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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 18 Jul 2024, 9:43 am

Live from York Hall, London
Start time : 7:30pm
Official theme songs: "All of the lights" by Rihanna & Kanye West

*Blue Dragon's 6CW World Championship celebration"

Bout 1
Acer/Uryu Ishida vs Daniel Reilly/Perfect Jack

Bout 2
6CWF European Championship
Open Challenge
Dicey Reilly (c) vs ???

Bout 3
Liam Wood vs Mike Masters vs Percy Percival

Bout 4
Logan Kincade vs Scott Harris

Main Event
6CWF Tag Team Championships
The Coalition (c) vs Genesis
(JJ Johnson/Saint)  (Eddy Kent/Rex Adamson)


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by acer101 Thu 18 Jul 2024, 11:40 am

Timothy Allen cautiously enters the Coalition locker room, finding Acer slumped on a chair, head bowed with a towel draped over it, clutching a half-empty bottle of beer. To his left are two empty bottles and to his right, the remnants of a six-pack, with a note: “Wishing you the best, see you at the after-party. S.”

Allen approaches slowly, “Acer, do you have a moment?”

Acer responds with a solitary finger, motioning Allen closer without lifting his head. Timothy begins, “How are you feeling?”

Acer remains silent. As Allen starts to repeat the question, Acer cuts him off sharply, “I heard you the first time.”

“How do I feel? What kind of question is that? How do you think I feel? My World Championship opportunity was stolen from me, and I come back to our locker room—the Coalition’s locker room—and I’m alone when I need my friends the most. But they’re out celebrating the Coalition’s Tag Team Championship victory. You hear that? The Coalition. It was the three of us, and now it’s just them, and I’m the one on the outside. The one who’s held this team together for years, through every victory and every loss. And how am I repaid? They have so little faith in me that they leave before the Main Event is even over—as if they knew I wasn’t going to win. They know how important becoming Champion is to me, but they’ve won so many championships that they’re indifferent to its significance. They take a sacred championship and just throw it on a sofa like it means NOTHING!”

Acer hurls the bottle across the room, the towel slipping off his head, revealing a face twisted with rage. As the bottle shatters, Allen shields his face from the shards.

“Being Champion would mean everything to me. All the fame, all the financial success I’ve had in this business—I’d give it all back to be World Champion. Maybe I’ve been too naive, trying to play within the rules. Well, no more. I will do whatever it takes to be World Champion, and I WILL make everyone who doubted me a believer. And if you step in my way, you’ll face the consequences, as Daniel Reilly found out tonight.”

Steadying himself, Allen asks, “On the subject of Daniel Reilly, care to comment on your actions after your elimination?”

“Yeah, I’ll comment,” Acer snaps, glaring at Allen. “Reilly got what was coming to him. Mess with me, and I’ll mess you up. Reilly got lucky. Another 30 seconds and he’d be leaving on a stretcher, sucking through a straw for the rest of his life. As for Keane, he’d better watch his step and get some security. If I get my hands on him, he’ll be in a body bag, only identifiable by dental records. ‘Hype man’? More like dead man.”

Acer turns back to angrily stuffing his gear into his bag. Allen presses on, “What about Scott Harris? And Allie Thompson?”

Acer immediately snaps, “Why are we feeling sorry for Scott Harris? ‘Poor Scotty Harris.’ I got screwed too! I had a pinfall that would’ve given me another ten minutes. Harris was at the bottom anyway. He should’ve kicked out. It’s not my fault he couldn’t get a shoulder up—that’s on him!”

Acer pauses, slightly calming before addressing Allie Thompson. “The Allie situation… I feel really bad about what happened and I’ll apologise when I see her. But if you’re ringside, close to the action, sooner or later you’re collateral damage. And I know what the basement dwellers on social media will say with their Wotsit-dusted fingers: ‘Acer’s not taking responsibility.’ I am, but none of this would have happened if those in charge here had maintained order. Ultimately, I’m not to blame.”

Acer continues packing. As he lifts one of his boots, he finds a small white envelope. Opening it, he pulls out an “admit one” ticket for JJ’s after-party. Acer stares at it for a moment, then looks at Allen, “You got an invite?”

Allen responds, “God no! JJ never invites me.”

Acer flicks the ticket towards Allen, “Here, take this and enjoy yourself. I’m going home.”

With that, Acer zips up his bag, slings it over his shoulder, and exits the locker room, leaving Timothy staring in amazement at the ticket in his hand.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by x12x Thu 18 Jul 2024, 1:15 pm

Our scene begins with a close up of Edward Plague's face that is softly lit by a warm orange light, his face shows no emotion and in the background a guitar can be heard playing. As the camera remains focused on his face the light illuminating his face flickers and dances and he speaks a few words

and so it begins again...

Plague closes his eyes as the light becomes brighter and the camera begins to pan around revealing the scene in front of him. As the camera pans we see various followers, some are dancing, some are holding hands and chanting and there is one that is playing the sad song on the guitar that we heard before.

As the camera continues to pan we see other followers who appear to dousing the ground around them in fuel before setting it on fire, as they complete this task they then move over to Edward and stand with him. The camera again pans around and now we see the rest of the Plague Family complex which is now completely set on fire, the church that they called the head quarters has all but burnt away and nothing around it remains including the communal garden.

As everything burns, Plague can be heard speaking to his followers, a sadness in his voice as he speaks

A cleaning flame...
...a new beginning...
...a lesson learnt...

I have failed you
I invited a cancer in to our home and now we must start again
Do you still believe in me?

Plague pauses but without a second of thought the followers around him shout out in unison

Yes! We still believe

Plague remains paused, the guitar still playing as he's clearly taken back by the belief his followers still seem to have. After a few seconds Plague continues to speak

This is not the end
but after the betrayal we have been given by our so called Brother...

Plague's voice almost falters, clearly upset about Gazzy's betrayal

...a lost sheep that we brought back in to the light has turn his back on us and forgotten what our family represents. He has poisoned the well and brought the darkness back to us...

...this home has been tainted and we must find a new...

...and then...
...then we will raise hell...

...this betrayal will not stand.

The guitar playing then stops as we see the guitar thrown on to the fire as well, the camera then pans back around with Plague stood in the middle of the shot, surrounded by his loyal followers and his face one again lit up by the flames that dance around him and engulf the place he once called home.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by DanielReilly Thu 18 Jul 2024, 1:40 pm

'Broken Dreams' begins to play out as the arena descends into boos at the arrival of Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane. The men come out and soak up the boos from the hostile crowd before making their way to the ring. Both men climb into the ring as Reilly grabs himself a microphone.

DR: Ladies and Gentlemen, allow the King to get some things off his chest! The King was looking at the match card for this week and couldn't help but notice the reunion of the formidable force that was Revolution! It's been many years since Daniel Reilly and Perfect Jack have stood side by side and how things have changed! The King is tearing the place down after setting the record for the longest European Championship of all time whilst Perfect Jack appears to of taken one hit to the head too many and has spiralled into madness! But Jack, don't you worry about a thing! Let your old pal Daniel Reilly do his thing and you will finally have a credible win to your name!

But Jack, you have done the world a favour by deciding to try and put an end to the rambler Uryu Ishida! Now Uryu, the King is sure you are sat on a roof somewhere dreaming about what you used to have but the King wants to be very clear that this very downward spiral your career is currently on is not going to stop at Aftermath! Uryu, the King is going to smash everyone of your teeth down your throat and do everyone a favour by finally shutting you up! Your fall from grace has been the most impressive the King has ever seen and the King can not wait to make his old protégé, Perfect Jack's life much easier by decimating you so badly for Jack to pick off the pieces of you that are left!

The fans are booing as Reilly smirks.

DR: And then we have little Acer. Acer, the King told you that you was not ready for main events and World Title opportunities and you proved the King right last week. For those who didn't see the PPV, little Acer was eliminated early on in 'The Hour' match and then threw a massive tantrum like the little boy that he is and not only cost two men who actually deserved to be in the match their shot in Daniel Reilly and Scott Harris, but then went and punched an innocent woman in Allie Thompson!

Now this is the man you all cheer for? A man who when things don't go his way will resort to striking a defenceless woman? Now little Acer, how lucky you are that it happened in Texas as if that had happened in any other place on this Earth, you'd be in a cell where you belong! What exactly are you going to do when you lose this week Acer? You going to go storming backstage in search of Miss Jessica or Emmy? You see this is just another reason as to why Daniel Reilly is leaving this Company with their World Championship! But then what do management go and do? They show the World how desperate they are to keep him by extending his contract and despite the King's lawyers and Oliver Keane's best efforts, unfortunately nothing can be done to reverse 6CWF's decision and so the King will stay until November, he will win a World Championship and he will ride off into the sunset!

But JJ, the King can be respectful when he needs to be! So allow the King to congratulate you and The Saint on winning Tag Team gold! How good it is to see the talented members of The Coalition get the job done and actually show their pal exactly how winning Gold is done!


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by x12x Thu 18 Jul 2024, 1:47 pm

our scene begins at the end of Scars And Stripes in the backstage area of the arena in the dressing room of Liam Wood. The door is quickly thrown up sending it crashing in to the wall and breaking some of the plaster as Wood storms in and throws one of the chairs across the room causing it to break.

Wood begins to trash the dressing room but is quickly stopped in his tracks as Emmy walks in to the room after him and places a hand on his shoulder


Wood is clearly seething with rage after being screwed over in the main event but he listens to Emmy and instead slumps on to one of the benches in the dressing room. Wood doesn't say anything at first, so Emmy speaks again

This isn't going to achieve anything, you trashing this place won't change what's a waste of time and energy!

Wood remains quiet, his breathing is heavy and through gritted teeth, his hands clenched in to fists as he tries to control his anger

You know...Engel was right...

A scowl covers Wood's face as he looks up at Emmy who takes a seat next to him, placing her hand on his. Wood is clearly confused about why Engel is being brought up but he listens, giving Emmy the benefit of the doubt

You know, he said you have this darkness in you. He said that you have these demons you need to fight and it's hard not to agree with him when I see you do stuff like this...

Wood's scowl softens and he lets out a sigh but Emmy quickly speaks again

Emmy: need to stop fighting...

Emmy squeezes Wood's hard as she speaks one last time

...I want you to let that darkness work for you, I want you to get where you belong and I want to be by your side when you do...but you need to make sure you use whatever it is inside you to your advantage, that you use this anger or darkness or whatever you want to call it at the right time...

I want you to promise me that when the time comes that you make Eddy Kent, Rex Adamson, Miss Jessica and anyone else pay for getting in your way...

Emmy kisses Wood on the cheek and whispers softly in his ear

When you have to fight those let them win...

Emmy then gets up and leaves Wood, who is still silent in the broken and trashed dressing room alone with his thoughts


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by Marky Thu 18 Jul 2024, 1:52 pm

Rex Adamson is shown walking through arrivals towards the exit at Heathrow Airport, wearing a black Balenciaga hoodie, with dark grey trackie bottoms and white socks with black sliders. He also has his neck pillow still around his neck and earpods in, such is the glamour of long haul flying. He is wheeling a large suitcase behind him, and also has a backpack on, when he is interrupted by Danny McNeil, the wrestling journalist from the Daily Mail. He is walking alongside Rex as he begins an impromptu interview with the young Australian

DM: Rex, coming off the back of a big night at Scars and Stripes, what are your thoughts on the controversy surrounding your Ladder Match win, and the end of The Hour match?

McNeil holds his phone (which is being used as a microphone) towards the face of Rex, who is unimpressed by the actions of the journalist. Rex sighs and stops walking reluctantly.

Rex: Firstly mate, you're a pr*ck. An absolute pr*ck. Stopping me after a long haul flight. But whatever. Secondly, there's no controversy. Chris Patricks stacked the deck against me, making me defend my Fight for the Right briefcase, in a gimmick match that suited him. And he still couldn't beat me. That's a fact. And as for the end of The Hour...

Rex starts walking again, McNeil hurriedly follows to keep up

Rex: ...I went out there because keeping the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship inside Genesis is the most important thing. I was there purely to make sure that happened, not because I doubted Eddy, but because if Liam Wood was able to somehow win, I would be able to cash in on him.

DM: And the change of music? And the look of shock on Eddy Kent's face, indicating your presence was not pre-planned?

Rex smirks

Rex: None of that is relevant. I was there to make sure the World Championship stayed with Genesis. And it did. And the music was just because it's very relevant to me. "Tobey Maguire was bit by a spider. See, me, it was a goat." No message, no plan, just facts.

Rex walks off as McNeil stands there confused

DM: You got bit by a goat? What does that even mean?

The camera stays on Rex as he leaves and walks to the taxi rank


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by acer101 Thu 18 Jul 2024, 2:30 pm

DanielReilly wrote:'Broken Dreams' begins to play out as the arena descends into boos at the arrival of Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane. The men come out and soak up the boos from the hostile crowd before making their way to the ring. Both men climb into the ring as Reilly grabs himself a microphone.

DR: Ladies and Gentlemen, allow the King to get some things off his chest! The King was looking at the match card for this week and couldn't help but notice the reunion of the formidable force that was Revolution! It's been many years since Daniel Reilly and Perfect Jack have stood side by side and how things have changed! The King is tearing the place down after setting the record for the longest European Championship of all time whilst Perfect Jack appears to of taken one hit to the head too many and has spiralled into madness! But Jack, don't you worry about a thing! Let your old pal Daniel Reilly do his thing and you will finally have a credible win to your name!

But Jack, you have done the world a favour by deciding to try and put an end to the rambler Uryu Ishida! Now Uryu, the King is sure you are sat on a roof somewhere dreaming about what you used to have but the King wants to be very clear that this very downward spiral your career is currently on is not going to stop at Aftermath! Uryu, the King is going to smash everyone of your teeth down your throat and do everyone a favour by finally shutting you up! Your fall from grace has been the most impressive the King has ever seen and the King can not wait to make his old protégé, Perfect Jack's life much easier by decimating you so badly for Jack to pick off the pieces of you that are left!

The fans are booing as Reilly smirks.

DR: And then we have little Acer. Acer, the King told you that you was not ready for main events and World Title opportunities and you proved the King right last week. For those who didn't see the PPV, little Acer was eliminated early on in 'The Hour' match and then threw a massive tantrum like the little boy that he is and not only cost two men who actually deserved to be in the match their shot in Daniel Reilly and Scott Harris, but then went and punched an innocent woman in Allie Thompson!

Now this is the man you all cheer for? A man who when things don't go his way will resort to striking a defenceless woman? Now little Acer, how lucky you are that it happened in Texas as if that had happened in any other place on this Earth, you'd be in a cell where you belong! What exactly are you going to do when you lose this week Acer? You going to go storming backstage in search of Miss Jessica or Emmy? You see this is just another reason as to why Daniel Reilly is leaving this Company with their World Championship! But then what do management go and do? They show the World how desperate they are to keep him by extending his contract and despite the King's lawyers and Oliver Keane's best efforts, unfortunately nothing can be done to reverse 6CWF's decision and so the King will stay until November, he will win a World Championship and he will ride off into the sunset!

But JJ, the King can be respectful when he needs to be! So allow the King to congratulate you and The Saint on winning Tag Team gold! How good it is to see the talented members of The Coalition get the job done and actually show their pal exactly how winning Gold is done!

The tron abruptly illuminates and Acer is shown standing alone in a dimly lit room in the bowels of AT&T Stadium, the camera focusing on his intense, brooding expression. The bag in the corner clearly indicates that despite comments earlier, he hasn’t actually gone home, rather it was an excuse to skip JJs after-party. He slowly paces back and forth, never taking his eyes off the wall that is filled with photos of former champions. His voice is low and seething with controlled rage.

Daniel Reilly, Daniel Reilly, Daniel Reilly. You just can’t help yourself, can you? Always yapping about respect and championships like you’re the only one entitled to ambition around here, as if the result of every match you participate in is a foregone conclusion. Well, let me make something crystal clear to you and everyone else watching: what happened last night was just a taste of what’s coming.”

He stops pacing, looking directly into the camera, his eyes burning with obsession.

"You dare to speak about my actions, as if you have the moral high ground. Last night wasn’t about throwing tantrums, it was about making a statement at your expense - you see you were so sure you were going to win, and yet your shoulders are as bare as mine.

And yeah, maybe I accidentally crossed a line with Allie Thompson, but don’t feign innocence, Reilly. You preach honour whilst dancing on the wrong side of the line. The bad news for you, Reilly, is I’m now playing by your rules - which means, from now on there are no rules. I no longer care about being the nice guy and playing within the rules of the games, because that has got me nowhere. There is only one goal: the World Championship. And you are standing in my way.”

Acers hands clench, his knuckles turning white.

"You say I should be in a cell? Maybe you're right. Maybe I should be locked up for the things I'm now willing to do to achieve my destiny. But guess what, Reilly? I'm still here. I'm still standing, and I'm more determined than ever. When stand over your broken body and then go on to win that Championship, the world will know that Acer is not to be underestimated. You think you’ll walk away with the title? Not while I breathe. By November, you’ll be lucky to walk away at all."

He takes a step closer to the camera, his voice dropping to a menacing whisper.

"Keep throwing your accusations, keep underestimating me. It only fuels my fire. You see, Reilly, every insult, every slight, every doubt cast upon me only makes me stronger. I will become World Champion, and there's nothing you, or anyone else, can do to stop me."

Acers gaze returns to the pictures on the wall, staring at them with a mix of longing and fury.

"So go ahead, bask in your temporary glory. Mock me all you want. But remember this, Reilly—obsession is a powerful thing. And my obsession will lead me to that Championship. You may be 'The King,' but soon I will have the crown and you'll be nothing more than a fallen foe at my feet."

He stares back at the camera, his gaze piercing the camera.

"Congratulations to JJ and The Saint? Sure, they got the job done. But this isn't about them. This is about me, and my journey to the top. And I will stop at nothing, and I mean nothing, until I hold that World Championship in my hands. See you soon, Reilly. Pray you survive the encounter. Because once I’m done, your lawyers will be negotiating your probate."

The camera slowly fades to black, the intensity of Acer's stare lingering in the viewer's mind.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by Uryu Ishida Thu 18 Jul 2024, 3:38 pm

Uryu is seen slowly walking through the arena, occationally limping as he looks around

UI: cold...

???: Its getting warmer though isnt it?

UI: Like another snowstorm blowing in...

???: Look at the card.

Uryu quickly glances at the match card and nods

???: What do you see? Come on!

UI: Another mountain to climb...

???: But this time you aren't on your own are you? Look at who your tag partner is.

Uryu glances up at the card and smiles a little.

???: There we go, How long has it been since you n Acer teamed up? Must be close to a decade now?

UI: Well at least this attempt won't be so...quiet.

???: Thats not my fault now is it? Look all you need to do is show him you can still perform at your best. Why don't we just go find him and reminisce while coming up with a plan?

Uryu looks at his damaged knee and sighs.

UI: Won't be easy with this though...

???: Whoever said it would be? He's been round the block just as many times as you have.

UI:...I can work through it, Just like I always have...

???: Will it stop you? You got ambushed last time and now you got a guy to watch your back.

UI: Jack, Scared to face me at one hundred percent? You had to try and take me out afterwards too...I had you beat and you know it! Well let me give you an up close demonstration that even a 1 legged man can kick your ass!

???: There we go! Theres the spirit i have waited so long to see!

Uryu flashes a sharp smile.

UI: Don't sit too confidently now Jack, Only takes a Split Second for me to show you the Sunset and break your arm.

???: Oh...ok Uryu little creepy there but we can work on it...lets just...go discuss old times with Acer, Ok?

Uryu slowly continues to walk down the corridoor and knocks on The Coalitions door.

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by DanielReilly Thu 18 Jul 2024, 6:05 pm

Reilly is staring up at the titantron as he watches the promos from both Acer and Uryu Ishida. As they finish, Reilly turns to Keane with a look of confusion on his face.

DR: Oliver, are you sure you could find no loophole that will get the King out of here earlier then November?

Keane shakes his head as Reilly looks concerned.

DR: Well that's just great, the King has to stay in this nuthouse in which Uryu is walking around talking to himself and little Acer is on the brink of a mental breakdown! Now Acer, the King hopes you can hear him whilst you sit alone in whatever room you are in driving yourself insane. The King is not out here trying to disrespect you, the King is merely trying to tell you the truth. JJ Johnson and The Saint have told you that you can be a main event player but Acer, you just simply aren't good enough. Throwing your temper tantrums and attacking women is not going to get you that World Championship you are so obsessed with. And Acer, going after Daniel Reilly is also not going to get you a World Championship because this is only going to go one way and the King will explain it nice and slowly for you. You see, you have let the King's issues with JJ Johnson become your own issues and you have taken them way too personally. You have become obsessed with the King and whilst the King was willing to teach you a lesson originally with a little beatdown, you continue to want to make things personal and so you leave Daniel Reilly with no choice but to have to retire you all over again!

Acer, you have become blinded by your jealousy of JJ Johnson and The Saint. You are not able to overcome the rage that consumes you when you see the careers of JJ Johnson and The Saint compared to your own. Hell, maybe that's why you now have such an issue with the King. You can't bear to be around people who have held the World Championship multiple times whilst you are struggling to get near it just once.

Reilly smirks to himself as he listens to the boos from the fans.

DR: Look Acer, the King hears that Dicey Reilly has open challenges every week, if you want a Title so bad, go challenge him and try and hold the Championship that the King took to new levels because you just aren't ready to be a World Champion!

And by the way, the King thinks that whack job Uryu is looking for you so maybe if you can stop trashing up property in your good friend JJ Johnson's arena, then you can go speak to him because you boys are sure as hell going to need a plan when you come against the King!


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by x12x Thu 18 Jul 2024, 7:23 pm

Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasts from the speakers and the fans are on their feet as Liam Wood walks out on to the stage with a determined look across his face. As Wood walks down he is shown to be holding a bag that he keeps under his arm.

JT: This is the first time Wood has been seen since he was literally 1 second away from crowning himself the 6WF World Champion...

RJ: That's right...if it wasn't for Miss Jessica saving Eddy Kent and getting her revenge, he'd have broken a 7 year long wait to be world champion yet again

Wood makes it to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope before getting to his feet and dropping the bag on the floor and taking a mic. Wood waits, allowing the fans to die down before he begins to speak

JJ Johnson, Max Adamson and Damien Andrews...

The fans are confused

I know a lot of people wanted me to call out Eddy Kent and Genesis but right now it's those three men that are p¡ssing me off and I honestly want answers.

Wood begins to pace the ring, a scowl across his face as he's clearly angry

Now, feel free to come out here and correct me if I'm wrong but did we, or did we not, just host a show that had 85,000 people in attendance and streamed to millions of people world wide? Did we not just put on one of the biggest shows the world had ever seen and made sure people know that WE are the biggest company out there right now?

The fans are cheering for Wood's announcements and claims about Scars and Stripes and 6CWF in general only for them to be cut off with his next line

So please tell me why you are still running this company like something Jim Cornette would call and outlaw sh¡tshow?! Tell me why you three numbskulls can't seem to organise a p¡ss up in a brewery?! and tell me why I was once allowed to be screwed over by Eddy Kent and his band of idiots?!

You see, at Scars And Stripes you allowed me to be screwed over multiple time...just like you have at about a million other PPVs and you just let it slide. Yet, when I level the playing field and take out someone like Tyler Roth there has to be discussions about what's going to happen to me?

You can all go f**k yourself...

...what happens in the next few weeks and months is on each and every one of you and you only have yourselves to blame for what I'm going to do to Genesis and anyone who supports them.

Wood pauses again, some fans get behind him but some of the fans who love the likes of Max and JJ are clearly not on board

Now I've mentioned Genesis, I guess I need to talk about Eddy Kent...I guess it's time to reveal what I have in my bag and this might shock's a present for him.

The fans seem confused as Wood reaches down for the bag, unzipping it and pulling out what looks like a replica 6WF Title but on closer inspection it's clearly a handmade one, made of paper and card. The camera zooms in but is quickly cut away as Wood has made a clear and purposeful error in the spelling of Eddy Kent's name and has replaced his second name with an expletive that isn't allowed on TV.

This is a new title for you because it represents what you are...

...a paper champion...

...Right now, as you cuddle up to that 6WF Title belt you are only doing so on a not only didn't win the match but you also had to be rescued by Rex Adamson but also the walking talking 6CWF STI Miss Jessica.

Wood pauses as the fans seem a little split with some enjoying the jokes and some thinking they're going too far

Without them that title would be around my waist but what's new? Without the help you've been getting since this company reopened you'd not be champion in the first's pathetic. I can already hear you talking about yourself and calling yourself Daddy. So please, if that's all you're going to do stay in the back because I've heard the same long winded speech enough to last me a life time.

Wood continues to pace as he turns his attention to the other people involved during Scars and Stripes

I'm also not here to talk to Rex because again, I can already predict what you're going to say and're going to bury your head in the sand and pretend that 'Daddy' won fairly but we all know what again, stay in the back and keep your mouth shut...we all know you're scared of me becoming champion and rightfully so...that might be the only smart thought you've ever had.

No, the person I truly wanted to address out here today was Miss Jessica...

The fans boo hearing her name causing Wood to laugh as continues


At Scars and Stripes you got your revenge but I'm here to tell you that you should be careful what you wish for because you've seen first hand what I did to Engel, you're going to see what I'm going to do to Genesis and then, what I'm going to do to you..., don't get me wrong...I would never hurt a woman...'s a shame that nobody could ever describe you as that though.

Wood speaks one last time, the anger and disgust towards Miss Jessica clear to see in his words

You are a disgusting wh0re who has been ran through more times that the London Marathon...I'd ask Rex Adamson to count how many of the boys in the back you've been with but I doubt he can count that high.

You are nothing but a cancer to this company it is my job to remove you...just like I did to Costello, Engel and Tyler Roth...

...6CWF, you are welcome.

Wood lowers the mic, the camera focused on him as a scowl is across his face


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by acer101 Thu 18 Jul 2024, 7:35 pm

DanielReilly wrote:Reilly is staring up at the titantron as he watches the promos from both Acer and Uryu Ishida. As they finish, Reilly turns to Keane with a look of confusion on his face.

DR: Oliver, are you sure you could find no loophole that will get the King out of here earlier then November?

Keane shakes his head as Reilly looks concerned.

DR: Well that's just great, the King has to stay in this nuthouse in which Uryu is walking around talking to himself and little Acer is on the brink of a mental breakdown! Now Acer, the King hopes you can hear him whilst you sit alone in whatever room you are in driving yourself insane. The King is not out here trying to disrespect you, the King is merely trying to tell you the truth. JJ Johnson and The Saint have told you that you can be a main event player but Acer, you just simply aren't good enough. Throwing your temper tantrums and attacking women is not going to get you that World Championship you are so obsessed with. And Acer, going after Daniel Reilly is also not going to get you a World Championship because this is only going to go one way and the King will explain it nice and slowly for you. You see, you have let the King's issues with JJ Johnson become your own issues and you have taken them way too personally. You have become obsessed with the King and whilst the King was willing to teach you a lesson originally with a little beatdown, you continue to want to make things personal and so you leave Daniel Reilly with no choice but to have to retire you all over again!

Acer, you have become blinded by your jealousy of JJ Johnson and The Saint. You are not able to overcome the rage that consumes you when you see the careers of JJ Johnson and The Saint compared to your own. Hell, maybe that's why you now have such an issue with the King. You can't bear to be around people who have held the World Championship multiple times whilst you are struggling to get near it just once.

Reilly smirks to himself as he listens to the boos from the fans.

DR: Look Acer, the King hears that Dicey Reilly has open challenges every week, if you want a Title so bad, go challenge him and try and hold the Championship that the King took to new levels because you just aren't ready to be a World Champion!

And by the way, the King thinks that whack job Uryu is looking for you so maybe if you can stop trashing up property in your good friend JJ Johnson's arena, then you can go speak to him because you boys are sure as hell going to need a plan when you come against the King!

The titantron abruptly illuminates once more, revealing Acer in the same dimly lit room. His expression is a blend of controlled rage and intense focus. He stands still, the photos of former champions on the wall behind him casting shadows that flicker as he begins to speak.

"Reilly, Reilly, Reilly... Always so sure of yourself, always so certain that you're the only one who can see the truth. You call this place a 'nuthouse,' but the real insanity is your arrogance. You think you've got me all figured out, but you don't know the half of it.”

Acer's gaze hardens, his voice steady and filled with crazed determination.

"You talk about my supposed jealousy of JJ Johnson and The Saint, but let me set the record straight: it's not jealousy, it's drive. It's the burning need to prove that I belong, that I am more than just the third wheel in this Coalition. Yes, I've watched them succeed, and yes, it fuels my rage. But that rage, Reilly, is not a weakness—it's my greatest strength."

He takes a step closer to the camera, his eyes never wavering. His left thumb and forefinger start pulling at an individual strand of his beard.

"You think you can break me with your words, make me doubt myself? You're wrong. Every insult you hurl, every time you call me 'little Acer,' it only stokes the fire inside me. You see, Reilly, I don't just want the World Championship—I need it. It's not an obsession, it's destiny. And you, standing in my way, have made yourself the target of that unrelenting fire that burns within me."

Acer pauses, letting his words sink in before continuing.

"You talk about teaching me a lesson, about retiring me again? Go ahead and try. But know this: you’re not the unstoppable force you think you are. I've been through hell in the past 18 months and yet come out stronger, where lesser men have never recovered. I have nothing left to lose and yet everything to gain, and that makes me more dangerous than ever. You think I attacked Allie Thompson out of rage? That was an accident, a mistake in the heat of the moment. But what I do to you, Reilly, will be deliberate. Calculated. Painful."

He clenches his fists, his knuckles white with the intensity of his grip.

“Next week, you find yourself aligned with Perfect Jack against Uryu Ishida and me. I’m teamed up with someone I have history with, someone I used to ride alongside. Meanwhile, you’ve been paired with a man teetering on the edge of a breakdown, a man so fragile that just the sight of his own reflection might shatter his psyche. Maybe I'll bring a hand mirror to the ring - that should be enough to send him over the edge, leaving you stranded and at my mercy. Once he's out of the picture, it’ll just be you against me and Uryu, and trust me, that’s not a situation you want to find yourself in. You see, Uryu thrives in chaos, and I’m starting to become accustomed to it myself. next week, I’ll make sure you get a front-row seat to your own undoing.”

Acer's voice drops to a menacing whisper, as he suddenly rips the beard strand out of his face.

"Keep underestimating me, Reilly. Keep thinking you're the only one who understands what it takes to be a champion. But know this: when I finally get my hands on that World Championship, when I stand over your broken body, the world will see that Acer is not to be messed with, and they will all declare ‘the King is dead, long live the King’."

He stares directly into the camera, his eyes burning with unrelenting focus. In the background it has become obvious that the two photographs of Reillys prior reigns have been ripped from the wall, replaced instead with X’s scratched into the brickwork.

"Mock me all you want, Reilly. But remember—obsession is a powerful thing. And mine will lead me to that Championship, no matter the cost. I'll see you soon. Once again, pray you survive the encounter. Because when I’m done, it won’t be your lawyers negotiating your future—it'll be the doctors trying to piece you back together."

The camera again suddenly cuts to black, leaving Acer's fans questioning whether they are watching his descent into madness.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by Uryu Ishida Thu 18 Jul 2024, 8:18 pm

As soon as Acers camera cuts out, we see Uryu in the room looking at Acer, curious.

UI: I just got reminded why you scare me sometimes.

???: He's still dangerous you know..

Uryu offers a handshake and a small smile.

UI: Been a long time and now...fate or a whim has brought us together...since well...From The Ashes last year. Still feel I owe you for that by the way.

???: You didn't ask for it Uryu...

Uryu is clearly putting on a brave face in regards to his knee as Acer clearly spots it.

UI: World hasn't been kind to us recently has it?

???: Duh Uryu...

UI: Look we both dealing with deluded nutjobs in our own way. yours says he's a king? King of Wishful Thinking at best. Mine thinks taking me out is gonna get me outta his way and back into Clarke James twisted graces. Just for this match...why dont we see what the other does?

???: Smart...

UI: You see how I handle the 'king' and i watch you handle Perfect Jack. We learn off each other just like all those years ago...

Uryu is forced to sit down as he rubs his knee.

UI: Honestly feels like i'm on the losing side, matches, luck in general. Kinda reminds me of back then 6WF v TAW...and the ass kickings i got handed to me by everyone there...only difference is im a lot older n still getting my ass kicked...

Uryu looks up at Acer with a weak smile.

???: Well, he's one of the few would understand that...

UI: So, pull up a chair and lets talk...

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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by President Trump Fri 19 Jul 2024, 11:55 am

Chris Patricks is walking towards the entrance of York Hall when Tim Allen appears and asks him for an interview

TA: CHRIS….CHRIS…can I get a few words on your loss at Stars and Strips and ma….

Chris turns and looks at Tim with fire in his eyes

CP: Yeah I got a few words for you….f**king shambles and here’s another few inept officials and what the hell here’s a few more f**k off I’m not in the mood

Chris walks past Tim who looks a bit taken aback by Patricks demeanour

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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by Marky Fri 19 Jul 2024, 11:32 pm

x12x wrote:
Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasts from the speakers and the fans are on their feet as Liam Wood walks out on to the stage with a determined look across his face. As Wood walks down he is shown to be holding a bag that he keeps under his arm.

JT: This is the first time Wood has been seen since he was literally 1 second away from crowning himself the 6WF World Champion...

RJ: That's right...if it wasn't for Miss Jessica saving Eddy Kent and getting her revenge, he'd have broken a 7 year long wait to be world champion yet again

Wood makes it to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope before getting to his feet and dropping the bag on the floor and taking a mic. Wood waits, allowing the fans to die down before he begins to speak

JJ Johnson, Max Adamson and Damien Andrews...

The fans are confused

I know a lot of people wanted me to call out Eddy Kent and Genesis but right now it's those three men that are p¡ssing me off and I honestly want answers.

Wood begins to pace the ring, a scowl across his face as he's clearly angry

Now, feel free to come out here and correct me if I'm wrong but did we, or did we not, just host a show that had 85,000 people in attendance and streamed to millions of people world wide? Did we not just put on one of the biggest shows the world had ever seen and made sure people know that WE are the biggest company out there right now?

The fans are cheering for Wood's announcements and claims about Scars and Stripes and 6CWF in general only for them to be cut off with his next line

So please tell me why you are still running this company like something Jim Cornette would call and outlaw sh¡tshow?! Tell me why you three numbskulls can't seem to organise a p¡ss up in a brewery?! and tell me why I was once allowed to be screwed over by Eddy Kent and his band of idiots?!

You see, at Scars And Stripes you allowed me to be screwed over multiple time...just like you have at about a million other PPVs and you just let it slide. Yet, when I level the playing field and take out someone like Tyler Roth there has to be discussions about what's going to happen to me?

You can all go f**k yourself...

...what happens in the next few weeks and months is on each and every one of you and you only have yourselves to blame for what I'm going to do to Genesis and anyone who supports them.

Wood pauses again, some fans get behind him but some of the fans who love the likes of Max and JJ are clearly not on board

Now I've mentioned Genesis, I guess I need to talk about Eddy Kent...I guess it's time to reveal what I have in my bag and this might shock's a present for him.

The fans seem confused as Wood reaches down for the bag, unzipping it and pulling out what looks like a replica 6WF Title but on closer inspection it's clearly a handmade one, made of paper and card. The camera zooms in but is quickly cut away as Wood has made a clear and purposeful error in the spelling of Eddy Kent's name and has replaced his second name with an expletive that isn't allowed on TV.

This is a new title for you because it represents what you are...

...a paper champion...

...Right now, as you cuddle up to that 6WF Title belt you are only doing so on a not only didn't win the match but you also had to be rescued by Rex Adamson but also the walking talking 6CWF STI Miss Jessica.

Wood pauses as the fans seem a little split with some enjoying the jokes and some thinking they're going too far

Without them that title would be around my waist but what's new? Without the help you've been getting since this company reopened you'd not be champion in the first's pathetic. I can already hear you talking about yourself and calling yourself Daddy. So please, if that's all you're going to do stay in the back because I've heard the same long winded speech enough to last me a life time.

Wood continues to pace as he turns his attention to the other people involved during Scars and Stripes

I'm also not here to talk to Rex because again, I can already predict what you're going to say and're going to bury your head in the sand and pretend that 'Daddy' won fairly but we all know what again, stay in the back and keep your mouth shut...we all know you're scared of me becoming champion and rightfully so...that might be the only smart thought you've ever had.

No, the person I truly wanted to address out here today was Miss Jessica...

The fans boo hearing her name causing Wood to laugh as continues


At Scars and Stripes you got your revenge but I'm here to tell you that you should be careful what you wish for because you've seen first hand what I did to Engel, you're going to see what I'm going to do to Genesis and then, what I'm going to do to you..., don't get me wrong...I would never hurt a woman...'s a shame that nobody could ever describe you as that though.

Wood speaks one last time, the anger and disgust towards Miss Jessica clear to see in his words

You are a disgusting wh0re who has been ran through more times that the London Marathon...I'd ask Rex Adamson to count how many of the boys in the back you've been with but I doubt he can count that high.

You are nothing but a cancer to this company it is my job to remove you...just like I did to Costello, Engel and Tyler Roth...

...6CWF, you are welcome.

Wood lowers the mic, the camera focused on him as a scowl is across his face

As Wood waits for somebody to answer him, "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons hits and the crowd erupts as the co-General Manager, Max Adamson, makes his way out onto the stage in the arena. He is wearing a beige suit and trousers, with a white shirt, he is holding a microphone in one hand, and motioning with his other hand for Liam to calm down. He waits for the music to fade and for the "Max" chants to die down

Max: Yeah, yeah, I know... I'm happy to see you too...

The crowd roars in approval once more but Max is shaking his head

Max: ...But this isn't about me. It's about the gentleman in the ring there. Obviously Liam, I get you're angry, but going after the management because Miss Jessica put Eddy Kent's leg on a rope... It seems overkill to me...

Max is walking down towards the ring despite Wood clearly not being happy

Max: The Hour had so many variables, and I get it. You fought heroically for 60 minutes, only for your final moment to be stolen away. But by telling me, Andrews, and Johnson, to "f*ck ourselves", that would imply there's a deeper issue here Liam.

Max climbs up the ring steps, and enters the ring. Wood is still glaring at his longtime friend

Max: You said it yourself. You took out Genesis... Well, half of them. You took out Tyler Roth. You took out Michael Sweetwater. And then you come out here wondering why Genesis screwed you over against Eddy Kent... You know full well what you started when you took out Tyler Roth. That was a declaration of war. And for you to come out here, and whinge, and moan... Because the battle didn't go your way... That's not Liam Wood.

Max stares at Wood

Max: Scars and Stripes, in a 7 man match, even if you'd won... That was never going to be the end of this thing you have with Genesis. And to blame management for you being screwed over... May I remind you, although he only beat you in the Fight for the Right Tournament with Genesis interference... Rex Adamson had every right to loiter ringside with his Fight for the Right briefcase. Like the contract says, any time, any place. And you used that briefcase to smash Eddy Kent in the face before Miss Jessica did what she did, so he didn't really cost you.

Max shrugs as sections of the crowd boo him

Max: Listen, I don't lie. The only reason Liam Wood didn't win The Hour, is because Miss Jessica seemingly joined Genesis. You're at war with Genesis and have history with her. So instead of coming out here to bitch about management...

Max grins at Wood

Max: ...Go and fix your Miss Jessica problem. Go and beat Masters and Percival this week, prove you belong in the mix, and be the Liam Wood we all know you can be. I don't give a sh*t if you tell me to f*ck myself. We've said far worse things to each other in the past... But stop focusing on the wrong things. Think about it.

Max and Wood stare at each other as the crowd cheers once more


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by JJJohnson Sat 20 Jul 2024, 2:08 pm

*JJ Johnson is backstage with Clarissa, drawing huge cheers from the audience watching on the big screens. JJ has his newly won tag team title belt over his shoulder.

Clarissa: JJ….firstly, congratulations…6CWF Tag Team Champion….first championship gold you have held in over a decade…how does that feel?

JJ: Feels like being reunited with an old lover, you never forget that touch…

*The cameraman snorts at JJ’s comment, causing the corners of JJ’s mouth to twitch and Clarissa has to cover her mouth

JJ: Nah in all seriousness it feels good….it’s been said a few times that JJ Johnson ain’t got the accolades he should and all that but I ain’t never looked at it from that perspective…..6CWF is open and thriving, we 17 years in now and I see that as my biggest accolade….but I can’t lie when I say that I enjoy the feeling of being a champ….I’m back on the road with my boys and we are successful, means a lot…

Clarissa: You were certainly put through your paces by The Wolf Gang at Scars and Stripes but you got the job done…do you envisage a rematch at any point?

JJ: You know we ain’t gone duck or dive nobody, that ain’t how I get down so if they wanna come at us again then we ready and we can do business….we fighting champs, ain’t no point having a strap if you ain’t gone defend it, feel me?

Clarissa: Attention now turns to this coming week on Aftermath….just a week after winning those titles and you are set to defend them against Genesis. 6WF World Heavyweight Champion, Eddy Kent and the Fight for the Right briefcase holder Rex Adamson…..this is pay per view worthy surely?

JJ: That’s the beauty of what we have created here though cos I see most matches we putting out as PPV worthy….I mean you damn right that The Coalition vs Genesis is a big number and I could easily see that up in lights but instead we gone do it Thursday night…..Aftermath….

Clarissa: Do you have a take on your opponents? They are two of the very best….

JJ: No lies told, they are….Eddy Kent the longest reigning 6WF Champ o’ all time, Rex Adamson is the future of this company…’d be right in the assessment that this a huge problem fo’ me and Saint…..challenges don’t come much bigger than this…

But at the same time you gotta remember that they stepping to us and we ain’t no pushovers either….sure we a little older than we used to be but we’ve proven, mo’ than once, that we can still go with the best of them……we got eight world championship reigns between us, two hall of fame rings, the list o’ our achievements longer than Miss Jessica’s conquests and that be saying something….

*Clarissa smirks at this

Clarissa: You bring up Miss Jessica and given the shocking revelation at the end of Scars and Stripes where she seems to have joined with Genesis….do you see her being a factor in this match?

JJ: Jessica been a factor ever since she first turned up here with her short a55 skirts and those mammarys just falling out all over the shop….we done all seen it, heck even if we ain’t been there we all seen that s***…

But it would be remiss of us and damn foolish to underestimate exactly what she brings to the table, beside her handcuffs and pink d1ldo, shout out Lex Hart on that one…..this the woman who led Cassius Zhi to multiple world titles, Hero, Lex Hart…..heck she even managed Saint…

Clarissa: He didn’t…?

*JJ raises an eyebrow

JJ: Boy says he never touched it but I mean I dunno…..he had a wobbly period didn’t he, did some crazy s***….#CarCrashToMainEvent…..Yeah boy….

And we know Acer hit it….

Clarissa: I forgot….

JJ: Yeah they did the whole paternity test on a pole match with Hero….during the River Ace era, dark days….Hooligan pinned Max Adamson too….s*** was crazy….

Clarissa: Didn’t Ricky Hatton turn up too…

JJ: Bizarre times, Clarissa….I won’t lie….we lucky to be here if truth be told…..but I digress…..look Miss Jessica a conniving temptress but she good at what she does…very good from what I saw on those videotapes…

*Clarissa is shaking her head but smiling

JJ: Look she a good manager, she gets her claws in and she gets the best out o’ people so needless to say Genesis are gone be ready fo’ war on Thursday night…….but on the flipper she a succubus and I fully expect she’ll drive a wedge between Eddy & Rex at some point, remember I told you that…..Saint, Scorpion and Cassius showed that….wasn’t enough ginger p***y to go round….

Clarissa: JJ!

JJ: My bad, my bad….look they gone bring it, we know that….they are at the top level of this industry right now and this is no breaking in phase for us as champs….this the deep end and us mother****ers gone need to show we can swim…

But take this to the bank that we walking in champs and we walking out champs….we didn’t grind fo’ these belts just to lose them at the first hurdle….

Eddy Kent can come out and showcase all his daddy issues to the world…..”Daddy’s here”…..”Daddy’s home”…..”Daddy please don’t take off your trousers”….this mother****er just venting his childhood trauma to anyone who’ll listen…’s like listening to the V@gina Monologues but instead we gotta hear from the biggest d1ck in town instead…

*The camera is visibly shaking from the cameraman laughing

JJ: And now they got some weird Pornhub experiment going on….. Red Headed Busty Step Mom takes College Step Son’s Massive Load whilst Daddy is away…..we done all seen it before….it’s classic s*** and next minute Daddy has a belt around his neck and wa@nking himself off in the closet whilst playing Russian Roulette with a gun he bought off a crackhead behind the 7/11…

Clarissa: You’ve really thought about this…

JJ: I was out the ring a long a55 time, Clarissa…..Brandi watches a lot o’ s***, you know Ricki Lake?

*Clarissa nods

JJ: B1tch changed my perspective on humans, they real f***ed up…..believe me this whole Genesis saga gone end like some Jerry Springer s***….

Clarissa: Whilst I have you here I was wondering if I could also ask about some other issues?

JJ: Shoot…

Clarissa: Firstly, Liam Wood mentioned your name in regards to management not doing their duty in regards to his loss at Scars and Stripes…

*JJ smiles

JJ:  Was a hell of a fight at Scars and Stripes and there was controversy on the ending but I ain’t the man making those decisions right now but considering that he wanted to mention me by name, I’m happy to respond once….after this, I ain’t got s*** to say…

Liam, you coming out all scattergun and firing off shots at me, Max, Damien but in reality the only beef you got is with Eddy Kent cos yo a55 ain’t got the strap….

I been there, I done it but you know that is the nature of the beast…..the same way you bring up the Tyler Roth incident but who squared that away?

*JJ jabs himself in the chest, smiling

JJ: That’s right mother****er…..VIP wanted yo a55 suspended for that assault and I shut that s*** down…because you showed some goddamn initiative and you played Genesis at they own game….I ain’t got no issue with that…

The same way I had no issue when you stomped Eddy Kent’s head into the mat and caused him to lose to Percy Percival….you can’t have yo cake and eat it, you can’t have it all yo way…..what goes around, comes around…..Genesis taking shots, you taking shots….and I have absolutely no doubt that management will do the right thing and agree to let you boys dance again…I’d say it is an inevitability and why?

*JJ points to the ceiling now

JJ: Because they will demand it…

*The audience make a huge roar at this

JJ: Anyone who knows me knows that how I operate is fo’ the people and this company will run the same way… angry, I get it, but shooting yo mouth off at me ain’t the one…the fans will speak and ultimately that is what will deliver…

The fans are already making it clear that Liam Wood/Eddy Kent needs to happen again and I fully believe that Max & Damien will hear and they will do the right thing….

You say you pi55ed off? Then do something about it….it’s that simple…..I know you ain’t afraid to get yo hands dirty so you want some advice from an old timer? Stop talking about it and be about it!

Clarissa: And just finally, JJ, a word on Acer…..obviously we know there is going to be an investigation into what happened at Scars and Stripes with Allie Thompson getting hurt during the crossfire…..Acer is, of course, one of your best friends but you and he do seem to have had a few differences as of late…

JJ: First thing on that is Allie Thompson….we all love and respect Allie and what happened to her should never happen to any non-wrestling talent…..she’s been amazing bout the whole thing but it isn’t acceptable…

I know in the heat o’ the moment anything can happen and I know there was no malice to it, nor was it deliberate but still it has to be investigated….the same way it would in any place of work….now Acer ain’t the only one involved so let’s make that clear…..the fight and the brawl outside o’ the ring had three different superstars involved, one agent and a load o’ security who didn’t deal with it quickly enough….that’s why we employ these people…

But this is a business and there are times when you gotta separate personal from that….Acer is my boy but he’s acknowledged he did wrong and he understands the due process of what happens next….nobody, and I mean nobody gone get preferential treatment…

As for any differences we have? That’s all in house, as far as I’m concerned….I’m not here on the mic to talk trash on my friend….fact is he came back here and he went to war for me, he put himself out fo’ me and I’m never gone forget that….but he made it clear post-Night of Glory that he needed to do this alone and carve his own path….I’ll admit that was a tough transition period fo’ me because we brothers and perhaps I stepped on his toes once or twice but I hear him loud and clear and I understand now that he needs to do what he needs to do…

But that said, I’m always here….so is Saint and we ride or die until the end whenever he calls…..I get him being his own man but we got him if needs be… the path to the mountain top be arduous and its stressful so I don’t take no slight on crossed words….as far as I be concerned, it’s all love and we all good…

If ever a time when that isn’t the case, I’m sure he’ll let me know…

Clarissa: JJ thank you for your time….I’ll let you get back to it and good luck with your title defence…

JJ: ‘preciate that…..

*JJ points at the camera now and taps his heart before throwing up the Coalition Salute and walking out of shot.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by x12x Sat 20 Jul 2024, 8:41 pm

Marky wrote:
x12x wrote:
Revival Mode by Every Time I Die blasts from the speakers and the fans are on their feet as Liam Wood walks out on to the stage with a determined look across his face. As Wood walks down he is shown to be holding a bag that he keeps under his arm.

JT: This is the first time Wood has been seen since he was literally 1 second away from crowning himself the 6WF World Champion...

RJ: That's right...if it wasn't for Miss Jessica saving Eddy Kent and getting her revenge, he'd have broken a 7 year long wait to be world champion yet again

Wood makes it to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope before getting to his feet and dropping the bag on the floor and taking a mic. Wood waits, allowing the fans to die down before he begins to speak

JJ Johnson, Max Adamson and Damien Andrews...

The fans are confused

I know a lot of people wanted me to call out Eddy Kent and Genesis but right now it's those three men that are p¡ssing me off and I honestly want answers.

Wood begins to pace the ring, a scowl across his face as he's clearly angry

Now, feel free to come out here and correct me if I'm wrong but did we, or did we not, just host a show that had 85,000 people in attendance and streamed to millions of people world wide? Did we not just put on one of the biggest shows the world had ever seen and made sure people know that WE are the biggest company out there right now?

The fans are cheering for Wood's announcements and claims about Scars and Stripes and 6CWF in general only for them to be cut off with his next line

So please tell me why you are still running this company like something Jim Cornette would call and outlaw sh¡tshow?! Tell me why you three numbskulls can't seem to organise a p¡ss up in a brewery?! and tell me why I was once allowed to be screwed over by Eddy Kent and his band of idiots?!

You see, at Scars And Stripes you allowed me to be screwed over multiple time...just like you have at about a million other PPVs and you just let it slide. Yet, when I level the playing field and take out someone like Tyler Roth there has to be discussions about what's going to happen to me?

You can all go f**k yourself...

...what happens in the next few weeks and months is on each and every one of you and you only have yourselves to blame for what I'm going to do to Genesis and anyone who supports them.

Wood pauses again, some fans get behind him but some of the fans who love the likes of Max and JJ are clearly not on board

Now I've mentioned Genesis, I guess I need to talk about Eddy Kent...I guess it's time to reveal what I have in my bag and this might shock's a present for him.

The fans seem confused as Wood reaches down for the bag, unzipping it and pulling out what looks like a replica 6WF Title but on closer inspection it's clearly a handmade one, made of paper and card. The camera zooms in but is quickly cut away as Wood has made a clear and purposeful error in the spelling of Eddy Kent's name and has replaced his second name with an expletive that isn't allowed on TV.

This is a new title for you because it represents what you are...

...a paper champion...

...Right now, as you cuddle up to that 6WF Title belt you are only doing so on a not only didn't win the match but you also had to be rescued by Rex Adamson but also the walking talking 6CWF STI Miss Jessica.

Wood pauses as the fans seem a little split with some enjoying the jokes and some thinking they're going too far

Without them that title would be around my waist but what's new? Without the help you've been getting since this company reopened you'd not be champion in the first's pathetic. I can already hear you talking about yourself and calling yourself Daddy. So please, if that's all you're going to do stay in the back because I've heard the same long winded speech enough to last me a life time.

Wood continues to pace as he turns his attention to the other people involved during Scars and Stripes

I'm also not here to talk to Rex because again, I can already predict what you're going to say and're going to bury your head in the sand and pretend that 'Daddy' won fairly but we all know what again, stay in the back and keep your mouth shut...we all know you're scared of me becoming champion and rightfully so...that might be the only smart thought you've ever had.

No, the person I truly wanted to address out here today was Miss Jessica...

The fans boo hearing her name causing Wood to laugh as continues


At Scars and Stripes you got your revenge but I'm here to tell you that you should be careful what you wish for because you've seen first hand what I did to Engel, you're going to see what I'm going to do to Genesis and then, what I'm going to do to you..., don't get me wrong...I would never hurt a woman...'s a shame that nobody could ever describe you as that though.

Wood speaks one last time, the anger and disgust towards Miss Jessica clear to see in his words

You are a disgusting wh0re who has been ran through more times that the London Marathon...I'd ask Rex Adamson to count how many of the boys in the back you've been with but I doubt he can count that high.

You are nothing but a cancer to this company it is my job to remove you...just like I did to Costello, Engel and Tyler Roth...

...6CWF, you are welcome.

Wood lowers the mic, the camera focused on him as a scowl is across his face

As Wood waits for somebody to answer him, "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons hits and the crowd erupts as the co-General Manager, Max Adamson, makes his way out onto the stage in the arena. He is wearing a beige suit and trousers, with a white shirt, he is holding a microphone in one hand, and motioning with his other hand for Liam to calm down. He waits for the music to fade and for the "Max" chants to die down

Max: Yeah, yeah, I know... I'm happy to see you too...

The crowd roars in approval once more but Max is shaking his head

Max: ...But this isn't about me. It's about the gentleman in the ring there. Obviously Liam, I get you're angry, but going after the management because Miss Jessica put Eddy Kent's leg on a rope... It seems overkill to me...

Max is walking down towards the ring despite Wood clearly not being happy

Max: The Hour had so many variables, and I get it. You fought heroically for 60 minutes, only for your final moment to be stolen away. But by telling me, Andrews, and Johnson, to "f*ck ourselves", that would imply there's a deeper issue here Liam.

Max climbs up the ring steps, and enters the ring. Wood is still glaring at his longtime friend

Max: You said it yourself. You took out Genesis... Well, half of them. You took out Tyler Roth. You took out Michael Sweetwater. And then you come out here wondering why Genesis screwed you over against Eddy Kent... You know full well what you started when you took out Tyler Roth. That was a declaration of war. And for you to come out here, and whinge, and moan... Because the battle didn't go your way... That's not Liam Wood.

Max stares at Wood

Max: Scars and Stripes, in a 7 man match, even if you'd won... That was never going to be the end of this thing you have with Genesis. And to blame management for you being screwed over... May I remind you, although he only beat you in the Fight for the Right Tournament with Genesis interference... Rex Adamson had every right to loiter ringside with his Fight for the Right briefcase. Like the contract says, any time, any place. And you used that briefcase to smash Eddy Kent in the face before Miss Jessica did what she did, so he didn't really cost you.

Max shrugs as sections of the crowd boo him

Max: Listen, I don't lie. The only reason Liam Wood didn't win The Hour, is because Miss Jessica seemingly joined Genesis. You're at war with Genesis and have history with her. So instead of coming out here to bitch about management...

Max grins at Wood

Max: ...Go and fix your Miss Jessica problem. Go and beat Masters and Percival this week, prove you belong in the mix, and be the Liam Wood we all know you can be. I don't give a sh*t if you tell me to f*ck myself. We've said far worse things to each other in the past... But stop focusing on the wrong things. Think about it.

Max and Wood stare at each other as the crowd cheers once more

Wood shakes his head as he looks across at Max, almost in disbelief

You just don't get it do you Max?

Your job as management is to run this place properly yet every single PPV I seem to get screwed over because nobody is scared of being, JJ and Andrews let people run riot and you think me getting angry is overkill?

Since I've returned I've been screwed over by Daniel Reilly, Vincent Costello, Engel Harlequin, Michael Sweetwater, Tyler Roth and even your own nephew Rex Adamson. I have had titles and other opportunities stolen from me over and over again and all you can say is get over it?

I can't tell if old age is getting to you or you have a selective memory but the more you speak the more I feel justified in telling you to go f**k yourself

Wood keeps a scowl on his face as he continues to reply to Max

The worst part is that you want to put the blame on me for this? What a joke...

You say that Genesis screwed me over as an act of revenge but then you also bring up the fact that your own nephew had to have them screw me over in the first place because he's a are you blaming me?

I guess nepotism will never truly go away, will it?

Wood shakes head again and paces the ring again, his eyes locked on Adamson as he does

The truth is, I took out half of Genesis because you guys couldn't do your job...I took out Roth because Andrews wanted me to "prove" myself instead of giving me my rightful spot...

Now you want me to prove myself again, another hoop to jump through instead of giving me what I actually deserve...a title shot again Eddy Kent in a match where your idiot nephew and that stupid c**t Jessica can't get involved.

...What happens to everyone in my way is on the management of this company.

Wood throws the mic down and walks out of the ring, hopping over the barrier and walking away. As he reaches the exit he turns and flips Adamson off as the fans give a mixed reaction


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by Steel Sun 21 Jul 2024, 10:31 am

A few days following Scars and Stripes at a 6CW promotional event giving the fans the opportunity to get close to their favourite superstars and grab autographs, Clarissa can be seen working the crowd asking fans about their experiences most appear overjoyed with the event all smiles. The cameras pan as a section of those in attendance begin to cheer loudly, Geoff Steel can be seen rising from behind a table with the Xtreme championship above his head. He then places the title on his shoulder and applauds the masses thanking them for attending before manoeuvring his way towards the exit. Clarissa quickly moves on a path to intercept him picking her the smartest route through the bodies separating them. As Steel reaches the door a shout can be heard from close by.

Clarissa: Geoff!

Steel turns back to see Clarissa and her camera crew approaching and waits as they draw nearer. As we get a closer view of Steel, we can see still quite fresh reminders on his face of the battle that went on at Scars and Stripes with distinct cuts and scrapes visible.

Clarissa: Sorry to disturb you I know you have probably had a hectic day, but could I get your thoughts on the event held here today?

Steel smiles and nods.

GS: You know it’s always a pleasure for me to be able to give back to the people who make 6CW what it is, without them the majority of us would be left performing in school halls or social clubs so meeting the guys from locker room is the least we can do to show our appreciation, sacrificing a few hours of my time here might inspire the next generation to take up our craft, who knows twenty year from now one of these kids could be Xtreme champion that’s what makes these events special and I’m happy to play my part. If they do have aspirations to carry this championship though I would recommend they have the number for a great doctor readily available and they best learn to embrace pain because in this division there’s no escaping it follows you like a shadow.

Clarissa: It has been a couple of days since your brutal contest with Marty Helms how’s the recovery process been for you?

GS: Its going well Thanks, the morning after was a bit rough constant headache and every joint ached when I moved but I had my usual appointments did my rehab and now I am starting to feel a bit more normal. Which from what I’ve heard online is a much better scenario than can be said for Marty, he’s currently still licking his wounds and seems to be done with the company, he talked a good game and I cant argue against him giving as good as he got during our match, there was times out there I was surviving on pure instinct when it came to the crescendo I did exactly what I said I was going to do, made him quit and walked out with my championship. I was surprised he tapped if I’m honest sure the situation I put him in was next level torture, I thought that massive ego of his would rather see him end up in a wheelchair than submit to a guy he deemed unworthy, guess he finally came to his senses and realisation hit he was second best.

Clarissa: Your name is missing from the advertised matches for this weeks Proving Grounds is that on medical grounds or through personal request?

Steel looks a bit perplexed.

GS: If I am not advertised a live 6CWF televised event in future you can guarantee that its not through personal choice I am always ready to compete, read into that what you will. Just because I am not on the card though does not mean I won’t be in attendance heck if nobody else takes him on his open challenge maybe ill go challenge Dicey for the European title and become a double champion. I’ve vanquished Marty Helms and I’m not expecting him to return for another opportunity, that means I’m currently without a challenger it wont take long for that position to be filled so I need to be there to keep my eye on events, my opponents always tend to come looking for me and that puts me on the defensive from the start, maybe it’s time I went on the offensive and control the narrative for a change.

Clarissa: Thanks for your time, Geoff.

Steel smiles and waves to the crowd one last time before exiting.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by Bentyf1 Sun 21 Jul 2024, 6:12 pm

[6CWF cameras begin to roll live, post Scars and Stripes from Arlington, Texas from the AT@T stadium. The 6CWF universe is greeted to a bright and packed conference room in one of the many suites within the AT@T stadium. The Scars and stripes poster is plastered on the wall with the multiple sponsors 6CWF has from around the world with a lengthy black table infront of it. On the table is setup microphones, bottles of water and neat black leather chairs for the guests arriving. The media gathered in the conference room is chattering in excitement at the massive events that went down at Scars and Stripes. VIP promotions owner, Trevor Abraham strides out from behind the side entrance of the stage of the conference room as the media being to simmer down somewhat. Abraham is wearing a smart black suit with no tie on and his top button is undone. Abraham is looking cheerful and stoked at the record numbers of eyes on the 6CWF product currently as he takes his place behind the table surronded by 6CWF affiliated products. Abraham holds his hands and begins to speak into the microphone as the crowd fall silent and the camera zooms in on TA.]

TA: Good evening everyone and welcome to 6CWF Scars and Stripes post press conference, my name is Trevor Abraham. What a night we have witnessed in at AT@T stadium in Arlington, Texas. Hope you all agree and this press conference we will have superstars that have emerged from Scars and Stripes as winners to get their thoughts and feelings following a huge and historic night. The main event, the hour, was one of the most impassioned, emotionally charged and chaotic main events we have ever seen. Now, we have one man who is re-writing the record books, who is nearing a year as our 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion and successfully claimed victory in the hour match. Ladies and gentlemen... Eddy Kent.

[Succession begins to play from the small sound system as the assembled media largely stand to their feet to welcome none other than Eddy Kent. Dripping with sweat, a soaked towel over his neck and walking slightly stiffly, a bruised and battered Eddy Kent enters shot still in his wrestling gear but with a plain black under armour shirt. His friend and advisor, Ralph Santos follows in toe wearing a three piece suit with the Genesis poison green tie. Santos is in possession of the 6WF championship as the slender figure of Miss Jessica skips into shot and snatches the championship away from Santos who looks on open mouthed and bewildered. Jessica is now wearing skinny black trousers and a very recently released new Genesis shirt in black with the wording etched into the fabric with poison green lettering "Mami's Genesis". Kent looks absolutely shattered and only musters a weak smirk as he slumps onto the chair behind the table, front and centre of the camera. The crowd simmer down and take their seats as Kent unscrews a bottle of water and slurps on it for a few seconds before putting the water bottle back down. Before he speaks, Jessica who is hovering over his shoulder, picks up a microphone from the table and loudly begins to speak.]

MJ: Guess what 6CWF universe... I'm back and I am the Mami Genesis needs! and for my first message... the man you see sat next to me, the Daddy of Genesis and the greatest that 6CWF has ever seen has just defended the prize they all want... bar me, obviously. And you will show yours and my Daddy the respect he deserves! so once again... ladies and gentlemen, 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion, the greatest of all time, the inevitable one, daddy always wins... EDDY KENT!

[Jessica squeezes the broad right shoulder of Eddy Kent as she places the microphone back down and giggles with glee as she picks up the 6WF title and holds it in her hands, proudly displaying it to the side of the hard camera with Kent fully in focus. Ralph Santos is now sat next to Kent looking at Jessica with the same bewilderment he had originally when Jessica entered shout. Kent looks at Jessica as they lock eyes before Kent looks back at the camera, wincing as he does with a focused and confident demeanour. Kent rubs his face with the cool and wet white towel before placing it on the table as his cold blue eyes dart around ther room, still slightly paranoid from the main event. Kent then exhales for a few seconds and purses his lips as he thinks what he is going to say for a few seconds. Kent then speaks in a slightly toned down and clearly exhausted voice.]

Kent: Now... lots of people here tonight in Arlington, including some in this room and around the world all believed that this was the most danger, the most jeopardy my historic reign has ever faced coming into the hour, here at Scars and Stripes. And yet... I emerge victorious again. Was it really in doubt? No. I told you all, you know, week after week... Daddy has a plan, I don't tell lies because that's the type of man I am, it goes on and on. Go and check. Go and check what I say and I tell no lies and will continue to do so. Because that is what the greats do. That is what the greatest does...

Kent: These matches just keep getting bigger and bigger, 6CWF keeps getting bigger and bigger because of me and my Genesis. It seems like every time Genesis or Eddy Kent is invovled in a match it's the biggest of all time and that is the level we are taking things to. Levels that this company has ever seen in the last fifteen years or so. Earlier today me and the boys talked about how we can keep making Genesis bigger and greater, how do you outdo retiring Max Adamson on the biggest stage of them all, how do you outdo beating 6CWF legend Dicey Reilly on the other biggest stage of them all, and I think Genesis and I have done this tonight in Arlington.

Kent: What we are all witnessing and living in is the greatest storyline that this company has experienced, infact any professional wrestling company has ever witnessed. The best work that has been going on for nearly twelve months now and we just keep adding layer after layer for you all resulting in this layer tonight where Genesis officially has a Mami. Who could of forseen this? I told you all, I had a plan... Daddy had a plan. I'm a man of my word and the mami of Genesis is here and isn't she just perfect?

[Jessica evily smiles and taps the 6WF world title and then points at Kent again as the flashbulbs go off from the assembled media. Jessica yells "The inevitable one is your daddy and is the greatest of all time" and
"Genesis needs a Mami" Kent nods in approval at the respect he is recieveing as Santos now looks a little more comfortable if not a little wary of Miss Jessica. Kent then begins to continue to talk to the assembled media and the fans around the world via their devices.]

Kent: The Genesis story continues to grow and grow and for me... we've got so much to tell. I've got so much more to tell... I've seen the questions on X, the discussions, the memes and the posts etc etc wondering if I can keep this up... wondering how much Genesis can continue to grow and my answer to that is just see what happened tonight. Right here right now I would say we are just finishing the first half of a game of football. Genesis still is at 50 percent of where I wan't it to be and trust me... Genesis has all the tools to become 100 percent aligned to my vision.

Kent: Genesis and Eddy Kent is just scratching the surface... there is still so much left to do, more titles to win, more victories to be had and more records to smash. You know, ten years ago I would of just been satisfied having my name in the main event but now, I feel the best I have ever done and that is truly being the greatest of all time. I've said it for a long time now, I told the entire 6CWF universe that we are going to change the game. Change the landscape of professional wrestling and I like to think we are doing that week in and week out.

Kent: My whole life I've never followed suit or gone with the crowd... and Genesis is the same. Genesis and I aren't hear to be the most viewed on TikTok, to have the most retweets on X, saying controversial things, throwing ourselves on barbed wire... No, we are here to conquer and dominate. Rip up the history books and create a new history book... The book of Genesis. We are trying to expand the minds of professional wrestling fans all around the world. You will have to watch and savour these matches because Genesis and Eddy Kent will not be around forever.

Kent: You're going to have to watch my era and Genesis's era with close attention because this era is truly just getting started. What we are cooking is Wagyu Steaks every week... this is what you're all being treated to is this. The 6CWF is no longer eating at Subway, McDonalds or Burger king... No, you are all dining at the best restaurants in the world because of me and of course Genesis. This is as good as it gets and I want you all to savour the greatness you are witnessing... because I guarentee to you all, you will never see these levels again.

Kent: This victory tonight is historic... there is no doubt about it. Main event after main event, the lights on bright and winning every single time, nobody can walk in my shoes. These moments just keep getting bigger and greater every single time. Genesis is delivering... it's the group on everyones lips. The 6CWF hall of fame group need I remind you of course. This side of my career is the most fulfilling I have ever felt doing this and being able to build Genesis with people like Ralph, Rex, Michael and Tyler we are truly making history.

Kent: I'm putting these guys into a position to show how good they are and there is no better example than my Genesis son, Rex Adamson. Look, we know how good he is already but Genesis and I have taken Rex to levels his uncle could only of ever dreamed of. Tonight there will be a few twisted narratives as to what happened after the hour... but look, Rex's time is coming. He knows it and I know it. He will be 6CW champion one day and continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with greatness. And the day will come when it will be his...

Kent: I'm putting the locker room on record. I challenge anybody whether it be any of the kids in the snake pit, any of the guys in the locker room who haven't had a shot and any of the guys in the hour match... I challenge you to take this from us. Take the book of Genesis away from us and create a new story... I dare you. I dare somebody to try and take this from us, take the spotlight away from me... Because if you don't, Genesis is just going to keep steam rolling... we're going to keep dominating and creating history. My Genesis family from Ralph to Jessica to Rex to Tyler and to Michael... we aren't lying to you all, we are the best to ever do this.

Kent: This is very real and this will continue until someone stops us? and currently... nobody is taking my spotlight. Look at the guys I beat tonight... some of the best this business can offer and I beat them all inside an hour. From Scott Harris to Liam Wood and to Daniel Reilly and to Acer I could go on... they've held titles and accolades and the are some of the best in the world at what they do. But guess what? I beat them all... and some again for the second time.  This event has once again cemented the fact i'm the greatest of all time. But it's not just me that's being lifted up... it's the whole of Genesis.

Kent: Now my back was against the wall tonight and sure, the guys in the match are going to be coming back to try and take what's mine but lets be honest... Genesis is going to handle more business as we have continued to do so since almost a year now. We're going to handle the likes of Liam Wood, Scott Harris, Daniel Reilly... Acer, Mike Masters and Percy Percival and sort it out. But trust me when I say, Genesis has just begun... get used to this. Because this is the way it's going to be from now on.

Kent: I'm coming up on a year as 6WF world heavyweight champion... this has never been done and will never be done again and do I think someone will stop me? no. Plain and simply, no. You all thought it was going to be Liam... you all thought it was going to be Dicey... you all thought it was going to be Scott, then Max and Chris and look what's happened to all of them. Has anyone done what i've done and then in some cases beaten the same man twice? not a chance. I've been thinking about a year reign since last December and I'm already focused on two years. I ain't stopping any time soon... because Daddy always win... Genesis always wins and truly... I am inevitable.

[With that the media stand to their feet once again as Kent slightly winces as he stands up, clutching his lower right hand side as Jessica applauds loudly and cheers, clutching the 6WF world title with glee and skips towards the exit as Santos tries to catch up with her. The final shot is of Kent scowling into the camera and pointing at himself saying "God mode" before stumbling off as Trevor Abrahams takes over the microphone to thank Kent as the post conference goes to a small break showing a TeamZoomZoom promo.]


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by President Trump Mon 22 Jul 2024, 8:53 am

Tim Allen is at a hotel door as he is about to knock the door opens and he sees a sheepish looking Wigfield staring at him. She drops her head was speedily walks past him and down the corridor. Tim pops his head inside the room and sees Dicey buck naked looking out the far panoramic window. He turns to reveal that he has a sock puppet of Mr T over his pen1s.

Dicey: Ah Timbo, I hope International pop sensation, Wigfield, didn’t startle you on the way out. You see me and International pop sensation, Wigfield had quite the weekend together. Did I mention I just had a weekend of passionate but often weird s*x with International pop sensation, Wigfield.

Tim turns around as Dicey takes the puppet off and throws it on the bed next to Tim.

Dicey: She loved it when I made Mr T dance…these 90’s chicks man

Tim: Dice can you please put on some clothes this is a HR case waiting to happen

Dicey: Don’t be so prudish Timbo, don’t tell me you’ve never seen a grown man naked and basking in the glory of just boning International pop sensation, Wigfield while wearing a now deeply drenched in semen, Mr. T sock puppet? Have you been living in a convent?

Dicey throws the puppet at Tim making him jump and scream as Dicey laughs and disappears into the bathroom

Dicey: Fine I will get dressed you little pervert. As much as I love hanging out with you Timbo can I ask why you have disturbed my Kung Fu? And by Kung fu I mean my w**k time

Tim: I got the meaning….I was sent over to interview you about Stars and Strips and how you are half way to the one Million bonus.

Dicey walks out with his wrestling gear and a Wigfield t-shirt on and sits beside Tim

Dicey: As I was saying to International pop sensation, Wigfield, the bonus doesn’t really change things for me. I do alright but I have ear marked it for something because lets face it, I am the only Champ in 6CWF that is willing to put their title on the line each and every week. I’m not hiding behind my group or my brother or jumping off cages anymore. I am out there fighting like a man, like a true champion. Yes one mill would be great but showing the fans and the world that Dicey Reilly is still going, still fighting is what I want.

When I came back I didn’t think I would last a month never mind being a champion again so (He picks up the sock puppet and wraps his hands around it and starts twisting) I am taking the opportunity by both hands and I’m not gonna stop.

Some of the fluid that is on the puppet dribbles onto Tim’s lap and he gets up and starts dry reaching into the bin

Dicey: Stop being a p***y, its not like you’ve never had a bit of your friends cum on you before, remember the Eiffel Tower we had in Vegas, man she was air tight that night eh Timbo

Dicey slaps Tim on the back and laughs as he walks out of the room leaving Tim sitting on the floor staring at the sock puppet

President Trump

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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by Lee Mon 22 Jul 2024, 1:56 pm

Post Scars & Stripes we see a man standing in the parking lot alone, we quickly see its Logan Kincade still in his gear, still covered in blood and talking to someone who clearly isn't there.

LK: it's fine!, it's done now....I tried and I failed.... I suppose there's no denying who I am... No! I didn't give up! It's just time to stop living in denial...

Logan wanders through the parking aimlessly.

LK: Blue...."Dragon" hahaha shut up, Dragon? Damien Andrews Junior. What were you thinking?

Logan stops dead and stares into space for a few seconds.


Logan's energy changes from out of nowhere, he is enraged and frantic.

LK: This isn't a game Andrews! This is the endgame and what did you do? You left that, that freak to lie there and acted like that was fine?

What? Have you gone soft? You've always been soft though haven't you? Maybe your dad was right about you. Maybe...

Logan grits his teeth and composes himself a little.

LK: no, Senior is just as bad, thinking I'm stupid is one thing, thinking I'm weak is another.

He wanders over to a wet poster for the show on the floor, this one shows Blue Dragon and Plague facing off logan puts his foot on the image of Plague.

LK: In this life, as well you know, you can't let up... especially not at the end. It's zombie survival, double tap, kill confirm...

He drags his foot ripping the poster where Plague's face appears leaving just Blue Dragon and glares down at it.

LK: Champion...

Logan smirks

LK: Not my champion, Brother?....

Logan spaces out again before snapping back to reality.

LK: This needed to be put to rest and if you weren't willing to do it then I was. He has been running his mouth against you, against me against everything we hold......held...dear.

LK: Well, he's not talking now is he, I had to kill Gazzy D for him to be reborn and DO. THE RIGHT. THING!.

LK: So order for you to do the right thing...

Suddenly the sound of a can being kicked along the ground breaks Logan's concentration.

Kincade turns to see a group of 4 men heading his way with ill intent.

Logan smiles and he turns to face them.

Leader: Hey you're that wrestler ain't ya? Logan Kincade yeah that's it...hey, I heard it's all fake hahaha

The gang all laugh as Logan begins laughing too which confuses them.

Leader: Hey why are you laughin'? You better hand over your money or your phone or you're gonna catch a beating

Logan is in hysterics as the leader looks incensed.

Leader: get 'im boys!

Just as the leader of the gang shouts Logan is on him and grabs him around the neck in a choke hold and holds his arm behind his back and turns him to face the others.

LK: Listen lad, I'm in a bad mood, usually that means someone gets hurt, usually I get in trouble and someone has to write to the authorities or the council or whatever to smooth it all over.

LK: So....I'm gonna give you one chance to get the f**k out of my face....but I warn you, One chance is all you get....yeah?

The leader agrees and Logan slowly releases him.

Once released he begins to act cool and clearly hasn't taken Logan's threat seriously enough.

He is turned away from Logan as he tries to rally the gang to take Kincade on together but the faces of the other 3 turn white as Logan delivers a devastating kick to the leaders head sending him flying and out cold.

The others think about jumping in but quickly run away, leaving their friend out cold as Logan wanders away.

LK: Andrews, it's always a f*****g Andrews isn't it. It's always them....always....

Logan stops and glares at the body on the floor.

LK: Well then, I guess there's nothing else for it, he itches the scars on his face.... it's time to go to war.

Logan looks in the direction of the men who ran away and sprints off to find them and the scene fades.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by President Trump Mon 22 Jul 2024, 3:14 pm

We see Tim Allen coming out of an office on his phone

TA: It got all over me Janine…all over me, I don’t know how much more I can take……I know I like Dicey and he’s good for business but this is unacceptable….OK I will leave it in your capable hands, thanks for listening.

Tim hands up and sees Chris Patricks standing in front of him

TA: I have had a day Chris I don’t need you giving out to me again

Chris puts his hands up in a peaceful manner

CP: I come in peace Tim, I was out of order earlier and I wanted to find you to apologise. It has been a very stressful few days…weeks…months you name it  

TA: I would say so, after that finish at Stars and Strips I can see why you’d be annoyed

CP: I should be walking around with that briefcase, I unclipped it and it fell on Rex…fell on him for crying out loud. There are cameras everywhere and that idiot ref couldn’t just take the time to have a look. Come on its stupid, every knows I won but now I have to listen to that brat Rex talking sh!t about me and how I stacked the deck and still lost. I was ripped off by inept officiating

TA: Have you spoken to Max

CP: What can he do, he got his knickers in a twist because I sorted all this out with Andrews but I only did that to keep his hands clean. Rex and him are still family at the end of the day so if I did anything to jeopardise his career I wanted Max as far away as possible. I was only looking out for him just like I have been since I came back. Everything I do I just can’t win in his eyes lately.

TA: He’s you best friend he will understand

CP: It’ll be fine, he’ll be fine we’re adults, anyway I have to go. I just wanted to apologise again and to tell you I saw the VT with Dicey earlier and you should really get that rash on your arm checked out God knows what that goblin has

Chris nods at Tim and walks away with smile on his face as Tim quickly checks his arms

TA: Rash…what rash…CHRIS WHAT RASH

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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by BlueDragon1205 Mon 22 Jul 2024, 6:31 pm

We see the inside of a dark office. 

The air full of heavy grey smoke as the camera follows the smoke trail towards it's source. In the background we see a large figure in the shadows. The trail leads to an ashtray and in that ashtray sits a large cigar, the deep brown of the wrapping helping to draw the eye to the glowing tip of the cigar, the embers lighting up the ash as a hand drops down next to the cigar. 

A voice begins to speak, we know who it is...

I know, to be fair mate I wasn't expecting it either... 
The pr*ck even had some of his lads try to join the match...

The camera focuses and we see Blue Dragon. 
A smile on his face, very happy and proud at his performance at Scars and Stripes, happy to be 6CW World Champion. 
He's on the phone to someone..

No, no I'm taking a few weeks away from the business, if you want to talk import speak to big Dave. 
Anything else, call Mack, he'll sort you out.... 
What? Yeah mate yeah, what a w*nker ay!? 

Dragon is laughing away at the conversation. 
He's in good spirits..

Yeah, Logan's ok, he's just got alot on his plate, I'm sure he'll be fine.... 
Yeah, on fire yeah.. 
plague got what he deserves the sick b*stard. I was happy to see Logan get one over on him.. 
Naa its all good me and Logan are cool mate, yeah wer in touch all the time, in fact we went straight out for a bevvy after... 
Alright mate, go ed then you get off, speak to Mack yeah? Yeah mate.. go ed.. 
Bye lad, bye..

Dragon hangs up the phone and almost instantly the smile leaves his face, a blank, almost pained expression takes over and he starts checking his phone for messages.

Really, I'm world champ and I get nothing from him... 
And nothing from Logan too.. this is bad..

He dials a number then holds the phone to his ear again, we hear ringing followed by an answer phone..

Logan, it's Blue.. 
I need to get in touch with you. I've not seen you since the arena, since you set Plague alight. 
Listen I know you saw me and Gazzy, but you don't understand what's actually going on here...
I get what Gazzy is going through more than anyone realises, listen mate, we need to talk. Please, there's something I need to tell you, in private. 
Meet me before the show.. 
Please mate, this isn't about Dad, it's not about Plague, it's not even about 6CWF, it's about family, do the right thing Logan, please....

Dragon ends the call and he looks worried for a few seconds, he takes the cigar from the ashtray and he takes a dragon on it like a normal person would do with a vape, he sits in his chair and he seems to stare into space, the smoke seeping it's way from his mouth and nose and up into the air as Dragon shakes his head.

Congratulations.... Huh? 
Always something with that lad..

Suddenly there's a knock at the door and Dragon takes a deep breath. He puts on his 'happy face' and says "come in"..

Mack (BDs right hand man) enters as Dragons smile turns genuine for a moment, he stands and hugs his old friend before Mack holds BDs face in his hands

Well done Blue, I know what it means to you. All the boys told me to send their Congratulations, I think they're hoping for a few extra quid at the end of the month.. haha

Thanks mate, your opinion means alot. About the only one a care about anymore... 
Apart from Logan, obviously. 

How is he? I saw what happened, I know plague deserves it but I know Logan's past, if your dad has anything to do about it, this is only the begining...

He'll be fine. At least I'm gunna be there for him. Speaking of which... 
You all set to take over here for a few weeks? 
You'll need this..

Dragon takes a black notebook from his jacket pocket and throws it to him. Mack catches it and looks inside..

F*cking hell!! 
Business is good! Haha

Everything is good Mack, now get out of here. I've got tonight sorted. 
From midnight tonight I'm off the clock, I have a kingdom to rule...

BD looks down at the desk as the camera pans down and we see the 6CW Championship on his desk. Next to it sits a tall pile of money and sheets of paper that look like import documents, shipping labels and cheque's. 

The camera stays on the hold as we see the reflection of Blue Dragons face, his eyes set on the championship...

So what's next for you Champ? 
I hope your letting yourself enjoy these good times, think of all the victims lining up to face you, Blue you've got your pick of the lot. And god help anyone who wants to take that thing off you...

Abso-f*cking-lutely mate. 
Don't get me wrong, I have my worries, I have Logan, I have Damien and I have a target on my chest. 
But one thing I know, no matter what happens... 

Things are about to get interesting .....

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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by Perfect Jack Mon 22 Jul 2024, 8:59 pm

A twisted version of "I am Perfection" plays out to the arena speakers and the crowd begins to boo. Perfect Jack walks out onto the stage showing no emotion. He walks down the aisle and enters the ring. In his hand he has three action figures, one of Daniel Reilly, one of Acer and another of Uryu. He stands oppososite Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane, who takes a step back behind Daniel Reilly.

Perfect Jack stands across Daniel Reilly, looking dishevelled and unkept.

PJ: Hello Daniel. It's been a while. Too long in fact. Been a while since we've spoken, been a while since we've even stood face to face. I know the other two are watching but that's not why I'm here. I'm here because I want to know why. I'm here because I want to know why you, and everyone else abandoned me.


Perfect Jack clutches at the action figures in his hands and begins to pace back and forth before stopping once again opposite Daniel Reilly.

PJ: I want you tell me why you abandoned me like everyone else did and I want you to tell me what's stopping me from tearing you apart just like I did to Uryu.

Perfect Jack raises the Uryu figure and bites the head off and spits it towards Daniel, which lands at his feet.

PJ: I'll tell you what's stopping me. Nothing. Nobody stops me now. Nobody stops me from hurting everyone and everything. You saw what I did to Lex Hart, you've seen what I've done to Uryu Ishida. At Aftermath you might just see what I'll do to you.

Perfect Jack stands across Daniel Reilly, fixated on him with a twisted smile.

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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by DanielReilly Mon 22 Jul 2024, 10:04 pm

Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane look uneasy as they watch Perfect Jack. They exchange confused looks before Reilly raises the microphone.

DR: Jack! How good it is to see you after all this time! And the King can see you don’t come alone!

Reilly points at the action figures in Jack’s hand.

DR: The King can see that 6CWF have produced life sized little Acer action figures!

Keane is laughing and Reilly smirks at Jack who doesn’t look impressed.

DR: Where’s your sense of humour gone, Jack? You come out here and make threats towards the King? And for what? Because the King apparently abandoned you? You see the King is sorry to break it to you but he ain’t your daddy! The King is not responsible for you so it’s best you leave it there before the King is forced to take your head off!

You dare come out here and accuse the King of not being there for you? Well where was you when the King was down eh Jack? Daniel Reilly returned to 6CWF, a multi time singles and tag team Champion, a 2 time World Champion, and he was dealt a 0-7 start! Who was there for the King during that time, Jack? Because you certainly wasn’t!

The only man who was there for the King was Oliver Keane! So don’t you dare come out here and moan about Daniel Reilly not being there for you! When you first walked through these doors, it was the King who took you under his arm and walked you to a World Championship so how about you stop playing with your little dolls, and show the King the respect he deserves!


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by acer101 Tue 23 Jul 2024, 10:02 am

Uryu Ishida wrote:As soon as Acers camera cuts out, we see Uryu in the room looking at Acer, curious.

UI: I just got reminded why you scare me sometimes.

???: He's still dangerous you know..

Uryu offers a handshake and a small smile.

UI: Been a long time and now...fate or a whim has brought us together...since well...From The Ashes last year. Still feel I owe you for that by the way.

???: You didn't ask for it Uryu...

Uryu is clearly putting on a brave face in regards to his knee as Acer clearly spots it.

UI: World hasn't been kind to us recently has it?

???: Duh Uryu...

UI: Look we both dealing with deluded nutjobs in our own way. yours says he's a king? King of Wishful Thinking at best. Mine thinks taking me out is gonna get me outta his way and back into Clarke James twisted graces. Just for this match...why dont we see what the other does?

???: Smart...

UI: You see how I handle the 'king' and i watch you handle Perfect Jack. We learn off each other just like all those years ago...

Uryu is forced to sit down as he rubs his knee.

UI: Honestly feels like i'm on the losing side, matches, luck in general. Kinda reminds me of back then 6WF v TAW...and the ass kickings i got handed to me by everyone there...only difference is im a lot older n still getting my ass kicked...

Uryu looks up at Acer with a weak smile.

???: Well, he's one of the few would understand that...

UI: So, pull up a chair and lets talk...

Acer stands silently for a moment, his back to Ishida, eyes fixed on the wall. The silence stretches before he finally breaks it.

“Ah, Uryu. It’s been a long time. I’d ask about the family, but given the whole ‘chasing after Christy James’ fiasco, I figure that’s a touchy subject.”

He scans the photos lining the wall, memories of champions past. Then, with a deliberate turn, he faces Uryu whilst pointing at the photo of Ishida holding the world championship . “I knew you’d be up here. After all those years, it must have felt pretty sweet to finally say, ‘I’m the world champion.’ You’re welcome, by the way,” Acer smirks, hinting at the critical role he played in Uryu’s victory.

“But you know better than anyone how those years of unfulfilled potential gnawed at you. It made you desperate, willing to do whatever it took to claim the gold. I know because I’m in that exact place now. That kind of desperation? It turns anyone into a threat to my goals, even those that I once called friends. So, until Aftermath, we’re allies again. After that, you’re right back in the ‘enemies’ box.”

Acer catches Uryu’s eyes flickering to the left, as if there’s someone else in the room. Acer follows his gaze but sees nothing.

“Hey, eyes over here when I’m talking,” Acer snaps, pulling Uryu’s attention back. “Your offer of a trade is intriguing. I’m more than happy to beat up Jack again. I might’ve been the one to mess up one side of his face, sending him into that abandoned puppy phase. I can ‘fix’ him, make it symmetrical by bashing in the other side. Then he can follow Clarke James out the door and disappear for good.”

Acer pauses, letting the moment hang. “But make no mistake: when it comes to Reilly, it’s shoot on sight. Don’t stand in my way.”

He grabs his bag, slinging it over his shoulder with a force that sends several photo frames crashing to the floor. He glances down at the mess, and one photo catches his eye. Slowly, he bends down to pick up the image of JJ Johnson’s last championship reign. For a moment, he studies it, the tension in his expression softening. Carefully, he replaces it on the wall, a gesture of respect amid their current tensions. It’s a silent acknowledgment of his lingering admiration for an old friend.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by Uryu Ishida Tue 23 Jul 2024, 11:03 am

Uryu nods with understanding.

UI: Look, We've both been round this road hundreds of times. We know where the other stands and we will pummel each other with baseball bats if we in each others way in the ring.

???: Baseball bats bring back bad memories...

UI: What we don't do is forget who our friends are. In the ring and back here should never cross over. If we fight in there afterwards we can go lie on the roof in bandages and laugh about it.

???: Your point Uryu?

UI: Point is Acer...has he really done anything bad to you? I've lost friends over women, my own stupidity with Christy and yet he trusted me to defend 6CWF not because I was the champ or the best pick he coulda got but as a friend. I was sore, beat up as hell but that little bit of trust in me says a lot...

Uryu slowly stands up and sees the image of JJ Johnson.

UI: One of my greatest regrets in my career man..i've never faced him one on one. I'd like to in all honesty but... Afterwards I can walk back here n give him a handshake as a friend. You are still good with him as far as I know and I think you can do the same.

???: Doesn't JJ owe us for defending the company still?

UI: But take it from my experience, Let me help with Reilly. I have let laser focus ruin me time after time. Only seeing the one goal when there are two or three others you consider not important. It cost others dearly with injuries, damage they took when I should have helped... So don't let your pride stand in your way. You have a tag partner who is wanting to help. Yes i am not 100% but 1.5 guys against 2 is better than 1 on 2. Does it matter who beats who as long as we get the win we both...kinda need?

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by Marky Wed 24 Jul 2024, 10:23 am

Rex Adamson is shown arriving on his own to York Hall, he is a little apprehensive as he gets out of his taxi and takes his luggage from the driver, almost expecting to be jumped from behind. He relaxes a little when he sees nobody is near him. He has a small suitcase on wheels in one hand, and the Fight for the Right Briefcase in his other hand, wearing the familiar Adidas x Genesis black and green tracksuit, when he comes face to face with Max Adamson

Rex: Can I help you?

Max smirks at his nephew

Max: No, not at all. I just wanted to wish you luck in the main event. You and Kent, teaming up, to take on JJ Johnson and The Saint, for the 6CWF World Tag Team Championships!

Max and Rex stand in silence, as Max almost expected a bigger reaction from Rex. Rex just stares at Max and shrugs.

Rex: Yeah, I know. The internet is a thing.

Rex goes to walk past Max but Max stops him

Max: Well? Aren't you excited? How does that make you feel? You'll be competing in a huge main event, and you'll also be stood in the ring with Kent, and you'll have your Briefcase...

Rex looks nonplussed and a little irritated

Rex: So, what, are you Tim Allen now? "What are your thoughts on that?", honestly... What do you want me to say? Are you expecting me to say something different to the reality? Genesis are on top, Eddy Kent is the 6WF World Champion, I have the Fight for the Right briefcase, and Miss Jessica has joined us. And we're going for the tag titles because why not add more Championship gold to the group?

Max goes to speak but Rex stops him

Rex: Let me guess. "Can you really trust him?" "Can you still work together?"

Rex glares at Max

Rex: Spare me the bullsh*t for a moment, would ya? I'm not interested in this act of yours. Trying to get people on side, because the only friends you have here are Liam Wood and Chris Patricks, Liam Wood thinks you're a c*nt, and Patricks would rather do business with Damian Andrews...

Max looks taken aback

Rex: ...Yeah the truth hurts, don't it. So, for whatever reason, here you are, trying to rekindle a relationship with your nephew that frankly never existed to begin with. You brought me into 6CWF and rode my coattails to try and get back on top, but it didn't work. And now you're retired. You need to stay out of my business Max, because I'm doing just fine without you. Thanks for your time, Tim.

Rex picks up his suitcase and briefcase, and barges past Max, who shakes his head


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" - Thursday 25th July 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by Marky Wed 24 Jul 2024, 1:22 pm

Rex Adamson is sat in the Genesis locker room watching Chris Patricks' segment from earlier on a flat screen TV mounted on the wall

President Trump wrote:CP: I should be walking around with that briefcase, I unclipped it and it fell on Rex…fell on him for crying out loud. There are cameras everywhere and that idiot ref couldn’t just take the time to have a look. Come on its stupid, every knows I won but now I have to listen to that brat Rex talking sh!t about me and how I stacked the deck and still lost. I was ripped off by inept officiating

Rex laughs out loud as he watches what Patricks says

Rex: Oh Chris Patricks, you big dumb b*tch. The truth hurts. You did stack the deck. And you did still lose. Controversial or not, you reckoned you would beat me, in your ideal match scenario, with no outside interference... And you still couldn't get the job done. That's a fact. Rex Adamson only deals in facts, and guess what Patricks...

Rex leans forward, looking into the camera

Rex: ...Facts don't care about your feelings. You were so meticulous in your approach. You scurried around backstage, doing personal favours for Damian Andrews, hiding from Max, using this war against Genesis as an excuse for your own personal gain... Worming your way into a match against me, making me defend a prize I won in a 16 man tournament... And then getting it changed into a ladder match because you KNOW, deep down, that you don't have what it takes to defeat me in a wrestling match... So, forgive me. Forgive me Chris.

Rex leans back in his chair again and grins

Rex: Forgive me for indulging in this win, with all of the odds stacked against me, and with no outside interference... It might just be the sweetest win of all. You can moan about controversy, but with all of the deck stacked in your favour... It never should have gotten that far, should it Chris.

Rex claps his hands together

Rex: Luckily Chris, I hold no grudges. As far as I'm concerned, it's back to the bottom of the pile you go. Hands are washed of this particular situation. All the best. Kind regards. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehn, goodbye. You can f*ck off now.

Rex motions for the camera man to leave the locker room, and the footage stops


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