Logan heads over to the pile of weapons and locates a toolbox. He comes back with a screwdriver in hand and he leans over Gazzy (who is trying to sit up) and begins to stab at his forehead with the implement….

RJ: Blood is pouring, freely, from the head of GazzyD here…

JT: And this goes back to what we discussed before this match even began….GazzyD is now bleeding profusely at the hands of Logan Kincade because he has stood by Edward Plague….this isn’t a Logan/Gazzy issue but instead it is born through affiliation….

Five times Logan stabs at Gazzy’s head and on the last one he makes sure to turn and twist the weapon. Blood is staining Kincade’s heads and the canvass as it pours from the gashes on Gazzy’s head….

RJ: This is horrific….

JT: I reckon Logan could throw Gazzy in the back of that ambulance now and have done with it….

RJ: If only he had the conscience that you do….I don’t think Logan is ready yet to give up on his idea of fun….

Gazzy is on his stomach, blood leaking from his head, as Logan heads back to the toolbox and searches inside. The crowd look stunned, some concerned, as Kincade produces a second weapon….

JT: That’s a goddamn claw hammer…..this has to be stopped….

The referee thinks about interjecting but he spots the look on Logan’s face and chooses to step back. Gazzy is trying to use the ropes to get back on his feet as Logan twirls the hammer in his hands…

RJ: It’s one thing to beat a man in a match but this is akin to attempted murder…

JT: He might not stop at that……LOOKOUT, GAZZY!

Gazzy pulls away from the ropes and he turns as Logan looks to splatter the hammer into his head but somehow Gazzy is able to duck at the very final second and he kicks Kincade in the gut….


JT: That would be a three count all day but unfortunately for GazzyD it means absolutely nothing in this setting….

RJ: It’s enough to stem the tide, even momentarily….

Kincade is flat on his face whilst Gazzy is on his back, his face completely coated in crimson blood. The referee has no choice but to just stand and wait for either man to get back up…

JT: Remember the only way you win this match is by putting your opponent in that ambulance, nothing else is going to count….

It takes over a minute until Kincade rolls from the ring into the aisleway. Gazzy uses the steel chair in the ring as a type of crutch at he tries to get himself up…

RJ: The blood loss has really affected GazzyD in this one….even after nailing “Deep Impact” you could argue that Logan Kincade is still fresher…

JT: I’d be confident in that assessment…..the hell is he doing? OH MY GOD!!!

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

RJ: This is wild…

Gazzy is just about on his feet when we see Logan dragging the paramedic from the ambulance and launching him across the floor. Kincade clambers into the driver’s seat and he reverses the vehicle now at speed until he crashes back against the ring apron and causes Gazzy to lose his footing once more….Kincade clambers back out now and he rips up the ring apron again before producing a light-tube….

JT: Logan Kincade is a crazy individual….he just changed the parameters of this one in a flash….instead of taking Gazzy to the ambulance, he has brought the ambulance to GazzyD….

RJ: And he has yet more evil intentions with that light-tube….

JT: He’s also parked that ambulance so close to the ring that I’m not sure the doors will come open…..

Kincade rolls in the ring now and he ushers Gazzy to his feet before aiming the light-tube at his skull…..SMASH!


Gazzy dodges the blow and succeeds in swiping the tube from Logan’s hand before destroying it over his head, breaking it into dust. Logan is almost unconscious whilst standing, blood pouring from his hairline, as Gazzy kicks him in the stomach again…


Kincade is able to shuffle himself backward and he backdrops Gazzy over the ropes onto the apron. Gazzy immediately runs to the corner and climbs up as Logan turns back toward the middle of the ring….


Gazzy succeeds in taking Logan off his feet with the flying back elbow from on high. Gazzy then rolls from the ring and he drags up the apron again before pulling out a trash can and a baseball bat…

JT: What does Gazzy have planned here?

RJ: Something, anything, that may keep Logan Kincade at bay….because thus far very little has worked….

Gazzy returns to the ring and he drops the trash can over Logan’s head so that he can’t see and lets him stand up before he draws the baseball bat back and swings…..CRACK!


The can crumples around Logan’s head as he drops to his knees and then Gazzy swings the bat again into the other side of the can before he smashes it down on top of it so it is completely bent around Kincade’s skull….

RJ: That is really quite horrifying…..GazzyD may have broken Logan’s skull….

JT: Unfortunately when you book a contest like this and it is a kill or be killed environment, this is what you are going to see…

Gazzy looks down at Logan and it is clear that there are some reservations about what he is doing but he tosses the bat aside and ponders his next move. He looks to the ambulance and seems to come to the realisation that it needs moving forward to access the doors…

RJ: Gazzy is going to move the vehicle forward a little and then I think we might see our first attempt of getting the opposition inside…

JT: Not before time….

Gazzy succeeds in driving the ambulance forward a few feet to allow the doors to be opened now and access granted to the back. He then reaches in the ring and he grabs Logan by the feet before pulling him under the bottom rope…

RJ: Logan Kincade’s head must be in pieces right now….and he is busted wide open as well….I’d say he is ready for the hospital….

JT: I think both of them are…


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 12:26 pm

Gazzy gets Logan over to the back of the ambulance and tries to push him inside but Kincade puts his foot up to block the forward movement and then he turns his body so that he can push Gazzy back and slam him against the open left door….Gazzy sags a little as Logan grabs him now and launches him against the open right door….

RJ: Kincade not ready to go in the ambulance after all….and he doesn’t look ready to let Gazzy in there either….

Gazzy staggers back toward the ring apron as Logan slams the doors shut. He then grabs Gazzy again and runs him forward before launching him against the closed doors of the vehicle. Gazzy is swaying from side to side as Logan spins him and lifts him onto his shoulders before running him, face-first, into the doors again…

JT: Now the ambulance has come into play as a weapon….as though this match hasn’t been dangerous enough…

Gazzy is on his knees, still bleeding heavily, as Logan swings one of the doors open now to smash into his face, leaving him spread on the arena floor. The referee is almost imploring Kincade to enter the match but shows no intention of doing so….

RJ: This is still far too fun for Logan Kincade…he does not want to just hand over his toys….

JT: And this is why his brother is so concerned about him….Logan Kincade is never far away from completely snapping….

Logan leaves one of the doors open now as he hauls Gazzy up and places his head inside of the doorway. The audience have worried looks on their faces as Kincade opens the door to it’s fullest capacity and then slams it shut with all his might….



Gazzy staggers away toward the ringside barrier as Logan goes after him. Gazzy kicks out and catches his opponent in the stomach before hammering him with right hands. Gazzy then grips Logan’s arm and tries to whip him toward the steel steps….

RJ: Reversed…..

Logan reverses the whip but Gazzy shows great agility to leap up on top of the steel steps and then he wall-runs up the outside of the ringpost and twists back into an exceptional tornado DDT on the arena floor…

Crowd: That was awe-some x10

JT: And that right there is why they call GazzyD the “Human Highlight-Reel”….

RJ: Sensational…

Gazzy stands and listens to the crowd noise as he looks down at the bloody form of Logan Kincade on the arena floor. Gazzy then rips up the ring apron…

JT: That’s Logan’s own weapon…

RJ: Something he has done a lot of damage with in the past….


Gazzy smashes the barbed wire chair across the back of Logan time and time again, leaving bleeding welts all over his skin. Logan then staggers around and Gazzy wallops him right over the top of the head….

JT: This is out and out brutality here in Texas….

RJ: Look at the blood all over the canvass and the arena floor….both of these men have lost so much already….

Logan somehow rolls himself back in the ring as Gazzy gets another trash can from under the ring and follows him. Kincade staggers into the corner as Gazzy hits him with a running dropkick, felling him into a seated dropkick, and then follows up with a slingshot dropkick (ala Jeff Hardy) to keep him grounded. Gazzy places the trash can next to Logan now and he looks at the top turnbuckle and then he looks at the ambulance…

JT: What are you….cmon now, Gazzy….this isn’t the way…….WOULD YOU GODDAMN BELIEVE IT!

Crowd: Holy (beep) x20

The stadium is rocking in utter disbelief as Gazzy exits the ring and he climbs up on the roof of the ambulance. He stands there, soaking up the atmosphere, and then he sprints across the top and leaps off and back into the ring with a devastating coast to coast dropkick which destroys the trash can into Logan in the corner…



RJ: But at what cost to his physical well-being?

JT: I don’t think either man will be exactly the same after this one….

RJ: Logan is out here….Gazzy needs to get him in that ambulance…

JT: He isn’t looking too hot himself right now…

The noise levels are deafening but neither man is in a hurry to get up. Gazzy, holding his tailbone, is the first to rise and he looks down at the bloodstained Logan Kincade…


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 12:27 pm

RJ: You need to move Gazzy…..OH GOD!

Gazzy grabs Logan and tries to drag him up as Kincade grabs at the claw hammer and smashes his foe in the jaw with it, sending blood flying from his mouth…..

JT: That might have just shattered Gazzy’s jaw….

RJ: Both men have sustained so much damage….

JT: I don’t think Logan would have been able to prevent Gazzy from putting him in that ambulance without that hammer blow…

The referee is looking very worried but he is fully aware that there is little he can do. The crowd are chanting for both men as they try and find the remnants of energy to carry on and push through….

RJ: Look at the blood trails….

JT: And I think one of Gazzy’s teeth is on the canvass…

RJ: I’m not surprised after that hammer hit him…

JT: What are they…where are they…

Logan tumbles from the ring and he begins to drag a plethora of tables out from underneath. He stacks them in the gap between the ambulance and the ring (3 wide and 2 high)….

RJ: Six goddamn tables….

Gazzy clatters into Logan now and they brawl around the ambulance into the aisleway before Logan slams a knee into Gazzy’s stomach and he swipes his legs and catapults him toward the front of the ambulance…

JT: I have no idea how Gazzy managed that after the damage he has taken….

Gazzy tucks his knees and somehow leaps onto the bonnet of the ambulance before clambering up toward the roof once more. Logan turns and watches him before deciding to give chase…

RJ: I don’t like how this one is going….or where it is heading…

JT: I’ve had that feeling since we began….

Logan pulls himself onto the front of the ambulance, his blood running down on the white paint, and pulls himself up onto the roof. Gazzy is waiting and he quickly seizes Kincade by the head and drags him up…


*Crowd groan

JT: I don’t know how much more of this we can sit and watch….that is beyond heinous….

Kincade backdrops Gazzy and sends him crashing back down onto the windscreen of the ambulance, the back of his head ploughing through the glass…..Kincade turns and he stares down at Gazzy, who is just slumped there, unmoving…..

JT: Gazzy is done…..this man has given so much to this industry, given so much to Edward Plague….and this is his fate….

RJ: Unfortunately I don’t think he has quite met his fate yet…

JT: What do you mean? Oh no….no, Logan….you can’t….

RJ: We said he had no remorse, no conscience….case in point….OH MY GOD!

JT: We’ve got the ambulance but we need the goddamn paramedics and GazzyD needs to be in the hospital, immediately…

Logan holds Gazzy by the back of the neck after dragging him from the cracked windscreen and he pushes him toward the back edge of the ambulance before shoving him off in a variation of “Rough Justice” (Face-first chokeslam) that sends Gazzy crashing down through the stack of tables…

RJ: Someone call in the medics…

JT: Gazzy isn’t in the ambulance yet…

Crowd: HOLY (BEEP) x indefinite

There is a harrowing image of the bloodstained Logan Kincade just standing on the top of the ambulance staring down at the wreckage and destruction he has caused. Gazzy has not moved a muscle as the referee kneels down next to him and tries to get some response…Logan then walks to the front and climbs down off the windscreen before staggering around the back and he swings the doors open before ignoring the referee’s pleas as he drags the lifeless form of Gazzy up and just slings him inside the vehicle…

Ding ding ding

RJ: Get that ambulance out of here, immediately….

We watch the horrifying highlights of what has just gone down as the ambulance crew rush down to ringside. Medics clamber in the back as the driver immediately takes the vehicle out of the ringside area, a large “GazzyD” chant ring around the AT&T….

JT: We, of course, send our well wishes, thoughts and prayers with GazzyD tonight….he is heading straight to the hospital to receive the attention he needs…

RJ: I’m on shock at what we have just watched…there are no words…

JT: GazzyD is our friend, our colleague and one of the best to ever do it…what has just happened to him is beyond heinous…

RJ: The risks were huge going in and unfortunately those risks have led to a catastrophic ending….

JT: GazzyD is the casualty of another man’s war, it really is that simple…

RJ: And what about Logan Kincade?

JT: Where do you even begin?!?

Kincade is up in the ring now and just watches as the ambulance disappears backstage. Logan is coated in blood, his dark eyes contrasting against his stained complexion, but shows no signs of celebration…

JT: This was beyond a war….this was a massacre….

RJ: In the state that gave us the Chainsaw Massacre, tonight we witnessed the Arlington Massacre…..I’m not sure I will ever forget this match and this night…

JT: Look around….the ring canvass, the mats around ringside, are all stained with the blood of both Logan Kincade and GazzyD….they beat each other senseless, they maimed one another…

RJ: And in the end it took one of the most wicked, jaw-dropping moments we have ever witnessed to end proceedings…..we will, of course, provide updates on Gazzy’s condition as and when we have them…

JT: I wonder how Edward Plague is feeling right now? We know he doesn’t give a damn about Gazzy but his most loyal follower has been removed from proceedings ahead of the “Last Rites” match with Blue Dragon….the knock on effect of what we have just watched could be enormous….

Kincade looks at his own blood soaked hands and then he heads to the ropes and drops over them backward into the aisleway. He is hobbling, showing the injuries he has sustained, but he continues to march toward the back as the ringside crew cut him a wide berth…

RJ: That right there, like it or not, was a statement….and it will have been heard loud and clear in the 6CWF locker-room….Logan Kincade just announced himself as the most dangerous man in this business….

JT: It’s long been suspected, tonight was just in case any doubts remained…..what Logan Kincade has done here will be remembered for a lifetime…

RJ: And the question now is….who or what is next? I am sure everyone in the back will be asking the same thing because nobody will be in a hurry for a showdown with Kincade….that is for damn sure…


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 1:03 pm

*Backstage we see the ambulance making its way out toward the exit point of the stadium as Uryu Ishida stands and watches it, a concerned expression on his face. Jack Reynolds approaches for a word on what has just gone down but Uryu can offer very little. He says "This company needs an antidote for Edward Plague's poison, but I have no idea where we can find it"......Reynolds wishes Uryu luck in his upcoming match with Perfect Jack as Ishida bows and walks away. We can see some cloaked figures watching Ishida.

*A very concerned Blue Dragon is staring at the screens in he locker-rooms and watching his brother standing on top of the ambulance, replaying the end of the match over and over. Damien Andrews walks in but Dragon tells him to leave. Andrews wants to wish his son good luck tonight because he knows he will leave Texas as the new 6CW Champion....a clean sweep for the Andrews bloodline. Dragon steps close to his father now and says "What makes you so sure?" and Andrews' evil smile returns as he responds "Because I always win" (The frozen image of Logan on top of the ambulance remains on the screen between the father and son).


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 1:24 pm

Bout 5
Perfect Jack vs Uryu Ishida

We return to ringside as Uryu Ishida is just walking out in front of the fans, met by a cacophony of cheers from the Texas crowd...

RJ: Folks we are still reeling from what we witnessed during that Ambulance contest but now we have to readjust and go again because we have a fantastic one on one encounter coming up next...

JT: Two former world champions....Uryu Ishida and Perfect Jack....this all came about when PJ, showing a much darker side of his persona, launched an unprovoked attack on Ishida backstage...

RJ: We don't know the full extent of why but Jack certainly has a problem with now Uryu conducts himself and he sees him as a great way to put himself back in the equation for championship opportunities...

JT: We know Uryu doesn't back down from a fight though so Jack will have his hands full tonight....Uryu has taken some beatings recently but he is here and he looks more than ready for a fight....OH CMON!

Uryu is halfway down the aisle when Perfect Jack slams into him from behind, drawing the ire of the Texas crowd. Jack slams Uryu into the security barrier and then he lifts him into a back suplex position before swinging him forward so that Ishida’s chest slams off the barrier again…

JT: I don’t know why we are so surprised…..Perfect Jack has been attacking Uryu for going on a month now….

RJ: We still don’t have a concrete reason behind it but Uryu is pretty sure it is to do with Clarke James…..perhaps Jack believes he can succeed where CJ failed?

The referee has rushed out into the aisle now and its reprimanding Jack for his actions but the former world champion doesn’t seem to care in the slightest. He stomps down on Uryu now before he drags him up and whips him into the steel steps….BOOM!

JT: Uryu is taking a serious beating here and this match hasn’t even begun….

RJ: Ishida is no stranger to being in the firing line but tonight he is facing a renewed Perfect Jack….

JT: One of the best technicians in the game and Jack is now using his skills to hurt his opposition….that is not something you want to be on the end of…

Jack drags Uryu up again and presses him back against the ring apron before unleashing with hard chops to the chest, reddening the skin almost instantly. PJ then drags Uryu forward and snap suplexes him on the arena floor…

RJ: This is a mugging….the referee wants to seriously consider just waving this off before it has even started because Uryu doesn’t stand a chance here….

Jack stomps down on his foe some more before he rags him up and, finally, slings him into the ring. The official is trying to talk with PJ now but he merely ignores him as he sets his eyes on the ring. Jack pulls himself up on the apron now…

*Huge cheers

JT: Uryu will not be kept down….

Ishida is already up and he runs over with a flying dropkick which sends Jack crashing back off the apron, causing his head to snap off the arena floor. The audience are willing Ishida on now as he starts to climb up the ropes….

RJ: I’m not sure how wise this is, Uryu…..maybe think about taking the count-out….

JT: We both know that won’t happen…..OH WOW!

Crowd: That was awe-some x10

Uryu perches on the turnbuckle and he waits for PJ to stand before he leaps to the outside and sends him flying with an incredible hurricanrana. Ishida staggers back to his feet now as PJ stumbles over toward the steel steps…..BOOM!

RJ: A little payback!

Uryu runs over and lands a low dropkick which snaps PJ’s head back into the steps now, sending more reverberations around the crowd. Ishida drags Jack up and slings him in the ring….

JT: Are we finally going to see some wrestling?

RJ: Explosive start to this one…..the AT&T crowd are loving it…85,000 lapping it up….

Uryu clambers up on the apron now and he watches Perfect trying to find his feet before springboarding onto the ropes and launching into a crossbody takedown……………..1………………2……………Jack kicks out!

JT: Now we have a match…..Uryu may not know the full extent of why Perfect Jack wants to hurt him so badly but he knows he needs to win this match and stop the damage from happening….

Ishida beckons Jack up again before running to the ropes and he springboards off the middle before twisting back into a tornado DDT, planting PJ on the top of his head. Uryu points to the corner now and the crowd cheer in anticipation….

RJ: Uryu senses that he has carved himself an opening here….

JT: Looking for the move that took him to the mountain top……SPLIT SECOND!

The audience groan now as Jack drives his knees up to prevent the 450 splash and hammers them into the midsection of Ishida as he comes down. Jack gets up now and quickly locks his hands around Uryu’s waist before launching him into a release German suplex….

RJ: Now Jack is going to turn it up….now, if possible, he looks angrier than when he first came out here….

JT: I don’t believe that Jack thinks Uryu is remotely close to his level….he takes it as an insult that Ishida is even trying to compete with him….

Jack slams hard, clubbing shots, into Uryu’s back and then rags him up again into another release German, driving all the wind out of his opponent. Uryu is sat in the corner as PJ stomps down on him again and again until the referee is forced to intervene…

RJ: I think this is as unhinged as we have ever seen Perfect Jack….I’m not saying he’s never skirted around the rulebook before but his whole demeanour is different, I’d go as far as to say his mental state is extremely fragile…

Jack drags Uryu up again and he suplexes him into the air before letting him go at the top so that he falls and crashes down hard on his back again. Jack kicks Ishida over on his front and he stomps on his spine before applying a camel clutch….

JT: PJ has one of the best submission games in the business…..he is picking Uryu apart here now….

Ishida yells in pain as PJ drags back on his head to apply maximum pressure. The referee is knelt in front of Uryu and asking him if he wants to quit but Uryu shakes his head and tries to push himself up….

RJ: All of PJ’s bodyweight is weighing down on Uryu….this is not a good place for him….

JT: We’ve already seen one submission finish here this evening, this could be number two….

Jack continues to ramp up the pressure and really tug back on Uryu’s head but Ishida will not give it up, despite the agony he is going through…..Jack’s hand slips near Uryu’s mouth…

*Crowd cheer


JT: All’s fair….

Uryu has no choice but to bite at Jack’s hand to force him to release his grip. Jack is gripping his hand now and wincing in pain as Uryu tries to stagger up to a vertical base….

RJ: Jack looks furious….


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 1:26 pm

PJ swells with rage as he rushes forward for a huge clothesline but Uryu ducks underneath it and runs into a handspring off the ropes…


The crowd go wild as Uryu handsprings back into the pele kick to the top of PJ’s head (ala Wes Lee) which sits Jack down on the canvass. Uryu quickly runs the ropes again and returns with a low dropkick to the face of his foe before springboarding off the ropes and twists back into a legdrop………………….1…………………2……………..kickout!

RJ: Astonishing offense from Uryu Ishida….

JT: We’ve said it before but age is but a number to this man, he’s improved tenfold in the last five years….

RJ: That’s why he won the 6CW Championship….

Uryu ushers PJ up as he aims a buzzsaw kick at his head but Jack ducks underneath it and locks his hands for another German suplex. He launches Uryu but amazingly he lands out on his feet and then takes Jack down with a spinning heel kick as he turns. Uryu heads to the corner now and clambers onto the middle rope….


Uryu thunders down on top of Jack now and hooks the leg…
………thr-shoulder up!

RJ: That was a close call….Uryu pulling out all the stops here…

JT: And this Texas crowd are thankful for it…

Uryu looks to the referee but the official indicates a two. Ishida rolls out on the apron again and he waits for Jack to rise up before propelling himself over the ropes….


Uryu looks to catapult into the facebuster but Jack blocks and catches him before nailing a northern lights suplex. PJ keeps locked on as he drags Uryu back up and nails two more into a bridge…



JT: That is the danger of Perfect Jack on show for all to see….a suplexing machine….

PJ rises and he stomps down Uryu before pulling him up and nails a snap suplex into the turnbuckle, leaving Ishida upside down. Jack then grabs Uryu’s arm and pulls him away from the corner before he climbs up the ropes….

JT: Not PJ’s usual method of attack….ELBOW!

RJ: Nobody home!

Uryu pushes his body out of the way at the final minute and sends PJ smashing into the canvass. Ishida drags himself up now and clambers out on the apron…


Uryu catapults over and splatters Jack into the canvass with the facebuster before hooking the leg……………….1…………………2……………shoulder up!

RJ: Uryu hitting heavy artillery here but he’s finding out now why Perfect Jack held world championships in both 6WF & 6CW….

Uryu sits for a moment on the canvass and gathers himself before standing up. He waits for PJ to stand and scoops him on his shoulders…


PJ kicks his feet and succeeds in wriggling off the back. He locks his hands again and runs Ishida toward the corner…


PJ is preparing for the rolling German out of the corner but Ishida lifts himself up and presses his feet against the turnbuckle before rolling backward on top of his foe……………….1………………………2……………..kickout!

JT: Uryu almost stole one, that may have sent Jack over the edge….

They scramble up again and Jack looks for a big forearm smash but Uryu ducks under and springs onto the ropes…


The crowd have to cheer the ingenuity as Jack spins on his heel and leaps onto the ropes with Uryu before launching him off with a release German, sending Ishida bouncing across the canvass. Ishida staggers up in the corner as PJ thunders into him with a huge clothesline and then lifts him onto the turnbuckle….


The ring shakes as Jack drags Uryu off the top rope now into the huge suplex and he covers………………..1……………………2……………..shoulder up!

RJ: Uryu barely getting his arm off the canvass there in time….these suplexes are taking their toll….

JT: PJ is relentless, even when he’s taken some knocks…

Jack gets in the referee’s face now and wants a quicker count but the official stands his ground. PJ snarls as he runs toward his seated opponent now and nails a snap neckbreaker (ala Mr Perfect)…..Uryu is left flat on his back as Jack just stares at him…

RJ: This is as dark as I have ever seen the Perfect Jack psyche….

JT: And that only means bad things for the 6CWF roster….

Jack gets back up now and he backs up in the corner before lifting himself onto the second rope. The audience are booing and chanting “PJ sucks” as Jack stares out at them….


Jack is still glaring at the crowd as Uryu staggers up and springs off the middle of the ropes before nailing a second-rope codebreaker. The impact leaves Jack sat back on the top turnbuckle and Ishida climbs up with him….


The crowd go wild as Uryu nails the huge top rope hurricanrana and sends Jack crashing down on his back in the middle of the ring. Uryu stumbles back up and sees PJ sat on the canvass as he cracks him with a superkick to the back of the head….

RJ: That might just do it….


JT: Not quite enough…..very, very close but PJ fights on….

RJ: Uryu looks a little stunned by that….


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 1:27 pm

Ishida holds up three fingers to the ref but he tells him it was a definite two count. Uryu looks down at Jack now before heading out onto the apron again…


Jack dodges the flying forearm smash at the final minute and he grabs Uryu’s arm….


Uryu counters the “Olympic” slam into an armdrag takedown and they both get back up before Ishida crashes a roundhouse kick into the midsection of PJ, doubling him up, and springs off the ropes….


Uryu flies back and locks his legs on PJ’s waist before flipping into the sunset flip bomb………………1………………..2………..PJ kicks out and immediately grabs Uryu’s legs….


Uryu senses the immediate danger and pulls one of his legs free before kicking out at Jack’s head until he releases. Jack staggers away as Uryu tries to get back up….Jack then runs forward again but Ishida takes him down with a drop toe hold….


Uryu grabs PJ’s arm and tries to apply the Fujiwara armbar but Jack fights to his feet and he pulls Uryu in close to smash a forearm into his jaw, stunning him, and then grabs his arm…


All the wind is driven out of Uryu as he is smashed into the canvass….1


Cheers go up in Texas as Uryu just about manages to force his hand off the canvass. PJ kneels and glares at the referee before spitting in disgust. He gets up now and he seizes Uryu before dragging him up….


Uryu spins clear and then drives a backheel kick into PJ’s gut to wind him. He then grabs Jack’s head….


RJ: Looking for a play out of Mike Hill’s book there….

Uryu looks for “Diamond dust” but Jack catches him on his shoulders and runs him to the corner for snake eyes. PJ then sprints off the adjacent ropes and rushes back….


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10


Uryu uses PJ’s momentum on the comeback to flip him into a Spanish Fly that crushes them both into the turnbuckle behind and leaves them in a heap on the canvass….

JT: Uryu just reacted….I’m not sure he anticipated the damage he would do to himself at that juncture….

RJ: Both men looked like they were in a car wreck….

The referee has no choice but to start counting both men out as Uryu rolls under the bottom rope to gather himself on the outside. PJ takes until the count of eight and then he rolls out as well…

JT: Both of these men have hit each other with big moves….you can see they are hurting…

RJ: But they continue to persist and chase that W….

JT: They both know a victory here puts them back into title contention….

Jack grabs Uryu and pulls him up but Ishida slams an elbow into his gut and then he runs to the ringside barrier and leaps on top of it…

*Crowd groan

RJ: That was not what Uryu was looking for…

Jack reacts quickly and he pulls Uryu’s leg out from under him so that his other knee crashes down onto the security railing. Ishida is cradling his leg now as PJ stomps down on him repeatedly and then he drags him up and lifts him up before smashing his knee down on the top of the steel steps….

JT: Really not what Ishida wanted….Jack has a target now….

Jack throws Uryu back in the ring now and he rolls in after him. Uryu is trying to get up, his leg betraying him, as Jack thunders in behind with a chopblock to the damaged knee. PJ looks malevolent as he grabs the leg now….

RJ: Jack knows exactly what he wants now….FIGURE FOUR!

Jack turns for the submission but Uryu is able to plant his boot in the small of PJ’s back and shove him into the corner. Uryu hobbles up now and runs forward, only to eat a hard back elbow to the mouth…..Ishida staggers back as Jack runs out toward him….

JT: Uryu went low…..BUZZSAW!

Uryu drops and kicks PJ’s legs out from under him as he comes forward. Ishida gets back up now and he crashes his leg against the side of Jack’s head…..Uryu winces from the impact but then staggers for the corner…

RJ: Uryu is hurting here but he has Jack exactly where he wants him……and all it takes is a SPLIT SECOND!


Uryu launches himself into the 450 splash but Jack moves at the very last second, which causes Ishida to land hard on his sore knee. Jack gets back up and he lands another brutal chopblock….


Uryu is yelling in agony and the crowd look concerned as Jack leans right back into the submission and cranks up the pressure to the maximum. The referee is asking Ishida if he wants to quit he is shaking his head, furiously….

JT: Uryu is in so much pain here but he’s too brave for his own good….

RJ: He may end with a shattered knee if he doesn’t carefully consider his options….Jack will not relent here….

Uryu is desperately trying to drag himself back to the ropes as Jack continues to ramp up the pressure, jumping up and down……Ishida continues to shake his head in the referee’s direction but he collapses back on the deck……………………….1……………………2……………kickout!

JT: Uryu almost passed out from the pain….

RJ: He has nowhere to go here….

*Crowd pop!

JT: I can’t believe he made it….

The audience are applauding and cheering as somehow Uryu gets backward and locks his hands around the ropes. Jack continues to apply the submission until the referee forces him to break on four….

RJ: Sometimes I watch Perfect Jack now and wonder if it is winning that drives him or just hurting his opposition…

JT: I think a bit of both….

Jack looks angered as he stands and stomps down on Uryu’s bad leg again and again until the referee drags him away. PJ decides to leave the ring and grab a steel chair…

RJ: This is my case in point….PJ has Uryu at his mercy here but he seems happy to be DQ’d as long as he can inflict more damage….

JT: Stop him, ref….

PJ shoves the official aside and he closes in on Uryu before lifting the chair over his head….

*Crowd cheer

RJ: Brave officiating….

The referee snatches the chair from PJ’s hands now and he shakes his head before heading for the ropes to pass it out to the timekeeper…..PJ shakes his head and turns around to grab Uryu…



RJ: The referee has his back turned…

The referee finally spins around and dives into the cover…………………1…………………2………kickout!

JT: Uryu should have had the W right there….

Both men wrestle to their feet and Jack immediately stomps on Uryu’s bad knee….



JT: It’s over….

The crowd are booing as “Perfection” plays from the speakers and Perfect Jack is declared victorious. There is very little trace of emotion as the referee holds PJ’s arm in the air….

RJ: PJ picks up the W here at Scars and Stripes but there is definitely going to be some controversy about the finish…..Uryu certainly seemed to have that small package in for a three count but the referee was too busy removing the chair that Jack brought in the ring….

JT: In the end it was the damage caused by Jack to that knee which was Uryu’s undoing….

RJ: And let’s not forget the attack before the bell….Uryu was always up against it from the get go…

JT: A very true point….Uryu fought valiantly but tonight he has succumbed to this vicious incarnation of Perfect Jack….

RJ: And I don’t think Jack is done here….

Jack snatches his head away from the referee now and he climbs from the ring to retrieve the steel chair from earlier. The official tries to block him but Jack grabs him by the shirt and tosses him from the ring….

JT: You won the damn match, Jack….what more do you want?

RJ: A pound of flesh…….PJ certainly succeeding where Clarke James did not….

Jack looks down at Uryu, who is holding his leg on the canvass, and then he kicks him hard in the face to keep him downed. PJ then wraps the weapon around Uryu’s leg and backs into the corner, lifting himself onto the ropes….

JT: No, someone needs to stop this….he’s going to shatter Uryu’s leg….

Security pour out with a hoard of referees and they get in the ring to block Jack’s path. Jack continues to stare down with a rage…

RJ: I don’t know if it was Max Adamson or Damien Andrews who made the call but it was the right one….we have already seen enough brutality tonight with yet more on the horizon….Perfect Jack needs to be stopped from running amok….

JT: The security team just saved Uryu from months on the sidelines….

RJ: And this stage of his career it could have been catastrophic….

Jack finally climbs over the ropes onto the apron and drops to the outside as the crowd boo him up into the rafters. The ringside doctor is in talks with Uryu now and checking on his knee…

JT: A fantastic contest between two former world champions but the darkness inside of Perfect Jack is growing by the day…..I shudder to think what he might do next…

RJ: We barely have time to recover from this one because coming up next is the first of three “main events”….Rex Adamson & Chris Patricks, Ladder match for the FFTR briefcase….

JT: This night just keeps getting better and better…..6CWF’s first PPV of the new season and it is delivering beyond all expectations…


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 1:49 pm

*The crowd roar as Rex Adamson appears on all of the big screens and is doing some last minute squats backstage. Eddy Kent walks in now and he wants to give Rex a huge (anyone else getting Judas vibes). Kent wants Rex to bring it home for Genesis tonight and he hints that he should be keeping an eye on the "Last Rites" contest between Blue Dragon & Edward Plague. Kent really believes that Rex ("my son") can rise up tonight and take his rightful place by "Daddy's side". The 6WF & 6CW World Champions....ruling the happy family that they are. 6CWF officials enter now to take the FFTR briefcase for the ladder match. Rex reluctantly hands it over but Eddy Kent looks almost relieved to see the case gone.

*Chris Patricks is doing his last minute stretches (RVD style splits on balance beams) as Max Adamson approaches. Max wants to talk to his best friend and tells him that as Co-Gm he wants CP to come to him if he has anything he wants and not feel like he has to go to Andrews instead. Patricks gets down now and he pats Max on the shoulder and says "I made a decision so you didn't have to, Max......I know this is personal and that's why you couldn't be involved....tonight I'm going to do what you should have a long time ago and teach this kid a lesson. I know you don't see it but what I am doing is for you". Patricks leaves Max in a very contemplative mood.


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 2:18 pm

Bout 6
Fight for the Right
Ladder Match
Rex Adamson (c) vs Chris Patricks

Ding ding

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a ladder match for the Fight for the Right briefcase!

*Ultra pop

RJ: It has been a monumental night here at Scars and Stripes, absolutely action packed from the very beginning…

JT: And we are far from done….in fact this could be argued as the start of three main events…

RJ: I’d say this is definitely main event worthy….a feud that has simmered, boiled and exploded since Chris Patricks’ returned in February…..

JT: And tonight it reaches a head….

“Refuse/Resist” blasts through the airwaves and the crowd rise to their feet to greet the arrival of Chris Patricks. The Boston native looks highly charged as he walks down the aisle, his eyes firmly locked on the FFTR briefcase that is hanging above the ring….

RJ: That is the prize tonight…..Rex Adamson’s “Fight for the Right” briefcase….the literal golden ticket to world championship success…

JT: Rex earned that by winning the tournament that culminated at Night of Glory….but Chris Patricks, the man Rex defeated in the first round, wants it for himself…

RJ: It goes beyond just wanting the FFTR case, he wants to take it from Rex, more specifically, because he blames Rex for Max Adamson having to retire….for Patricks this is a revenge mission, he wants Rex to pay for turning his back on his family and he believes the best way to do that is by taking Rex’s most prized possession…

JT: We know Max, our co-GM, has very much been split on this feud….naturally he is hurt by Rex joining Genesis and playing a part in his retirement….but Rex is still his nephew and he doesn’t want to see him get seriously hurt…

RJ: Which is exactly what Chris Patricks wants to do to Rex, he wants him to suffer….

JT: Max is almost in the middle here of his nephew and best friend….

RJ: With Damien Andrews’ growing affiliation with Patricks playing a side quest….

JT: Many facets to this one and that is what makes it even more interesting…

Patricks looks at the ladders that have been placed around ringside and then he leaps up in the ring to await the arrival of his opponent. There is a very clear split from the audience now as “Typhoons” hits the airwaves…

RJ: There are some who love Rex Adamson……some who love Genesis and therefore are happy about the affiliation…..but then there are those who cannot believe Rex’s actions over the last six months, turning on his own Uncle and playing a role in his retirement from active duty….

JT: But all of those people, whether they like Rex or they don’t….they cannot deny that this kid is special, in fact he may be the most impressive “rookie” in the history of our industry….

RJ: You’d have a hard time arguing against it….Rex Adamson is over a year into his pro career now and he still has not tasted a pinfall or submission loss…..he has won the Key to the Kingdom Championship & the FFTR tournament……he has beaten ten world champions in one on one competition….this young man is destined for greatness…

JT: But a massive question remains, when will he realise that greatness? Because many believe Eddy Kent is manipulating Rex and that is why he recruited him to Genesis in the first place….nothing to do with hand-picking him to mould him into a superstar but instead to ensure that Rex does not usurp him from the throne…

RJ: And they could be right….Kent is shrewd and he knows what Rex Adamson is all about…..there is a part of me that wonders if he would be greatly disappointed if Patricks won tonight….Rex having that FFTR case has certainly added to his paranoia of late….

JT: But at least he can be in Rex’s ear about when to use it….if Patricks gets his hands on it then Kent’s reign is even more precarious than it is already…


Rex is bobbing from foot to foot at the base of the ring and then he leaps onto the apron (ala Brock Lesnar) as Patricks sprints to the corner and bounces off the turnbuckle into a dropkick (ala Jericho) which sends Rex flying back off the apron to the arena floor…

JT: Rules are simple….climb the ladder, get the case…

RJ: But you have to incapacitate your opponent first, that is where the carnage comes in…

Patricks waits for Rex to get back up on the outside and he then springboards onto the ropes and nails a senton bomb to the outside that leaves them both in a heap in the aisleway…

Crowd: Holy (beep) x20

JT: We know Chris Patricks likes to take a risk….and we know the damage he has inflicted upon Rex Adamson in recent months by taking those risks….

RJ: I remember the frogsplash he landed backstage on top of the storage cage….there is no love lost here at all….

Patricks is the first to his feet and he watches Rex getting up before he runs to the steel steps and uses them to springboard into a headscissors which sends Rex flying, head first, into the opposite ringpost….Rex is swaying around ringside as Patricks runs behind him and nails a bulldog across the top of the steel steps….

JT: I wonder exactly how Max is feeling watching this….I think he could just about deal with a one on one singles contest after everything that has happened…but this? This is different because he will be fully aware of what could happen in this kind of match….

Rex is flat on his back on the arena floor as Patricks grabs a ladder now and he slides it into the ring, drawing cheers from the audience. CP quickly sets it up and begins his ascent toward the briefcase…

RJ: Patricks not hanging around, he wants that case….


Rex Adamson has pulled himself back on the apron and then, amazingly, he springboards off the ropes into a dropkick which wipes the ladder out and causes Patricks to land hard on the side of it as he falls down….

RJ: Kid is near 300lbs and he moves like a cruiserweight…..

JT: He really is a force of nature….OH MY!

Rex quickly drags Patricks back up and he lifts him into a suplex before releasing him so that he just falls and slams, ribs first, across the prone ladder again…

RJ: And what does Max feel if Rex ends up really hurting Patricks in this one? Because the only reason CP came back was to help his best friend in his fight against Genesis….will there be guilt?

JT: It isn’t a position I’d like to be in….

Rex rolls from the ring and grabs a second ladder before returning to the ring. He sets the first one back up and then he slides the second through the middle rungs and places the opposite end on the middle ropes (creating a walkway/platform) of sorts…..

RJ: Not sure the intention here but it cannot be good….

Rex climbs onto the horizontal ladder (the platform) and then he steps onto the vertical ladder and starts to climb his way toward the FFTR case. He is moments away from getting his hands on it when Patricks climbs the opposite side and smashes him in the jaw with a forearm….

JT: Chris stunned Rex with that shot…..and that one….

CP grabs Rex’s head now and he smashes it down off the top of the ladder before he launches himself over the top….


Crowd: Holy (beep) x10


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 2:19 pm

JT: This is the kind of carnage I was talking about….

Patricks sunset flips over Rex and drags him down into a powerbomb across the horizontal platform ladder. CP just sits there, wincing in pain, as Rex falls off the side and drops to the canvass below…

RJ: Insanity….brutality….we have seen so much of that already tonight but it doesn’t stop…

JT: Fight for the Right briefcase on the line and you know these guys are going to bring it….two of the best in the game today and the results don’t lie…

Patricks clambers off the side of the ladder now and he looks at Rex, slumped under the bottom rope, and he runs off the opposite side before returning with a low dropkick to the back which sends the youngster crashing to the outside….Patricks heads back to the ladder now in order to climb…

RJ: Patricks believes he has cleared the deck here and he is going to ascend…

JT: I didn’t expect it to end so quickly but Rex has taken a big knock here…

Patricks climbs the ladder and is nearing the top when Rex, despite his injuries, staggers back in the ring and he shoves the ladder over…


Patricks sails over the ropes and he smashes down onto the arena floor in a crumpled heap. Rex takes a few minutes, composing himself…

JT: Rex really pushed through the pain barrier there to get back in the ring to prevent Patricks….

RJ: Now he has a few moments to get it together…

JT: This kid doesn’t’ do breathers…..OH MY DAYS!

Rex rolls out of the ring now and he psyches himself up before sprinting around the outside as Patricks is getting back to his feet….BOOM!

RJ: This is devastation personified….

Rex nails the “Gore” which slams himself and Patricks through the steel steps and sends them flying across the floor into the announce area….both men are unmoving….

JT: We predicted it and we got it….these guys are just taking chunks from each other…

The AT&T is making a racket as we get replays of the action we have seen thus far. Rex is slowly getting back to his feet now and he pushes the covers off the “Spanish” table (all replaced from earlier) and then drags Patricks up….

RJ: Folks this is a ladder match but there are no rules to prevent steel steps, tables…..basically do what you want…

JT: These two need no invitation on that front…

Rex easily scoops Patricks on his shoulders and slams him down on top of the desk before he heads over to retrieve another ladder…

RJ: He’s got a big one….

JT: Steady on, RJ…

RJ: Behave….

Rex brings one of the 20ft ladders and he erects it as cheers get louder for what might be about to go down. Rex then begins to climb up…

JT: I really have no idea what Rex might be thinking here but cmon now, Rex….the case is the other way….just get it…

RJ: Rex has his own scores to settle…

CP rolls off the table fairly quickly and he staggers around to grab Rex’s heel and begins trying to drag him back down to the arena floor. Rex tries stomping down on Patricks’ head so CP abandons the attempt and grabs a steel chair from under the apron instead….CRACK!

JT: That slowed him…

Patricks smashes the chair into the back of Rex’s legs and now he succeeds in hauling him off the ladder. Rex lands on his feet and attempts an immediate lariat but Patricks ducks and he jabs the chair into Rex’s stomach….Rex staggers and then Patricks throws the chair at him…..


Yet more cheers fill the air as Patricks leaps up and heel kicks the weapon straight into Rex’s face, leaving him splattered on the floor. Patricks sets the chair up now in the middle of the floor and he backs away before sprinting forward, using the chair to leap…

JT: Shades of Sabu….OH WOW!

Rex is trying to use the steel steps (separated from the ring after the Gore) to get up as Patricks leaps through the air and legdrops him across the back of the neck, smashing the youngster’s face down into the steel. Rex is all at sea as Patricks grabs the chair again and just throws it (ECW style) against his head….

RJ: He damn near knocked Rex out….and he has big things on his mind now…

The impact of the chair causes Rex to fall and slump across the announce table. Patricks then turns and looks at the huge ladder, drawing the cheers of the audience…

JT: Patricks knows that Rex had something planned for him and now he wants to return the favour…..OH MY GOD!

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10



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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 2:21 pm

Patricks gets to the top and he steps over to the other side before dropping him 20ft into an elbow drop which smashes himself and Rex through the announce table….

JT: It’s over….it has to be….

RJ: For who? Neither are likely to get up from that…


JT: I don’t know what this is but I cannot take my eyes off of it…

RJ: Why would you want to? This is 6CWF showing why we are on another level to any other promotion in the world…

The referee is trying to speak with both men but it is clear they are both having trouble getting back up. Patricks is the first to move from the wreckage and he staggers into the ring apron…

JT: Patricks may be hurting but he needs to move now….he has the ascendency here…

RJ: I’m not sure Rex is getting up…..Patricks has a free run at that case….if ever he had the chance to win this contest, here we are…

Patricks is in the ring and he repositions the ladder under the briefcase and then he sets his feet and begins to climb…

JT: CP’s body is wracked in pain but the prize at the end is so worth it…he’s pushing through, he is inches away….


Patricks raises his hand up to unlock the briefcase as Rex rolls back in and he picks up the second ladder and launches it through the air so that is smashes CP’s head…

RJ: How on earth did he muster the strength to do that?

JT: Kid is on a whole other level to what we have seen….even after taking a momentous beating….

Patricks is slumped over the top of the ladder as Rex just stands and sways from side to side, blinking back the pain coursing through his body…..

RJ: I can’t believe what these men have already put themselves through in this match…..Rex had to defeat the best of the best to win the FFTR case in the first place and now he is going through this just to keep it….

JT: The lure of the world title will make men do crazy things……WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!


Rex climbs halfway up the ladder and then he grabs Patricks’ legs and pulls him down so that he has him in an electric chair position before he drops backward off the ladder and catches him on the way down with a sickening german suplex (Croyt’s Wrath)….

JT: How the hell do you even pull something like that off?

RJ: I have absolutely no idea…..this is one of the maddest things I have ever seen…

The cameras pan around the stadium and the majority of fans are out of their seats. The highlights are playing again on all of the big screens….

JT: This has been a truly spectacular battle…

RJ: And we aren’t done yet….

Rex is the first man to his feet and he makes his way to the upright ladder and starts to climb. He has a look of determination on his face as he closes in on the case….

JT: Rex about to walk out the same way he walked in…..DEAR GOD!

Patricks is up again and he manages to drag Rex down the ladder and kicks him in the gut. Rex doubles over as Patricks runs the ropes for a destroyer but Rex counters into an “Alabama” slam which he launches Patricks, spine first, against the ladder and knocks it over….

RJ: I don’t believe anyone is walking out of this the same way they walked in…

Patricks is writhing in pain on the canvass as Rex opens the ladder now and he tosses his opponent inside of it before slamming the other half down, sandwiching him in the middle of it….

JT: Not where you want to be at all….

Rex backs in the corner now and he lifts himself onto the second rope before launching himself (ala Bully Ray) into a back senton that crushes Patricks between the ladder…..Rex clutches his back as he rolls away….

RJ: This is unreal… of the best matches I have watched….

JT: Ladder match wise it is right up there…

Rex is the first man to his feet. CP is still between the ladder as Rex squats down and picks it up….

RJ: He is barely 19 years old and that strength is frightening….

JT: Patricks weighs 300lb…..and he’s picked up the ladder aswell….



Rex just walks to the ropes and throws the ladder to the arena floor so that Patricks smashes down between it….

JT: That impact snapped the hinges on the ladder, it broke in half….

RJ: And Patricks along with it….

Rex rolls from the ring now and he grabs another ladder, balancing it between the ringside barrier and the ring apron. He then drags Chris Patricks up and scoops him on his shoulders….


Patricks kicks legs and drops off the back of Rex before shoving him, face first, into the ladder between the ring & barrier. Patricks then grabs another ladder and he places it on his shoulders before running it into Rex’s face as he stands up again…

RJ: Patricks is a former 2 x world champion, do not forget that….he knows about these big nights and what it takes to win…

Patricks pushes his ladder into the ring now and then he throws Rex in as well. Rex staggers to his feet as CP runs to the ropes and springs off them….


Patricks looks to spine Rex into the tornado DDT but Rex keeps his feet and then launches Patricks over his head with a backdrop….


The crowd wince and groan as Rex spins around is twirled into the “Sky high” powerbomb across the prone ladder. Rex remains there, arched up in agony, before Patricks staggers to the corner…


RJ: Rex Adamson may have broken ribs….both men may be competing here with broken bones…

JT: I wouldn’t rule it out…

CP nails the moonsault to crush Rex down into the ladder again and send him rolling away. Patricks then grabs the ladder and picks it up before placing it in the centre…

RJ: Has Patricks done enough now? Has he bought himself enough time to scale the ladder….

JT: No is the short answer to that…Rex is already climbing the opposite side…

They both reach toward the briefcase at the same but then Patricks slams a punch into Rex’s head. Rex responds with a right hand of his own before CP brings his leg up with a roundhouse kick to the side of Rex’s head….

RJ: That stunned him…

Patricks reaches up toward the case again now but Rex responds with a elbow strike to the throat. CP is wheezing and coughing as Rex raises a hand now….


RJ: At what point do you call this off?


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 2:22 pm

Crowd: HOLY (BEEP) x20

The battle continues on top of the ladder but it begins to fall sideways from the momentum and both men end up flying off the ladder and out of the ring, crashing straight through another ladder which is horizontal between barrier and ring apron….


RJ: They barely are but I can’t believe they are conscious….

JT: There has to be broken bones….there is absolutely no way….


You can see the mesmerised faces off the audience as they stare at one another after the crash landing. Both Rex Adamson & Chris Patricks are sprawled across the arena floor….

JT: All for the Fight for the Right briefcase….I mean this just goes to show how lucrative that prize is…

RJ: Add in the fact these two cannot stand one another and this is the result….unbelievable…

It takes nearly three minutes for either competitor to get back to a vertical standing. It is Chris Patricks who is on his feet first and he pushes himself into the ring, really struggling to move fluidly. CP stumbles over himself as he makes his way to the corner and grabs a ladder off the floor…Patricks places the ladder against the turnbuckle for a moment as he sucks in some deep breaths…

JT: You can see what this has taken out of both men….they are moving but each step is torturous….

RJ: Patricks lifted that ladder and now he’s taking a breather….


It is almost beyond belief for the fans as the ladder is broken in half in the corner when Rex returns to the ring and he spears Patricks right through it, leaving them pretty much unconscious on the canvass, again….

RJ: What more can these two do to each other?

JT: What more can they do, full stop. Because it is becoming increasingly difficult to work out how either man is still moving around…

RJ: Watch these replays and look at that impact…Patricks’ neck took the brunt of that….

JT: Rex’s head pretty much plough through one of the rungs….these is quite surreal to watch…

Again it takes a fair amount of time for either man to start moving but this time it is Rex who is on the front foot. He is forced to roll from the ring in order to find a ladder that isn’t broken and he slides it in the ring before beginning to set it up…

RJ: Rex’s eyes are glazed, this kid has gone through the wringer…

JT: He may be digging deeper than ever in his career before…

RJ: The ultimate gut check…but if he wants to leave Texas tonight with that case then he needs to find another gear….

Rex finally adjusts the ladder and locks it in place before he starts his slow climb toward the summit. It is clear that his body is wracked in agony, each step causing him so much pain…

JT: At the beginning of the match they were flying up these ladders….not so much now…

RJ: Are we surprised? After what they have put themselves through…

Rex is over halfway now and closing in when Patricks starts climbing up behind him. He clambers onto Rex’s back now in an attempt to overtake him….

JT: This is almost desperation levels now….

Rex is still trying to climb up with CP on his back but is finding it heavy going. The crowd are torn in their support….

RJ: We said both men had their fans here tonight and you can hear it, loud and clear…

JT: I think after this performance they will both have even more fans than before….POISONRANA!


Patricks decides to throw caution to the wind as he locks his legs around the back of Rex’s neck and he drags him off the ladder with the inverted hurricanrana, crunching him into the canvass. Patricks tries to press himself up and then he decides to run the ropes and returns with rolling thunder across the prone Rex….CP shakes his head as he drags the ladder down now and places it across Rex’s chest….

JT: This is unwise, in my opinion…..Patricks has Rex in a state of distress here and he can go for the case but his dislike for the youngster is clouding his judgement….


Patricks hits a second rolling thunder, this time landing on the ladder and crushing it down into Rex’s body. Patricks is holding his own spine now….

JT: And he caused some serious damage to himself in the process….

Rex rolls to the corner and is sat down as Patricks gets up and places the ladder against him. He then laps the ring and runs back in with a low crunching dropkick to crush Rex again….Patricks pulls the ladder away and he hauls the deadweight of Rex across the ladder now….

RJ: What is the thinking here?

JT: Patricks wants to make sure Rex pays….pays for choosing Genesis, pays for betraying Max….

RJ: But how much is too much?

JT: I’m not sure he has a limit on that….he wants to take Rex out of commission…..

RJ: And he might just do that here and now…..PUZZLE SOLVER!

The audience are stunned as Patricks launches himself through the air and lands the picture perfect five star frogsplash which crushes Rex against the ladder once again and causes the youngster to roll from the ring….

JT: That might have shattered Rex Adamson’s spine….

RJ: I don’t think it tickled Patricks’ ribs either….these guys have beaten one another beyond all recognition….

JT: We have seen levels of brutality here tonight at Scars and Stripes but I don’t think anything has matched the danger involved in this one….

RJ: All week the talk was of this match being a show stealer….the fans, the insiders, everyone was tipping it and they were damn right because this has been sublime…

JT: It has but it has also been extremely gruelling for both competitors….win or lose the effects of this will be felt for a long time…

RJ: It’ll be easier to heal if you’ve won, however…

JT: Right now you have to favour Chris Patricks….he’s nailed the frogsplash, the ring is clear…his route is clear…

RJ: And Texas is on their feet because they recognise that….


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 2:23 pm

Patricks takes his time to get up, wincing every time he moves, but eventually he is able to pick the ladder up off the canvass and place it directly underneath the FFTR briefcase. Patricks looks up at the prize, steely determination on his face, and he nods as he starts to pull himself up…

JT: We’ve had plenty of near calls here in this match but this time I think Patricks might just do it….he is closing in….

RJ: And if he does pull it off and gets that case, he automatically becomes the most dangerous man in all of 6CWF….he has the golden ticket to the big time…

JT: Chris Patricks returned to 6CWF to help his friend but who knew that five months later he would be about to capture the FFTR case and put himself on the brink of a third world championship reign….

RJ: Eddy Kent & Max Adamson will be watching this in the back….I would love to know their true feelings on what is happening here…

Chris Patricks reaches the top of the ladder and he smiles as sits on the top rung and he reaches up to put both hands on the case and starts to unclasp it…



Ding ding ding


There is a shocked, confused and momentous atmosphere as Patricks is seconds away from taking down the case when Rex drags himself up the 20ft ladder on the outside. They lock eyes before Rex jumps into the ring and he spears Patricks in midair (fifteen feet above the canvass) and both fall into a crunching crash landing…..the FFTR briefcase snaps from its clasp upon impact and amazingly it drops and falls into Rex’s arms as he hits the deck…

RJ: But Patricks was the one who unclasped it?

JT: Did he?

RJ: Check the replays….

Nobody seems to know how to react as the replays are shown again and again. Patricks is certainly in the process of unclasping the belt when Rex slams into him. The impact dislodges the case and it falls…

JT: I really don’t know how you would call that…

RJ: I mean Rex didn’t physically use his hands to bring the case down…

JT: But he caught it…

The referee looks as though he isn’t quite sure despite being able to see the replays for himself on the screens. He makes his way over to Michael Bird now and they are in conversation with one another….

RJ: This is going to be interesting….

JT: It’s going to be controversial…

Rex has shuffled backward into the corner and is cradling the case as Patricks is trying to drag himself up using the ropes. Patricks isn’t fully mobile or conscious but he is pointing over at Rex and the case, almost indicating it should be his…

RJ: Both men think they have won….

JT: And I can see their arguments….


RJ: I’m not sure this sits right with me…

JT: I’d say half the crowd agrees with you…..this one is going to divide opinion….

There are boos and cheers at the announcement. Chris Patricks is in a lot of pain but becomes more lucid after hearing the announcement and he turns to the referee in disgust…

RJ: Patricks cannot believe it….he’s telling the referee that he had his hands on the case….if Patricks doesn’t have the case in his hands then it doesn’t fall….

JT: But does the case fall with Rex’s momentum….Patricks hadn’t fully released the case from its clasp…..I see both arguments and I’m not sure either decision was going to be universally endorsed….

RJ: An absolute barnburner of a match has ended here in very controversial circumstances…..I’d like some clarity here from our Co-GMs…

JT: I’m not sure tonight will be the time….the dust needs to settle a little….

RJ: Tell that to Chris Patricks…because he’s in the referee’s face and making it clear he doesn’t accept the call…

JT: Patricks has been through hell here, they both have…and it’s a shame to see a controversial call but this is pro wrestling, sometimes you don’t get the shake….I’ve watched that replay a dozen times now and I don’t think it is clear at all….

RJ: GORE….MY GOD….was there any need?

JT: Not at all but Rex Adamson wanted to out an exclamation mark on matters….

Patricks is still remonstrating with the official as Rex decides to burst out of the corner and almost break him in two with another spear. Rex grabs the FFTR case and he holds it over Patricks now…

JT: Close call or not, controversy or not….Rex Adamson is still in possession of the Fight for the Right case….

RJ: Keeping the world champions on notice…

JT: I wonder how Eddy Kent is feeling right now….

Rex wants to remain and keep trash talking Chris Patricks but the referee shoves him away and tells him to head backstage. The cameras pan around to show the wrecked announce desk and multiple broken ladders around ringside before Rex drops to the outside and slowly swaggers into the aisleway….he drops the straps on his singlet and pounds his chest before raising the case over his head again, wincing as he does so…..we then get a shot of Chris Patricks, hunched over and spitting blood on the canvass as the ringside doctor is called in to check on him….

RJ: A war….an absolute Armageddon of a ladder match….they put it all on the line, I am not sure either will be the same again…

JT: Is Rex going to cash in tonight?

RJ: I’d be amazed….I mean he has that right but he just went through hell and I’m sure he will want to be as close to 100% when the time comes, maximising his chances…..that said, I wouldn’t totally rule it out…

JT: We still have both world championships on the line to come….Last Rites & then “The Hour”….I mean whoever leaves here tonight as 6CW Champion & 6WF Champion are going to go through the wire for that privilege and they will, also, be far from 100%.....I really think Rex will have a decision to make….

RJ: It is the golden ticket, we know that….anytime and any place….

Rex smirks at the discomfort on Chris Patricks’ face before he turns his back and makes his way backstage. There are very mixed views from the crowd as he disappears and then we see Chris Patricks rolling under the ropes to the outside….the ringside doctor wants the referee to escort CP backstage but he shoves the referee away and gives him a mouthful, still clearly angered about the official’s decision…

JT: I don’t think that referee will be on Chris Patricks’ Christmas card list….

RJ: Patricks has every right to feel aggrieved in my opinion, he fought a hell of a fight tonight and in the end he leaves empty handed…..should that be the case? It wasn’t my call but I think he will have something to say after this…


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 2:40 pm

*We see Eddy Kent watching the end of the ladder match and it is impossible to decipher if he is pleased or not at the outcome. Tim Allen approaches for a word about "The Hour" but Kent dismisses him and says "Daddy needs to get ready". Allen asks what we can expect from tonight and Kent smiles and says "The unexpected" before leaving.

The scene then changes and we see Chris Patricks hammering on the door of the General Managers before it switches again as Blue Dragon is doing last minute prep for his war with Edward Plague. Logan Kincade walks in, still bloodstained, and BD wants to know where his brother has been but gets no response. Dragon tells his brother to clean up and be ready for when he gets back with the world title so they can celebrate but again Logan doesn't speak. Dragon says "Don't worry, brother, I've got this....just get a shower and I'll be back"....Logan walks into the shower-room now and it is clear that is lack of speech is bothering Dragon as the scene ends.

One final scene and Edward Plague is surrounded by his hooded followers. The one named "Kristian" says that Gazzy may not be here but the rest of them will "lay down our lives" in order to ensure Plague leaves as champion. Plague doesn't even ask about Gazzy's condition but instead picks up the world title and heads for the door.


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 2:49 pm

Main Event 1
6CW World Championship
Last Rites
Edward Plague © vs Blue Dragon

Ding ding

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a LAST RITES MATCH FOR THE 6CW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!

*Huge pop from the crowd

JT: The first of two world championship bouts here tonight and this one will not be for the feint at heart…

RJ: First time ever….a Last Rites match….

JT: And tell the viewers exactly what that entails RJ….

RJ: You put your opponent in the casket, you close the lid…’s a wrap…I know it sounds simple, just like the ladder match and ambulance match tonight but if they are anything to go by then you know this is going to be brutal…

JT: Especially given the two men involved and the fact the world title is on the line….

The lights are dimmed for a few moments around the AT&T as the production crew wheel out the black casket and place it in front of the ring…

RJ: That casket is on a rolling mechanism but we’ve seen it picked up by these men in recent weeks, don’t be surprised to see it moving around this evening…

JT: No rules against it….you just have to put your opponent inside of it….

“Bodies” hits the airwaves now and there is a massive response from the Texan crowd. Waves of fire and pyros are firing up into the night sky…

Michael Bird: Introducing first, the challenger……….from Liverpool, England………..weighing in at 266 pounds………….Bllllluuuueeeee Drrrrraaaaggggggggggggggooooooonnnnnn!

RJ: It was thirteen years ago when Blue Dragon realised a dream of becoming world champion….Night of Glory IV…

JT: I remember it….and I also remember how moments after he dethroned Chaos was when Crime Lord cashed in his “Fight for the Right” briefcase and Dragon’s dream turned into a nightmare….

RJ: Ten minutes in his entire career is all he has had as a world champion….can he change that tonight?

JT: This guy is the Alpha….he has been stacking them and smashing them since returning to 6CWF last year….but he cannot deny that there has been a chip on his shoulder ever since that fateful night…..can he finally remove it? Is it weighing on him?

RJ: Especially knowing that Rex Adamson is back there with that FFTR briefcase that Dragon knows so well…

Blue Dragon is dressed in an almost black armour and his face is hidden by a skull mask, which he slowly pulls off. The challenger marches down to the ring now and he runs his hand along the sleek top of the casket…

JT: Dragon has been chasing this showdown for quite some time…

RJ: Dates back to Day of Reckoning….Dragon cashed in his “Key to the Kingdom” in order to have the 6CW Championship on the line during the Gateway to Glory….he was so confident he could beat 29 other men to become champion….

JT: But that plot was foiled by the man who is currently in possession of the title….Edward Plague…

RJ: And since then the war has raged….we saw Logan Kincade and GazzyD complete their half of that battle earlier….now all eyes are on this one…

JT: And will either of those two you just mentioned play role?

RJ: Not GazzyD….he’s in the hospital….

JT: And we saw backstage that Blue Dragon couldn’t get anything out of Logan….will that play on his mind too? He definitely looked concerned for his brother’s mental state…

RJ: All part of the mindgames that Edward Plague has been playing….that’s what he does…

Dragon hauls himself up on the apron now and steps through the ropes as the lights go out completely in the stadium and “CCClouds” echoes through the air…

Michael Bird: And his opponent……….hailing from the Plague Family Complex…….weighing in at 286 pounds…..he is the reigning and defending 6CW World Champion…………..Eddddwwwaaaarrrrddd Pllllaaaaagggguuuuueeee!

JT: One of the most psychotic and manipulative individuals in the history of this company….Edward Plague’s poison has spread for a decade now but this version of him, the one that returned last summer, is as evil as I have ever known….he corrupted and brainwashed GazzyD, he has practically kidnapped his family for psychological leverage….

RJ: And most believe he practically stole the title from Gazzy…

JT: We know he did….no matter how he tries to spin it…Plague is as dangerous as they come….physically he is a match for most but it is his ability to get inside his opponent’s head which makes him such a problem….

RJ: I don’t know if he has affected Blue Dragon, personally….but he has certainly got to Logan Kincade and by proxy that has an effect on the challenger….

JT: But there are two big questions here….one, Plague is alone tonight after watching GazzyD get obliterated earlier…can he does this alone? And secondly we all saw what happened at Night of Glory….that was a couple of months ago, sure, but I really don’t think Plague has fully recovered from what happened…

RJ: I agree….I don’t believe he is 100%, I’d be surprised if he’s 75% and that really does play into Blue Dragon’s favour….because not many men can stand toe to toe with BD even at their peak….

There is a real “big match” feel as the lights come back on now and Edward Plague is standing in front of the casket. Plague peels off his “Plague” mask and places it on top of the coffin before he slowly makes his way up the steel steps and into the ring. The two men are just staring at one another as the referee stands between them….

JT: You could cut the atmosphere with a knife….this is a huge moment…

RJ: I’ve got goosebumps….the AT&T is ready…

Plague & Dragon continue to stare at one another before Plague smiles and he throws his arms wide, almost laughing…

Plague: It did not have to be this way…but tonight, tonight you shall rest in peace….but do not fear, I will be the family that your brother never had…


Huge cheers ring out as Dragon has heard enough and he smashes a right hand into Plague’s face and staggers him backward. Dragon follows up with more destructive punches to the face and then he grabs Plague’s wrist and whips him across the ring. BD looks for a big boot but Plague succeeds in ducking underneath it and lands a massive boot to the stomach….


Plague immediately is looking for the “Border Toss” powerbomb but Dragon quickly counters with a backdrop. He beckons Plague up and he grabs him by the throat…

RJ: I don’t think we are going to see much subtlety in this one….it’s smash mouth…


Plague leaps out to the side and lands on his feet before he pokes Dragon in the eyes, blinding him. Plague then sprints off the ropes and returns with a huge clothesline “from hell” which takes the challenger off his feet….

RJ: Plague has some real power of his own…he’s a little smaller in stature than Dragon but he is not overawed by his opponent….

Plague stomps at Dragon’s head and back in an attempt to keep him grounded but the challenger stumbles his way to the corner as he tries to reach his feet. He slams outward with an elbow which staggers Plague back and then runs toward him….

JT: That is seriously impressive…

Plague ducks into Dragon’s stride and lifts him into a release uranage slam which drops him on the back of his head. The champion then bounces off the ropes and returns with a back splash across his downed foe…

RJ: This has been a good start for Plague….considering what we talked about in terms of potential injuries and not being 100%....

JT: Very early days though and we know Blue Dragon can last the duration…

Plague grabs BD by the head and he repeatedly headbutts him until he slumps back into the ropes. Plague lifts Dragon’s chin up so he can stare into his eyes now and slams a back elbow into his face before attempting an Irish whip….Dragon turns inside and he pulls Plague toward him…



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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 2:50 pm

Plague spins out and lands on his feet before kicking Dragon in the stomach again as he turns. Dragon doubles over as Plague runs the ropes and returns with a stacked knee drop that drives BD’s head down into the canvass. Plague rolls to his feet again now and heads for the corner…

JT: This really isn’t what we are used to seeing from Edward Plague….

RJ: He knows what is at stake tonight and perhaps a risk or two is necessary…..TSUNAMI SPLASH!

There are some groans from the Dragon supports as Plague succeeds in landing the big time splash off the top rope. The champion remains in the crouched position as his eyes flit in the direction of the casket….

JT: Does Plague feel like it is time already?

RJ: He won’t want to hang around….I can assure you that as well as the champion has performed, he does not want this to go long….

Plague makes the indication to the officials on the outside that he wants the casket opened. He then drags his opponent up and begins to pull him toward the ropes…

JT: Dragon isn’t ready to yield….

BD sinks to a knee and he drives a massive punch into Plague’s stomach, doubling him over. Dragon gets back up now and runs forward with a boot to the side of the champion’s head which sends him through the ropes to the outside…

RJ: I didn’t think it would take too long until this fight descended on the outside….

JT: Hopefully they leave our tables alone….I think we’ve lost a dozen tonight….

Dragon smashes Plague’s face off the top of the steel steps and then batters it off the casket lid. He grabs Plague by the throat again now….

RJ: Chokeslam on the concrete?

Plague responds with a big time knee to Dragon’s stomach now and then he scoops the challenger onto his shoulders….


BD fights off the back and then he shoves Plague, face-first, into the ringpost. Dragon launches Plague back in the ring now…

RJ: Dragon doesn’t seem ready to try and get Plague in the casket…

JT: I think he has a score to settle first….

Dragon pulls himself onto the apron and shows great athleticism to vault over the top rope into a clothesline as Plague stumbles to his feet. He ushers the champion back up again and this time he drills him into the canvass with the huge chokeslam….

RJ: That’s what Dragon has been looking for… he might want that coffin opened….

Dragon stares down at Plague and then he turns to the officials and nods his head. The lid is opened as Dragon bends down and grabs Plague by the arm and starts to drag him….

JT: This Texan crowd is expectant….

RJ: We spoke to many of them outside and I have to say the vast majority believe Blue Dragon is leaving tonight with the title….

Dragon gets Plague through the middle rope and onto the apron but then the champion pulls his hands free and grabs Dragon’s head over the top rope before guillotining him across them. Dragon staggers back as Plague rolls in….he then scoops Dragon on his shoulders and nails a running death valley bomb into the turnbuckle….

JT: That was a crash if ever I saw one…

RJ: Devastating….Plague crushed Dragon there….

JT: From the brink of losing his title to pulling that out of the bag….

RJ: That’s why he is currently dining at the top table…

Plague rolls back onto his knees and the cameras show his black eyes shining with malice. He waits for Dragon to rise now before jamming his hand in the mouth of his opponent…

JT: Mandible….

Dragon senses the danger and he kicks out at Plague’s stomach to wind him before pulling free. He staggers back in the corner as Plague darts in after him….

RJ: Nobody home…..BLACK HOLE SLAM!

JT: Shook the ring off that impact….

BD moves as Plague smashes into the turnbuckle and then he grabs the champ’s wrist and drags him back around into the huge spinning slam. Dragon gets back to his feet now and waits for Plague to rise before lifting him into a torture rack and dropping to his knees for a modified backbreaker (ala Abyss)….

RJ: These are heavy compound artillery that both men are firing off….they are shooting to kill…

JT: We said there would be no feeling out, no subtlety or technical masterpieces….

Dragon points to the casket again and the crowd roar before he drags Plague with him across the ring. Dragon climbs out on the apron and he pulls Plague through the ropes….

RJ: I think this is going to be it…..

JT: He’s thinking “Deathnote” into the coffin….

Plague drops to his knees at the final second and drives his arm up between Dragon’s legs, drawing huge boos from the audience. Plague then slams the coffin lid shut and he scoops BD up….



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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 2:51 pm


Crowd: Holy (beep) x20

Plague looks sinister as he leaps from the apron to smash himself and Dragon down on top of the coffin. They both fly off the side into the aisleway whilst the casket falls off its mechanism as well…

RJ: They could have been crushed!

JT: Now that casket is open on its side….it’s not going to be as easy getting your opponent in there now…

RJ: Forget about that….Dragon’s head was crushed into the top of that coffin, he could be done….

Edward Plague is on all fours but he is shaking with laughter at what he has done. We then see blood running down the side of Blue Dragon’s head….

JT: That was a very, very bad landing….

Plague stands now and he uses his foot to shove the casket over so that it is flat on the floor now. He then makes his way over to BD and tries to drag him up…

RJ: If Plague puts Dragon in the coffin here, even on the floor, and he shuts the lid then it is over and he retains…

JT: I feel like Plague is going to leave here as 6CW Champion….

Plague puts Dragon on the edge of the coffin and tries to push him in but Dragon is trying to prevent it. Plague grabs the lid now and he slams it down on the back of BD’s head and neck repeatedly before succeeding in rolling him inside…

RJ: All he has to do is close it now…

Plague brings the lid down but Dragon kicks upward with full force and the impact forces the lid open but also staggers Plague back into the aisleway. Dragon drags himself out of the coffin, ignoring the blood running down the side of his face…..the lid falls shut as Plague rushes forward…


Plague is lifted and spun by BD before being driven down on top of the coffin. The champion rolls away, clutching his spine, as Dragon decided to show remarkable strength and lift the casket up….

RJ: He’s putting it in the ring…

The crowd are cheering as the coffin is pushed into the ring. Dragon then makes his way around the ring as Plague is stumbling toward the announce area…

JT: Please don’t come over here….


RJ: Plague suckered him in…

Plague has grabbed the ring bell and he swings it into Dragon’s face when he grabs him by the shoulder. Dragon staggers away as Plague grabs a steel chair now…..CRACK!

JT: This is getting extremely violent now….which should come as no surprise to anyone…

Plague smashes the chair off BD’s back and then he unleashes a sickening shot to the head as Dragon turns around. Plague throws the weapon into the ring before dragging his foe up and sends him in…

RJ: Edward Plague is showing what the 6CW Championship means to him and what he is willing to do in order to keep it…

JT: We know Plague is obsessed, that title is the crown jewel of his family…

Plague rolls in now and he grabs the chair again before smashing it across the back of Blue Dragon three times. The champion leaves BD slumped on the deck as he rips the coffin lid open once again…

RJ: Look at Plague’s face, that is an ugly grimace….Blue Dragon has been a thorn in his side for months, tonight he wants to dismiss him for good…

JT: He’s standing on the precipice of making that a reality….

Plague stands in the coffin now and he pulls Dragon up before swinging his arm over his head….


Plague is looking for the “Omega Driver” into the coffin but Dragon holds firm and then nails a judo hipthrow to launch Plague back out of the casket and across the canvass. They scramble back up and BD grabs Plague by the throat…


Plague smashes his arm down across BD’s elbow joint to break his grip and then he applies the mandible claw again before lifting Dragon off the canvass and slams him inside the casket….

RJ: This should be do it…

Plague is still trying to choke Dragon with one arm whilst using his other hand to bring the lid down but Dragon gets his own hands up to block…

JT: Dragon knows his dream is fading away here…..OH MY!

Dragon suddenly ploughs upward and smashes his head into Plague’s face, sending him falling away. Plague’s nose looks in a bad way, blood pouring down into his mouth…

RJ: That might have shattered Edward Plague’s nose….

JT: And that is going to have a huge effect….his breathing for a start…


Dragon grabs the chair off the mat and he jabs it into Plague’s midsection before lashing it across his spine. He then grabs Plague by the neck and nails a sit-down chokeslam (ala Damien Priest) across the weapon…

RJ: Plague rolled from the ring after that….I don’t know how much he knew of it but that is great ring awareness…

JT: He knows he was in big trouble….

Dragon smears his own blood across his face before he rolls out to take the fight to the champion. Dragon dislodges the steel steps and lifts them onto his shoulders…..BOOM!

RJ: Now the challenger is coming for the title….Edward Plague’s reign is in serious jeopardy….

Dragon begins throwing the covers off the announce tables now as the commentators scatter from their positions. He then grabs Plague by the head and drags him up….

JT: Looks like we are going to lose another table….LAST RIDE!

Dragon flips Plague up for the powerbomb but Plague sits on the shoulders of his foe and then he jams his thumb down into the open wound on the side of BD’s head..

RJ: Whatever it takes….CONFESSION!



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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 2:52 pm

Plague scrambles off the back of Dragon and then he kicks him in the stomach and flips him up before launching him into the “Border Toss” powerbomb that throws him through the air and crashing through the “Japanese” table….Plague staggers back and sits down from the impact….

RJ: Edward Plague just threw Blue Dragon like he was nothing…

JT: He destroyed him…

RJ: This is what winning a world title means….they are going all in here tonight…

Plague crawls on all fours, laughing as he does so, into the wreckage of the table and he stares at the bloody, battered form of Blue Dragon. Plague then grabs the challenger and starts to pull him back toward the ring….

JT: I feel Blue Dragon may be done here….Plague gets him in the ring and in the coffin, it’s over….

Plague summons all of his strength to get the deadweight of Dragon up and rests him against the ring apron before sitting him up on it. Plague rolls into the ring and then drags BD in with him….he pulls him over to the casket and he pushes him toward the edge….

RJ: Blue Dragon has to be in so much pain but he’s a throwback warrior….look at him…

Plague’s face is a picture of surprise as he tries to force Dragon down but the champion is pushing himself upward. Plague abandons his attempts and throws a right hand but BD blocks it and responds with a shot of his own….the crowd are cheering as he lands several more before he grabs Plague and throws him into the corner. Dragon circles and sprints in with a huge splash now before he grabs Plague’s wrist and he climbs up the ropes….


Dragon walks along the ropes but Plague suddenly yanks him back down and catches him…


Dragon smashes brutal elbows into Plague’s face to break his grip before he picks him up and charges him back into the corner, exploding with a dozen shoulder thrusts. He then lifts Plague up on the top rope…

JT: What is Dragon thinking here…..OH MY WORD!

Crowd: That was awe-some x10

Dragon scoops Plague off into position and runs forward with a “muscle buster” across the top of the coffin…Dragon is holding the back of his neck whilst Plague is folded up….

RJ: That was yet another sickening landing for these men….

JT: They are putting it all on the line here…

Plague is somehow up but he trips over himself and staggers into the corner. Dragon rises now and he roars forward with another splash but Plague avoids it and then he drags Dragon backward….


Dragon somehow rolls over Plague’s shoulder and lands out on his feet before he pushes him to the corner again and he drives into him with a huge back splash. Dragon explodes with multiple back elbow strikes, slumping Plague, and then he sits him on the ropes again…

JT: A second muscle buster???

*Crowd pop

RJ: I don’t think so…..the casket is in the ring, Blue….this is mental….


Crowd: Holy (beep) x20

Dragon climbs out on the ring apron now and he wraps his hand around Plague’s throat (King of the Ring 2000, Undertaker & Shane McMahon) before he twists Plague off the turnbuckle and jumps from the apron with a chokeslam through the “Social Media” table….

RJ: There are no words….what do you even say…

JT: This Texas crowd is saying it best….HOLY (BEEP)!

Blue Dragon staggers to the ringside barrier and there is a fantastic shot of him raising his head to the crowd with a smile on his face, blood staining one side of his face. Edward Plague is almost lost amidst the debris…

RJ: Does Plague come back here? He has no GazzyD to save him…

JT: I’m not sure anyone could come back from what we have just witnessed….Plague has been decimated….

*Crowd pop

Blue Dragon motions a belt around his waist and the audience seem to be delighted at that prospect. He drags Edward Plague up now and he throws him into the ring….

RJ: Blue Dragon has waited over a decade for this moment….


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 2:52 pm


Suddenly four of Plague’s hooded “followers” flood the ring and begin to attack Blue Dragon. The crowd are booing furiously…

JT: Plague has so many “brainwashed” soldiers willing to sacrifice themselves for him….

Dragon is trying to beat them away but they are swarming all over him in the corner. One of them grabs a steel chair and lands a shot to the back of Dragon…

*Ultra pop


“Edgecrusher” booms through the air as Logan Kincade suddenly comes marching to the ring with the barbed wire steel chair in hand. One of the followers catapults themselves over the ropes but Kincade swings the chair and batters them in the face with it….

JT: Logan came….in his brother’s hour of need….

Dragon uses the distraction of his brother to headbutt another “follower”. Logan rolls in the ring now and he smashes another in the head with the barbed wire chair as Dragon picks up another and bench presses him before running to the ropes and launching him into the aisleway with a sickening landing….there is one “follower” remaining as Dragon punches him through the ropes to the outside and follows, Kincade follows suit…

JT: You’ve already broken two of our tables….


Logan and Dragon grab the hooded man by the throat and they double chokeslam him through the “6CWF” desk….



Plague has rolled from the ring with the barbed wire chair and he swings it at the back of BD’s head but the challenger senses it and dodges as the chair smashes off Kincade’s head and leaves him in a heap….



Plague can barely believe what he has done before turning as Dragon punches the chair into his face. Dragon throws Plague back in the ring now and he kicks him in the gut as he comes forward…


JT: This is it…

The AT&T are on their feet as Dragon spins Plague around and splatters him with the gutwrench powerbomb. He then pulls the champion over and throws him into the casket…

RJ: New champion…


Dragon readies to shut the lid now when Plague spits the black liquid into his face, blinding him immediately. Dragon staggers away, clutching at his face, as Plague somehow hauls himself out of the coffin…

RJ: Plague bought himself a reprieve….

JT: He was done….OMEGA DRIVER!

RJ: It’s Blue Dragon that may be done now…

Plague is kneeling and laughing, despite the agony, and he raises his hands to the side after drilling Dragon with the tombstone like move….

JT: I thought we had a new champion….

RJ: But Edward Plague always has a scheme….

Plague: And the wolves at my door shall not enter the paradise I have created…they are not welcome….

JT: Edward Plague is about to prove many people wrong….

Plague stands now and he looks down at Blue Dragon before he walks over to the casket and pulls the lid open….

*Ultra pop


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 2:53 pm


Plague is stunned as the bloodstained face of GazzyD sits up from the casket and gets to his feet. Gazzy is clearly in a bad way from what he has been through but he glares into Plague’s eyes and then kicks him right between the legs…




Plague is doubled over as Blue Dragon gets up now and grabs his head….


Ding ding ding


Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner…………AND NEW 6CW WORLD CHAMPION…….Blllllllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeee Drrrrrrrrrrrraaaggggggooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

RJ: Dragon has done it….Blue Dragon is the 6CW World Champion…

JT: Thanks in large part to GazzyD…..what an ending….

“Bodies” is booming from the speakers as the replays show the end again. Dragon lifts Plague into the huge “Last ride” powerbomb and plants him down into the casket, the impact immediately slamming the lid shut. Dragon has staggered back into the ropes and the referee is presenting him with the world championship belt as GazzyD remains in the middle of the ring, staring at the coffin…

RJ: This is one of the craziest finishes we have ever seen….first Plague’s followers, then Logan Kincade….and finally, the biggest shocker of them all….I still don’t know how or when GazzyD got in that casket…

JT: We saw Gazzy leave in an ambulance over an hour ago, he was unconscious….

RJ: He’s still in a very bad way, he really should be in the hospital…

JT: But for whatever reason he has come back and he has contributed to the demise of Edward Plague….

RJ: For a year now GazzyD has been manipulated by the former 6CW Champion, but no more….GazzyD has freed himself…

JT: And look at this…

Dragon steps forward now as Gazzy’s attention is pulled away from the casket to the man in front of him. Gazzy looks at the title in BD’s hands and then stares up into his eyes…

RJ: These two men have been to war plenty of times in the last few months…

JT: But Dragon was one of those very vocal about Gazzy cutting ties with Plague….

RJ: And it’s because of Gazzy that he now finds himself world champion…

*Crowd pop

JT: That’s a little show of respect there…

Dragon throws the belt on his shoulder and then he gives a small nod of the head to Gazzy. Gazzy is barely with it but he returns the gesture as he stumbles back to the ropes (opening a gap up where we can see Logan Kincade standing on the outside staring at the scene in front of him)…..Gazzy falls through the ropes now and quickly heads backstage…

RJ: Someone get Gazzy to the hospital….

JT: Something tells me he will be looking for Christy and Willow first….

Dragon watches Gazzy disappear and then he turns to the crowd (still unaware that Logan is watching him). Dragon clambers onto the turnbuckle now and raises the title belt…

RJ: Eleven years he has waited but that wait is over….Blue Dragon can call himself world champion once again…

JT: And he joins the very exclusive club….he’s now held the 6CW & 6WF Championships….

RJ: What a moment….what a match and what a night….

JT: I still can’t believe we have “The Hour” to go….

RJ: Seven men will compete for the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship……OH MY GOD, LOGAN….WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?

There are screams from the crowd and Blue Dragon turns from the turnbuckle just as we see Logan Kincade locking a chain around the casket latch. Dragon is almost frozen in spot as Logan looks at him and douses the top of the coffin with petrol….

JT: No….cmon now, Logan…..

Dragon raises a hand in an attempt to reason with his brother but Logan doesn’t respond. Instead he stares back down at the casket and throws a match toward it….


The casket burns as Logan looks up now and locks eyes with his brother. Logan is busted from the barbed wire chairshot earlier and his crimson-coated face is illuminated as he stares up at Blue Dragon. Emergency staff are on the scene to douse the flames as Logan backs to the ropes now and drops over the top into the aisleway….Blue Dragon puts his newly won title back over his shoulders but he cannot stop looking at the charred coffin and then at his retreating sibling….

JT: I have no words…

RJ: Blue Dragon’s crowning moment….probably the biggest moment of his career…..has been shrouded in something very sinister here…..he is the new 6CW Champion but at what personal cost? Because it seems Logan has gone…

JT: And what about Plague? They need him out of the casket and in need of medical attention…

RJ: Folks there is little we can add to this right now….a fantastic championship bout, Blue Dragon is leaving as the new 6CW Champion….but what comes next? Your guess is as good as ours…


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 4:10 pm

*Rex Adamson walks back into the giant Genesis changing rooms with a towel on, having just had a cup therapy massage (the marks clear all over his back). Eddy Kent is sitting and waiting for him, the 6WF Championship sat on his lap. Kent seems surprised that Rex needed to "freshen up so soon" considering he had a chance to go out there and become 6CW Champion just moments ago. Rex laughs this off and says "And get caught up in that freak show? A champion needs to be smart...isn't that what you keeping telling me?" that draws an ugly smile from Kent.

Rex tells Kent he needs to relax because it's time for "The Hour" and that should where his head is at....not when Rex is going to cash in. Rex seems supremely confident as he pats Kent on the shoulder now and says "When the moment is right, I'll do what I have to".....Kent stands up now as Rex grabs his Genesis jacket and puts it on for him. Kent's swagger seems to be returning as Rex is running round after him. Kent heads for the door as Rex says "Aren't you forgetting something?". Kent turns now and Rex is holding the 6WF Championship (the Texas crowd erupt). Kent takes the belt and smiles at Rex, who winks back. Kent leaves now as Rex hums "The Final Countdown" and runs his hand along the FFTR briefcase.

*Scene change and Blue Dragon is walking backstage with the 6CW Championship over his shoulder. He rounds a corner and we see Chris Patricks finishing up a conversation with Damien Andrews before leaving. One of the backstage crew yells "And the new" as Dragon walks forward. Damien Andrews applauds his son and congratulates him. Dragon tells him to "save it", he has never needed Andrews for any of his success and he certainly won't be starting now.

Andrews retorts that he hopes Dragon thanked GazzyD because he didn't raise his sons to show "ingratitude when someone gives you a hand wrapped gift"....Dragon glares at his father and says "You didn't raise us at all"....before walking away.

*The final backstage segment sees Acer getting ready to leave the changing room when JJ/Saint enter with their brand new championship belts. "Bring it home, baby" Saint tells Acer as he slings his new belt on the sofa with disregard (Acer seems irked by it). JJ and Acer stare at one another before JJ pats his friend on the shoulder and says "This is your've got this". Acer's jaw seems locked but he inclines his head and leaves.

We watch him walking down the corridor toward gorilla as a door opens to his side and Daniel Reilly steps out with Oliver Keane. There is a long staredown and Acer scoffs that Reilly can't get it done alone. This prompts Reilly to tell Keane to stay backstage because he's leaving as world champion regardless...."something you have never know the feeling of and never will". We see Percy Percival leave his changing room now and he waves enthusiastically at Acer & Reilly (both ignore him) before he beckons for the camera to follow him toward the stage now. Percy's congregation join him halfway down the hall and they are singing behind him (think some proper cheesy music video).

Mike Masters is already in Gorilla and is waiting for his cue to go out there when Scott Harris walks into shot. Security are present to keep them apart as Harris is pacing back and forth, clearly hyped for what is about to come. Harris slowly raises his head and stares at Masters before putting in his gumshield.

We shoot back down the corridor finally as Liam Wood and Emmy walk out of the locker-room. Clarissa wants to grab a word with Liam but he stops her. Emmy tells Clarissa that Wood is in the zone now and he will do all of his talking in the ring. There is nothing to say to Eddy Kent or any of the other competitors.....they all know why they are here but only one can leave as champion and Liam Wood fully intends that to be himself. Emmy kisses Wood before he walks away, oozing intensity


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 5:57 pm

Main Event 2
6WF World Heavyweight Championship
The Hour
Eddy Kent © vs Acer vs Daniel Reilly vs Percy Percival vs Liam Wood vs Mike Masters vs Scott Harris

Ding ding

Michael Bird: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is THE HOUR!

*Crowd pop

Michael Bird: And it will be for the 6WF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

*Another pop

MB: In this match there will be a sixty minute time limit….at the end of every ten minute “phase” the superstar with the lowest score will be eliminated…..points are allocated as one for a pinfall and two for a submission….the superstar at the end of the sixty minutes with most points will leave a champion!

JT: Michael Bird doing the honours with the rules….first time ever….6CWF’s newest match concept…

RJ: And what a match is promises to be….seven of 6CWF’s premier athletes competing to leave tonight as 6WF World Heavyweight Champion….

“Like a prayer” suddenly plays out and the entirety of AT&T rise to sing along. There are strobelights and pyros as Percy’s congregation walk out from the back first and belt out their anthem…

MB: Introducing first, the challenger……firstly from Manilla, Philippines…..weighing in at 204 pounds…..Peeeeeerrrccccyyy Peeeerrrrccivvaaaalllll!

JT: First ever world title shot for Percy Percival and you know what? He deserves it…

RJ: He pinned the world champion….outside interference or not he has done something that practically nobody else has in a long time…

JT: Percy has always been viewed as somewhat of a “comedy” figure but he’s impressed me since his return at Night of Glory….he’s developed big time…

RJ: I agree… would, of course, be the biggest upset of all time if Percy leaves tonight as champion but I don’t think he is out of his depth…

Percy is the first competitor into the ring before “Champion” echoes out to a crescendo of boos. Pyros explode into the air and then a figure swaggers through the smoke…

MB: Hailing from the open road…..weighing in at 220 pounds…..Miiiiiikkkkeeee Maaassssstttteeeerrrrsssss!

JT: Former EWF World Champion….Mike Masters has always been known for his incredible endurance and athleticism….some may argue that this match is made for him…

RJ: He’s an outsider in the betting stakes but he has the pedigree so I wouldn’t dismiss him….he knows what it takes to be a world champ…

Masters sneers at the fans and shoos them away as they try to touch him. He leaps up on the apron and vaults over to ropes to join Percival before “Figure it out” blasts out to a standing ovation…

RJ: Masters’ face soured immediately there…

MB: From London, England……….weighing in at 280 pounds…..The Sharpshooter…….Scooooottttttt Harrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssss!

JT: Big support here in Texas for Scott Harris….

RJ: The greatest product of the 6CW development “Snake Pit” academy….Scott Harris has seemed destined for the big time for nearly a decade now without winning the big one…

JT: But he’s had a hell of a year….culminating with beating his long time rival, Mike Masters, at Night of Glory X….many believe Harris is now ready for the titles that have eluded him for so long?

RJ: But the world title? That’s a hell of a jump from never winning a singles belt to the big time…

JT: if anyone can then I think it’s Scott Harris….he has proven that he belongs at this level….just ask Mike Masters…

Masters is eyeing Harris and smirking as his rival opts to remain on the outside and pace. Many of the fans are reaching over and patting Harris on the back to show their support before white strobe lights cut through the night sky. “From sound to silence” booms out of the speakers as a solitary spotlight falls on the entranceway…

MB: Hailing from London, England……………weighing in at 225 pounds………The Architect of Chaos…..Aaaaaaaaccccccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr!

RJ: A 18 year affiliation with this company but Acer has never won a world title….the best to never?

JT: I’d say so….Acer prioritised 6WF’s growth and expansion at a time when he should, arguably, have been their biggest star….for the first time ever he is stepping away from business to finally realise the dream he first had when he got into this business…

RJ: And he has looked tremendous as of late….fantastic record coming in…..but the mindset? It could be argued that Acer is a little “too focused”…..

JT: I don’t know if such a thing exists but I understand what you mean….Acer is desperate to be a world champion, it is starting to consume him….we have even seen it drive a wedge between himself and his best friends, JJ & The Saint…..I think Acer has the talent to be a world champion but does he have the temperament?

RJ: If ever there was a match to find that out…it is this one, for sure…

Acer stands at the end of the aisleway and raises his arms as more pyros explode behind him. He and Scott Harris exchange a respectful nod before Acer decides to climb up in the ring. “Broken dreams” then echoes out and the mood shifts again…

MB: From Birmingham, England………….weighing in at 200 pounds…………The King of the Streets…..Daaaaaannnnniiiieeeeeelllll Reeeeiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

JT: The favourite?

RJ: I don’t know about that but that’s why this match is so hard to call because you could make a case for all of them…

JT: I think I’d make Reilly favourite, to be honest….he wants this so bad and we know he’ll do whatever he has to in order to win…

RJ: Reilly re-entered 6CWF last May and he began with an 0-7 record….he then realigned himself with his long-term manager, Oliver Keane and the success was practically overnight…..what followed was a record-setting reign as European Champion…..

JT: Reilly lost that belt at Night of Glory but that has not deterred him….he very much has his sights set on the main event now….

RJ: Thirteen years since the last time he held world gold…

JT: I am telling you now, as someone who was present in 6CW the last time he was a world champion….this version of Daniel Reilly is leagues ahead of that…..and that is scary….this is the best Daniel Reilly I have ever seen…

RJ: We also know that Reilly has had his issues of late with Acer, JJ Johnson and 6CWF management….he’s made no secret that his contract is up for renewal….

JT: He’ll have switched all that off now….his mind will be solely and totally focused on leaving here tonight as world champion…

RJ: Made the big call to tell Keane to stay behind backstage….will that factor?

Reilly slowly stalks his way down to the ring and then raises his arms out as pyros explode behind him. He smirks as he motions a belt around his waist and then trash talks some of the fans. Reilly clambers up in the ring now as “Revival Mode” screams out to a huge ovation…

MB: Hailing from Hereford, UK………weighing in at 235 pounds………….The Viiiipppppeeeerrrr…….Liiiiiaaaaaaammmmmmmmm Wooooooooooooooooooooooddddddddddddd!

RJ: Now this man is the betting favourite… years since Liam Wood last wore world title gold but he is as focused and determined as I have ever seen him…

JT: And he’s proven plenty of times in the last month that he knows how to get the better of Eddy Kent….

RJ: The odd boo here and there for Wood due to his actions but he won’t care….Liam Wood doesn’t play good guys and bad guys….what you see is what you get and this man is here tonight to win a fourth world championship….

JT: Most love him, you can hear it…..some don’t and as you say, RJ, he doesn’t really care….Wood is not here for universal popularity, he is here to call himself world champion….

Liam Wood stands and lets the jets of pyros explode over his head before he makes his walk to the ringside. Wood reaches out to slap a few hands but he is mostly all business as he leaps up on the apron and stares at the rest of the challengers. The lights inside AT&T shut off completely now as we get a dramatic and expensive pyrotechnic display. The message “DADDY’S HOME” is carried over the top of the stadium by a blimp before “Succession” hits the speaker system. It plays for nearly a minute before poison green pyros illuminate the night sky now and “Numb” rumbles out…

MB: And their opponent………….representing Genesis (Huge crowd pop)………..weighing in at 237 pounds…..he is the reigning and defending 6WF World Heavyweight Champion………..THE DADDY OF 6CWF…………..Eeeeedddddddddddddddyyyyyy Keeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnttttttttttt!

RJ: The leader of Genesis…..the longest reigning 6WF World Heavyweight Champion of all time…..Eddy Kent is success personified and it cannot be argued….hand-picked on debut by Alex Walker over a decade ago to join the biggest and best faction ever formed in pro wrestling….fast forward and Kent now leads that faction and has, arguably, made them even more successful than ever before…

JT: Like him, loathe him….he cannot be denied either way, he is inevitable….Eddy Kent is the world champion and he owns that mantle….so many have tried to dethrone him and they have all fallen by the wayside….the man who retired Max Adamson at Night of Glory…

RJ: But has Eddy Kent or any champion, for that matter, ever faced odds like these? Because as good as he is….nobody can prepare for a match that has never happened before…

JT: A great point……Kent is walking into the unknown here and we know he is supremely confident in his own abilities but still….he has six of the best in the world gunning for him….

RJ: And that’s without mentioning the suspicion and paranoia surrounding Rex Adamson and the Fight for the Right briefcase…

JT: Eddy Kent has been a marvellous champion, it can’t be questioned, but tonight he is looking maximum adversity in the face and I am not convinced that anyone can overcome these odds…

RJ: Kent needs to find a way….if he wants to keep this record setting reign going…

Eddy Kent is slow to get to the ring and clamber inside. He is then very reluctant to hand over the 6WF belt to the referee. Kent’s eyes are darting in every direction as he weighs up the challenge in front of him…

Ding ding

RJ: And here we go….sixty minutes on the clock….and in ten minutes one of these men will be eliminated…

JT: All eyes just turned to Eddy Kent…..remember two weeks ago he laid all of his challengers out….that’s the kind of thing you don’t forget….

Kent suddenly seems to realise he is in big trouble as he throws up his hands in a pleading fashion. He is turning all around in every direction but the challengers are staring back at him with dislike…

RJ: Eddy Kent’s championship reign was in serious jeopardy before this match even began but now I’m not sure it lasts another ten minutes….


Kent turns around again as Harris explodes from the corner and nails him with the flying knee strike to the face. Mike Masters leaps up on the top rope and he flips into a 450 splash….Kent is clutching his ribs now as Acer clambers onto another turnbuckle and flips off….


JT: Listen to the noise here in Texas…

Percy Percival is smiling at the section of the crowd singing “Like a prayer” as he waits for Kent to stumble up and then he superkicks him straight into an RKO from Daniel Reilly. The noise levels are deafening and the stadium is almost shaking as Liam Wood waits for Kent to get on a knee and then runs over…


JT: Eddy Kent just took six finishers inside the first minute of this match….

RJ: I really don’t know if he comes back from this…

Kent rolls from the ring and drops to the arena floor, completely out of it, as the crowd continue to go wild. All six challengers are staring around at one another now….

JT: Eight and a half minutes now until we lose one of the pack….time to start putting points on the board…


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 5:59 pm

Fists are flying now as Scott Harris spins Mike Masters around and unloads with huge right hands. Daniel Reilly brawls with Acer as Percy Percival springboards off the ropes and tries to catch Liam Wood unawares with a headscissors…

RJ: Wood saw Percy coming….LUNGBLOWER!

Wood spins Percival around and he drives him down across his knees with serious brutality. Wood quickly clambers up and he pushes Percy onto his front and applies a camel clutch….

JT: VIPER LOCK….Wood looking for the two points off a submission…

RJ: Would almost guarantee a spot in the next phase of this match….


Mike Masters suddenly leaps in behind Wood and drills him with the neckbreaker………………1…………….2…….Scott Harris drags Masters under the bottom rope to the outside and launches him upside down against the ringside barrier with an overhead belly to belly suplex….

RJ: Harris and Masters have been at loggerheads for over a decade…neither will want the other to leave here tonight as world champion…

Acer pushes Daniel Reilly against the ropes and he looks for a pop-up powerbomb but Reilly lands out on his feet and he kicks Acer in the gut before flipping him into the air for a fallout neckbreaker. Reilly rolls into stalk mode now…


Acer puts the brakes on and he shoves Reilly away as Liam Wood backdrops him over the ropes to the outside. Wood then charges forward as Acer is getting up…


Acer dodges the foot stomp and he nails a German suplex into a bridge……………..1………………….2……….shoulder up. Acer beckons Wood up and he runs off the ropes for a huge clothesline but Wood dodges it at the final second and he chokeslams Acer into a backbreaker……………..1………………..2…………..kickout!

RJ: This action is going to be 100mph in the early going…

JT: That was the purpose of the match design, management wanted pure excitement from start to finish…

RJ: As of yet there have been no falls and the clock is ticking…

JT: Eddy Kent is still unconscious on the outside, it really isn’t good for him…

Wood heads to the corner now and is thinking elbow drop as Mike Masters springs back in from the apron and nails a hurricanrana takedown. He taunts the crowd, who boo him, and then he ushers Wood up and grabs him…

RJ: Killswitch….

Wood is turned but then he pulls his hands free and nails a snap dragon suplex. Masters rolls over on his knees now…




Scott Harris: 1
Acer: 0
Daniel Reilly: 0
Eddy Kent: 0
Liam Wood: 0
Mike Masters: 0
Percy Percival: 0

Scott Harris nods his head as he kneels over Mike Masters before Daniel Reilly drags him up and launches him from the ring. Reilly quickly grabs Masters’ ankle and applies the anklelock submission….

JT: Straight into the legvine, Daniel Reilly not messing around here….

Masters is screaming in pain and trying to pull himself toward the ropes but he is nowhere near and has no choice but to tap his hand to the canvass…

RJ: The points are rolling now…

JT: Daniel Reilly straight into pole position with two points…

Daniel Reilly: 2
Scott Harris: 1
Acer: 0
Eddy Kent: 0
Liam Wood: 0
Mike Masters: 0
Percy Percival: 0

Masters clutches his leg as he rolls from the ring, looking to get rest up. Daniel Reilly gets back to his feet now with a smirk before Acer propels himself through the ropes from the apron and rolls forward into an exploding spear…



JT: I have to admit this is really starting to look bad for Eddy Kent….the world champion got battered in the early going and he still hasn’t returned…

Daniel Reilly: 2
Acer: 1
Scott Harris: 1
Eddy Kent: 0
Liam Wood: 0
Mike Masters: 0
Percy Percival: 0

Daniel Reilly rolls from the ring holding his ribs as Acer clambers back up. Percy Percival is waiting in the corner for Acer to turn around and he leaps toward him…

RJ: Super…

Acer catches Percy’s foot at the final second and he spins him around before nailing a huge back suplex driver, PP lands hard on the back of his neck. Liam Wood drives a kick into Acer’s stomach as he gets up and hooks his arms…

JT: Wood has been favourite for many coming in….but he’s yet to score….


Acer struggles and then he swipes Wood’s legs and tries to apply a sharpshooter. Wood thrashes from side to side and kicks Acer back into the corner. Wood gets back up and sprints forward for a yakuza kick but Acer moves as Wood gets caught across the ropes, his leg trapped over the top….Acer circles back around and then sprints in with a snap German off the ropes…

RJ: Acer looks like a man on a mission here tonight…

JT: He wants the world title….for all he has done and achieved in his career, the title still eludes him…

Scott Harris is back in the ring and he clatters into the back of Acer and then drags him into position for a German suplex but Acer swivels his body around into a German position of his own. He runs Harris toward the corner….


Acer nails a the rolling German suplex, drawing big cheers from the audience, and then he stands back up and looks around the AT&T…

JT: We are halfway through the first ten minutes and we could have a huge story on our hands…

RJ: Absolutely nobody would have had Eddy Kent being eliminated at the first hurdle but that is always a possibility with this contest….

Daniel Reilly smashes into Acer from the side and he lights up his chest with hard chops before attempting an Irish whip. Acer reverses and he sends Reilly across the ring before lowering his head for a backdrop….

JT: Took that kick flush….

Reilly stops short and he boots Acer in the face, staggering him back, before clotheslining him over the ropes to the outside. Reilly points to the leaderboard up on one of the big screens, showing him in front, and he motions a belt around his waist….

RJ: A long way to go yet, Daniel….




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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 6:02 pm

*Crowd pop

RJ: Percy’s off the mark…

The crowd are bouncing as Percy Percival springboards back in with the flipping hurricanrana on Reilly to steal a pin out of nowhere…

Daniel Reilly: 2
Acer: 1
Percy Percival: 1
Scott Harris: 1
Eddy Kent: 0
Liam Wood: 0
Mike Masters: 0

JT: We are fast approaching the final four minutes of the first phase…

RJ: What happens if none of those bottom three get a point?

JT: I’m told it’ll go on a countback…

RJ: As in?

JT: Whoever has been pinned/submitted the most times will be eliminated!

RJ: Mike Masters looking precarious now then….he’s dropped two falls…

Percy has rolled from the ring and is tagging hands with his delighted fans at ringside whilst Daniel Reilly is on his knees, looking angered. Liam Wood has clambered up on the turnbuckle now and he waits for Reilly to get to his feet before he leaps off and lands a flying lariat….Wood pulls Reilly into position for a swinging STO…

JT: Sister Abigail!

Reilly elbows his way free of Wood’s grip and then he leaps back in…


Wood counters into a backslide………………….1………………….2………..kickout. Both men scramble back up now and Wood sidesteps Reilly and sends him into the corner before he follows in with a crunching yakuza kick to the jaw. Wood lifts Reilly up on the top rope now and clambers up with him….


Wood channels his inner Seth Rollins as he nails the top rope suplex into the huge front suplex slam……………1……………………….2………………Reilly kicks out!

RJ: It’s get nervy in there now…..Liam Wood is supremely confident in his chances of leaving here tonight as 6WF Champion but he could be minutes away from elimination….

Wood looks annoyed and then Scott Harris returns to the fray and they go nose to nose, dividing the crowd. The two fan favourites trade shots before Harris kicks Wood in the gut and grabs his arm…


Wood leaps over the back of the attempted “Olympic” slam and then he drives a knee into Harris’ stomach…



Harris swipes Wood’s legs and looks for the submission but Wood drags him down into a small package…………………….1………………………….2…………..shoulder up. Wood scrambles back up to his feet and looks for a discus lariat but Harris ducks underneath it….




The crowd are cheering as Wood catches Harris’ legs and drops him to the mat before bridging over him for the surprise three count…

Daniel Reilly: 2
Acer: 1
Liam Wood: 1
Percy Percival: 1
Scott Harris: 1
Eddy Kent: 0
Mike Masters: 0

JT: 2 minutes remaining….this is touch and go…

RJ: Liam Wood will be internally breathing a sigh of relief…

Wood gets up and he nods at Harris, who is on his knees, before he runs off the ropes…

JT: Wood not content…PSYCHO CRUSHER!

Harris avoids the foot stomp at the very last second before he grabs Wood by the waist and he lifts him into a German suplex position before dumping him over the ropes to the outside. Percy is perched on the turnbuckle and jumps toward Harris as he turns…


Harris catches Percival and throws him across the ring with the suplex. Acer spins Harris around for a downward spiral but Harris elbows his way free and then launches his opponent with an overhead throw. Daniel Reilly rolls in and he sees Harris on one knee before running forward for a punt kick….

RJ: Scott Harris just pulled his head off the block there at the last second….SHOT IN THE DARK!

JT: The Sharpshooter showing his credentials tonight….

Harris nails a modified “Olympic slam” as he lifts Reilly up and sends him over the ropes to the outside of the ring…

RJ: Scott Harris has plenty of fans here in Texas, he’d be a very popular world champion…

JT: He’s gone sixty minutes three times in the last year, he is well within his comfort zone….


Harris turns around from the ropes as Mike Masters leaps toward him with a superkick but Harris ducks underneath it….


Masters leaps over the shoulder of Harris and then he drops to his knees and nails a low blow…

*Crowd boo

RJ: That no good…

JT: It’s survival now….less than a minute to go….


JT: I don’t believe what we are watching here….

Masters quickly scrambles up and he grabs Scott Harris before drilling him into the canvass with his finisher…

RJ: Mike Masters is putting points on the board….we are crowning a new world champion tonight….


The audience are stunned as Eddy Kent returns to the fray with twenty five seconds left and he nails the brogue kick to Mike Masters’ jaw, sending him through the ropes to the outside before the world champion drops on top of Scott Harris…


RJ: Eddy Kent has just kept his world title reign alive, just….and I mean just….

*Claxon sounds

JT: That signals the end of the first ten minute period…


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 6:04 pm

Daniel Reilly: 2
Acer: 1
Eddy Kent: 1
Liam Wood: 1
Percy Percival: 1
Scott Harris: 1
Mike Masters: 0

RJ: And there is your confirmation…..Mike Masters is out of there….he was on the brink of pinning Scott Harris but Eddy Kent snuck in and pipped him to the post…

JT: There’s no rest period here though….we are straight into the second ten minutes now….and we have one less competitor which increases the pressure…

RJ: I am absolutely loving this concept…

Eddy Kent is sitting with a big grin on his face before Liam Wood rolls back into the ring and the audience go wild…

JT: This is a showdown we have all been waiting for…

Wood’s eyes are narrowed with dislike as Kent turns over to face him now. The world champion gets to his feet now, chest heaving in and out, and they both step forward..

RJ: Eddy Kent has been humiliated by Liam Wood in recent weeks and he wants payback for that…

JT: The biggest payback would be keeping his world title….that’s the best way to put Wood in his place….

Kent slams a punch into Wood’s face and then the challenger responds with one of his own. They are trading off with one another, the crowd cheering every shot, before Kent rakes at the eyes of his opponent and drags him into an inverted headlock backbreaker….he looks to transition straight into a swinging neckbreaker but Wood spins right out and he kicks Kent in the gut….


Kent steps to the side and he scoops Wood on his shoulders for a rolling fireman’s carry but Wood elbows his way free and he superkicks Kent’s knees from under him, dropping him on all fours, and then he runs off the ropes…


Daniel Reilly grabs the top rope and pulls it down to send Wood flying over the top to the outside. He then slithers back in as Kent rises…

JT: Reilly looking to cement his position on the leaderboard…..RKO!

Reilly leaps into the cutter but Kent shoves him away…


Cheers ring out as Percy Percival lands the kick flush on Reilly’s jaw. Percy stands and stares at Eddy Kent now…

JT: Percy Percival, remember, pinned the world champion last month….

RJ: An astonishing achievement, even if he did have some help…

JT: That’s what booked Percy’s spot in this match…..

RJ: The champion hasn’t forgotten….

Kent looks furious as he comes forward and he shoves PP in the chest. Percival smiles and then looks for a right hand but Kent ducks it and looks for a back suplex…

JT: Landed on his feet….

Percy backflips out on his feet and then he hiptosses Kent to the canvass he turns around. Percy looks delighted with himself as he bounces off the ropes and returns with a low dropkick to Kent’s face…

RJ: We have said it before but Percy really has improved tenfold..

Percy lands a standing moonsault and then he points to the corner as the audience will him on. He rushes over and climbs up to the second before leaping up high…


It’s nothing but canvass for Percival as Kent rolls away before impact. Percy is clutching his body, wincing in pain, as Kent nails a facebuster across his knee (ala Tripler H)…..Percy sags back into the ropes and comes forward again…



RJ: The champion is finding his feet now….

Daniel Reilly: 2
Eddy Kent: 2
Acer: 1
Liam Wood: 1
Percy Percival: 1
Scott Harris: 1

Kent is mockingly dusting off his hands when he is spun around and nailed with chops and forearms by Acer. Acer grabs Kent’s arm and he whips him across the ring before lifting him into an inverted atomic drop on the comeback….Acer whips the champion to the corner now and he runs in for a splash but eats a big boot to the mouth…..Kent lifts himself onto the second rope now and he launches himself off into an axe handle…

JT: Acer was ready for him….

Acer drives his boot up into Kent’s stomach as he comes back down and then he lifts him off the floor into a sickening impailer DDT………………..1…………………..2……………..shoulder up!

RJ: You can see the race is on again now….that’s what keeps this match fresh and implores the competitors to push themselves….you can’t rest because you need the points…

Acer backs into the corner now and he drops to a knee as he waits for Eddy Kent to get up….Kent slowly obliges and he turns into the path of his foe….


Kent sidesteps at the last second and sends Acer crashing into the opposite turnbuckle before he rolls him up………………….1……………….2……………..kickout. Acer gets up and he runs forward but Kent launches him over the top rope with a huge backdrop….

RJ: Eddy Kent is showing here, whether you like him or not, just exactly why he has been world champion for over 300 days…

JT: A monumental achievement that has been reached by very few…

RJ: Never by anyone as 6WF Champion….he is the longest reigning ever…

JT: By a considerable distance….

RJ: Look at this showdown!

The AT&T is alive as Scott Harris gets back in the ring now and stands across from Eddy Kent. The two rivals are glaring at each other…

JT: The 6CWF feud of 2023-2024…..Eddy Kent & Scott Harris have had so many battles….

RJ: Tonight they write a new chapter…


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 6:05 pm

Both men march forward and begin to tee off with punches. Harris rocks Kent onto his heels and follows up with a crunching forearm to the chin. Kent is hurt but then he jabs out at the eyes of his rival….Harris staggers away as Kent makes his move….


Harris dodges the blow and he immediately lifts Kent on his shoulders and spins him off into a modified backbreaker. He quickly drags the champion up again and suplexes him into a release backbreaker (ala Roderick Strong) before he grabs Kent’s legs…

JT: Harris softening up the champ….we know what comes next….


The crowd are on their feet as Harris turns Eddy Kent over on his front and applies the submission. Kent is screaming in agony and desperately trying to get to the ropes…

JT: I think Kent would be wise to just tap here….why prolong the pain? There’s over forty five minutes left in the match…

RJ: He doesn’t want to give Harris the satisfaction….

JT: The longer he stays in this hold, will reduce his chances of leaving tonight with his belt…

Harris drags Kent back toward the centre and he sits right back into the submission, his face etched in determination. Eddy Kent is clearly in agony but he continues to refuse to quit…

RJ: Harris wants those two points that will surely guarantee him a place in the next phase….




An irate Mike Masters has returned to the ring and he smashes a steel chair over Scott Harris’ head, leaving him a bloody mess on the canvass. The referee moves over now push Masters away as security arrive to ensure he leaves ringside…

JT: This is disgraceful….Mike Masters is no longer in this match…

RJ: But seeing Scott Harris with the opportunity to leave as champion was not happening on his watch….

JT: Masters should be fined and potentially suspended…

RJ: Harris is a bloody mess and all of a sudden you have to wonder if his chances to win have disappeared entirely…

JT: I’d think so….

Eddy Kent has rolled from the ring, holding his back, as Scott Harris remains flat on his back in the middle of the canvass. The crowd are booing as Mike Masters is escorted backstage and then we see Daniel Reilly perching on the top rope…

RJ: If ever there was a goddamn opportunist….

JT: Reilly pretty much guaranteed he was leaving as champion….FROGSPLASH!

Reilly leaps from the top and thunders down on Harris with the splash…

Daniel Reilly: 3
Eddy Kent: 2
Acer: 1
Liam Wood: 1
Percy Percival: 1
Scott Harris: 1

RJ: Reilly isn’t content though…..he’s an assassin and he knows Harris is extremely vulnerable….ANKLELOCK!

Reilly applies the submission almost immediately after the pinfall, causing Harris to shout in agony. Harris’ face is a bloody mess as he tries to drag himself across the canvass and he grabs out at the ropes….

JT: This really is looking precarious for Harris….I think he may have to tap here….


Percy leaps out from the corner for a superkick but Reilly releases the submission on Harris and catches PP’s foot. He nails a dragon screw and immediately applies the anklelock on Percival…

JT: Percy tried to steal in there but Reilly is switched on…he’s in the zone….

RJ: Daniel Reilly has been knocking at the door for a little while now but I think tonight he is ready to take the door of its hinges…

Percy is yelling and shrieking in pain as Reilly twists and bends his ankle at a horrific angle….. Percy again tries to throw his whole body forward for the ropes but Reilly pulls him back….

JT: All of a sudden…

RJ: Look we have forty five minutes to go but look at the leaderboard…

Daniel Reilly: 5
Eddy Kent: 2
Acer: 1
Liam Wood: 1
Percy Percival: 1
Scott Harris: 1

JT: Daniel Reilly just submitted Percy Percival and he finds himself three points clear….

RJ: I’m not sure if anyone was predicting this but there is it, right in front of us….


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 6:07 pm


Reilly is smirking as he looks up at the leaderboard and continues to twist and rip at Percy’s ankle, refusing to release. Liam Wood suddenly spins him around and kicks him in the gut before drilling him into the canvass….


RJ: Chalk it up for Liam Wood….taking advantage of Daniel Reilly getting a little overconfident…

Daniel Reilly: 5
Eddy Kent: 2
Liam Wood: 2
Acer: 1
Percy Percival: 1
Scott Harris: 1

Liam Wood kneels for a moment and then he heads for the corner and starts to climb. Daniel Reilly is still prone on the canvas as Wood sets his feet and leaps into a crunching elbow drop to the heart…

RJ: Liam Wood looking to stack his score now…

JT: That’s the aim of the match….if you can build a big score, it takes away some of the desperation….

The audience are applauding as Wood gets to his feet and he drags Reilly into position before he flips him up and nails a lungblower. Reilly has rolled over on all fours…

RJ: We saw this from Wood earlier….VIPER LOCK!

Reilly battles against Wood’s grip and manages to get up to his feet before he flicks his heel back and catches Wood between the legs. Wood is doubled up in pain as Reilly swings him out on the apron and nails a hangman’s DDT off the middle rope…



Reilly gets up as Acer catapults back in and looks for the lariat (ala Hangman Page) but Reilly ducks it and leaps into the RKO….


Acer blocks the RKO and leaps up to wrap his legs around Reilly’s arms and pulls him down……………….1………………….2……………kickout. They scramble back up again and Acer sidesteps and throws Reilly against the corner before circling the ring and nails a splash. He drags Reilly toward the centre…


Reilly kicks his feet and lands off the back of Acer before nailing a twisting inverted headlock backbreaker (ala Randy Orton). Reilly spits down at Acer and heads for the corner…

JT: There has been plenty of needle between these two men in recent weeks….

RJ: Developing into a fantastic rivalry….FROGSPLASH!

JT: All knees….

Reilly flies from the top rope but Acer smashes his knees up into the gut and sends Reilly rolling from the ring. Eddy Kent has rolled back in and he ushers Acer to his feet….


Acer catches Kent’s boot and wags his finger at him before spins the world champion around and drags him in place for a reverse STO (End of Days)….

……Kent just forces his shoulder up…

JT: We are down to the final three minutes of this phase…

RJ: Acer, Scott Harris and Percy Percival are the ones trailing here…

JT: Poor Scott Harris is still outside the ring, bleeding profusely and trying to recover from that vile chairshot….

Acer looks as determined as ever as he pulls Eddy Kent up and nails him with a suplex before swivelling his hips and dragging him up again….

RJ: Acer looking for the three amigos here…

JT: And he got all three of them….he is laying the groundwork here…

RJ: And he’s heading up high…..Arlington, Texas on their feet….


Acer launches himself through the air but the world champion rolls out of the ring at the final second as he crashes into the canvass. Acer is clutching at his knee as he stumbles up and Scott Harris smashes in behind him with a chopblock….


JT: And he’s spotted a huge opportunity….SHARPSHOOTER!

The crowd are going wild as Harris, his face covered in blood, grabs Acer’s legs now and he turns him over and sits back into the submission…

JT: Acer landed badly on that knee…

RJ: Will he be smarter than Eddy Kent earlier?

JT: Acer still needs a fall himself….I think that was wise…

Acer is in pain and he looks up to see how far he is from the ropes before choosing to tap his hand against the canvass…

RJ: He just about keeps his chances alive here with two minutes or so left…had he chose to fight the submission then he’d probably guarantee elimination…

Daniel Reilly: 5
Scott Harris: 3
Eddy Kent: 2
Liam Wood: 2
Acer: 1
Percy Percival: 1

JT: You look at that leaderboard and it is too early to make a prediction on a winner, in my opinion….

RJ: But we have less than two minutes left in this “phase”. Acer & Percy Percival’s world championship aspirations are hanging in the balance…

JT: And look at Percy…

Scott Harris quickly releases the submission on Acer, happy to have secured the two points, as Percy Percival springboards into the ring and twists Harris into a huge tornado DDT, sending him rolling from the ring. Percy gets to a knee now and he watches Acer trying to get back up to his feet…

RJ: These are the two men who are so desperate to get the fall that puts them forward for another ten minutes…

JT: Everyone else is through….there’s not enough time to change that….


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 6:08 pm

Percy is stalking, almost trembling with anticipation, and he yells for Acer to stand and then he leaps toward him…


Acer ducks the kick at the very last second and then he pops Percy up…


Percy counters the powerbomb attempt into a hurricanrana pin……………1………………..2………kickout. They scramble up and Percy dodges a clothesline and handsprings off the ropes into a back elbow takedown. Acer stumbles up again as Percival runs up the turnbuckle and twists back into a whisper in the wind takedown…

RJ: What a performance this is by Percy Percival….SPRINGBOARD SUNSET FLIP!


Percy beckons Acer up and he springs off the ropes into a sunset flip pin attempt but Acer rolls through onto his feet and he grabs Percy’s legs before showing great strength to lift him into the air and catches him on his shoulders, drilling him with the “Barry White Driver” (Powerbomb into a piledriver)…


RJ: There is just less than a minute left and I think Percy Percival’s fans are leaving disappointed…

JT: I don’t think those guys are every disappointed…

Percy has rolled from the ring and the audience are applauding Acer’s pinfall, happy that he is through to the next “phase” of the bout. The cheers now turn, however, to “Percy” chants all around the AT&T and are followed up by a rousing rendition of “Like a prayer”….

RJ: This is surreal…


JT: It shows how popular Percy Percival has become….and for twenty minutes he put on a show, he can be damn proud of what he did in there tonight…

Daniel Reilly: 5
Scott Harris: 3
Acer: 2
Eddy Kent: 2
Liam Wood: 2

RJ: But take a look at that leaderboard….that is five world class athletes and I really do believe any of them could leave here tonight as world champion…

JT: I think that’s what has made this match so exciting because they all really are in with a chance….you could easily make a case, as you say, for all five of the remaining stars…

RJ: Daniel Reilly is currently out in front, he has to like his chances….but this can all change in moments…

JT: The playing field is thinning but as we get closer, the desire to win will grow…

RJ: And also the gas tanks are going to dwindle….we have seen one hell of a pace but surely it cannot be sustained for a whole hour…

JT: These men are going to have to dig deeper than ever before, that is for sure…in a conventional “Iron Man” match there is time for rest holds etc because it is a one on one affair….but here you are competing to stay in it and you need points to do that….it is so close that you cannot afford to rest…

RJ: And that is draining the energy reserves….look at Scott Harris, as well, because he has lost a lot of blood and that won’t help…

JT: This is balanced on a knife edge and I absolutely love everything about it….

RJ: Credit to 6CWF management for this concept….I believe it will become a staple of this company going forward…

JT: I’m in full agreement….the excitement levels are off the scale…

We get shots of all five remaining competitors as they gear themselves up for the next round. The crowd are now surfing Percy Percival whilst continuing to sing “Like a prayer” all around AT&T…

RJ: We are approaching business levels….


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 6:09 pm

JT: This has been big business from the get go…

Acer is on his feet as Daniel Reilly slithers in behind him and he quickly spins him around…

RJ: Reilly looking to extend his lead….RKO!

Acer puts the stopper on and shoves Reilly into the turnbuckle. He grips him by the waist when he comes out and he launches him overhead with a German suplex…

JT: Daniel Reilly is sitting in pretty good position right now….it would take one hell of a swing over the next ten minutes for him to lose his place in this match….

RJ: But it is not beyond possibility….

Acer gets back up as Liam Wood crashes into his back with a knee strike that sends him through the ropes to the outside. Wood then drags Reilly up and looks to lift him into a vertical suplex…

JT: Reilly floated over….ANKELOCK!

Reilly floats over Wood’s shoulder and then he stomps on his knee, bringing him down, and snatches at his leg to apply the submission….Liam Wood quickly rolls forward and he drags Reilly down with him into a pinning combo…………………….1………………….2……………….3!

RJ: Did he get him?

JT: Reilly is shrieking at the official but he’s calling it….very quick pinfall there for Liam Wood….

RJ: Exactly what you want at this juncture…

Daniel Reilly: 5
Liam Wood: 3
Scott Harris: 3
Acer: 2
Eddy Kent: 2

JT: Reilly needs to rein in his temper here….you lost a fall, Daniel but you’re still in front…

Reilly is up in the referee’s face and he is yelling at him about how he got his shoulder up. The official is sticking to his original call and Reilly cannot believe it…

Reilly: Management trying to stitch me up…..pathetic…


The crowd are bouncing as Reilly sneers at the official and then almost has his head taken off by a flying knee from Scott Harris…


JT: All of a sudden this match is shifting quick…

RJ: Daniel Reilly was too busy shouting his mouth off at the referee to concentrate on what was going on around him…

Daniel Reilly: 5
Scott Harris: 4
Liam Wood: 3
Acer: 2
Eddy Kent: 2

JT: Thank goodness for that ever changing leaderboard because otherwise I wouldn’t have a clue what was happening here….

RJ: What we do know is that Daniel Reilly has suddenly made himself very vulnerable and everyone is looking at him as a target…

Harris is contemplating getting Reilly in the sharpshooter now but Eddy Kent clatters him and whips him into the corner. Kent follows in but Harris drives both feet up and kicks the champion backward….


Eddy Kent dodges the flying knee at the final minute as Harris collides with Liam Wood….Kent launches Harris over the top rope to the outside and he covers Wood….

RJ: Kent will enjoy this…


JT: I think that is the first fall that Wood has lost in this contest….

RJ: Kent will be very happy about that…

Daniel Reilly: 5
Scott Harris: 4
Eddy Kent: 3
Liam Wood: 3
Acer: 2

JT: Acer is currently trailing here but it isn’t panic stations as of yet because there is plenty of time left in this one…

RJ: This has been the most action packed “phase” of the contest thus far….the falls are flying around….


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 6:11 pm

JT: Everyone starting to take risks, they know they are getting closer to the title….

Eddy Kent is trash talking Liam Wood now and slapping him around the head whilst telling him he will never take the world title. Kent is regaining his swagger now as he drags Wood up and then applies the “Kentlock” as he jumps into him and wraps his legs around Wood’s waist to lock him in position on the canvass…

RJ: This is in tight….Eddy Kent has Liam Wood locked…

JT: He’s chasing the two pointer that will put him back on top….

RJ: Champion’s advantage….if this match finishes a draw at the end of sixty minutes and Eddy Kent is still involved then he will leave with the title….

Kent is lent right back into the choke as the referee kneels down to see if he can get any kind of response from Liam Wood. Wood is trying to shift his body and get into a crouched position as he can somehow push himself up on his feet….

JT: We know Liam Wood is strong….he has a hell of a deadlift ability….but this submission is locked tight and I don’t think he has long until he passes out….

RJ: I cannot see him tapping out, though, not to Eddy Kent….

JT: I think that is foolish….this is bigger than ego…


The audience are going ballistic as Acer has hauled himself up onto the apron and he springboards in with a terrific shooting star press that lands him on top of Kent and Wood to break the submission up…

JT: Even if Wood hadn’t tapped I think he was about to pass out and that would have been two points for Kent….Acer also thinking defensive now and that is going to start to play a part in this….

Acer runs the ropes and returns with a brutal knee to Kent, forcing the champ through the ropes to the outside. Acer recognises that Liam Wood is very groggy as he circles him and then pulls him into position…


Wood elbows his way out of Acer’s grip and then kicks him in the stomach and whips him off the ropes….


Wood pops Acer up and swings the knee but Acer catches it on the way down and spins Wood around….


……..Daniel Reilly drags Acer off the cover and applies the anklelock in the middle of the ring. Acer quickly turns and he kicks out with his free foot until Reilly staggers back into the corner. Acer gets up as Reilly runs out toward him but he tilt-a-whirls up onto his shoulders…



RJ: Daniel Reilly has dropped three falls in less than five minutes…..he is shook here….

JT: He’s still leading the charge but how much has been taken out of him?

Daniel Reilly: 5
Scott Harris: 4
Acer: 3
Eddy Kent: 3
Liam Wood: 3

RJ: Just how goddamn close is this….

JT: This is unbelievable…

RJ: I wondered how long it would take…

There are major boos around Texas as we see Oliver Keane appear from backstage and begins to make his way toward the ring. In the ring and Scott Harris, the blood now dry on his face, is going one on one with Acer…

JT: Two men with plenty of fans inside the stadium here tonight…

RJ: And both chasing their first ever world championship…

Harris smashes his head into Acer’s face and staggers him backward into the ropes. He grabs his arm and looks for an Irish whip now before lowering his head for a backdrop…..Acer vaults over Harris on the comeback and he sprints off the opposite ropes…

JT: Tremendous spinning powerslam there from Scott Harris…

Harris ploughs Acer into the canvass and then he heads to the corner and starts to climbs up. He reaches the top as Eddy Kent grabs his legs and pulls him into a crotched position on the ropes….the world champion climbs up now and he rocks Harris with right hands before he steps over and lifts Harris onto his shoulders…

RJ: The world champion looking to extend his title reign…..OH MY GOD!


Kent is preparing for the rolling fireman’s carry off the top rope as Acer runs up the turnbuckle and delivers an overhead belly to belly which launches both Kent and Harris over his head and crashing to the floor. Acer quickly gets back up and he lets Harris up before clotheslining him over the ropes to the outside….Acer ushers Eddy Kent up now and runs the ropes as Kent turns around….


The crowd cheer as Acer slams through Kent with the spear and he hooks the leg……………….1………………..2……….Kent just forces his shoulder up off the mat…

JT: Look at Oliver Keane, he’s got Daniel Reilly sat on the ring apron and he’s talking to him…

RJ: Like him or not there is absolutely no doubt that he knows how to get the best out of Reilly…

Acer is heading for the corner now and he starts to climb, his sights firmly set on Eddy Kent, but Liam Wood runs along the apron and shoves Acer off the turnbuckle and crashing to the arena floor. Wood springboards into the ring now and nails a flying clothesline (ala CM Punk) on Eddy Kent before he ushers him back up and lifts him onto his shoulders….


Wood looks for the “GTS” version of his knee strike but Kent throws his hands up to block the impact and spins Wood around before kicking him in the gut and drills him with a spiked DDT. Kent makes his way over to the turnbuckle now and he clambers up top…


Eddy Kent lands the senton bomb from on high before he scrambles back to his feet…

JT: Codebreaker!

Eddy Kent is drilled by the codebreaker from Scott Harris………….1………………..2……..Acer drags Scott Harris under the ropes and nails a downward spiral into the ringside barrier…

RJ: Look at that look on the face of Acer….this is a man possessed….

JT: We’ve seen this developing in recent weeks….he is desperate to call himself world champion….

Acer rolls back in the ring now and he looks down at Eddy Kent, who is sprawled on the deck, and then he heads for the corner and he climbs up high….


JT: He got all of it…



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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 6:12 pm


The referee’s hand is coming down for three when Oliver Keane leaps onto the apron to provide a distraction. The referee is immediately over to get him down…

JT: What is the plot here? Reilly’s out in front….why are they stopping Acer from getting a fall?

RJ: I have absolutely no idea what the thinking behind it is but Oliver Keane could be in big trouble here….

It is dawning on Acer what has happened as he gets up and seizes Oliver Keane by the throat. The audience are cheering Acer on as he glares into Oliver Keane’s eyes and then launches him over the top and into the ring…

JT: Oliver Keane has been a thorn in the side of anyone and everyone who has faced Daniel Reilly in the last year…

RJ: And beyond….but he could be about to pay his most dearest price ever….

Keane slinks backwards to the corner with his hands up, begging for mercy. Acer doesn’t look in the mood to be merciful as steps forward…

JT: Keane’s fear disappeared quick….the hell is he smirking at?!?


Keane’s face turns to a smug grin and Acer seems confused until he hears a yell behind him and turns just as Daniel Reilly smashes him in the face with the 6WF Championship belt and sends him through the ropes to the outside…

JT: It was a goddamn setup….

RJ: Daniel Reilly and Acer have been at loggerheads for the past month and that is a big reason behind what you are seeing right now…

JT: I think it’s more than that…..these are smart tactics on display from Reilly whether you like them or not…

RJ: What do you mean?

JT: Acer is part of the trailing back and someone has to be eliminated at the end of this “phase”….

RJ: You think Reilly is cutting people off?

JT: Exactly…

Acer has a split down the bridge of his nose as Reilly ducks in behind and lifts him into a back suplex before dropping him on top of the “Spanish” announce desk (ala Randy Orton) …..

RJ: Daniel Reilly was suffering badly at the start of this “phase” and he dropped three falls….but it seems Oliver Keane has refocused his mind…

JT: That is not something the rest of the playing field will be happy about…

Eddy Kent is dazed in the middle of the ring and trying to get back to his feet as Scott Harris grips him around the waist and delivers a German suplex……and then a second…..and a third…

RJ: Scott Harris believes….and I think this crowd is starting to believe….

Kent is flat on his back in the middle of the ring as Harris makes his way over to the corner now and he clambers up high….



Harris lands the splash on Kent…………..1………………..2…………Liam Wood comes off the opposite turnbuckle and smashes his elbow down into Harris’ spine, sending him rolling under the bottom rope. Wood gets back on his feet now and charges off the ropes…


RJ: He splattered the champion….


Daniel Reilly: 5
Liam Wood: 4
Scott Harris: 4
Acer: 3
Eddy Kent: 3

JT: Liam Wood putting himself in a great position for the next “phase” of this contest….

RJ: He could also have condemned Eddy Kent to elimination….

JT: I’m not sure about that….

RJ: Why?


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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 6:13 pm


The cameras spin to the outside of the ring as Daniel Reilly has dragged Acer up on the top of the “Spanish” desk and then he leaps up and RKOs him…..

Crowd: Holy (beep) x10

RJ: The table didn’t break but Acer’s face just might have….

JT: This is a pre-meditated assault by Daniel Reilly…..with a minute and a half on the clock…

Reilly is sat on the corner of the desk as Acer remains face-down on top of it. Oliver Keane struts over and is applauding…

Keane: Make them remember just who the hell you are….look at that leaderboard, Daniel….half an hour away from “THE NEW”….

RJ: I can’t stand Oliver Keane but what a hype man he is…

JT: He came out here just when Daniel Reilly was beginning to falter and all of sudden Reilly looks as menacing as ever…

RJ: And he remains the frontrunner in this contest despite not registering a fall in the last ten minutes…

JT: But the gap has clearly closed and he will want to remedy that…

Back in the ring and Liam Wood is dragging Eddy Kent to his feet in the middle of the ring and he hooks the champion’s arms into position…

RJ: Wood wants to build on his success and he knows Eddy Kent is weakened…

JT: He’s pinned him once…..


Harris storms forward and he almost takes Wood’s head off with a lariat. Wood gets back up as Harris drags him in close and nails a northern lights suplex……………..1………………..2…………..kickout!

JT: As things stand Scott Harris is in the next phase no matter what…

RJ: But another pin would tie him with Reilly at the top….

Harris stalks Wood and then he leaps in for a codebreaker but Wood catches his knees and slams him down before catapulting Harris to the corner. Harris slams into the turnbuckle and staggers back around…


Harris swipes Wood’s legs and the crowd are on their feet as he turns “The Viper” over into the submission and sits right back into the hold…

RJ: This won’t tie Scott Harris with Daniel Reilly, if Wood taps out then Harris will be out in front….half an hour away from winning his first ever world champion….

JT: Wood isn’t going to tap in a hurry, though…

Wood is shaking his head and refusing to tap as he tries to drag himself closer to the ropes. Scott Harris digs down deep as he manages to drag Wood back to the centre of the ring and sits right down on his back…

RJ: Maximum torque, he’s gonna break Wood’s back if he won’t tap out….


JT: That’s why he is the world champion….always looking for an opening…

Eddy Kent stumbles up from the corner and he sees his championship belt on the canvass (from Daniel Reilly’s attack on Acer) and he picks it up before smashing Scott Harris in the back of the skull with it and pinning him….

JT: Take a look at that leaderboard with fifty seconds remaining in this phase of the match….

Daniel Reilly: 5
Eddy Kent: 4
Liam Wood: 4
Scott Harris: 4
Acer: 3

RJ: It seems Daniel Reilly’s plan has worked……Oliver Keane came out here and they conspired to removed someone from the party…

JT: And that someone was Acer….

RJ: Acer had that pinfall on Eddy Kent that would have put him through but Keane blocked him…..and then Reilly took him out…..whichever way to spin this, Acer has been screwed out of the world title by Daniel Reilly…

Reilly has a smirk on his face as he swaggers away from the announce area now as the all eyes turn to the clock on the big screen which reads “30:15”….

JT: It would take a miracle and there’s absolutely no way…

RJ: There’s the claxon….Acer is out….


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 6:14 pm

JT: We are down to four…..thirty minutes remain and this is getting nervy now….

RJ: Eddy Kent, Daniel Reilly, Liam Wood and Scott Harris….one of these men will conquer “The Hour” and leave as 6WF World Heavyweight Champion….

JT: But who?

Eddy Kent is in the corner and he is waiting for either of Liam Wood or Scott Harris to stand up. Kent is pressing himself back into the turnbuckle and then he rushes forward…


Liam Wood is the first to his feet as Kent drives out toward him and looks to decapitate him with the brogue kick but Wood ducks underneath it and he sprints off the ropes and comes charging back…


Kent uses his agility to sidestep and send Wood toward the opposite ropes where he dives through the middle and spears Daniel Reilly to the arena floor, leaving them both in a battered heap. Eddy Kent dusts off his hands and smirks as he turns back around and gets his focus onto Scott Harris…

RJ: Harris has been busted earlier in this match, he’s now seeing stars after that belt shot to the back of his head…

JT: And his night could be about to get worse….MIC CHECK!

Harris slams the point of his elbow into the temple of Kent until he releases and then he launches him overhead with a belly to belly as he comes back around. Harris then makes his way to the corner and he clambers up….Kent is staggering back to his feet as Harris jumps toward him and takes him off his feet with a shoulder tackle….the crowd are cheering Harris on as he backs up in the corner now and he motions for the world champion to stand…

RJ: Harris setting his sights…..KNEEDS MORE HARRIS!

Eddy Kent grabs the official and drags him in front so that Harris destroys the referee with the flying knee strike to the face…

JT: We are going to need a new official out here as quickly as possible because otherwise there’s going to be no falls counted….

Harris tries to revive the referee as Kent smirks at his handiwork. He then waits for Harris to turn back around and drives toward him…



Harris catches Kent’s leg this time and he swings him around before drilling him with the “Shot in the dark” (Olympic slam)….Harris quickly grabs the champion’s legs now and he turns him over onto his stomach to apply the sharpshooter…


JT: This should be two more points on the board for Scott Harris….he should be winning this thing…

RJ: But we have no referee….

Harris can hear Kent tapping out on the mat but then he looks over at the unconscious referee, dismay on his face. Harris releases the submission and stumbles over, trying to revive the official again…

JT: We really need to do something about the referee situation because this is a huge match with huge repercussions…

RJ: Scott Harris has every right to feel aggrieved because he should be top of the leaderboard right now….

*Crowd boo

JT: That was blatant….

Harris heads back toward Kent and grabs him by the head but the champion responds with a low blow between the legs….Harris staggers as Daniel Reilly slithers back in and drills him with an RKO……………………1……………………..2……………….3!

RJ: There’s no referee, Daniel….

Reilly looks angered as he realises the referee is out cold. He turns toward Oliver Keane and urges him to do something….

JT: We’ve seen this before….this cannot be allowed to happen in the main event with the title on the line…

The audience are booing furiously as Oliver Keane pulls the groggy official from the ring and starts to pull his jersey off. Keane puts the referee’s shirt on himself and rolls in the ring as Reilly covers Harris again…

RJ: This is robbery…



*Crowd pop

Keane’s hand is coming down for three when Liam Wood drags him under the bottom rope and just drives his knee up under Keane’s jaw to leave him completely flat on the arena floor. Wood is shaking his head as he turns back to the ring and sees Daniel Reilly glaring at him…

RJ: Reilly & Keane’s plot has been foiled….

JT: We need another referee still….nearly three minutes have elapsed and no falls…

Wood leaps onto the apron as Reilly rushes toward him. Wood slams a shoulder thrust through the middle, winding Reilly, and then he catapults himself over the top into a buckshot high knee strike, drawing big cheers from the audience…..Reilly staggers back as Wood kicks him in the gut and nails a final cut suplex….

RJ: Liam Wood came here tonight to win his fourth world championship and he isn’t prepared for Daniel Reilly & Oliver Keane to thwart that….

JT: Wood’s in the same boat as everyone else, however, because there is still no referee to make any decisions…

Wood heads for the corner, psyching up his supporters, and he comes off the top with an elbow to the heart of Reilly before standing back up. He ushers Reilly to his feet again and kicks him in the gut….


JT: There’s a referee coming down the aisleway….about time….

Wood drills Reilly into the canvass and hooks the leg….he has to wait almost a minute before the new official dives into the ring and he counts…

……………thr-shoulder up!

RJ: It was that lapse….

JT: You could argue here that Scott Harris, Liam Wood and Daniel Reilly have lost out on points because Eddy Kent got the referee knocked out…


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Age : 34

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Post by JJJohnson Wed 17 Jul 2024, 6:16 pm

RJ: It’s almost as though the champion knew what he was doing….

JT: What do you…


Wood is up and looking at the new referee with frustration but then he turns around and walks straight into the “Mic Check” from Eddy Kent…..Kent is laughing to himself as he heads to the corner now and follows up with the “Kent Bomb”…


JT: Eddy Kent has points on the board…

RJ: I told you….Kent is an architect and he makes things happen…..he stopped Harris from getting points on the board which had a knock on effect with every other challenger…but then he pounced and got points of his own when it mattered…

Daniel Reilly: 5
Eddy Kent: 5
Liam Wood: 4
Scott Harris: 4

RJ: And now the champion puts himself back in the driving seat of this match….he levels up with Daniel Reilly and if we ended it here he would retain…

Eddy Kent is kneeling and smirking before he stands up and chucks Liam Wood out of the ring. Kent scours the perimeter and then decides to follow…

JT: I’m not sure what the champion is doing here but he looks like a man on a mission…

RJ: I think he’s taking a leaf out of Daniel Reilly’s playbook but he’s looking to go one step further….

Wood staggers up against the ringside barrier as Eddy Kent crashes into him with a clothesline that sends him into the front row of the crowd. Kent then clambers over and continues to brawl with Wood in between the supporters…

JT: I’m not sure how wise this tactic is….

RJ: I know exactly what the tactic is….Eddy Kent is on 5 points….he’s taking Liam Wood away from the action so he cannot score anymore….

JT: He’s ensuring Liam Wood cannot progress to the next phase of this match…

RJ: And with only five minutes left until we hit the 20 minute mark, Wood could be out of luck….

We see Wood staggering over toward the side of the fan section as Eddy Kent grabs a chair and jabs it into his midsection, winding him. Wood staggers over the arena wall now as Kent runs at him…


Wood ducks his shoulder and uses Kent’s momentum to backdrop him over the railing and sends him crashing down on top of the production cases. Wood then drags himself up on the railing and he turns his body before moonsaulting off into a takedown on Kent, sending them both sprawling across the concrete floor to the left of the entranceway….

RJ: Nothing stopping this fight from going anywhere in the arena but the falls have to take place inside of the ring…

JT: Something that Liam Wood may want to consider….because he’s currently tracking in the bottom two…

We switch back to the ring now as Oliver Keane is slapping Daniel Reilly in the face and ordering him back in the ring. Reilly spits in fury and then he rolls back in as Scott Harris is reaching a vertical base….

RJ: RKO…..

Harris locks his hands under the arms and nails a snap dragon suplex in a counter. Reilly rolls over on his knees as Harris bounces back off the ropes and nails a shining wizard……………1………………..2……………kickout!

JT: These are two of the very best technical wrestlers in the world today…..this is a pleasure to watch….

RJ: Even though we are forty minutes into the match they are still showcasing phenomenal ability…

Harris pulls Reilly back up and looks for a vertical suplex but Reilly floats over the back and he rakes his nails down Scott Harris’ spine before spinning him around and kicks him in the gut. He flips Harris up for the fallout neckbreaker but then spins him of into a Canadian rack DDT…..

JT: Exceptional…

………………..shoulder up!

RJ: You can see the tiredness starting to set in for these athletes…..they have already put so much into this…..

JT: They are all going to have to dig right into their reserves however because we have twenty minutes to go after this phase finishes….




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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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