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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:01 am

*We are live on air inside the MVM Dome in Budapest and this crowd is rocking for Aftermath. "Numb" hits the speakers and here come Genesis. The brand new tag team champions are joined by Miss Jessica and Michael Sweetwater (returning from injury). Eddy Kent has the 6WF belt around his waist as well as the tag title on his shoulder. Rex has the tag belt around his neck and is carrying the FFTR case. The commentators remind us of Genesis' huge win inside of the Elimination Chamber and now they are kicking off the road to Born in Fire XII.

Miss Jessica has the mic and she wants to start gibbering on about the plot to besmirch the great name of Genesis. She has footage of her and Sweetwater out on the streets of Budapest but Liam Wood is not listening to her cr@p as he interrupts to a huge ovation. Wood says the people know Jessica is a streetwalker, they don't need video footage of it. Wood doesn't want to wait for tonight's main event, he wants to face Rex here and now. Rex has no issues with this but Kent is shaking his head. Genesis tell Wood that he doesn't call the shots....and after tonight is over and Rex beats him again, there will be no more shots....EVER!

Wood is about to start walking to the ring but Damien Andrews interrupts (cue the boos). Andrews says tonight is a huge night for the company. Coming in off the back of one of their most successful PPVs ever, the road to Born in Fire just beginning, and it isn't being overshadowed by a brawl. Andrews and Wood have a long staredown now and Wood seems like he wants to go against orders when Max Adamson decides to join the party.

There is clearly tension between Max and Rex (we are still waiting to find out what was on that disk) but Max is out here to agree (cue Andrews' surprise) because we all came to see a show and there is a running order. Wood and Rex will meet in the main event and "hopefully" Genesis will finally get what is coming to them (Rex looks away from Max when he says this). Jessica is shaking her head and talking about management corruption but Eddy Kent just smiles. Kent says they can try all the tricks they want but all their efforts to drive a wedge between Genesis failed and so will any attempt to take away his title. Eddy Kent reiterates that there is nobody on the roster capable of taking this belt away from him (Max stares at Rex again when this is said).

Max turns to Liam Wood now and says tonight he gets his chance to stake his claim and he should go and get ready for that. Wood doesn't look happy but due to Max fighting his corner he nods his head and walks backstage. Eddy Kent decides to goad Max now and asks him "How does it feel knowing I took your career and your family, Max....even Jackson Jackson rides with Genesis now". Max merely casts another look at Kent & Rex before leaving.

Jessica decides now is the time to return to her rant about "The Cabal" and it looks like her and Sweetwater might be about to spark up another "duet" so we cut backstage instead.


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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:12 am

*We see Diego Romero getting ready for his match tonight. The crowd cheer his appearance on the screens as the commentators talk about his fantastic start to life in 6CWF. Romero rises as we see a skull mask rise onto the screen behind him.

The scene then changes to Angus Plague and Perfect Jack, cue the boos from the Hungarians. PJ appreciates Angus Plague's help at Beachfront Brawl and hopes their alliance will continue but tonight is Plague's time to show 6CWF what he can do. It is hard to read on whether AP has any kind of affiliation to Jack at all. He explains that he is hear to "torture souls" and Jack nods his head at this but he holds his European belt a little tighter. A stagehand tells Plague he is up next and he leaves PJ without so much as a backward glance.

*We see Max Adamson walk backstage and he is on the phone "Call me back, Jackson....taking the pi** now!". Max then finds himself face to face with Chris Patricks. Patricks tells Max...

CP: Should have let me deal with that ungrateful little s*** on my terms, now look at him....mocking you....even after you showed him the truth....

*Max looks annoyed by CP's comments

CP: Maybe listen to me from time to time....same with his other little idiot, Uryu....pretending like you and him were actually friends...

Max: Chris...

*Patricks stops talking

Max: I seriously don't have time for one of your bull(beep) rants right now....get a grip...

*Max shakes his head and walks off as Patricks boots a bucket across the floor and looks annoyed at being cut off. Damien Andrews walks out of Gorilla now and puts an arm on CP's shoulder.

Andrews: Ah, Chris, good to see you....I was hoping we could catch up...

*Patricks nods his head and seems placated by the attention. He and Andrews stroll off together.

*The crowd boo as we see Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane arriving earlier in the day. Reilly has the EWF Championship over his shoulder as Clarissa runs out to meet them. Clarissa wants to ask about Reilly's "controversial" win at Beachfront and how he reacts to the news that management want to talk to him here tonight. Keane presses a hand over the mic and we hear him say "No press without written're dealing with a world champion, now". Clarissa is left with a hand on her hip as Keane and Reilly walk inside the MVM Dome.


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Age : 34

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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:22 am

*We are provided updates on the injuries sustained by both Dicey Reilly and Scott Harris at Beachfront Brawl. Dicey's knee is not as badly damaged as first feared but he will not be cleared for in-ring performances until October. Scott Harris' nose was broken and his cheekbone just barely survived. He will have to wear a facial protection mask but has the greenlight to get back in the ring at UNLEASHED II. Both men are expected to be in Manchester in 10 days as we build toward Born in Fire XII.

Bout 1
Angus Plague vs Diego Romero

*We are set for our opening bout as the commentators recap us on the goings down at Beachfront with Romero picking up a W against Altair whilst Angus Plague was instrumental in PJ’s win over Dicey. Romero receives another huge reception from the Hungarians and he really seems to be enjoying life in 6CWF. But is his past catching up with him? Who is behind the mysterious vignettes?

*Plague is here and booed to the rafters. JT remarks on the huge weight difference here. Only an inch in height but 119lbs. Plague shows no emotions through his dark demeanour. He climbs up into the ring and tries to get in Romero’s face but the referee separates them and gives clear instructions of his expectations.

*Angus Plague looks to cut off the ring early but Romero is quick and agile. He fires off kicks to the legs and then dodges a lariat as he springs onto the ropes and moonsaults back. Plague catches him and looks for a running powerslam but Romero twists off into a tornado DDT counter. Romero follows up with a standing moonsault but AP powers on one. Romero quickly runs the ropes and returns with a low dropkick to the face. He leaps up high but Plague rolls from the ring. Romero changes tact and nails a senton takedown to the outside.

*Romero leaps onto the barricade and runs across for a flying assault but Plague catches him in his arms and just throws him against the ringpost, causing the crowd to groan. Romero is dumped back in the ring now as AP follows and nails a pendulum backbreaker for a nearfall. The commentators are concerned that Plague is going to make an example of Romero now.

*AP drags Romero up by the wrist and lifts him on his shoulders for the “Pestilence” (Running DVD into bottom turnbuckle) but Romero swivels his body on the shoulders and counters out with a poisonrana. AP staggers back up and Romero dropkicks his knees before handspringing against the ropes and returns with a backflip into an inverted DDT for two.

*Romero claps his hands and the crowd follow suit. He runs to the corner and springs off the turnbuckle for a twisting crossbody but AP catches him by the throat. Chokeslam looks imminent but Romero twists his body in midair and rolls through for a counter pin which gets him a two. They scramble again and Romero ducks a clothesline and attempts a backflip into a headscissors (ala Ricochet) but AP catches his legs and flips him back onto his feet before grabbing him and executing a devastating dragon suplex.

*Romero holds his neck now as Plague hauls him back up and spins him into a crunching sidewinder suplex. Plague lands multiple falling elbows to the chest before bouncing off the ropes and returning with a huge leg across the throat which gets him another two. Plague flicks his hair from his face as he waits for Romero to stand and then he lifts him on his shoulders. His idea is “What a horrible night to have a curse” (Steiner Screwdriver) but Romero is able to slip off the back. AP spins and charges but Romero drags down the ropes and sends him over the top to the outside. Romero then wows the crowd as he runs the opposite ropes and returns with a cartwheel and corkscrews over the top into another takedown. He bows to the audience with a smile whilst they applaud and chant his name.

*Romero rolls back in the ring as the referee counts. Plague gets back up on six and is climbing through the middle rope as Romero lands an axe-kick to the back of the neck. AP is left slumped through the ropes as Romero backs up in the corner and lifts himself onto the middle turnbuckle before leaping across with a foot stomp to the back that finally brings his opponent back into the ring. He covers but AP kicks out on two.

*”Fantastic action from our two newest superstars” exclaims RJ and the crowd are in full agreement. Romero beckons AP up and looks for the “Chupacabra Kick” (Spinning roundhouse) but Angus Plague ducks underneath it at the final moment and then nails a ring-shaking spinebuster in response. He drags Romero back up and nearly splits his head with a brainbuster. Some of the crowd think it is over but Romero shows his own mettle to kick out on two.

*Plague has seen enough and he’s looking to end this now. He positions himself behind Romero as he raises and then grabs him for the “Dragonsbreath” (Ripcord Lariat) but DR anticipates it as he is spun around and he rolls underneath it and springs onto the turnbuckle before sailing back with a midair shining wizard that takes the big man off his feet. The crowd are on their feet as Romero runs the ropes again and flies back into a solid “v-trigger” style knee strike as AP is trying to stand. Plague is flat on his back now and Romero is pointing to the skies. “The Prince of Pachuca” is gonna fly here.

On Screen we see the Masked face from the VT's, the Dark Green mask with the Aztec Skull on it. The masked man is breathing quite heavily, his breath hot, misting, as it hits the cold night air. He's outside, sat on the bonnet of a sports car, behind him we see the outside of the arena...

??: 6CWF you have been warned that I am coming. The Videos have been shown and I know that you have seen me, your God, coming for a while now. I have come from a long distance, I have a mission to carry out. I have told you all that you will worship me as the deity that I am. You will bow down to me and I will consider having mercy on your souls. Like the Aztec gods of old, like my ancestors, I am a warrior, I am a ruler, but I am nothing if not ruthless. You have your heroes here in 6CWF, you have your chosen warriors, an I will tell you now that those warriors will fall, to me and my greatness. I am known the world over, my name whispered in hushed tones throughout this business but now you will see me for who I really am.
But now I'm here... to collect a debt, tu deuda. Some of you may know my name, but you don't know me... You have witnessed a pale imitation...
I am the god of war, the god of death...
My Name is KillBane

KillBane steps down from the car bonnet begins to walk towards the arena as he talks

KB: I have been tasked, to come here to show 6CWF what I'm capable of, I am on a mission to show you all what I true Luchador is.. to show you all the passion, the dedication, the hunger it takes to be a true great of wrestling of Lich Libre, and to become a God in the eyes of millions. Not only that my Amigos but there are yet more glad tidings... my mentor has now told me why he's chosen this place, he has shown me my first target, the example I am sent to make, the first to bow down and to worship, the first, prey of god.... Presa De Dios

KillBane gets to the doors and he pauses and turns to face the camera...

*Romero is perched on the turnbuckle in disbelief but the distraction has allowed Angus Plague time to recover and he detonates a huge uppercut under Romero’s chin to sit him down. The audience and commentators are still caught up in the Killbane reveal as Plague scoops Romero off the turnbuckle onto his shoulders and charges him to the opposite corner with the flying DVD against the bottom corner pad (Pestilence). Romero is in a heap as Plague hauls him back up and almost decapitates him with the “Dragonsbreath” lariat. Angus Plague has won his debut match and Romero suffers his first defeat.

*Angus Plague raises his arms in a self-congratulatory manner as he refuses to let the referee touch him. He leaves the ring as the cameras pan back on Diego Romero, who is struggling on the canvass. Huge boos ring out now as Killbane struts down the rampway and climbs on the apron. Romero is still down in the ring, trying to get to all fours, as Killbane ascends the ropes and then he backflips from the top into a sickening double foot stomp to the spine, crushing Romero into the canvass.

*Killbane demands a mic now, pressing a finger to his lips to silence the boos from the audience.

KB: Do you remember me? No? You don't get it Amigo!! I'm here for you! Diablo wants you gone! Not from Mexico, not from the UK, He wants you gone from the business you hear me? He wants you gone from this world! And now you are mine!! Now you are Presa De Dios, now you are The Prey of God!!!

KillBane reaches down and he grabs Romero by the hair. He lifts him and he looks into his eyes, he whispers something into his ear before grabbing his legs and sweeping him down to the mat. He lifts his legs, twisting them into a Texas Cloverleaf as Romero shouts out in pain... KillBane looks to the sky and lets out a primal yell before stepping over Romero's body, leaning in and adding a Lion Tamer to the move.. Diego's body is twisted up in a sick knot, a pair of Referees get into he ring and try to pry him off but Killbane keeps the move applied, Diego's head practically touching his hips as a hush falls over the crowd and we can hear KillBane laughing as he releases the hold, Romero's body flops to the mat as KillBane holds his hands up and walks away pleading to the officials

KB: Just doing what I was asked niño, you'll live Diego.. but.. The Gods, they will not be denied....


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Age : 34

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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:35 am

*The commentators are talking about the shocking revelations of Killbane and the growing issues with Diego Romero as we head backstage. Rex Adamson excuses himself from the rest of Genesis and says he needs to go and get ready for his match. Eddy Kent hugs him and says "I am proud, my son". Rex leaves now as Kent takes a seat and seems far more relaxed than he has in awhile. Miss Jessica is filming TikToks with Sweetwater as Kent pats his 6WF World Heavyweight Championship. The FFTR Case is on the sofa as well.

The camera then switches to Rex heading for the gym when he finds himself face to face with his Uncle.

Max: So you made your decision...

Rex: I did....

Max: Good luck with what comes next then...

*Max and Rex stare at one another before Max walks away, shaking his head.

*The Brothers of Seduction are reunited and we hear the roar from the crowd inside the MVM. Percy wants Brandon to rub some ointment on his cuts and bruises from inside The Chamber. He bends over as Perez closes his eyes and quickly applies it, whispering "It's a chick, it's a chick" over and over. Perez and Percy believe tonight is a great way for them to get back into tag title contention. Perez really wants a shot at Genesis and is still high in hopes that he can convince Miss Jessica to film a movie with him....

"I mean what's Lex Hart got that I haven't"....

Perez leaves the room as Percy says "Oh honey, Lex Hart has everything".

*Scene change and we get a recap on the disgruntled comments from Mike Masters earlier in the week. Masters and Jimmy Phillips are together now and Masters wants to put their differences aside and become a team. He's talking about matching attire, music, a team name but Phillips cuts him off...

JP: This is just about tonight....I need you to prove to me that you deserve a chance to make this permanent....

*Phillips walks away as Masters places his boot on and shakes his head.

MM: I don't need to prove a damn thing to anyone...

*We see Logan Kincade sitting in a darkened room, his breathing is heavy and ragged. We cannot fully make out his face but we see glimpses as his phone lights up time and again. It appears that Logan has adorned the tribal war paint that precedes his descent into the darkness.

MISSED CALL x100 - Dragon


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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:37 am

Bout 2
The Brothers of Seduction vs Jimmy Phillips/Mike Masters

*Back out at ringside and Jimmy Phillips is entering to boos whilst Mike Masters is already in the ring. The commentators remind is of Phillips & Masters’ failed attempt to dethrone Geoff Steel at Beachfront Brawl and now they must attempt to mend their differences as they enter the tag team division. Phillips climbs inside and he takes a long look at Masters, can they get back on the same page?

*It is party time in Budapest as “Like a prayer” starts to play out (song seems to be popular everywhere). The Brothers of Seduction are becoming a craze in 6CWF and there is no denying their popularity. Both men are banged up (just how they like) after the Elimination Chamber but they seem in fine spirits as they interact with the audience. Perez is doing hip thrusts now at ringside to prepare himself whilst Percy is mincing around and catching kisses from his devoted followers. “Is this really happening?” asks RJ but JT assures him it is and the BOS are not going anywhere in a hurry.

*Phillips and Masters eye their opposition with disgust. The referee has final words with both teams before signalling for the bell to get us underway. Masters and Perez are kicking proceedings off here. They lockup and Masters applies a side headlock but Perez grabs his backside which forces him to break. MM is scandalised but has no time to complain as Perez runs through him with a clothesline. Perez nails three consecutive hiptosses now and does some star jumps as the audience go wild.

*Masters initiates another lockup but boots out at Perez’ midsection. He lashes chops at his chest now before whipping him across the ring. He lowers his head for a backdrop but Perez hurdles him and then returns with a hip thrust to the back that sends Masters rolling across the ring. Masters looks thunderous as he slaps Phillips’ hand to bring him in. Phillips looks in no mood to play around. Perez looks to instigate a lockup but JP slaps him hand away and smashes a knee into his stomach. He slams headbutts into the back of Perez’ neck and then whips him into the turnbuckle and sends him sky high with a backdrop. Perez holds his back as he gets up and Phillips lifts him into a suplex before just throwing him across the ring.

*Percy offers the tag to Perez which draws big cheers from the crowd. They circle and then PP ducks the attempted lockup with Phillips and lands a solid kick to the body. He runs the ropes and Phillips attempts a back elbow but Percy ducks again and handsprings into a back elbow takedown. Phillips staggers up and Percy wipes him out with a spinning heel kick before he grabs the turnbuckle and nails a BME (Best Moonsault Ever)….Perez is fist pumping as the crowd count along but Phillips kicks out on two.

*Percy heads to the apron and wants the “Percy Pop” but Phillips catches him and powerbombs him on the back of his neck before stomping all over him. The referee warns him about his conduct but JP rags Percy back up and suplexes him into a release uranage that dumps him on the back of his neck again. Phillips stalks Percival for the “Touchdown” now but Percy somehow is able to elbow his way free and he nails the superkick out of nowhere….”G@ymaker” screams RJ!

*Percy collapses and cannot take advantage. He crawls across and is tries to tag Perez back in but Masters gets the tag off Phillips and bursts in. He grabs Percy by the ankle and hauls him away but PP somehow is able to nail a standing enzeguiri. Percy tags in Perez now as the audience go wild. Perez dodges Masters attack as he runs in and charges off the ropes before leaping back with a hip attack that takes him off his feet. Masters staggers back up and Perez twists his nipples and scores with a huge “Blue Thunder” Bomb for a two count.

*Perez wants the “F.A.C” but Masters drops off and nails the zigzag neckbreaker out of nowhere. He crawls back up and wills Perez up before attempting the disaster kick off the ropes but Perez dodges it and snaps off a Jake Roberts style DDT for a two count. Perez staggers back up to his feet and he signals for the “Moustache Ride”. He drags Masters up and flips him in position (Liger Bomb) but Masters counters with a hurricanrana. Perez is sent staggering to the ropes and Phillips crashes a forearm into his face. Perez stumbles back and Masters nails the “Killswitch”. A three count is in the offing but Percy breaks it up.

*Phillips charges the ring and tackles Percy back into the corner before exploding with sickening and shuddering shoulder thrusts. He launches Percy from the ring and follows. JP then sets his feet and charges for a “Game Changer” clothesline but Percy throws himself out of the way as Phillips’ arm clatters against the ringpost and he staggers away in agony. The action returns to the ring and Mike Masters has ascended the ropes for a 450 splash but Perez gets the knees up and cradles him into a pin for a two count.

*They get back up and Perez lands a hard kick to the stomach. He drags Masters head in place and gyrates his hips before flipping him for the “Liger Bomb”. Masters lands right out on his feet and smashes Perez in the face with a European uppercut….Perez staggers back as Masters runs at him but BP sidesteps and sends Masters to the turnbuckle. Masters heads straight up the ropes and twists back with an excellent “whisper in the wind” takedown for a nearfall. Percy rolls back in and looks for the superkick but Masters ducks it and backdrops him over the ropes in the same motion. Perez is back up and he scoops Masters into an electric chair position but Masters rolls down into a victory roll for another two.

*Jimmy Phillips rolls in and charges Perez with a “pounce” but Perez moves and Masters takes the full brunt. Percy is back and he superkicks Phillips through the middle ropes to the outside now as all attention turns to Masters. Percy climbs out on the apron as Perez lifts Masters into the electric chair position and then Percy springboards back in and catches him, amazingly, off Perez’ shoulders with the “Percy Pop” for the three count. Brothers of Seduction pick up a huge tag team win and the crowd are all over it.

*It is celebration time and the Brothers of Seduction are heading into the audience. Budapest is feeling the BOS. Back in the ring and it is certainly teething issues between Phillips and Masters. A little bit of shoving and Phillips shakes his head in disgruntlement as he leaves. Masters is sat on the canvass looking annoyed with what has just happened. These two definitely need “Unleashed” next week to get things back on track because right now it is not looking hot for them. Are they still a team?. We see Perez crowd surfing whilst Percy is standing up on one of the balconies leading the audience in a sing song. 6CWF have got money on their hands here.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:45 am

*Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane are taking their seats in the Co-GMs office. Keane is already running his mouth but Max tells him to "shut up". It's real simple, Reilly cheated to win and the referee was in no position to make the bogus call. Reilly says if they strip him then he walks tonight and he isn't coming back.

Damien Andrews smiles at this and says "We all know you aren't going anywhere, company in the world is going to pay you more than us so stop being daft and sign the contract". Reilly shakes his head at this and says 6CWF's offer has already been "matched". Max says it is Reilly's decision but what isn't is what happens whilst he is still an employee of 6CWF. They aren't going to strip him but he will defend the belt next week at UNLEASHED II.....against five other men....random opponents....random stipulation...

"But no problem for a champion of your calibre, is it?" sneers Damien Andrews. Reilly looks ready to kick off but Max isn't done.

Max: Just one other thing as well....until that new contract is signed, or isn't signed....Keane is banned from ringside...he so much as sneezes and snot goes past that curtain, we will strip you of the belt". Reilly and Keane look scandalised at the end of the scene.

*We see Acer arriving at the MVM Dome (the audience are mixed in their reactions). The commentators don't believe JJ Johnson is here in Hungary but if he is then we can expect some serious warfare here tonight. We are still waiting on the full breakdown of why Acer did what he did....will that happen here tonight? Jack Reynolds is on hand to catch a word but Acer just walks straight past him on his way to the changing rooms.

*”Many Men” by 50 Cent is playing over a montage of footage. We see JJ Johnson being attacked, bloodied and battered by various superstars over the years including Cassius Zhi, Clarke James, Hero, Median and Mike Hill.

“These p**** n****a putting money on my head
Go and get your refund, mother****er, I ain’t dead”

*The montage changes to JJ Johnson getting even with each and everyone one of the men who had attacked him. Beating them in the middle of the ring. It ends with him standing tall over Cassius Zhi, blood running down his chest and hands.

“I ain’t gone spell it out for you mother****ers every time
Are you illiterate n****? You can’t read between the lines?
In the Bible it says what goes around comes around

Now it clear’s that I’m here fo’ a real reason
Cause he got hit like I got hit but he ain’t f***in breathin”

*The scene changes now as “Bittersweet Symphony” Jay Z remix kicks in. We see JJ Johnson in various clips. First at three back to back wrestling award shows.

Presenter: And the winner of the PWI Wrestler of the year…

Presenter: And the winner of the PWI Wrestler of the year…

Presenter: And the winner of the PWI Wrestler of the year…

Collective: JJ JOHNSON!

“We came from the bottom the bottom to the Top of the Pops”

*We see JJ Johnson on the red carpet with Brandi and the premieres of his various Hollywood hits. Clips of him featuring in Marvel and DC Blockbusters as well as TV Series appearances in The Boys, Game of Thrones and Supernatural. The scene then changes to JJ Johnson and his entourage, including The Saint and Acer, standing in the middle of a boxing ring in Madison Square Garden.

Jimmy Lennon Jnr: The referee has called a stop to this contest after 1 minute and 46 seconds of the sixth round…..declaring your winner by the way of knockout……AND THE NEW IBF HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD………JJJJJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJOOOOOOOOOOOHNNNNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSOOOOOONNNNNN!

*JJ is lifted onto the shoulders of Acer and JJ as the IBF belt is thrown over his shoulder

“Me and my beautiful b1tch in the back of the ‘Back…..from the Bricks to the Billboards from the grams to Grammies…..The O’s to the opposite, Orphan Annie….
You gotta pardon Jay, for selling out the Garden in a day…
I’m like a young Marvin in his hey…”

*We see JJ hugging Acer and Saint in several different settings and laughter on all of their faces. Photos begin to shuffle through of family gatherings in beautiful gardens and houses. Acer and JJ’s children playing together as “Toy Soldiers” by Eminem takes over.”. We see the growing animosity between JJ and Acer and Acer’s constant rebuttals of anything JJ says or does.

“I’m supposed to be the soldier who never blows his composure
Even though I hold the whole weight of the world on my shoulders”

*It shows a triumphant Coalition at Night of Glory standing over the fallen Exodus. We see JJ celebrating with the fans as Acer side eyes him.

“And even though the battle was won, I feel like we lost it”

*We see JJ showing the TAW Championship to Saint and then Acer’s outburst

“Why would I wanna destroy somethin’ I helped build?
That wasn’t my intentions, my intentions were good
I went through my whole career without mentioning ****
And that was just out of respect, for not running my mouth
And talkin’ bout something that I knew nothing about”

"He has an erection for me and thinks I'll be his resurrection"

*The music drowns out now as we hear the crowd noise piped in and the commentary from Beachfront Brawl


JJ Johnson is holding his neck as he slowly starts trying to get up in the ring. We then see someone climbing through the broken grate on the floor to enter the Chamber. JJ reaches his feet….



Acer looks completely unhinged as he propels himself through the ropes and he spears JJ to the canvass. He is pulling at his hair and staring into JJ’s face…

RJ: Acer has completely lost it……..after failing to win the EWF Championship earlier tonight….he has finally snapped and taken out JJ Johnson…

*The camera zooms in now and Acer’s crazed expression and then repeatedly shows the spear over and over again until the whole screen blacks out with the “Why, Acer, Why?” on repeat. We are now in a dimly lit home gym which resembles an “Octagon”. We hear deep breathing as JJ Johnson, shirtless, steps under the light. His body is ripped, sweat dripping down him, as he slowly raises his head and looks up into the camera. “Ambitionz Az a Ridah” by Tupac plays out

“Now it’s on and it’s on because I said so
Can’t trust a b1tch in the business….
These n****s jealous
Cause deep in they hearts they wanna be me…
You don’t wanna f*** with me”


Posts : 10428
Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:55 am

*Liam Wood is wrapping his hands as Emmy walks in. She places her hands on his shoulders and kisses him on the head.

Emmy: Liam...about tonight...

Wood: If this is a "Don't do anything stupid" speech, I don't want to hear it....

Emmy: It isn't...

*Wood looks at her now

Emmy: I want you to remember everything they have done to you, taken from you, said about you.....ball it all up.....all the anger, all the frustration....and go out there and rip them apart....Liam Wood is destined to be world champion again, I believe it in my heart....and I know you do too...

Screw anyone who believes differently and go out there and show them...

*Wood seems surprised but he smiles and nods as Emmy hugs him

*Chris Patricks is out in the back now ahead of his match. Clarissa has stopped him for a chat and she wants to know what Patricks issues are with Uryu.

CP: Not you as well.....just the same as Max....but then I forgot, you two were a thing weren't you....

*Clarissa goes red at this

CP: And you picked Max, which at least shows that you came to your senses and saw Uryu for what he really is.....but this isn't just about him, it's about this whole place and the disrespect and the overlooking...

How many times has Uryu main evented Born in Fire?

*Patricks makes a "O" with his fist

CP: Me? I've headlined Born in Fire twice but does anyone talk about me? Even when I was in the match to win the 6WF Championship from Eddy Kent nobody gave a damn....nobody believed I could do it...

It's constant and it comes from all angles....nobody believes in Chris Patricks except Chris Patricks and that's just fine because starting tonight I will make you all see....I will headline Born in Fire again and nobody will stop that from happening...especially not someone as inconsequential as Uryu Ishida...

And maybe Max should also remember, whilst we are at it, who came to his aid when he needed it most? Because I don't remember seeing Uryu inside that War Games cage....and I don't remember seeing him at Night of Glory fighting for Max's career.....who needs enemies with friends like that, huh? Pathetic!

*Patricks walks off leaving Clarissa with her eyebrows raised. Patricks is an angry man right now.


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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:56 am

Bout 3
Acer vs Chris Patricks

*There is a lot of anticipation for the next bout as the crowd are making a raucous noise. The conversation and debate from commentary is about Acer’s mindset and what we are likely to see from him here tonight after what went down at Beachfront Brawl. The Budapest crowd are making their feelings known as huge “JJ” chants ring out all around during Acer’s entrance. Acer looks angry by the response as he climbs up into the ring and demands a mic. It seems we may be about to get a further explanation on why he turned on JJ but after listening to the crowd boo him he shakes his head and decides they don’t deserve to hear him.

*Chris Patricks enters the fray now and there is a mixed response for him. We are reminded of the growing issues between CP and Uryu Ishida whilst the commentators talk through Patricks’ claims of being overlooked. JT believes there is an element of truth considering Patricks’ achievements in his career and what he is capable of. RJ thinks Patricks is venting because of his current struggles and he sees Uryu as an easy target for his anger.

*Patricks and Acer get in one another’s faces as Patricks is clearly trying to goad his foe. He talks trash to him with a smile whilst they press their heads together and the referee is forced to break them apart. RJ reminds us that Patricks & JJ Johnson actually teamed together at Born in Fire so it’ll be interesting to see if CP still holds JJ in high esteem and takes that out on Acer tonight. The bell sounds as they circle one another and get into a lockup. Acer applies a side headlock but Patricks lifts him off the floor into an immediate back suplex. They both scramble up and CP sidesteps to send Acer off the ropes and floors him with a beautiful dropkick as he returns. Acer is angry as he rolls from the ring and boots out at the barricade. Does he have the temper for this?

*Patricks feints to leap over the ropes but then backs off with a smile as Acer tries to anticipate him. Acer gets back in the ring now and they circle one another before a solid boot lands to Patricks’ gut and Acer slams a forearm across his spine. He whips CP to the corner now and follows but Patricks is quick to leap on the turnbuckle. He feints for a twisting crossbody which causes Acer to drop to the mat before he twists off and lands a legdrop to the throat for a nearfall. Patricks certainly seems to be the one with his mind in gear so far.

*Acer stands now and he just chucks a right hand which staggers Patricks upon landing. Patricks staggers but then smirks before lashing a hard roundhouse kick into the side of his foe, crumpling him over. Patricks leaps up and dropkicks Acer in the back, sending him clattering against the turnbuckle, before he runs in and smashes against him with an inverted splash. Patricks snapmares Acer out of the corner into a seated position and then lifts himself onto the second rope and leaps off with a low dropkick to the back of the head before covering him for another two.

*Patricks drags Acer up and looks for a vertical suplex but Acer floats over the back. He spins Patricks around and immediately looks for a downwards spiral but Patricks elbows his way free and then takes Acer off his feet with a spinning heel kick. If Acer thought that turning on JJ would help him, it seems to be the exact opposite right now! Patricks runs the ropes now for a rolling thunder but Acer manages to drive his knees up into the spine before landing. CP clutches his back now as Acer gets up and he scoops Patricks on his shoulders before kneeling into a “shock treatment” backbreaker.

*Acer uses the ropes to leap up and drive knees down into Patricks’ back before the referee intervenes and gives him a warning. Patricks rolls out into a seated position on the apron so Acer runs the opposite side and returns with a flying baseball slide to the back which sends CP hurtling off the apron and into the barricade. Acer is growing into this one now and seems to have no issue with causing harm. He ignores the referee’s pleas and rolls from the ring before delivering a hard suplex on the arena floor. Patricks is taking some damage now and it is tallying up.

*Patricks is left on the outside as Acer rolls back in to search for a countout victory. CP beats the count on seven but Acer is immediately upon him with more stomps to the back. He hauls Patricks up now and grabs his face “Not laughing now, funny man” before whipping him off the ropes for a pop-up powerbomb but Patricks counters with a midair headscissors takedown. Both men battle back to a vertical base and Patricks dodges a clothesline attempt before springing off the ropes and connects with a tornado DDT. This time he is successful in his rolling thunder attempt but Acer is able to push an arm off the mat in time.

*Patricks is out on the apron now and looks for a springboard attack but Acer dodges the impact. CP rolls through onto his feet but Acer clatters him from behind with a northern lariat to the back of the neck. Acer drags CP into the middle of the ring and nails a piledriver now but only manages a two. He has a long stare at the referee but the official stands his ground. The crowd are chanting for “JJ” again now and Acer shakes his head at them. He’s heading for the corner but Patricks is up and nails a step-up kick which lands flush and sits Acer down on the turnbuckle. CP is climbing up now to join him and scores a delightful frankensteiner. Acer struggles back up as Patricks makes his way to the opposite corner and comes flying off with a legdrop to the back of the neck (ala John Cena) for another close count. The crowd are very much into this one and both stars are delivering in Budapest.

*Patricks grabs Acer’s wrist as he helps him up and looks to drag him forward into the “Enigma Bomb” (Sky High) but Acer gets his knee up and drives all the wind out of Patricks’ gut. T-bone suplex is landed now but CP kicks out on two. Acer clambers into full mount to deliver some hard right hands now before trying to snatch an arm for the submission. Patricks turns on his front to try and spare himself and manages to get back to a standing base. Acer shoots for another takedown but Patricks stands firm and defends. He then hooks his arms under Acer’s body and flips him up for a powerbomb but Acer lands out on his feet and scores with a reverse STO from nowhere, only for Patricks to reach a foot out onto the ropes.

*Acer is starting to show real signs of frustration. He lands hard punches down into the back and neck of Patricks before dragging him to his feet. He looks for an Irish whip to the corner now and follows. Patricks shows his agility to use the turnbuckle in an attempt to leap up and over his oncoming foe but Acer anticipates and backs off. Patricks lands on his feet as Acer rushes in behind him and locks his hands before delivering a chaos theory suplex (rolling German). Patricks rolls over into a half kneel as Acer crashes into him with a brutal knee to the head. He covers but Patricks is again able to kick out.

*Acer kneels next to Patricks and we hear him say “Nobody is stopping me….not you, not JJ….I’ll go through anyone”. He lands a standing shooting star press now to keep Patricks grounded and then begins to make his way over toward the corner. The “JJ” chants are huge once more but the music that blasts out is “Paper Planes” by MIA. Mrs 6CWF is here and she looks like she wants blood. Acer is stood froze to the spot as the audience are deafening. Brandi Johnson is heading straight for the ring.

*Brandi Johnson is up on the apron now as Acer walks to her. He is shaking his head and telling her “This isn’t your fight, I don’t want to do this with you” but she is full of rage. The referee is trying to get to the grips with the situation now but how do you deal with one of the bosses? Brandi looks like she is getting in the ring now as Chris Patricks drives two flying knees into the back of Acer and sends him crashing into her, causing her to fall from the apron. Patricks rolls Acer up and he gets the three from nothing. CP is all smiles as he rolls from the ring and pats himself on the back for a job well done. Big bounce back and W on the board for Patricks heading into Born in Fire season.

*Brandi Johnson is sat on the floor in the aisle, holding her ankle, as Acer kneels in the ring looking dumbfounded by the loss. He sees Brandi is hurt and is clearly torn on what he should do. He edges closer to the ropes and looks like he may go to her aid when “Not giving in” blasts out to another epic ovation. The Saint is here in Budapest and he looks far from happy. Saint strides down the ramp and he helps Brandi to her feet whilst glaring at Acer/

Acer: This isn’t your fight either….none of you…

*Saint backs Brandi away as the ringside doctor comes around to check her ankle. Saint steps forward now.

Saint: We are brothers….all of us….so you don’t get to decide whether it’s my fight or not…

Acer: Saint, I’m telling you…..don’t get between this…

Saint: I am between this….my best friends…

Acer: I don’t want to but I will…

Saint: Will what? “Go through me?”…

*There is a very intense staredown now

Acer: I’ll do what I have to….I don’t expect you to understand….

Saint: Then you’ll have to go through me then….because I’m not just going to stand around and watch my brothers kill each other…

Acer: It doesn’t have to be this way…

Saint: No, it doesn’t….but you chose it….so next week, at my show, we can both get in the ring and sort this…

Acer: I don’t want to fight you….it’s him…

Saint: This family doesn’t want anyone to fight…..but, like I said, that was your choice….you want JJ, you’ll go through me….I’d tell you to think about what this is doing to everyone, the whole family, the kids….but I’m looking at you right now and I’m not sure you even care…

*Saint backs away, leaving Acer looking like he just got slapped. Brandi casts another scowl before Saint puts an arm around her and helps her to the back. Acer vs Saint next week at Unleashed II?


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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 12:28 pm

*Chris Patricks returns backstage following his victory but finds that Uryu Ishida is waiting to confront him.

Uryu: Not the kind of guy to talk behind someone's back so here I am....let's get it out in the open, Chris....why is it you don't like me so much?

*Patricks is almost laughing

CP: Where do I start.....first off...

*Max Adamson is on scene now

CP: Perfect timing...

Max: You know, Chris, you're my friend but at the minute you are a real pain in the ar5e....

CP: So you're going to stick up for this guy, again?

Max: I'm not sticking up for anyone...I'm just tired of whatever this is...

Uryu: You and me both...

CP: Hey, you shut your f***ing mouth...

*The argument continues and the two men square up until Max pushes them back

Max: You know what, week at UNLEASHED two, yeah you two are going to team together...

CP: What? No f***ing way...I'm not...

Max: That's a shame because you are so desperate to get to another Born in Fire main event....and your ticket is standing right in front of you..

*Max looks at Uryu

Uryu: Me?

Max: A tag match (nodding his head)....against another team.....winning team gets to choose whatever they it a Born Fire main event.....a title shot....anything...

CP: And why do I have to team with this d1ckhead?

Uryu: Takes one to know one...

Max: Because (said whilst pushing CP back again)....I want to know just how much you want it....separate business from personal....and if not, on your head be it...

CP: On his f***ing head if I don't get what I want...

*Patricks storms off

Uryu: Really? You think this is one of your better ideas?

Max: I created 6WE, believe me...this is genius in comparison! Laugh

*Geoff Steel is being interview by Tim Allen. They talk about Steel's successful defence at Beachfront Brawl and being the "Face of Xtreme". Tim asks about tonight's tag match as well as what it may mean for the road to Born in Fire XII.

Steel: I just want to compete.....I want the biggest tests, the biggest matches....I'm not going to back down...

*Allen wants to talk about an altercation at Beachfront Brawl between Dicey and Daniel Reilly that was, allegedly, broken up by Steel & Gazzy.

Steel: It was PPV day, it can be tense...things spilled over, nothing major...

TA: Punches were thrown....

Steel: And there are a dozen instances, not reported, that have happened since we re-opened, that is the nature of the was nothing that me and Gazzy couldn't handle...

???: Handle? You handled it, did you Geoff?

*Reilly swaggers into shot now

Steel: You know I did...

Reilly: We will agree to disagree....I will admit you saved that Irish drunk from having his career ended but then my boy PJ took care of that minutes later...

*Reilly smirks at this.

Reilly: But a champion misleading the people, couldn't handle me, Steel, and never I need to remind you of last time we faced?

Steel: When you cheated to win? Seems familiar to your usual pattern....but in a few minutes we can revisit what happened last week and last time we faced...I've told you many times, Daniel....anytime, anywhere....

*Reilly is smirking now as Perfect Jack walks into the shot behind Steel, trapping him.

Reilly: You were saying?

*Steel smiles

Steel: Make your move....I'm not going anywhere...

Reilly: Don't you worry yourself, Geoff, we don't need sneak attacks to put you in your place.....

*Steel shrugs and aims to leave but then Angus Plague steps out in front of him. Jack is smiling now

PJ: I don't think two have been introduced, Geoff....this is Angus, the man who helped me to end Dicey Reilly....

*Steel and Angus Plague stare at one another

Steel: I wouldn't bank on it being the end.....if you ask me, this is only just beginning.....see you out there boys...

*Steel stares at Revolution and Angus Plague before leaving.


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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 12:51 pm

*Antonio "Don Monk" Moncinelli is here in Budapest and is shown on the big screens as he makes his way through the crowd. Small sections of the fans are chanting "How you doin'?" as Tony Monk climbs over the barricades and is calling for a microphone. Don Monk is here to put 6CWF on notice that he is bringing "real hardcore" back to the company and not some of this "Geoff Steel watered down (beep)". Tony Monk says everyone can and will be getting it at some point "It's inevitable like that dribble of pi55 in your pants when you think you've finished".

"I'm like Abdullah the Butcher without the excess and I'm gonna make mincemeat out of all of you"

*Tony Monk drags out a table now and he sets it in the ring. Is he drunk? He has a steel chair now and he's ascending the turnbuckle. But he has no opponent.

"I do what the f*** I want, when I Ric Flair without the harassment, how you doin?

RJ: What is he? THIS GUY IS NUTS!

*Jeff Thadeus is trying to stifle his laughs as Tony Monk tucks the chair under his armpit and he drops an elbow through the table, destroying it in the centre of the ring. The chair is caught up in Monk's shirt and he is going absolutely ballistic as he tries to pull it free. He stands and boots the debris everywhere.

Monk: SABU ON CRACK AIN'T GOT S**T ON TONY MONK....they call be Bob Monkhouse because when Opportunity Knocks I'm the one answering the f***ing door, how you doin?

RJ: I am speechless...

*Jeff Thadeus is in fits as Tony Monk elbow drops a plank of wood from the table now

AM: This the big leagues now and you all soft because you ain't never had to deal with someone like me.....this whole place has been protected, built for the elite....not who you know but who you blow...and you motherf***ers being on that Mike Jackson s**t, running with the ape Bubbles....and he be forever blowin'....not for nothin'....

*Jeff Thadeus has dropped from his seat but we can hear him on headset as Tony Monk sets the chair up now and bounces off the ropes before returning with a huge splash that crushes it underneath him

AM: How you doin'?

Crowd: How you doin'? x10

RJ: Oh cmon...

AM: This the beginning of the end for all you haters...coupla haters out here and in the back....but soon you gonna realise that Tony Monk a real stand up guy and I'm bringing 6CWF into the new world...

F*** all your woke, joke, broke, Slowpoke looking motherf***ers....Monky Kong out his cage and I'm itching to to get started like a d*** with an STD...

RJ: Folks, I can only apologise...


*The crowd continue to chant "How you doin'?" as security arrive to try and get Tony Monk to leave the ring.


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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 1:01 pm

*Acer has caught up with Brandi and Saint backstage and he wants to continue the argument.

Acer: So I'm not even important enough for him to show up and take care of this himself....he sends his wife?

*Brandi wants to stand but her ankle is swollen. She looks at Acer with tears in her eyes

Brandi: Quite the opposite....I don't think you have any idea what this has done, what you have done....but we asked JJ to stay and Saint....

Acer: Why?

*Saint looks at Acer

Saint: Why do you think?

*Brandi stands, wincing at the pain in her foot, as she leans against Saint for balance

Brandi: To give you one last chance to drop whatever this is....because trust me, the moment he comes back through those doors....and you're still adamant of facing's over....

Acer: Over?

Brandi: For you!

*Brandi and Saint turn away from Acer now and leave him in a state of fury and confusion.

*GazzyD is watching the clips from the Elimination Chamber over and over. He is slowing it down as the cloaked figure appears in the chamber but he cannot make out a face.

Gazzy: It can't're gone....they buried you...

*The lights flicker but then come back on. Gazzy is looking around but then shakes his head and gets ready for his match. The scene changes to a darkened chamber somewhere. Flaming torches are on the walls and there is a constant chanting (in Latin). We see five hooded figures at the front of the room on their knees in front of a basin as another hooded figure steps in front of them.

???: And tonight, my children, we become a family!


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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 1:03 pm

Bout 4
GazzyD/Geoff Steel Vs Daniel Reilly/Perfect Jack (Revolution)

*Massive tag team action now as the brand new European Champion, Perfect Jack is the first to arrive. We are reminded of what he accomplished against Dicey Reilly and he will certainly be looking to build on that here this evening. Daniel Reilly enters now and holds his EWF belt in the air as he is showered with boos from the audience. The commentators remind us of the controversial finish to the match at Beachfront Brawl and how Reilly has been told he will be forced to defend the title next week against five random opponents due to the “cheating” that took place ten nights ago. Reilly joins PJ in the ring and there is a nod between the former Revolution cohorts. A future run at the tag belts to add more gold?

*GazzyD receives a rousing reception as he bursts through the trapdoor on the stage and walks from one side to the other. We are reminded of what he went through during the Chamber and the mysterious figure that appeared inside the pod. Is Edward Plague returning for revenge? There is no sign of any cloaked assailants currently as Gazzy slaps hands with the fans and makes his way down to the ring. Budapest then becomes unglued for the Xtreme Champion, Geoff Steel. Steel is certainly riding the crest of a serious wave right now, he is beloved and might just be the most popular man on the roster bar none. He salutes the audience on his way down to the ring before raising his championship to the crowd, sparking another huge roar.

*JT and RJ are talking about the storybook history between all of these men. A massive “6C-Dub” chant rings out around the MVM Dome as all four men stand and listen (nobody is immune to this nostalgia trip). Daniel Reilly wants to get us underway and he is insistent that Geoff Steel face him. Steel has absolutely no issues with this as the bell sounds to get is underway. They circle for a lockup and then Reilly dives low and looks to pick the ankle but Steel kicks him away. They circle again and this time lockup. Steel applies a headlock but then Reilly shoots him across the ring, only for Steel to return and floor him with a shoulder tackle. Reilly gets back up and Steel launches him with a huge hiptoss before welcoming him up again and he drives him into the canvass with a scooped slam. The audience applaud Steel’s dominance whilst Reilly grabs his spine and looks scandalised.

*PJ wants in. He and Steel circle and lockup before Jack takes the back. Steel tries to fight loose but Jack lifts him off the floor and slams him down before sliding over to apply a seated lock. Steel gets back to his knees and then shows great strength to just launch Jack over his shoulders and onto the mat. PJ gets back up and Steel looks for a right hand but the Euro Champ ducks it and lashes off knife edge chops to the chest. Jack whips Steel off the ropes and knocks him down with a back elbow to the mouth. Steel gets back up and Jack pulls him in for a belly to belly suplex but Steel headbutts him in the face. PJ comes back around and Steel scoops him onto his shoulders for an “AA” but Jack drops off the back and bridges into a German for a two count.

*Jack lands right hands before pulling Steel up. He looks for the “Perfect Plex” but Steel stands firm and shoves him back to the corner. He chases in but Jack drives his boot up into Steel’s face, knocking him back. PJ runs out now but Steel tilt-a-whirls him onto his shoulders and runs him into a powerslam for a nearfall. Steel points to Gazzy and the audience cheer, they want him in. Gazzy springs onto the ropes and knocks Jack down with a missile dropkick. He welcomes him up and connects with a face-first suplex (ala Jeff Hardy)….Gazzy gets up and he looks for a lionsault but PJ moves. Gazzy lands on his feet, however, and waits for Jack to stand before nailing a step-up enzeguiri. Jack is swaying on the spot as Gazzy pulls him in place and nails the “History Maker” (inverted twist of fate). Three count on the cards but Reilly breaks it up.

*Gazzy heads to the corner and lets Jack stand before leaping off with a crossbody. Jack, however, ducks and sends Gazzy crashing to the mat. He rushes over and scoops Gazzy off the canvass for a German suplex but Gazzy elbows his way free. Gazzy runs to the ropes for a springboard but Reilly grabs his head and guillotines him across the ropes. The audience are booing and the referee ticks the EWF Champ off as he grins. Jack is up again now and nails Gazzy with a huge release German suplex before tagging in Reilly. Reilly clambers the ropes and drills Gazzy with a ring-shaking frogsplash. Gazzy just manages to get a shoulder up in time.

*Reilly rags Gazzy up and looks to flip him for a fallout neckbreaker but Gazzy kicks his legs and lands out on his feet. He runs off the ropes but Reilly sets him down with a twisting powerslam (ala Randy Orton) as he comes back. Reilly lands a leaping kneedrop to the head and covers but Gazzy kicks out. Reilly stomps down on Gazzy before posing in front of the fans, drawing massive boos from the audience. Reilly turns to Steel now and spits in his direction. Steel tries to get in the ring but the referee holds him back. Reilly drags Gazzy up into a vertical suplex and then tags PJ back in. Jack climbs the ropes and drops off into an elbow to the chest. He covers but Gazzy kicks out.

*Gazzy rolls out on the apron now. Jack reaches over and drags him up. He looks for a suplex back in but Gazzy floats over and lands on his feet. PJ turns and looks for a running clothesline but Gazzy ducks and nails a pele kick to sit PJ down. Gazzy runs the ropes and returns with a low flying dropkick to the face. The crowd are willing Gazzy on to make a tag now. Steel is reaching out for it. Reilly leaps off the apron and runs around the ring but Steel sees him coming and leaps off with a flying clothesline to wipe the EWF Champ out on the floor. Steel climbs back on the apron now and takes the tag from Gazzy. Jack rushes forward but Steel sidesteps and sends him off the ropes before nailing him with a huge spinebuster. He drags PJ back up and drills him with a pumphandle slam for a two count. Steel is willed on by the audience as he beckons Jack up and kicks him in the gut. He sets for the “Bladecutter” piledriver but Jack swipes his legs. PJ is looking for the figure four but Steel plants a boot in his back and shoves him into the turnbuckle. Steel staggers back up and smashes PJ down with a full nelson slam as the Euro Champ stumbles out. Steel is looking to the skies now and he heads for the corner as the fans will him on. Flying headbutt is imminent but Reilly climbs onto the apron and swipes his legs. Crowd boo as both members of Revolution deliver a double superplex now. PJ covers but Steel manages to kick out again.

*Jack looks for the “Perfect Slam” but Steel lands out on his feet. He scoops PJ up for the “AA” but Reilly grabs PJ’s hands from the apron and helps him down. Steel charges and PJ sidesteps as the Xtreme Champ sends Reilly flying from the apron. Steel comes back around and is drilled by the “Perfect Plex”……..1…………….2…….SPRINGBOARD 450 SPLASH BREAKS IT UP FROM GAZZYD! The referee wants Gazzy out of the ring but instead he runs the ropes and dives through with a suicide dive on Reilly that takes them both flying into the aisleway. This is heating up now and the crowd are bang into it. Steel and PJ are both slowly getting to their feet and Steel swipes Jack’s legs for the “Steelworks” but is dragged into a small package for a two count.

*They rise again and Steel uses PJ’s momentum to lift him into a flapjack across the top rope before he bursts off the opposite side and returns with a spear. Steel is feeling it now as he heads up high for a second time and is successful with the flying headbutt straight to the chest. We have a count and a three looks likely but Jack kicks out just in the nick of time. Gazzy is back on the apron and calls for the tag, which Steel obliges with. Gazzy beckons Jack up and he sets for “Deep Impact” but PJ swipes his legs. Catapult to the corner but Gazzy lands on the ropes (of course) before twisting back with a headscissors takedown. They get back up and Gazzy dodges a forearm before snapping off the “Downtown” (Skull crushing finale)……………1……………..2……………Reilly drags Gazzy off the pin by the leg and applies the anklelock but Steel bursts in now and tackles Reilly through the ropes to the outside. This is descending!

*The referee looks torn about what action to concentrate on given the brawl between Reilly and Steel on the outside. Gazzy drags PJ toward the corner for “starship pain” but lands across his knees, causing him to roll away in agony. Steel has smashed Reilly’s head off the announce desk and is clearing it but then Reilly grabs a bottle of water and spits it in Steel’s eyes, the referee might want to check on this!

PJ gets up and grabs Gazzy for the “Perfect Slam” but Gazzy shows incredible skill to counter into a tornado DDT. Reilly is trying to drag Steel onto the announce table now and the referee is picking this time to climb out and deal with the issues at hand. Gazzy is circling Jack for “Deep Impact” when he is clattered from behind by two cloaks (Plague can’t morph into two people, surely?). One of the cloaked figures seizes Gazzy in a chokehold as the second leaps up with both knees into his face which is transitioned straight into a chokehold suplex. They leave the ring amongst fan shock and confusion. The referee is still trying to break up the fight between Steel and Reilly as Jack gets up now and destroys Gazzy with the “Perfect Slam”.

The referee heads back to the ring and Steel rushes after him but Reilly grabs his legs and drags him back outside whilst the official makes the three and this one is over thanks to “The Cloaks”. A shoving match ensues outside now between Steel and Reilly which results in a huge push from Steel which sends Reilly falling back into the timekeeper’s area. Reilly is embarrassed and angry as he reaches for his EWF belt and looks to blindside Steel with it but the Xtreme Champ ducks the blow and AA THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!.....The audience are cheering as Steel destroys Daniel Reilly and leaves him flat on his back amidst the wreckage.

*PJ celebrates his win and rolls out to grab his belt before kneeling to see how Reilly is. We see Oliver Keane backstage (the ban from ringside causing him great concern) before Steel rolls in to make sure Gazzy is ok. The commentators hype up the magnitude of what we have just watched but GazzyD has plenty to think about and look over his shoulder for.


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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 1:17 pm

*Uryu has returned to the roof of the MVM Dome and is in a deeply contemplative mood ahead of his next match. He is talking to himself about his losing streak, not having any momentum since losing the world title and how nobody really believes he can win tonight. In fact maybe nobody believes he can win at all, that he doesn't belong here anymore.

But he does belong. Because he is a survivor. He may not be the biggest, strongest or fastest but for fifteen years he has adapted, overcome and survived. Who else can boast that? It takes talent and ability to do that in such a dangerous environment.....but for too long he has played everyone's game, survived their rules, maybe the game needs to change a little. Maybe he needs his own set of rules, play to his advantages. Ishida heads for the doorway now and there is a figure sat out of his line of sight, just watching him as he leaves. Who is keeping an eye on Uryu Ishida?

*Oliver Keane is complaining to Damien Andrews backstage about Geoff Steel's "assault" on Daniel Reilly. Andrews doesn't seem interested and asks Max...."Can you deal with this?" and he walks off. Max rolls his eyes and says Reilly is in for much worse next week. Geoff Steel walks into shot now and Max says..

Max: Who knows...Geoff might even be one of the five random opponents drawn out....wouldn't that be something?

*Steel smirks at the look on Keane's face

Steel: He doesn't have many allies, Reilly, does he....I'd expect all five names that come out of that draw will want to do much worse to him than what I did tonight.....tell him to enjoy what's left of his reign...

*Keane looks annoyed as Steel nods at Max and leaves. Max is looking around for where Damien Andrews has disappeared to.

*We pick up with Damien Andrews as he is pushing open the door to Logan Kincade's dressing room.

DA: Logan...

*Kincade is standing in the shadows

DA: I think a discussion about what happened last week would be good...

*Logan is reapplying his war paint. He then walks in front of his father

DA: Your brother, Logan, he isn't likely to just let slide what happened....he will want revenge.....he will come for you...

*Logan takes a deep breath and stares into Andrews' eyes

Logan: Then let him come...

*GazzyD re-enters the backstage area and is showing the battle wounds of the attack from the "Cloaks". Gazzy is asking one of the production crew for some footage so he can rewatch and get to the bottom of what is happening when Daniel Reilly attacks him from behind. Reilly smashes Gazzy's head off the table and then spins him around and launches him against a nearby wall. Reilly looks annoyed as he backs away, Gazzy on all fours, and prepares to run back in with a punt when Geoff Steel steps into shot and blocks him. The two men just glare at one another...Reilly then spits at Steel's feet and walks away, scowling, as Steel helps Gazzy to his feet. Gazzy is dazed and sits down on a chair. Behind we can see six cloaked figures watching on


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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 1:20 pm

[b]Bout 5
Logan Kincade vs Uryu Ishida

*We are back at ringside and there is definitely some tension in the air for the upcoming battle. What can expect from Logan Kincade here tonight? Uryu is the first man into the fray, receiving big cheers, and the commentators are talking about yet another clash with Chris Patricks and the decision (from Max) to pair them together next week so they can iron out their differences. Uryu interacts with the fans before climbing into the ring to await his foe.

*Flames fill the stage as Logan Kincade walks out from the back. Kincade is adorned in his warrior paint, the darkness taking over his outlook. He shows no sign of wanting to acknowledge fans or anyone else as he stalks down to ringside and climbs in. We get a great picture of Uryu and Logan looking at one another. JT thinks Uryu would be “unwise” to even try to get through to his former tag partner but Ishida looks like he wants to. He steps forward with his hands out but Logan grabs him by the face and shoves him to the floor. Kincade is not here to chat.

*Uryu sits for a moment and looks up at Logan before he just manages to pull his head away as Kincade attempts to kick him clean in the face. Uryu rolls back up now and he knows he needs to fight to survive this. Ishida dodges another lunge and he rattles off a big roundhouse to the midsection before grabbing Logan’s head and leaping into a double knee strike to the face which knocks him down. Kincade is quickly getting back up as Uryu rolls over him and cradles him into a pin for a two.

*They scramble and Ishida rolls under another attack before springing onto the turnbuckle and sails back with a sidekick to the jaw which staggers Logan. Uryu follows up with a calf kick and then another to the opposite leg. Logan misses with another wild swing as Uryu lashes a third kick into the back of his knee and then runs off the ropes and returns with a low flying dropkick to the temple. Uryu covers again but this time Kincade powers out on one.

*Uryu’s mind is working overtime as he plots his next move. He leaps onto the apron and prepares for a catapult x-factor but Logan uncorks a huge uppercut whilst his foe is in midair. He rags Uryu back up and whips him into the turnbuckle with aggression before body pressing him into a front slam as he comes back out. Logan shows great athleticism to standing jump high into the air and lands a brutal elbow drop to the heart for a two count.

*Kincade drags Uryu up and looks to flip him into a powerbomb but Uryu swivels on the shoulders and tries to counter with a poisonrana. Logan demonstrates real strength to hold Uryu’s legs, preventing the poisonrana, and then lashes him forward into the turnbuckle. Uryu is slumped there as Logan circles the ring and returns with a huge splash to the back. He then pulls Uryu out of the corner and lifts him into a back suplex position before drilling him frontways on his face for another two.

*RJ believes we have seen the “complete turn” of Logan now. He’s just out to hurt and maim with no pretence. He gutwrenches Uryu off the mat into a ribbreaker across his knee before he bounces back against the ropes and returns with a leaping splash. Uryu is doubled up and the referee is talking to him. Logan shoves the official aside as he drops down and chokes Uryu on the canvass until the count reaches four. Logan stands and hovers over his opponent before reaching down with both hands around the neck. He lifts Uryu back into a standing position and a chokebomb but Uryu flips right through and over into a sunset flip bomb which gets him a two count out of nowhere.

*Uryu is on shaky legs but he is up and dodges another clothesline before superkicking Logan in the back of the head. Kincade falls against the ropes and comes back into a backstabber. The audience are applauding and Ishida is showing real drive here. Uryu clambers out on the apron and he wills Logan up before firing back in with a springboard forearm. Logan catches Ishida by the neck and tries to lift him for a chokeslam but he turns his body and rolls down into a wheelbarrow pin for a two.

*Logan is back up and tries to take Uryu’s head off with a running boot but Ishida ducks under it and springboards off the ropes into a moonsault. Kincade catches him on his shoulders but Uryu swings around and counters with a crunching DDT. He looks to the corner now and the crowd cheer in anticipation. He makes his way over and leaps up top. “Split Second” on the mind and he lands it but NO!....Logan has him by the throat. Kincade stands them up and decimates Uryu with a chokeslam all the way from hell.

*Logan is looking down at Uryu with a cold fury before he rags him back up and flips him into a devastating jackknife powerbomb, causing Uryu to land hard on the back of his neck. Logan just stands for a good minute and surveys Uryu whilst listening to the reception and reaction from the audience. Ishida has crawled up again, somehow, and he stands defiantly in front of Kincade. Logan’s chest swells and then he almost flips him inside out with a bursting lariat. He puts Uryu in a headlock and hauls him up before applying the sleeper and runs to the corner for “Blind Justice”. This one is a wrap and Logan has the three count.

*What is the motive? Are we about to find out? Logan snatches his arm away from the referee and then heads to the corner. He rips the covers off the top turnbuckle as the crowd watch on, anticipating bloodshed. Kincade marches back to Uryu and grabs him by the back of the neck before dragging him up. Looks like “Rough Justice” against the exposed steel is coming up here. Uryu is in a bad way and offering no resistance.

*”Bodies” roars out and here we go. The audience is in pandemonium for the 6CW World Champion. Blue Dragon is war beaten, battered and bruised from what happened to him at Beachfront Brawl but he is here. Logan casts Uryu aside as he steps into the middle of the ring to wait for his brother. Dragon is in war mode but what the hell is this? An army of security are pouring down to the ring (I’m not sure this is enough people). “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT” is the cry from the audience as Dragon grabs one of the guards by the neck. Logan is just staring at his brother but here comes Damien Andrews with a mic.

Andrews: No, no this isn’t happening….I forbid it!

*When did he grow a conscience?

*Andrews doesn’t want his boys to fight. He’s telling Dragon that he doesn’t want to but an attack on security and war between the brothers here tonight will see him stripped of the 6CW Championship. Dragon looks almost impossible to talk down but his hand loosens from the guard’s neck (he is just about still conscious) as Andrews declares a summit next week between Dragon & Logan. He also tells us that BD will defend his belt next week against a random draw opponent….if that ends up being Logan then he will not prevent the fight from happening but first they must each say their peace and look for resolution. Nobody is quite buying Andrews demeanour but he’s a great talker…..does he really want to prevent this? Something feels off!

*The “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT” chants continue but Andrews is talking to BD away from live mics and ordering him to the back. The security look nervous as hell but keep their positions in front of the ring. Logan’s gaze has not altered from his brother throughout. Dragon looks angry as he begins to back away now. Damien Andrews shoots a look in Logan’s direction now….are they aligned? What is going on here?

*The Budapest crowd are disappointed because they certainly expected the brothers to go to war here but their father has, temporarily, blockaded that. Can they work this out? Logan Kincade and Blue Dragon in the same ring at Unleashed II sounds ominous! And who will be selected to challenge Blue Dragon for his title?


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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 1:34 pm

*Brandon Perez approaches Miss Jessica in the cafeteria and is flirting with her but then Michael Sweetwater tries to go after him and Jessica is forced to pull them apart. Perez winks at Jessica (she smiles and bites her lip) before she walks away with Sweetwater. They enter the Genesis' lockeroom now and Jessica wants to make sure Rex is ready. She kisses him on the cheek and then places the FFTR in his hands....."Because you just never know" she says with a wink. Sweetwater is eyeing Rex for a reaction to this but Rex just nods. He offers a fist bump to Sweety and it is accepted. Rex wants to know where Kent is but Jessica says "Daddy is on business but he'll be back any minute". Rex looks at the doorway and shrugs before doing some last minute stretches. Jessica reapplies her makeup and shoots another TikTok.

*Eddy Kent is sitting across the desk from Max Adamson

Kent: I think the time has come, Max....

Max: For what?

Kent: Admit defeat....let him go...

Max: I have absolutely no idea what you mean...

Kent: You tried your best, sure....but you always have and always will be too selfish (Max suppresses an eyeroll) to be a rolemodel and a guide.....Rex needed a family, we provided it....we nurtured it....

Max: Whatever you say, Eddy....I'm really not interested...

Kent: And with me by his side, Genesis by his side, he will reach his fullest potential....when I decide....when we decide (Max's eyes widen at this)...

Max: Little Freudian slip there, Ed...

Kent: When we decide the time is right, he will take his rightful place at the top of this company....unlike you, who would never have allowed that to happen...

Max: Oh I would.....when I retired, see at least I can admit that....but what about you, Ed, because I reckon you've got at least what 5-10 years just when is the timeframe for you stepping aside for Rex? Because I'll let you into a little secret....he won't wait much longer...

*Kent stands now, adjusting his tracksuit

Kent: You have no idea what he will or won't do...

Max: If it makes you feel better...

*Kent aims to leave but Max steps in his way

Max: Just one thing retired me (Kent grins at this) and I can't do anything to change that....but one day very soon you are going to get what has been coming to you for a very long won't see it coming, you won't know when....but believe me, you will know why, when it happens you will be fully aware of why it is happening....and I'll be there, smiling....knowing that what goes around finally comes around...

*Kent says nothing but walks to the door

Max: Size hoody are you, Ed...

Kent: What?

Max: Just a simple question...

Kent: Look at me, Max, I'm built out of's Large, always Large...

Max: Good to know....ta...

*Kent eyes Max with suspicion and then leaves. Max dials on his phone but, again, nobody answers.

Max: Jackson, you little d1ck, pick up the phone....and get Horrigan to message me as well....


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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 1:46 pm

*We see Mike Masters and Jimmy Phillips arguing backstage after another loss. They are blaming one another but then Masters says they need to put it behind them. Phillips seems reluctant but Masters is really pushing the idea of a tag team. The MVPs. Phillips is going to think it over. Masters says they are the perfect blend of speed, power and ability. They are made for this. Phillips reiterates that he will think it over and walks off. Masters smirks "He's in".

*We see Liam Wood doing his final prep and then he begins his walk down the corridors toward Gorilla. Backstage crew members are wishing him luck but he either can't answer or won't. He just continues his stride and finds himself in Gorilla now with Eddy Kent. Kent shoulders the 6WF Championship and Wood stares at it before Rex, Jessica and Sweetwater arrive. There is security to keep them apart but the tension is at fever pitch.

*Final scene and there is a stand-off in the parking lot. Blue Dragon and Logan are still trying to get at one another whilst Max Adamson and Damien Andrews are joined by security to keep them away from one another.

Dragon: Let's just f***ing settle this right here....

*Logan doesn't seem to have any problem with this

Dragon: F*** waiting until next week....there's no summit that can solve this....

Andrews: Damien Jnr...

*Dragon gets in his father's face

Dragon: Don't you f***ing dare....I am the Dragon, remember?!? I took that moniker from your lifeless hands....

Andrews: Yes, yes you did....but it isn't a title for life, as you well know....and neither is that one around your waist...

*They both look at the 6CW Championship

Dragon: Fine, I'll defend it against him (points at Logan)....if that's what he f***ing wants....problem is, he doesn't say what he wants...nobody has a clue what goes on in that f***ed up head of his...

*Logan just continues to look at his brother

Andrews: It isn't as simple as week you will defend your title against a random opponent, those are the for your other, perhaps we can talk about that during our summit next week...

Dragon: F*** your summit, f*** you and (he looks at Logan) especially f*** you....siding with this snake again over your own brother...

You're even more stupid than you look, can't see that he is using you.....just like always...

I'll see you both next week and after I'm done with whoever is daft enough to challenge me....I'm coming for you (he points at Logan) and if you (he looks at his father now) try and stop me again....I'll kill you both!

*Dragon lets out a roar as he walks away now. Logan just continues to watch him as Max turns to Andrews

Max: This will not end well...

*Andrews says nothing but there is a trace of a smile on his face.


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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

Post by JJJohnson Thu Sep 19, 2024 1:47 pm

Main Event
Liam Wood vs Rex Adamson

*It is main event time and the MVM Dome is electric. We have seen this match once before and it was, arguably, the match of the year so far. Expectation and anticipation is extremely high. Liam Wood is the first to walk the aisles and the crowd are very much on his side. This is his final chance, lose tonight and he won’t get a chance to ever face Eddy Kent for the strap. Wood looks like he has thought about this a million times, pure focus burning in his eyes as he climbs into the ring to wait for his opponent.

*Rex enters now and it is mixed from the Budapest crowd for the grand Genesis entrance. There is shock as Miss Jessica, Michael Sweetwater and Eddy Kent walk out on the stage with Rex. Surely this isn’t going to be allowed to happen this way? Rex turns to all of them in sequence and hugs them before he walks the ramp himself. Eddy Kent is nodding like a proud father before Genesis leave the stage. Nobody can quite believe it but seems Genesis are letting Rex enter battle himself. The trust circle has been restored. The noise is intense from the crowd as Rex and Wood glare across at each other for a prolonged period. The bell sounds as both men continue to just stare at one another and then they circle. We get a shot of the entirety of Genesis standing in Gorilla and Emmy is there too, seems nobody is staying too far from the action.

*Rex and Wood tie up in the middle of the ring. They scramble for control and Rex is able to press Wood back but then Wood drops to the mat and monkey flips Adamson into the ropes. They scramble back up and Wood looks for a high knee but Rex avoids and tries to nail a snap German suplex but Wood elbows his way. Wood scoops Rex on his shoulders now but Rex elbows at Wood’s jaw and drops off the back before he sprints off the ropes and returns with a flying crossbody block (ala Bray Wyatt) which wipes Wood off his feet. Rex drags Wood up now and looks for a suplex but Wood floats over the back and rolls Rex up for a two count. They scramble up again and Wood is quick with a kick to the stomach. He hooks the arms for the “Manson Driver” but Rex spins free and nails a belly to belly which sends Wood over the top and crashing to the outside.

*Rex climbs the ropes and then he walks along the middle before throwing himself off into a senton but Wood moves and Rex crash lands on the arena floor. Wood quickly jumps onto the ringside barrier and drops an elbow to the chest before he rags Rex back up and slings him into the ring. The commentators talk about how Wood should have looked for a countout there but RJ believes Wood will “only take a pin or submission”. Wood goes up high and leaps off with a flying lariat takedown. He ushers Rex to his feet again and smashes him down with an inverted swinging STO (Sister Abigail) but Rex pops his shoulder off the canvass. Wood hauls Rex up and tries to flip him into a powerbomb position but Rex drops out front and then takes Wood down with a drop toe hold. He grabs the legs and tries to apply a stretch muffler but Wood alters his body shape and twists before dragging Rex down into a small package for another two. We see Eddy Kent looking anxious in the back whilst Miss Jessica is busy with her Twitter Fingers.

*Wood quickly runs off the ropes and tries to catch Rex unawares with the “Psycho Crusher” stomp but Rex pulls his head off the line. He wraps his arms around the waist now and nails a bridged German suplex for a two count. Rex slams an arm across Wood’s back and tries to flip him for a “dominator” but Wood offers resistance. Rex slams furious arms down into Wood’s back again before he flips him up and this time swings him out into a “Gory Special” for a two count. Rex does three press ups and grins at the crowd reaction before he heads to the corner. He grips the top rope and looks over his shoulder at Wood rising before he springs up top and twists back for a lariat but Wood grabs him by the throat and drills him with a chokeslam into a backbreaker for another nearfall. The crowd are chanting “This is awe-some” and these two men are picking up where they left off at Night of Glory. This is tremendous action.

*Rex drags himself up in the corner as Wood crashes into him with a yakuza kick to the jaw (ala Sami Zayn). Rex slumps against Wood’s chest and he lifts him onto the turnbuckle before climbing up. Wood lands right hands before delivering a huge superplex but Rex kicks out again. Wood sucks in a deep breath as he heads for the corner and decides to ascend. He looks down on Rex and throws himself into a Macho Man elbow but Rex rolls away at the final second. Rex gets back up now and he runs to the corner and uses the top rope to propel himself into an inverted slingshot splash (ala Jack Swagger) on top of his downed foe for a two count. Rex gets to his feet and he deadlifts Wood into a gutwrench spinning sitdown powerbomb for another two. This is really heating up and the MVM Dome is on its feet for what we are watching.

*Rex Adamson draws a “G” in the air and we see Jessica, Sweetwater and Kent smiling backstage at this. Rex ushers Wood to his feet now and he scoops him on his shoulders for the “Fire & Thunder” Driver but Wood drops off the back and shoves him into the ropes. He chases after him but Rex drops his shoulder and backdrops Wood over the top. Wood lands on the apron and smashes Rex with a forearm as he turns around. Rex staggers back as Wood decides to launch himself into a springboard. Wood hits the top rope as Rex, amazingly, runs over and leaps onto the ropes with him before dragging him down into the canvass with a downward spiral. Rex covers but Wood just pops his shoulder in time, that was a matter of millimetres. Rex looks to the referee as he rolls onto his knees. He looks at Wood and then he grins. He watches him roll onto all fours and then he runs the ropes and “OH MY HE’S LOOKING FOR THE PSYCHO CRUSHER”….Rex actually tries to use Wood’s running stomp but Wood rises into it and catches Rex on his shoulders before spinning him into a devastating lungblower across his knees. He covers……………..1……………….2………..REX KICKS OUT!....These two men are destined to be rivals forever, the styles are perfectly blended!

*Wood grabs Rex’s arm and looks to whip him off the ropes for the pop-up “World Eater” knee but Rex reverses and then pops Wood up and splatters him with a powerbomb on the comeback. Rex beats his chest and heads to the corner now before landing flush with the “Lo’ Down”. The ref’s hand is just coming down for three when Wood pops his shoulder in time. Rex backs in the corner now and wills Wood up for the “Gore” but Wood leaps over the top and rolls him up for a two count. They scramble up and Wood looks for a discus elbow but Rex ducks and counters into a backslide for another two. Both men get to their feet and Wood backdrops Rex over the top rope. Rex hangs on and looks to “skin the cat” as Wood runs the opposite side and dives through the middle with an apron spear to Rex whilst he is upside down, sending them both in a heap on the arena floor. The crowd cannot believe what they are watching here but it is an epic.

*The referee refuses to count both men out as the commentators remind us of the Andrews/Max instructions. We want to see a finish here tonight. Wood is up and tries to drag Rex but Rex suddenly lifts him and charges him back into the steel steps. Rex kicks the top half of the steps away before he pulls Wood up and delivers a piledriver on the base. Wood is split open and that blood is flowing badly now. Rex throws Wood back in the ring as the referee tries to check on the status of the cut. Rex is on the apron, waiting for his opponent to rise……BUCKSHOT GORE….NO, MANSON DRIVER…..the audience are going ballistic as Rex front flips over the ropes for the spear but runs straight into a pedigree like move. Wood is leaking blood all over the mat but eventually drags himself over to drop an arm on Rex’s chest………………1…………..2….YOU HAVE TO BE JOKING!!!

*The audience are delivering the “Fight forever” chants now and this is insane. The MVM is shaking. Another shot of backstage and it is clear that Genesis are getting twitchy with what they are watching. Liam Wood is bloodied as he runs the ropes for the “Psycho Crusher” but Rex avoids it. Rex wraps his arms around Wood’s waist and ripcords him around for a “Rainmaker” but Wood ducks it and runs the ropes before leaping back with a high knee takedown. He staggers to the ropes and heads high before dropping an elbow right to the heart of Rex Adamson. Budapest is on their feet for this. Wood stumbles back up now and he drags Rex into position for the “Manson Driver” but Rex swipes his legs and catapults Wood into the referee….the ref is down, low blow from Rex……FIRE & THUNDER DRIVER……but nobody is there to make the count. Rex looks annoyed as he rolls from the ring and grabs his FFTR briefcase. He ushers Wood up and swings it but Wood ducks it, superkick to the knees….Rex drops and Wood nails the “Psycho Crusher” on the case. This one is over, he should have his title shot but we don’t have a referee.

*Eddy Kent is shrieking at Michael Sweetwater and it looks like Genesis aren’t staying backstage any longer. Sweetwater is running down the ramp now as Rex is trying to shake the referee into consciousness. Rex goes back to Wood now and he returns the favour, what a low blow. Wood gets up as Sweetwater comes at him and swings a steel chair but Wood dodges the impact and kicks Sweetwater in the stomach before delivering the “Manson Driver” on the chair. This is brilliant chaos right in front of our eyes. BOOM……GENESIS KICK FROM EDDY KENT…..HE’S LEADING FROM THE FRONT! The kick hits Wood flush but sends him through the ropes to the outside. Kent is kneeling next to Rex now and getting him prepped and ready to finish this….


*crowd ultra pop



*The noise is like a bomb going off and the MVM Dome cannot believe it as Eddy Kent’s face drains of colour. He and Rex are staring at one another and then at the stage…..IT IS, HE’S HERE….EMMY HAS BROUGHT THUNDER BACK TO HELP LIAM WOOD….THIS IS INSANITY…..6CWF***ingF….

*Kent is looking around for someone to help but Sweetwater is cleaned out and Rex is still trying to recover from the low blow….Miss Jessica marches toward Emmy….BAM, SHE’S DOWN FROM A RIGHT HOOK, EMMY CAN THROW THEM!

*Kent unstraps the world championship now and he beckons Thunder into the ring before running at him and he swings the title belt at his head but Thunder ducks it and kicks Kent in the gut before lifting him up….MUSCLE BUSTER….KENT JUST WENT DOWN, HARD!

*A bloodstained Liam Wood is dragging himself up on the apron now and he has to blink in disbelief at what he is seeing right in front of his eyes. He drops through the ropes as Thunder makes sure the ring is clear of anyone else from Genesis and then rejoins Emmy on the outside. Rex is kneeling in the corner, however, and he looks fresher than his opponent. Wood has no idea…..Rex is willing him around…..GORE…..WHAT A KNEE!

*Rex rips out for the spear but Wood leaps into the air and meets him with a brutal knee strike to the face. Rex is out….I am telling you, he’s out…..OH MY GOD! Wood rolls up his pants and he had a metal knee pad on. He throws it out of the ring as the referee comes around…



The audience is going nuts and that has to be one of the most dramatic finales we have seen since 6CWF reopened its doors. Liam Wood is bloody and battered but he staggers into the ropes and stays upright. Eddy Kent is sitting on the floor with Miss Jessica and he looks distraught as he cradles his title belt. Emmy is applauding and whooping whilst Thunder just watches on.

It is party time but wait! Here comes Damien Andrews….surely not? Andrews isn’t going to change the decision, despite all the interference, but he does have an announcement…


*Crowd pop

But Andrews isn’t done…..because “Unleashed” is a random draw tournament and he just did a random draw in the back (sounds suspicious) and a special guest referee was appointed to the match….

That referee…..REX ADAMSON!

There is shock all around now as Rex is sat in the corner staring at Wood, rubbing his jaw where a huge bruise is already appearing. Eddy Kent has a renewed grin on his face now as Miss Jessica cuddles into him. MAX ADAMSON IS COMING OUT!

Max says he is upset Damien didn’t invite him to the “random draw” since they are both Co-GMs but that is ok because he did one of his own……and it says this match now has a special guest enforcer…..and that man is THUNDER!

*Ultra pop (but did these draws really happen?)

*Andrews is looking at Max now and he smirks before nodding his head (although he is clearly unhappy). There are long staredowns to end the show between the GMs, Wood/Kent/Rex and Thunder. But it is official for then days at UNLEASHED II……Eddy Kent vs Liam Wood for the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship. Rex is the referee and Thunder will be the enforcer…..this is huge…..Manchester, are you ready?


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6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath Results - 19th September 2024 (Episode 40)

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