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6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36)

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6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36) Empty 6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 25 Jul 2024, 9:46 am

*We go live on air following the extensive VT from "Scars and Stripes". The York Hall is packed out (Only 1,200 fans) and the audience is making some serious noise. Given the setting the production is very much scaled back but it is deafening inside. "Bodies" then hits the speakers and it is pandemonium for the arrival of the brand new 6CW World Champion; Blue Dragon. Dragon is in the house and he's coming down from the balcony looking every inch like the warrior that he is. Dragon is on the mic and he's almost scathing about the "Title celebration" segment because this company has never wanted to celebrate anything about him, last time they gave him ten minutes with a world strap so he's looking over his shoulder and just waiting for the bombshell to drop.

But the man before you is a whole different proposition to thirteen years ago and for a variety of reasons. Not only is he more dominant in-ring but he is so much more switched on outside, he understands how all the cogs turns and there's nobody that is going to take his spot away from him because ask Edward Plague what happens when you try that. Ask Geoff Steel what it takes to even get on a level playing field with Blue Dragon and then you will start to realise why you are looking at the most dangerous man in professional wrestling today.

He isn't a madman, he isn't psychotic, there is a method to the madness, a conductor of chaos and that makes him even scarier. Because he is in control and he can choose at any time just how badly he is going to maim and destroy anyone who steps up to him. He knows there will be challengers, he anticipates them and he welcomes them because being world champion has always been his ambition in this business and he isn't going to go shy now that he's made it. BD believes 6CWF never wanted him here, never wanted him in this position but they couldn't stop him, nobody can stop him (this isn't a heelish promo but a dominant star letting everyone know that he'll destroy anyone he has to).

Dragon holds up the 6CW Championship belt and says that this belt will become synonymous with him and it will become synonymous with war. Because anyone who challenges him needs to understand from the traps what it is going to take to even come close to winning this from him. He doesn't believe there is a man on this roster, a man in this world, who is capable of actually beating him but even if you want to try your hand then you are in for the fight of your life.

There is shock but one hell of a reaction now as we hear "DUE TO THE GRAPHIC NATURE OF THIS PROGRAMME, VIEWER DISCRETION.....IS ADVISED" and here is Logan Kincade live in York Hall. Logan looks like he is edging closer to the unhinged state of the past but his eyes seem to glow through the dimness and he walks to the ring as the commentators deliberate on why he is here and what his intentions are.

The two brothers stand across from one another as we get a "Holy s***" chant ring all around. There is a long staredown before Dragon pulls his brother into a one-armed hug (Logan's feelings very hard to read on this one). BD says he ain't one for sentiment but "He ain't heavy, he's my brother" (Cue another pop).....and this man right here has been by his side and he didn't need to ask but in an hour of need Logan answered the call and he knows that he wouldn't be standing here world champion right now without Kincade so he's thankful. Kincade doesn't say anything as Dragon admits he's been worried because he hasn't heard from Logan but he's glad he is here for this moment because through the darkness and the mire, they'd have each other so they should share the good times as well as the bad. Dragon has made it to where he always aspired to be but he wants to be there for his brother too. Logan made a big statement at Scars & Stripes and Dragon believes the 6CWF should start worrying because both brothers will be standing atop the mountain sooner rather than later.

Cue Damien Andrews' entrance to a very mixed response. Andrews said he couldn't resist joining this family moment and he wants them to know how proud he is. Dragon looks angered by Andrews' presence but Logan is looking down at his feet. BD tells Andrews to "F*** off" and that "We've achieved success in spite of you, not because of you". Dragon says he has Logan watching his back and vice versa, they don't need anyone else....and this right here is a wastershed moment because 6CWF now belongs to them, they are the dominant force.....Blue Dragon, Logan Kincade.....nobody is a threat to that, nobody can challenge their level but he dares them to try.....

Andrews says there's a line of guys back there wanting a shot and Dragon says "Bring them out" but Andrews smirks and says "Maybe the line has already started out here". Logan raises his head at this comment and there is a look now between BD & Logan before they stare back at Andrews. He raises his arms, in faux innocence, and says "Just thinking out loud". Andrews leaves now as the commentators talk about what we have just seen and what might come next for the "Brothers of Destruction".


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6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 25 Jul 2024, 9:58 am

*We see Chris Patricks arriving outside (climbing out of a taxi) and the commentators talk about the controversial end to the FFTR Ladder Match at S&S. Will Patricks be demanding a resolution here this evening?

The scene switches and we see Eddy Kent & the "Mami of Genesis" Miss Jessica with their arms around one another walking backstage (Rex isn't there) and we are shown highlights of what went down last week. We are expecting to hear from them later and the commentators wonder if Liam Wood will be here to confront them.

*Perfect Jack is lacing them up when Daniel Reilly pays him a visit. Anyone order a Revolution reunion? Reilly says tonight is mutually beneficial for them both but especially PJ as he gets to team with someone on the cusp of becoming world champ again. PJ's new persona keeps him off-hand with Reilly but he says he is looking forward to finishing the job on Uryu that he started last week. Reilly just wants to make sure PJ's mind is on the W because that's what matters around here. Reilly doesn't seem overly pleased with Jack's attitude but says "Stick with me and I'll make it happen" before swaggering off.

Reilly is confronted by Acer out in the corridor but we have VIP Officials here and security ahead of the hearing into what went down at the PPV. Reilly smirks at Acer and there is real animosity ahead of the upcoming tag team bout.

*Max Adamson is sat in the GM's office with Uryu. Ishida has a list and is wanting to run through some ideas but Max isn't listening. A knock comes at the door and it is Chris Patricks. CP is here to see Damien Andrews and that rankles with Max immediately. Uryu says "Tough break at Scars and Stripes" and Patricks glares at him "That some kind of wise a55 joke?".....there is tension out of nowhere here as Max steps in between and tells Uryu "Let's take a walk, you can tell me about this podcast idea" before he turns to Patricks and says "I'll tell Damien that you are here"......Patricks is left looking disgruntled.


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6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 25 Jul 2024, 9:59 am

Bout 1
Acer/Uryu Ishida vs Daniel Reilly/Perfect Jack

*Opening match of another huge show and the York Hall is jam-packed. There is 1,200 fans that are making a deafening amount of noise. Given the proximity of the fans and the balconies overhead it is creating an incredibly unique atmosphere. We get a recap on the clashes between PJ/Uryu at Scars & Stripes and then the fallout from the Reilly/Acer battle.

*All the competitors are making their entrances now as JT reminds us that this is a reunion of “Revolution” and wonders if that will mean anything going forward, potentially a tilt at the tag titles? Jack and Reilly are in the ring and awaiting their opposition as Uryu comes in from the back. He springboards onto the ropes and dropkicks PJ in the spine, sending him flying through the ropes to the outside. Reilly turns to attack but Acer’s music hits and his attention is diverted.

*Acer storms out now and goes toe to toe with Reilly in the middle of the ring. We see Uryu catapult himself over the ropes into a headscissors takedown that sends Jack crashing through a stack of chairs as fans jump out of the way (no barricades tonight). Uryu clambers up on a chair seat now and then nails a moonsault onto Jack as he stands up. We switch back to the ring as Acer is lighting Reilly up with chops to the chest. He looks for an Irish whip and then a pop-up powerbomb but Reilly jumps out the side and kicks him in the gut before flipping him into a fallout neckbreaker for a two count.

*Reilly stalks for the RKO but Acer shoves him into the ropes and then succeeds in nailing the pop-up powerbomb as he comes back. Acer points to the ropes and the crowd indicate they want to see him fly. He clambers up but PJ has slammed Uryu into the steel steps and then he climbs onto the apron to swipe Acer’s feet. Reilly is up now and climbs the ropes before pulling Acer into a huge superplex for a two count. Reilly stands now and lands vicious stomps to the knees, ankles and wrists of his foe before he offers the tag to Perfect Jack.

*Jack continues the assault to keep Acer grounded and then he turns him on his stomach and lifts his leg up before smashing his kneecap back down into the mat. Jack bounces off the ropes and lands a leaping kneedrop to the leg again before he applies a single-legged Boston Crab in the middle of the ring. Acer is clearly in a lot of pain but he refuses to tap out and is somehow able to get himself across to grab the ropes. Uryu is working the crowd and trying to give Acer some motivation. PJ drags Acer up for the “Perfect Slam” but Acer lands out back and he quickly hooks one of PJ’s arms into a brutal half nelson suplex.

*Both men try to get to their corners for a tag but Reilly drops off and runs around the ring before ripping Uryu down, his face smashing off the side of the apron. Reilly heads back around to tag in from PJ. Acer stands (nobody to tag) and turns into a crunching dropkick from Reilly. Reilly nails him with a big vertical suplex now before backing into the corner and he heads up high. Reilly attempts the frogsplash but Acer drives his knees up just in time.

*Both men are able to make the tag now as Uryu springboards in with a front dropkick to PJ’s chest as he attempts to storm the ring. They clamber up and Uryu ducks a clothesline and handsprings into a cardiac kick before scooping Jack on his shoulders for a Michinoku drive which garners a two count. Uryu clambers back out on the apron again and looks for a springboard into the forearm smash but Jack sidesteps and looks for a snap German but Uryu flips out on his feet and superkicks PJ in the back of the skull, sending him through the ropes to the outside. Reilly and PJ are both on the outside as Uryu looks to catapult over into a crossbody but they catch him and then nail a double fall-away slam which sends Uryu crashing through the front row of chairs (the fans scattering for safety once more).

*Acer uses the steel steps to leap over into a forward roll and he explodes into a rogue spear on Reilly on the arena floor. PJ has dragged Uryu back up and throws him in the ring as he attempts to finish the job. Jack pulls Uryu into position for the “Perfect Plex” but Uryu spins free and then drags Jack into a standing Spanish Fly (drawing big cheers from the audience). Uryu leaps back onto the apron and then springboards in with an x-factor facebuster which gets him a two count.

*Uryu grabs Jack’s and looks to apply “Sunset” but Jack drags him into a brutal forearm smash to the face. Ishida is dazed as Jack attempts the “Perfect Slam” again but it is countered in midair with a dragonrana style pin for a very close two. They scramble up again and Uryu superkicks Jack right in the stomach, doubling him over, before springing off the middle turnbuckle into a “Code Red” sunset bomb for another two.

*On the outside and Acer seems hell-bent on ending Daniel Reilly for good. He shoos the fans out of the way as he pulls Reilly up onto a section of chairs and prepares to piledrive him on top. The fans are jostling and one of them seems to knock into Acer, unbalancing him, as Reilly is able to land a very borderline shot (the referee is in the ring) before he backdrops Acer over his head and crashing through a stack of chairs. The “fan” in question removes his cap and smirks at the camera, it’s goddamn Oliver Keane.

*In the ring and Uryu nails a step-up knee strike under the chin of Jack, swaying him, and then a poisonrana which dumps him on the back of his head. Jack rolls over on a knee as Ishida crashes a buzzsaw kick into his temple to leave him sprawled on the deck. The crowd are hyped now as Uryu heads up high for the “Split Second”. He is about to hit it when Daniel Reilly drags him off the ropes (from the apron) and guillotines him across the top. The crowd boo as Reilly rolls in now and drills Uryu with the RKO. Jack recovers and makes the pin as the referee has no choice but to count the three. Revolution are victorious.

*Reilly is telling Jack “that’s how we do business” as Oliver Keane applauds from outside. It seems Jack isn’t done though and he wants to make an example of Uryu so he leaves the ring to grab a steel chair. Reilly backs in the corner and sits on the turnbuckle, clearly enjoying himself, as Jack places the chair around Uryu’s leg. The commentators talk about how Jack wanted to do this at Scars and Stripes but was stopped by security but none seem to be forthcoming.

*Suddenly GazzyD is here and the audience are going wild as he storms the ring. Jack grabs the chair and looks to swing it but Gazzy ducks underneath the shot and then boots Jack in the stomach and hooks him for “Deep Impact” but PJ drags himself clear and retreats. Reilly is sitting on the turnbuckle still and he mockingly holds his hands up in faux surrender (grinning as he does so) before choosing to leave the ring.

*The crowd are going wild as Gazzy helps Uryu to his feet now and the two men stare at one another. Are they on the same page? Is this the beginning of something here? Gazzy is seemingly turning a huge corner after ridding himself of Edward Plague’s shackles.

*On the outside Reilly and Keane are heading for the back when Acer smashes into them from the side. Reilly tries to battle back but Acer is a man possessed and he drives a knee into Reilly’s gut before smashing his face into the solid wall, leaving him dazed and confused. Keane has his hands up now and is backing toward the ring area once more. Acer stalks him and then kicks him in the stomach before powerbombing Keane through the 6CWF announce desk. Acer looks crazed as he pulls at his own hair and stares, wide-eyed, around York Hall.

*Gazzy & Uryu on the same page? Acer & Daniel Reilly’s feud continues? What a way to kick off the show!


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6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 25 Jul 2024, 10:21 am

*We see Chris Patricks & Damien Andrews in discussion in the background as Dicey Reilly arrives at York Hall. It is a giant response for the Hall of Famer & European Champion. Jack Reynolds is there to talk to Dicey ahead of another "Open Challenge" and victory over Enforcer at Scars and Stripes. Dicey admits Enforcer pushed him close but he's feeling good and believes he can match anyone at this moment in time. Reynolds asks about the £1 million from VIP Promotions for 10 defences (tonight is #6) and Dicey admits it's a huge opportunity for someone in the twilight of their career but it is also meets his principles about being a fighting champion. Dicey says the floor is open to literally anyone....this is when Perfect Jack walks past and stops to stare. Dicey reiterates "anyone" as the scene ends.

*Daniel Reilly is screaming bloody murder after what went down at ringside as he and Acer are involved in another scuffle. They are dragged apart here and then JJ Johnson is there (in his owner capacity)....JJ is looking at both men as it looks as though we are going to have the "hearing" in the boardroom. We hear JJ says "Somebody find Harris' a55 as well, this needs sorting"....Acer is glaring at JJ but Johnson turns to him and we hear "You know the drill.....ain't nothing but business on this one".

*Back at ringside as "Numb" hits and Eddy Kent is here with Miss Jessica. Kent is clearly smitten with Jessica and very proud of Genesis' newest acquisition. Kent is full of the "back slaps" after what they pulled off at Scars and Stripes. Kent parades his 6WF World Heavyweight Championship and declares himself the real "G.O.A.T" (wonder how Rex will react to that statement) and that nobody is ever going to dethrone him, especially not now he has "Mami" with him. "Revival Mode" hits now and York Hall is delirious for the arrival of Liam Wood.

Wood & Kent go back and forth on the mic about what went down at Scars and Stripes and Wood wants Kent to know he will get even, with both he and Jessica. Kent's bravado is there for all to see and he doesn't envisage a time when Wood gets another shot....he had one and he blew it. Wood promises Kent that he can run but he cannot hide and let Tyler Roth be a reminder of what happens when you try and stop him. Kent looks a little less confident now and it seems Wood is readying for a fight when Max Adamson interrupts.

Max admits he wants nothing more than to see Eddy Kent get his comeuppance but they have matches here tonight and Wood needs to remember that, as well he needs to remember that talking trash on management isn't going to win him any favours. Wood doesn't want "favours" but he wants "what is owed"....he tells Max that if he, Andrews or JJ won't take accountability then he will take matters into his own hands.


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6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 25 Jul 2024, 10:33 am

*We are in the 6CWF Boardroom now as Daniel Reilly, Acer and Scott Harris are sat around the table between Damien Andrews, JJ Johnson and VIP Promotions officials. Max Adamson walks in now to take his seat and there are security sat in as well (in case anything goes south). JJ says "End o' the day I handed the reigns over to y' you make this right".....Acer looks at JJ and is clearly annoyed that JJ is almost washing his hands of this.

Andrews and Max explain that we all know the dangers and risks in this business....interference and attacks are par for the course but when non-wrestlers get hurt then something needs to be done. Reilly starts blaming Acer and Harris and trying to absolve himself but nobody is buying it. The three superstars are clearly unhappy with one another but Max says "We draw a line's 50k fine for all of you.....verbal time, it gets serious".....Harris says nothing and just stands to leave but Acer walks in front of him to block his path. They glare at each other but then Harris just barges past and walks out. Reilly is lounging back in his chair and says "50k won't mean s*** when I'm world champion.....but maybe you can get a loan from JJ, after all he does everything else for you"....Acer looks like he wants to retaliate but he looks around the room and then walks out. Damien Andrews is humming "I predict a riot" as the scene ends.

*Uryu catches up Gazzy backstage and wants to know what was up with the "save". Gazzy says he's on a long path back and redeeming himself means making up for a lot of bad. Uryu was on the receiving end of a lot of that "bad" and Gazzy owes him. Uryu says "You don't owe me anything but maybe them...." he points out toward the crowd and Gazzy nods. Uryu asks about "Christy and Willow" and Gazzy says "They're safe" but then realises he is being off-hand. He tells Uryu that took them away from "hell" but he knows Plague will come for him eventually (he isn't convinced Logan killed him off).....Uryu wants Gazzy to know that when he does "I'll be there"....there seems to be something growing here between two fan favourites and the crowd are right behind it.


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6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 25 Jul 2024, 10:33 am

Bout 2
6CWF European Championship
Open Challenge
Dicey Reilly (c) vs ???

*We are back at ringside as Dicey Reilly makes his entrance to a giant ovation from the crowd in attendance. Dicey comes in from the balcony and spends plenty of time interacting with the fans and chugs a beer before making his way down to ringside and climbing inside. We are reminded that tonight marks Dicey Reilly’s sixth defence of the European Championship and if he wins then he will take another step closer to the magic £1 million that VIP Promotions if offering for 10 defences. Dicey works the crowd and the noise emanating from around the famous hall is astounding.

*There is a pause and then Dicey smiles at the roar from the crowd as “Last Resort” blasts through the airwaves. Jeff Thadeus and RJ are standing up for this incredible moment as 6CWF Xtreme Champion Geoff Steel is walking out here and answering the challenge. JT can’t remember if we have ever seen Dicey vs Steel one on one but it is happening right here on Aftermath. RJ believes this is “PPV Main Event worthy” and the audience seem to agree as we get a huge “Holy s***” chant ring all around. Steel climbs up into the ring now and there is a long staredown between the two fan favourites, both holding their respective championship belts.

*Steel offers Dicey a handshake and it is gladly received (drawing another huge roar from the crowd) and then we are ready to get underway. The two circle one another and lockup in the centre of the ring. Dicey puts Steel in a headlock but is quickly sent across the ring and floored by a shoulder tackle as he returns. Dicey gets up and Steel lands a huge right hand and looks for an Irish whip but Dicey twists inside and drags Steel into a short armed clothesline. Steel gets back to his feet as Dicey blasts him in the face with a big boot for a two count.

*Dicey pulls Steel up for an attempted brainbuster but Steel floats over the back and drills the champ with a full nelson slam. Steel bounces off the ropes and returns with a legdrop for a two count. Steel drags Dicey up and tries to flip him for a powerbomb but Dicey lands on his feet and scoops Steel on his shoulders but the challenger smashes elbows into Dicey’s jaw. Steel runs the ropes and returns with a jumping shoulder tackle Dicey gets back to his feet and Steel scoops him for an ”Attitude Adjustment”. Dicey battles which forces Steel to walk to the ropes and he launches the champion over the top to the outside.

*Dicey gets up on the count of six as Steel looks for a running baseball slide but Dicey sidesteps and drags the challenger out of the ring before lifting him into a flapjack and drops him backward, face-first, onto the steel steps. Dicey tosses Steel back in the ring now before pulling himself onto the apron and propels himself over the top into a shoulder tackle takedown for a near fall. Dicey signals that he wants to try and finish things with the “Craicdown” but Steel counters into a backdrop. Steel ushers the champion up and then runs the ropes for a spear but Dicey moves and throws Steel against the turnbuckle before nailing a “Blue Thunder Bomb” for a two count.

*Dicey is heading for the corner but Steel is up and lands a huge right hand. Both men find themselves up high now and Steel nails a massive superplex. He gets back to his feet now and heads for the corner again. The crowd are making a raucous noise as Steel launches through the air for the flying headbutt but he finds nothing but canvass. Dicey recovers and drills Steel with a brainbuster now but the challenger shows his resilience to kickout.

*There is a big “This is awe-some” chant as the commentators hype what we are watching. Both men trade with right hands in the centre of the ring as the crowd are split in their support. Steel nails a discus forearm as Dicey is knocked back into the ropes but then he explodes forward with a clothesline which Steel ducks and runs the ropes before exploding back with a huge spear for a two count. Steel drags Dicey up and he gets him in position for a pumphandle slam but Dicey drops off the back. Steel turns and looks for a clothesline but Dicey ducks and then takes his foe down with a Lou Thesz press and multiple right hands. He backs into the corner and nails a forward elbow drop (ala Steve Austin) from the second rope for a two.

*Steel stumbles up in the corner as Dicey slams into him with a clothesline and then stomps at his midsection until he falls into a seated position. Dicey backs away now and he has “Hangover Cure” on his mind. He charges in for the brutal knee strike but Steel rolls out of the ring at the final second. Dicey is in no mood to wait and climbs onto the apron and dives toward his opponent but Steel demonstrates his incredible power to catch Dicey and then nails a running powerslam on the arena floor. He tosses Dicey back in the ring and is successful with the flying headbutt from the top rope. The crowd are expecting a three but Dicey pops his shoulder at the very last moment.

*Steel has a rueful smile as he nods his head at Dicey’s toughness. He hauls the champion up into position for the “Bladecutter” piledriver but Dicey swipes his legs and catapults him to the corner. Dicey rolls Steel up but only gets a two. They scramble back up again and Steel looks for a huge discus lariat but misses and eats the “White Noise” (back to belly piledriver) which again registers a two count. “What is it going to take?” asks Jeff Thadeus.

*Dicey grabs Steel by the head and he flips him up for a running powerbomb but Steel turns his body frontways and rolls down into a victory roll for a close call. Both men battle back up and Steel gets Dicey on his shoulders for the “Attitude Adjustment” but Dicey claws his way off and runs the ropes for a big boot but Steel dodges and takes Dicey’s legs from under him before turning him into the “Steelworks”. The crowd think we are on the verge of a new champion as Steel presses his knee right into Dicey’s spine and cranks the pressure to the fullest.

*Dicey shows his usual mettle and refuses to quit but it is clear he is in vast amounts of pain. Steel continues to crank it up and has the champion in the hold for nearly two minutes before Dicey is somehow able to clasp the bottom rope. The commentators wonder, however, if the damage has already been done here. Steel lets Dicey get up, stalking his movement, and then scoops him for the “AA” again but Dicey is able to fumble off the back. Steel runs forward as Dicey falls to a knee (due to the pain in his back from the submission) and Steel goes over him and topples to the outside.

*Dicey is clearly in some discomfort with his back as he tries to stand up but then drops to a knee once again. The referee kneels with him and is talking with the champion about whether he is fit to continue on. We see Geoff Steel getting to his feet on the outside when someone runs through him with a giant clothesline from hell. The audience are stunned as Jimmy Phillips pulls his hood down and smirks at the reception he is receiving. “The Haunting of the Hall of Fame” is back in 6CWF.

*The referee is unawares of what has taken place on the outside but Steel is down so he is obliged to count him out and that is exactly what he does. The crowd are booing the premature ending of the bout but Dicey Reilly is keeping his championship. Dicey is sitting in the corner as the referee passes him his championship belt. He looks disgruntled about the nature of his victory and the pain in his back. We see Jimmy Phillips pulling the padding off the floor now, exposing the concrete underneath, and then he stalks Geoff Steel and nails the “Touchdown” (Rock Bottom) on the floor. It seems the former 6CW star is setting his sights upon the King of Xtreme upon his return.


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6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 25 Jul 2024, 11:03 am

*Rex Adamson has arrived, finally, at York Hall. Tim Allen tries to talk to him about the "controversial ending" at Scars and Stripes but Rex just holds up the FFTR case and smirks before walking off. He enters the "Genesis" locker-room to find Miss Jessica & Eddy Kent there. Kent is questioning of Rex being "late" but Jessica hushes him and says "Our Rexy is a growing boy, he needs his rest" as he runs her hands along his biceps. She winks at him as Rex places the FFTR case on the table (Kent shoots it a look).....Rex says he needs to hit the gym ahead of the main event.....Jessica sidles up to Kent now "You look tense, Daddy" but Kent can't stop staring at the FFTR case in front of him (did Rex leave it on purpose)....Jessica straddles Kent now as Rex walks back in "Forgot this (be picks up the case).....never know when the opportunity might arise) he winks at Kent before walking out....."Our little boy is going to be world champion" says Jessica as Kent offers an emotionless smile.

*Jimmy Phillips strides into the back and he snatches the mic out of Clarissa's hands in order to let 6CWF know that "The Haunting" is back....Phillips says if you don't know your history then look it up because last time he was here (COVID era 6CW) he was laying waste to all the hangers on and leeches. He decimated all the "pathetic old timers stealing a pay cheque" and then he turned on the TV to see 6CWF and realised his job was far from done......Geoff Steel is target number one, hogging up screen time for nearly two decades without offering an ounce of credibility....but never fear because "The Talent" has arrived and if they want to see "Xtreme" then keep watching.

*Liam Wood is finishing his prep for the upcoming match when Jack Reynolds approaches for a word. Wood says he's made it clear to everyone what he wants and what he expects...there's little else to say on the matter but he is not afraid to push the envelope. Chris Patricks walks in now and he tells Wood "Good luck with that....but I wouldn't expect a miracle.....even blatant miscarriages of justice are not clear enough".....Wood and Patricks seem united in their disgruntlement as we hear a chuckle from the side and Blue Dragon is standing there. "Never had you down for a whiny little b1tch" he tells Patricks (who looks angered)....Patricks squares up now as BD tells him "We came up together and you were never afraid to go to you're begging for do-overs and second chances.....guess this entitled princess gene is contagious" Dragon looks over at Wood now....he swings the 6CW Title on his shoulder and walks out. Wood stands now and looks pumped whilst Patricks is clearly chewing on Dragon's words.

*JJ & The Saint are reminiscing on some old times....."remember when Nemesis chokeslammed yo a55 through Hell in a Cell, he was a bad motherf***er".......Saint responds "Remember when Abe Abercorn beat you at Born in Fire and you sh1t your pants to River in the creative meeting".....JJ is laughing "That f***er screwed me....don't tell me you were a secret hanky fan"......a knock comes at the door and JJ has a delivery....Saint is intrigued by the two sealed boxes that are brought in.

JJ...."You gone like this one....right hand to God, my brother".....Saint's eyes light up as JJ opens the first box....."Can I?"....

JJ: Go ahead, homie...

*Saint reaches in and he brings out the sparkling TAW Championship

Saint: Words cannot even express what this means...

JJ: I know, right....this the belt I took from Cassius Zhi at Explosion 2009....lost it to Median and then took it first world title...

Saint: I put Nemesis in a casket for this belt....came back off a broken leg to beat Mike Hill in Time Attack....

*The two men are looking at in awe when the door opens and Acer walks in

Acer: That's....

*Saint is smiling but then realises Acer isn't

Acer: Is this some kind of joke to you both?

*JJ and Saint exchange looks

Acer: Do you have any idea what that belt means? What I had to go through to make 6WF survive and ensure that title's lineage continued....and yet I never got the chance...

*Acer looks annoyed now and walks out. JJ is staring at the doorway where his friend was standing moments before. Saint shakes his head and places the belt back in the box.

Saint: Man I'd love to hold that, just one more time....

*JJ looks down at the TAW Title

JJ: The gold corrupts, brother.....but I feel ya, I really do....

*Both men stare at the gold before Saint points at the other box

Saint: What about that one?

*JJ raises an eyebrow and smirks

JJ: Man shut the door...Liam Wood might just have a cardiac arrest if he walks by and sees this one...


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6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 25 Jul 2024, 11:11 am

Bout 3
Liam Wood vs Mike Masters vs Percy Percival

*Back at ringside and Mike Masters is already in the ring and trash talking the fans. Percy Percival enters the fray now as the audience sing along with “Like a prayer” as he walks in from up on the balcony. The commentators are commending Percy’s improvement since returning and a fine showing at “Scars & Stripes”. Masters is staring up at Percival with severe dislike, shaking his head at the elaborate entrance.

*Liam Wood’s music hits now and he walks out, looking full of fire. The commentators recap us on everything at Scars and Stripes and what we have seen so far this evening. Wood’s mindset is seriously in question as he makes his way to ringside. Mike Masters clatters Percival from behind before Wood makes it to the ring and drags him around into stiff knife edge chops. He looks for an Irish whip but Percy dodges the attack on the return and handsprings into a back elbow takedown. Percy follows up with a dropkick into the corner and then follows in with a monkey flip but Masters lands out on his feet and superkicks PP in the gut as he turns around and then powerbombs him across his knee (damaging the neck on landing).

*Masters is talking trash to Percy and then turns around into a huge lariat from Liam Wood. Wood nails a discus elbow to send Masters to the corner and then crushes him with a brutal yakuza kick to the jaw. Masters’ head slumps against Wood’s chest and then he drags him into centre ring and nails a lungblower. Masters rolls from the ring, clutching his spine, as Wood rises and sees Percy getting to his feet. Wood shows no favour for PP now as he boots him in the stomach and then runs him forward and launches him through the ropes into the ringpost. Percival hits hard and slumps to the outside as well.

*Liam Wood looks almost psychotic as he stands in the middle of the ring, his eye twitching (he looks like he hasn’t slept for days). Wood climbs out on the apron and he sees Mike Masters, placing his hands to get himself up on the steel steps. Wood leaps off and he stomps Masters’ head into the steps, leaving him flat on the arena floor. Wood drags Percy back up now and launches him into the ring. He climbs the ropes and leaps off with a flying clothesline takedown before chokeslamming him into a backbreaker for a two count.

*Wood beckons Percy up and looks for the “Manson Driver” but Wood swipes his legs and tries to bridge over for a shock pinfall but Wood kicks out on two. They scramble back up and Percy leaps onto the turnbuckle and looks for a moonsault but Wood takes a backstep and lands a brutal superkick whilst Percy is upside down in midair. Percy is completely rocked as he staggers back to his feet and is scooped onto Wood’s shoulders before he is blasted by a GTS version of the “World Eater”. Wood covers but somehow Mike Masters is able to get up and put Percival’s foot on the ropes from the outside.

*Masters rolls in on Wood’s blindside and he drills him with a zigzag neckbreaker. He beckons Wood to his feet again and nails a disaster kick, stunning him, and then grabs his arms for a “killswitch” but Wood drops his arms out and connects with a snap dragon suplex. Wood runs the ropes and returns with a brutal v-trigger knee strike and then heads to the corner and scores with an elbow drop. Masters staggers up and Wood plants him with the “Manson Driver” for a decisive three count. Liam Wood means business tonight and is not messing around. What decision are management going to take? Wood makes his way out of the ring now and he walks toward the back of the hall before he climbs onto a chair and rips a sign from a fans’ hands and holds it up to the camera “Kent vs Wood – F***ing book it!”

*Wood disappears into the back as the commentators chat about what Max Adamson & Damien Andrews are going to decide upon in regards to the world title scene and Wood’s demands. Mike Masters is struggling up in the ring and it is clear that he is unhappy at taking another L. He rolls from the ring and he smashes into Percy Percival, drawing the ire of the audience, before launching him back into the ring. Masters springboards in now with a front disaster kick to the mouth and it is clear he is planning on causing some serious damage. Cheers break out now as former 6CW star Brandon Perez returns to the company. He dives in the ring and dodges an attack from Masters before kicking him in the stomach and nailing a Jack Roberts style DDT. The crowd are chanting “Moustache Ride” as Perez works them. Percy Percival gets up now and there is a weird chemistry between the two which the crowd is feeling. Masters staggers up now and Perez lifts him into an electric chair position as Percy goes high and leaps off with an angled kick for a variation on the doomsday device. The two men now stare at one another in a “Did we just become best friends?” manner. Looks like 6CWF may have a new tag team on their books.


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6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 25 Jul 2024, 12:17 pm

*Backstage and Geoff Steel is with Clarissa. Steel has an icepack strapped to his back but he says he's been on this carousel a million times and if Jimmy Phillips wants to come back and try and make a name off of him, then let's get to it. Steel says it takes a lot to wind him up but any suggestion that he coasts or takes anyone else's spot is utter bull**** because for the last 15 years nobody works harder than him.

Clarissa wants to announce a "Night of Champions" special for Sunday 4th August and Steel says perfect opportunity for Phillips to prove what he's all about because he's offering him a shot at the Xtreme Championship.

*Liam Wood walks into the GM's office now and he points to what he's just done out there and he wants an answer to his challenge for a one on one shot at Eddy Kent. Andrews & Max admit that Wood makes a compelling case but there's a lot of talent on the roster and the cold hard facts are that he didn't beat Eddy Kent at Scars and Stripes. Wood promises them that they don't want to make an enemy of him because he will turn this show on its head. Max & Andrews tell Wood that they'll have a decision by the end of the night but he should watch his mouth and actions until then.

Wood storms out and there is a huge pop from the crowd as he finds himself face to face with JJ Johnson (a first time ever staredown?). JJ and Wood size one another up, no words exchanged, before JJ readjusts his tag title belt and walks away.

*Logan Kincade is standing in the locker-room and we can hear commentary from Scars and Stripes echoing in his head:

JT: What do you mean? Oh no….no, Logan….you can’t….

RJ: We said he had no remorse, no conscience….case in point….OH MY GOD!

RJ: That right there, like it or not, was a statement….and it will have been heard loud and clear in the 6CWF locker-room….Logan Kincade just announced himself as the most dangerous man in this business….

JT: It’s long been suspected, tonight was just in case any doubts remained…..what Logan Kincade has done here will be remembered for a lifetime…

RJ: And the question now is….who or what is next? I am sure everyone in the back will be asking the same thing because nobody will be in a hurry for a showdown with Kincade….that is for damn sure…

*Logan places his hands on the mirror and there is slightly broken shard which slices into his hand, blood now dripping down onto the floor. Kincade looks at himself in the mirror as he uses the blood to trace a pattern on his face.

*Scott Harris is standing with Tim Allen. Harris doesn't want to talk about the 50k fine nor what happened at Scars and Stripes. He's always been about his business in-ring and feels like he got dragged into someone else's soap opera and that ultimately cost him his chance to be world champion. Tim asks about Acer's attitude toward him but Harris dismisses this and says Acer is clearly insecure about nearly twenty years in the business with nothing to show and two best friends who are infinitely more successful and more loved than he is. Harris says perhaps Acer should look at how JJ & Saint treat others and see where he is going wrong.

Harris says tonight it's about getting back on track. Nobody wants to face Logan Kincade but he will fight anyone to prove he deserves to be in title contention again. He isn't going to stand around and whine and complain like Reilly or Acer, feeling hard done by, because the only way to get another shot is by proving that he deserves it and that starts right here tonight.


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6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 25 Jul 2024, 12:29 pm

Bout 4
Logan Kincade vs Scott Harris

*Scott Harris is the first out and receives a rousing ovation from the crowd. The commentators talk up the issues between Acer/Harris and the £50k fine put on both men following their melee. Harris is looking to propel himself into management’s plans for world titles after disappointment at Scars and Stripes but he’s in for a real test here this evening. Harris looks pumped and ready for battle. Logan Kincade then enters the fray and just stands in the middle of the entranceway as his music pulses out. Kincade’s eyes seem to glow in the darkness before he starts walking toward the ring. The commentators are still very unsure about Logan’s mindframe even after seeming to show himself on the same page as his brother earlier tonight.

*Kincade clambers into the ring and there is a long, intense, staredown with Harris as the referee tries to communicate his expectations for the match. Kincade’s nostrils flare as he sizes Harris up before he delivers a hard shove in the chest. Harris staggers back into the ropes but then returns with a hard chop to the chest and stomps at Kincade’s stomach. He tees off with right hands and looks for an Irish whip but Kincade turns inside and then lifts Harris off the floor with a huge one-handed spinebuster (ala Bobby Lashley).

*Harris staggers up as Logan rakes down his back and then headbutts him into the corner. He delivers harsh chops of his own now and sickening kicks to the midsection until the referee intervenes. There is a flash of violence in Kincade’s eyes but he then backs off for a moment. Harris uses this reprieve to drive his boot into Logan’s gut and nails punches again (heading back to centre) and then he looks to whip Logan to the turnbuckle but it is reversed and Harris slams into the turnbuckle and over the top to the outside of the ring. Kincade is looking dangerous this evening.

*Logan clambers from the ring and he lifts Harris into a bearhug position before driving him back into the ringpost. He carries his opponent around ringside and slams him down on top of the announce desk before just standing there to survey the crowd. Harris is in a world of pain as Logan decides to chuck him back in the ring now and follows. He beckons Harris up and then seizes him by the throat for a chokeslam but Harris leaps out onto his feet and shocks the audience with a tremendous overhead suplex. Logan gets back up in the corner as Harris nails him with a stinger splash and then pulls him into a t-bone suplex for a two count.

*Harris is feeling the crowd now as he backs up in the corner and is weighing up for the “Kneeds More Harris”. He storms out for the flying knee strike but Logan moves and sends him crashing to the deck. Harris gets back up as Logan runs the ropes and returns with a brutal discus clothesline for a two. Logan is stalking Harris now and he seizes him in a bulldog/sleeper and prepares for “Blind Justice” off the turnbuckle but Harris jumps onto the ropes with him and delivers a fantastic German suplex from the second rope, drawing big cheers from the audience.

*Harris staggers up and he crashes into Logan with a shining wizard to leave him sprawled on his back. He then makes his way to the corner and climbs high for the frogsplash but eats canvass as Kincade moves out of the way. Logan is up now and he tilt-a-whirls Harris into a shoulderbreaker but keeps hold and then runs him to the corner to drop him for snake eyes. Harris is dazed now as Logan scoops him and nails an “Axe Driver” (MK Ultra) for a two count.

*Kincade lets Harris stand now and grips him by the back of the neck for “Rough Justice” but Harris swings out and grabs Logan’s arm before nailing him with the “Shot in the Dark” (Olympic slam) for a two count. Harris looks for the codebreaker but Kincade drops him out and catapults him to the corner. Harris comes back around and is drilled on top of his head by a hammerlock DDT (ala Andrade) but somehow he just manages to shift his shoulder off the mat before the completion of the count.

*Kincade drags Harris up by the head now and seems to have a package piledriver on his mind but Harris swipes his legs from under him and tries to apply the sharpshooter. Kincade boots out with both feet now and sends Harris into the corner. Logan gets back up as Harris runs out toward him for the “Kneeds More Harris” but is lifted off the deck and drilled by a chokeslam. Logan thinks he has the three but Harris somehow manages to get his boot on the bottom rope just before the three.

*There is a mixed response from the crowd now as Acer makes his way back out to ringside. Logan doesn’t seem interested as he prepares to scoop Harris up for a “tombstone” but Harris drops off the back and lands a huge release German suplex. Kincade gets back up and is thrown by a wrist clutch suplex and then Harris nails a release suplex into a backbreaker (ala Roderick Strong). He grabs Logan’s legs and applies the sharpshooter. Harris finally realises Acer is at ringside as he sits back into the submission and tries to get Kincade to quit.

*Logan is in the submission for nearly three minutes before he is somehow able to reach the bottom rope. Harris releases and then he heads to the ropes to glare out at Acer. The commentators are talking about how these issues seem to have taken on a life of their own since Scars and Stripes. Harris turns back to Logan now and wants the codebreaker as Acer steps closer to the ring. The referee moves to the ropes now to tell Acer to back off and that is when Daniel Reilly slithers into the ring and drills Harris out of nowhere with the RKO. Reilly glares at Acer and smirks down at Harris before rolling from the ring again. JT & RJ can’t believe what just happened but we hear Reilly yelling to Acer “I just did what you don’t have the balls to do….I make statements, you make excuses”.

*Logan recovers now and he drills Harris into the mat with the “Rough Justice” (face-first chokeslam) for the three count and this one is a wrap. Acer is left in a contemplative mood as Logan leaves the ring, barely celebrating the victory. Acer rolls into the ring now and there are some audible boos as he seems to be teetering on the edge of his growing heelish tendencies. He is clearly battling some inner turmoil as he weighs up attacking Harris. Acer seems to listen to his conscience and his fans as he shakes his head and turns away to leave. He turns back around now and Harris recovers enough to blast him with the flying knee strike. Harris glares down at Acer now and then leaves the ring. Harris, Reilly and Acer have some growing problems here. What is the solution?


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6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 25 Jul 2024, 12:49 pm

*Perfect Jack is readying to leave the building when Dicey Reilly steps in front of him. Dicey says he's growing tired of this "dance" and that if PJ fancies it then he needs to step up. Next week is "Night of Champions" and the belt will be on the line, just like it always is, so if Jack really is as bad as he wants to think he is then he can answer the challenge. Dicey walks away as Jack's eyes narrow and he weighs up his options.

*Saint & JJ are walking out the locker-room and heading for Gorilla as Acer returns from ringside and the confrontation with Reilly/Harris. There are no words between the friends but Acer says "I'll do whatever I have to" just as JJ & Saint are preparing to go through the curtain. JJ & Saint turn toward him but he has already gone.

*Rex Adamson & Eddy Kent are getting ready. Jessica has the 6WF belt and places it on the table next to the FFTR case which draws the eye of both Kent & Rex. Jessica gets in between them now and says "Aww my boys....ready for the titles". She pats Rex's waist and says "Gold is going to look so good on you" which draws another look from Kent. She then kisses the world champion which brings him back on side. Rex reaches down to grab his case and Kent flinches as his fingers brush the world title belt.

*Daniel Reilly swaggers into the back and he's talking to the camera "The goal is title and then November I'm walking out of this god forsaken place and there's nobody to stop m..." he is suddenly cut off as Scott Harris smashes into him and spears him up over a table. They are throwing huge bombs at one another as security pour in to pull them apart. Reilly's lip and nose are busted and Harris looks thunderous.

*Blue Dragon and Damien Andrews walk into one another backstage.

Andrews: You can't control know this...

Dragon: The f*** has it got to do with you...

Andrews: Because that speech earlier about doing it together....trying to convince yourself and him that you are a team....

Dragon: We are...

Andrews: I know you don't believe talk to me about trying to influence him or warp his mind but you are just as bad, if not worse....trying to humanise him....trying to keep him onside....but why don't you be honest about why you really want him on your "team"....

Dragon: And why the f*** is that?

Andrews: Because you know, deep down.....

*Andrews pats the title belt on Dragon's shoulder

Andrews: The moment he wants this....he'll take it....and there's nothing you can do about it....

*Dragon pushes his father back now and shakes his head

Dragon: You haven't got a f***ing clue...

Andrews: Look around.....the wolves are circling...

*Dragon looks around the backstage area and we see Chris Patricks, Liam Wood, Rex Adamson walking with the FFTR case. Geoff Steel and Dicey Reilly are there. Scott Harris, Acer and Daniel Reilly.

Andrews: But the one you really need to've already invited him inside.....good luck, son!


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6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36) Empty Re: 6CWF Aftermath Results - July 25th 2024 (Episode 36)

Post by JJJohnson Thu 25 Jul 2024, 12:55 pm

Main Event
6CWF Tag Team Championships
The Coalition (c) vs Genesis
(JJ Johnson/Saint) (Eddy Kent/Rex Adamson)

*The crowd is hyped as we are now ready for the main event with the tag team championships on the line. Genesis arrive to a very mixed reaction as Miss Jessica leads her men to the ring. Eddy Kent is clearly smitten with Jessica whereas Rex looks pumped for a fight and the opportunity to add to his legacy. We are reminded that it has been 12 years since Genesis held tag gold (Kent/Sweetwater).

*It is an eruption from the small but lively crowd as JJ Johnson & The Saint enter from opposite sides of the balcony. JJ and Saint are hyping the fans making sure to spend plenty of time interacting with them, posing in front of the cameras with their title belts. JJ pounds his chest and speaks to the camera about “This why I’m still lacing ‘em, when they don’t care bout me no mo’….then I’ll know”….JJ stands on the steps down to ringside as fans mob him for pictures. Saint reaches ringside first and Jessica approaches him, almost trying to flirt from their old days (Kent looks jealous, as Rex rolls out and takes the fight to JJ Johnson.

*JJ blocks Rex’s punch and rallies off with three rights and a left hook to the body before a right uppercut rocks him on his heels. He spins Rex around and smashes him against the steel steps as both members of The Coalition turn their attention to the ring, where Eddy Kent is standing alone. JJ and Saint climb onto opposite sides of the ring now as Kent looks from one to the other.

*Jessica shrieks and Saint turns to look at her which allows Eddy Kent to crash into him from the side and knock him down. JJ spins Kent around and unloads with punches before whipping him off the ropes and drills him with a snap release spinebuster (ala Ron Simmons). JJ is dialling it and the crowd are feeling it. He stalks Kent and then nails a scissors kick off the ropes and we are cooking here for a huge result for the tag champs.

*JJ beckons Kent up now for the “Access All Areas” (stunner) but Kent shoves him away and straight into a huge overhead throw from Rex Adamson. JJ gets back up and Rex scoops him on his shoulders and runs him into a huge powerslam before he dodges a running clothesline from Saint and snaps off a release German suplex. The commentators are going wild about Rex here “A one year rookie and he is man handling two of the best to ever do it”.

*Eddy Kent is lounging back in the corner now, grinning to himself, as Rex lets JJ up and grabs him by the throat. He is preparing for a body press but JJ slams a kick into Rex’s stomach and unleashes another uppercut to rock him back in the corner. JJ grabs Saint and whips him into a huge splash on Rex before Saint whips the youngster out into a Samoan drop. Kent thinks about getting involved but it is clear that he doesn’t want to put himself in harms’ way.

*JJ raises the “Coalition Salute” to the audience as he ushers Rex up and scoops him on his shoulders for the “VIP Experience” but Rex drops behind and he quickly lifts JJ into an electric chair. Saint pours forward so Rex launches JJ at his partner and knocks both members of The Coalition down to the mat. Rex shoots a look over at Jessica and Kent before he crouches in the corner. JJ and Saint are making their way up as he darts forward for the “Gore” but the champions throw themselves either side as Rex crashes into the turnbuckle. They deliver a huge double clothesline to send him over the top to the outside before JJ spins on his heel and seizes Kent by the throat and launches him over the top and inside the ring.

*Kent throws up his hands but JJ and Saint are having fun as they pummel him all around the ring. They whip him off the ropes into a huge double back drop before Saint body presses Kent now and parades him around the ring before slamming him down onto the canvass. JJ signals that they’re gonna finish it here and looks like we might be about to see the powerbomb/stunner combo that we have become accustomed to.

*Rex grabs JJ’s heel from the outside and he drags him out before they brawl on the outside. Rex slams a knee into JJ’s stomach and scoops him for the “Fire and Thunder” Driver but JJ drops off and sends Rex against the ringpost. In the ring and Eddy Kent battles his way off Saint’s shoulders and then looks for the “Genesis Kick” out of nowhere but Saint avoids and crushes the world champion with a pumphandle slam. Jessica is running around ringside now and leaps up onto the apron to distract the referee but she has also slid a sledgehammer in to Eddy Kent. Saint is preparing for the “Divine Force” unawares of Kent’s intentions and he flips him up before Kent nails him right between the eyes with the hammer. We are about to have new tag team champions.

*Jessica is still talking and distracting the referee when she is ripped down off the apron and kicked right in the head by Brandi Johnson, which draws a massive response from the London crowd. JJ has rolled back in the ring now and Kent swings the sledgehammer at him but he ducks it and nails the “Access All Areas” (stunner). This is pure out and out Attitude Era style carnage and the crowd are absolutely eating it up.

*Rex rolls back in and is looking for the “Gore” on JJ from the blindside but JJ sidesteps and the referee is ripped out of his boots. JJ gets Rex up now for the “VIP Experience” but Rex drops behind and scoops JJ up for the “Fire/Thunder” Driver and he nails it in the middle of the ring, sparking shock from everyone watching. Rex is trying to revive the referee now but he’s getting nowhere. He stands up to signal to the back and then he turns and is blasted in the face by his own FFTR briefcase. Chris Patricks is standing tall in centre ring and is clearly still unhappy about what went down at Scars & Stripes.

*We have absolute mayhem out here as Max Adamson is making his way out to confront his best friend and try and restore some kind of order. Patricks & Max are in a heated discussion as we see Eddy Kent grabbing for the sledgehammer now and looking to use it. Huge audience response as Liam Wood returns to ringside and he stomps Kent’s head into the canvass, the referee recovering in time to see this and he calls for the bell and a DQ finish. JJ and Saint stagger up now and they spin Liam Wood around. JJ and Wood go nose to nose here before Saint pushes them both away from one another. Wood shakes his head and climbs from the ring to talk to management.

*This is bedlam at ringside but the crowd are loving what has taken place. Damien Andrews is out now and it is clear there is major issues transpiring with Liam Wood demanding his world title match whilst Chris Patricks is adamant he should be the holder of the FFTR case. JJ Johnson & The Saint are feeling the effects of the battle but they have their tag titles and are celebrating whilst Brandi Johnson applauds from the outside.

*Flames suddenly burst from the turnbuckles as Blue Dragon & Logan Kincade are marching to the ring. There are no words as they seize Saint by the throat and deliver a huge double chokeslam. JJ confronts the brothers now and we hear him say “The f*** you doing?” before he suffers the same fate and is drilled into the canvass. Damien Andrews is watching on and can barely contain a smile as we see Miss Jessica cradling Eddy Kent’s head in the corner of the ring. Rex Adamson has stumbled up and looks livid that Patricks is holding his briefcase whilst Liam Wood is still ranting. All eyes, however, are drawn to the formidable figures of Blue Dragon & Logan Kincade in the middle of the ring.

*The show ends with the commentators debating on what we are seeing here and the potential ramifications. Is this tag team warfare? Or is this about power and dominance and it’s most basic root? JT certainly believes that is what we are looking at. Because there are so many titles and accolades but this seems to be a statement about who is running the yard and right now it is hard to argue against the two brothers standing tall in the middle of the ring.


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