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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

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Uryu Ishida
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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by JJJohnson Mon 20 May 2024, 12:37 pm

SEASON 2024/2025

Start time: 8pm
Live from the Birmingham Bowl, Birmingham, UK
Theme music: "All of the lights" by Kanye West and Rihanna

*JJ Johnson will address 6CWF ahead of the brand new season

Bout 1
Tag Team Championships (1st Round)
Enforcer/Geoff Steel vs The Wolf Gang (Ojore/Robin Reborn)

Bout 2
Daniel Reilly vs Percy Percival

Bout 3
Acer vs Mike Masters

Bout 4
Tag Team Championships (1st Round)
JJ Johnson/The Saint vs Perfect Execution

Bout 5
6CWF European Championship
Open Invitational
Dicey Reilly (c) vs ???

Bout 6
Marty Helms vs Uryu Ishida

Main Event
Rex Adamson vs Scott Harris

*We will hear from Eddy Kent following his successful title defence at Night of Glory IX
*Blue Dragon & Logan Kincade will make their intentions known for the new season
*GazzyD will be live in Birmingham
*Chris Patricks will pay homage to his best friend, the now retired Max Adamson.
*Updates on Edward Plague's condition following the brutal "Hell in a Cell" match
*Announcements regarding the newly restored Tag Team Championships as well as Scars & Stripes (July 14th) and the state of play with all titles going forward
*And much much more


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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by Uryu Ishida Mon 20 May 2024, 2:13 pm

Uryu can be seen sitting on the roof as he feels the breeze on his arm and brings his hand to the stitches across his eyebrow, wincing a little.

UI: Well, I feel sore as hell...yet i can't help but be happy at my effort. I didn't win but I can smile at what I went through. What I did was perform my best and go after the biggest threat there. Yet I know it still isn't enough...I gotta keep finding new challenges. New ways to push me forward to get me climbing back to the top of the mountain. I wonder if JJ would let me into that tag tournament...

Uryu chuckles to himself before it turns into a heavy cough as he holds his ribs, The camera rushes closer as Uryu holds his hand up and out to stop the cameraman.

UI: Heh...heh I'm alright. I'm used to this pain. That and realising I've likely got more enemies than friends here. Still... I'm going to feel worse after my match this week. Though I bet once he looks back at Night of Glory he might have a question or two.

Uryu struggles to stand and uses the wall to help him up as he walks towards the camera.

UI: You may insult me all you want, Belittle me and say whatever you need to say. But I kept on coming after you out of respect. You were honestly the guy who has survived it all. In my eyes you were the favourite to win and the toughest one in the match. I want you to understand plain and simple that you are my measuring stick right now. How I do against you every single time is a gauge of how I am getting better or worse. That says something about you Marty and it is why I kept coming after you! Every time we are in a match against each other, Anywhere and any number of other opponents I will be up in your face throwing whatever I have into your skull, your spine, arms and legs! Anything I can hit on you I bloody well will with anything I have on mine!

Uryu coughs heavily as he smiles a little.

UI: Each time we fight I get that little bit better. We may not be near one hundred percent after that Xtreme Title match but I still expect your absolute best as you will get mine!

The camera suddenly cuts out.

Uryu Ishida

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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by acer101 Mon 20 May 2024, 7:20 pm

The camera fades in, revealing Acer, wearing sunglasses and leaning casually on a fence that overlooks a serene pond in a newly built estate on the outskirts of Sheffield. The sun glints off the water, casting a warm glow over the scene. Slowly, he removes his sunglasses, his gaze shifting towards the camera as he turns to face it, a hint of nostalgia for the old days in his expression.

“This place holds a lot of significance for me. Now, I know what you’re thinking: ‘Acer, why does a housing estate in Sheffield mean so much to you? You’re from London!’ Well I’ll tell you. While the common belief is that 6WF was born and died in the Birmingham Bowl, the truth is it originated here, in the Steel City. In fact, the birthplace of the company was right here on what used to be an industrial estate before these houses were built. It was here that my life changed forever. Let me give you a history lesson.

I entered the world of professional wrestling as a young 17-year-old. If you’re old enough to remember, the wrestling news sites were calling me a prodigy, reporting that every big-name company—WWE, TNA, ROH—they all wanted to sign me.

The truth is, WWE was interested but would only offer me a contract when I turned 21. ROH couldn’t afford to fly me to the USA for all their shows. TNA used me for one of their UK tours and did offer me a contract, but it was more of a retainer to be used on their annual UK tours, with the big caveat that I couldn’t wrestle anywhere else. So, I turned that down.”

Then the owner of 6WF approached me with an initial three-show deal. They were a young upstart company, but I was promised that if I connected with the fans, we would negotiate a longer contract. And that’s exactly what happened. Within those three shows, I had the 6WF fans chanting my name.

At the conclusion of the three-show contract, I took the train from North London to Sheffield, ready to hash out a long-term deal that would secure my future. You can imagine my shock when I arrived, only to be told by the owner that he could no longer run 6WF and was shutting down the federation. Right before my eyes, my dream of being a contracted professional wrestler was crumbling, along with the livelihoods of the 6WF talent—names you might recognize like EZ Money, Diablo, and Hero. These men, along with others, were about to be out of a job.

But in what can only be described as the enthusiasm of youth, I asked the owner what if I took on the running of 6WF. After about an hour of negotiating, I bought the company for a solitary pound. With that, I acquired the talent contracts, the ring and associated equipment, existing sponsorship and media deals, and the rights to use the 6WF initials—initials that I would be intrinsically linked to, even to this very day.

how it would look to the outside world—the owner booking himself as champion. The same websites that once hailed me as a teenage prodigy were now skeptical, arguing I couldn't be both an on-air wrestler and matchmaker. Giving myself a title shot would have led to comparisons with Jeff Jarrett!

Despite our success, we were a nomadic company with no permanent home. Around this time, a new upstart company, TAW, based in Birmingham, fell into financial difficulties and was ready to close its doors. After some brief negotiations, 6WF acquired TAW, including their talent and their property—a civic hall they used for television broadcasts. This civic hall was eventually replaced by the infamous Birmingham Bowl.

Following the acquisition, I took the business public, listing 6WF on the Stock Exchange, which allowed for investment to elevate the company to the next level. However, the relentless grind of running and promoting the business, managing acquisitions, and being Head of Creative took its toll, both physically and mentally. So, I stepped down from the creative role, resigned as the promoter, and took some time away from the wrestling business. But not before putting 60% of the company shares into a holding company—6WF Holdings.

Occasionally, I’d step back into 6WF purely as a wrestler. However, my return was often short-lived, as the promoters or Heads of Creative at the time tended to be individuals who felt they had been held back or underutilized during my tenure. They took every opportunity to push me out, essentially exacting their revenge.

Financially, the shares in 6WF Holdings meant that I never had to work again—the dividend payments were exceptionally lucrative. When business began dwindling around 2015, 6WF Holdings started quietly acquiring shares from smaller shareholders of 6CW. Soon, I had amassed enough shares to receive significant dividend payments, allowing me to invest in other ventures and help friends achieve their dreams—like funding Chael Kingdom’s career to MMA stardom and supporting Quade White in his quest to form the best combat team in the world.

By the time JJ Johnson sought to purchase and ultimately merge 6CW and 6WF into the entity we now know as 6CWF, 6WF Holdings owned about 45% of the total shares between both companies. So, when the deal was finalised, I made a substantial amount of money. I’m not sure JJ knew the extent of my ownership—he knew I owned some shares. When I showed up at 6CWF’s debut show in a shiny new car, he probably thought I’d finally cashed in the 30th birthday cheque he’d given me!

Some of you might be thinking, ‘Happy story time, but what does this have to do with anything?’ It just shows that my time in 6CWF is not motivated by money. I am driven once again by the pursuit of something that, mere months ago, seemed like an impossible dream. That one thing that will make the blood, sweat, and tears invested into this business worthwhile. Clarke James is in the rearview mirror, and Exodus—they're gone. I’m solely focused on attaining the dream I’ve had since childhood: to be World Champion.”

Acer's phone beeps, signaling a notification. He glances down, smirks, and then holds the screen up to the camera—it displays his scheduled bout for Aftermath.

"Looks like the first stop on the road to glory is Mike Masters. I'll see you at Aftermath, Mike, and my victory will be a true 'Master'piece."

With that, Acer slips his sunglasses back on, turns around, and resumes his relaxed pose, leaning on the fence overlooking the pond.


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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by Steel Mon 20 May 2024, 8:01 pm

Last Resort by Papa Roach is piped into the arena at a house event, the crowd begin to cheer wildly for the arrival of Geoff Steel.

RJ: I can barely hear myself think but I believe it's time to welcome the newly crowned Xtreme champion and these people are more than ready to accept him.

JT: Steel proved he still has what it takes and the lengths he is willing to go to in the process of claiming the championship, nobody walked out of that matched unscathed so it will be interesting to see how he is fairing.

Steel steps out from behind the curtain, not in his usual ring attire but in jeans and Max Adamson T-shirt, the Xtreme championship is placed over his shoulder. He stops at the top of the ramp soaking in the atmosphere then raises the championship belt above his head to another large pop.

RJ: Geoff sure is a popular champion among the masses, it no doubt gave him that extra push to dig deep and come out on top.

JT: He will need to keep them on his side as he will no doubt need them as those with aspersions for his championship start to gather, foremost of them appear to be Marty Helms and he's certainly not a man you want to be the sights of.

Geoff is now at ringside he makes his way to the announce desk and shakes hands with RJ and JT before collecting a microphone and making his way into the ring. He stands at the rings centre and waits for his music to fade and the crowd to settle.

GS: Firstly before we get into talking about this.

Steel looks down and shrugs the shoulder where the Xtreme championship is sat.

GS: I just want to pay my respects to not only one of the greatest to ever grace the halls of 6CWF but also a shining light in our industry who's done it all, Max I wish nothing but the best for you enjoy your retirement and don't be a stranger.

The crowd to start up a Thank You Max chant to which Steel nods along.

GS: Although Max will never be forgotten this business doesn't stop and we move forward, we move forward with Geoff Steel as your newly crowned Xtreme champion!

Steel lifts the belt above his head once more to cheers from the crowd.

GS: We did it after twelve months of coming so close finally the hard work paid off and our efforts were rewarded even if I did leave it late. It's a testament to all of the guys who competed as to how many times this championship changed hands during that match, everyman truly put their body's on the line in the hopes of glory, I certainly haven't come out unscathed I'm almost certain I've atleast one or two cracked ribs and my body aches from my head to my furthest extremeties, I wish all the guys a speedy recovery, heal up and be prepared for round two.

RJ: Im not sure I'm ready for round 2 just yet I'm still recovering from what we saw Saturday.

JT: Xtreme is back RJ you best get used to the violence.

GS: And whilst most of those in the back were quick to congratulate me on my victory, there was one who made it abundantly clear his aim was to make my celebrations very short lived.
You want another shot at this title Marty because in someway you think I robbed you of the right, name the place. I'm not hiding this title doesn't allow for cowardice it demands blood be spilt to proof your worth and I'll pay its toll whether it be yours or mine.

The crowd begin to chant Steels name.

GS: As much as right now I'd like to be resting and recovering that's not on the cards we go back to work with the aim of adding further gold to the collection. I'll be teaming with Enforcer for a shot at the 6CWF tag team belts, I couldn't have picked a better partner myself for the occasion the guy is a legend in his own right and i believe between us we have what it takes to have a good crack at bringing them home. Standing in our way are familiar foes who will no doubt be looking for payback, i had quite enough of Ojore at Night of Glory and its most definitely him to blame for the fact everytime I inhale currently it feels as if he's landing on me all over again, He won't be without his own injuries though im sure he needs to overcome.
Reborn pushed Enforcer all the way Sunday night but just came up short so won't want a repeat of that, the two of them also have the advantage of working together previously as a team which could easily play a part. There's no easy matches in 6CWF nobody is going to willingly give up their shot at those championships certainly not two men scorned, if we want to advance the performance can't be anything less than the levels achieved at Night of Glory, that needs to be the minimum standard for me each and everyweek so I can continue to be your champion.

Last Resort then begins to sound once more, Steel climbs the the turnbuckle and lifts the Xtreme championship up high to the adulation of the crowd.


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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by x12x Mon 20 May 2024, 8:34 pm

We find ourselves at the Plague Family Complex as we see some of the followers rushing around and grabbing supplies from the make shift garden including various different herbs before rushing over to a small building that has a beat up van parked next door to it.

The camera follows them in as they all take their place around a single bed, the bed looks worn and shabby and in it we see the motionless figure of Edward Plague lies on top of deeply blood stained sheets, his scarred and lacerated body still feeling every little effect from the Hell In The Cell match at Night Of Glory.

As the camera pans around they see various of the followers tending to his wounds and others mixing herbs in to medicinal pastes as others watch on as their leader remains still. Two follwoers can be overheard speaking as on, clearly worried, voices her concerns.

Follower 1:
He needs a hospital...

Followers 2:
He needs his family...he told us that this is his home and it's our job to look after him, like he did for us...

The first follower takes a deep breath and nods in agreement

Follower 1:
Do you think he'll come though? Edward sacrificed himself and put himself here for him...

Follower 2:
I don't know...but what I do know is that Gazzy is don't walk away from family...
...once Edward is awake we can deal with the lost sheep of our family...

...and then we get revenge on those who did this.

the first follower is clearly distraught and tears begin to roll down her face as she looks at her leader, the other follower pulls her in and hugs her and the two stand embraced amongst the chaos as the other followers frantically tend to Edward, as the camera pans back we see the 6CW World Champion lying on a table, the blood from the match still staining it's gold plating.

The scene then fades to black.


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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by x12x Mon 20 May 2024, 11:00 pm

We find our in the backstage area of Hampden Park in one of the many dressing rooms. After a few seconds we hear a door fly open and in walks The Viper Liam Wood moments after his match of the year candidate against Rex Adamson. Wood limps in and angrily slams the door before slumping down on to one of the chairs in the room.

Wood is clearly in pain with his knee which has been causing him concern over the past few month. Wood sits for a few moments before going to stand back up but slumping back down in pain due to his knee, he reacts angrily throwing a bottle of water across the room

???: could have got me...

Wood looks up to see the figure of Emmy stood in the doorway with a sympathetic smile on her face, she quickly makes her way across and sits next to Wood his doesn't say anything, still clearly angry

You know what you need to do right?

Wood looks at Emmy, who takes his hand a little confused

Are you about to tell me to move on from this? To get over revenge and do that smart thing?

Emmy shakes her head

Now why would I do that? We both know you're going to do exactly what you want...if I want that or not...

Wood looks worried for a second, clearly remembering the time the pair had split previously due to Wood's thirst for revenge but Emmy keeps his hand in hers and speaks again

...but I want this...

Wood looks a little taken back, letting Emmy speak again

...I want you to show the world that making you their enemy is the worst choice they've made...I want you to put every single one of them in their place and put yourself back at the top of this company.

Genesis...every single one of them need to understand who you are and I want you to make them beg for your forgiveness.

As Emmy speaks we see a side to her we haven't really seen before causing a smile to cover Wood's face. The scene ends with the pair of them sat together, both sharing a determined look.


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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by DanielReilly Mon 20 May 2024, 11:36 pm

'Broken Dreams' blasts out throughout the arena as boos begin to sound all around. Daniel Reilly comes strolling out from the back closely followed by Oliver Keane. Reilly has a huge plaster covering his forehead as he begins to head towards the ring.

RJ: I'm willing to bet that this is a man who is not going to be in a happy mood tonight!

JT: Don't you think it's strange seeing him without the European Championship over his shoulder?!

Reilly and Keane are now in the ring as the music fades. Reilly is holding a microphone as he takes a few seconds to look out at the fans in the arena.

DR: The King is going to need you all to sit down and shut up because he has a hell of a lot of stuff he needs to get off his chest! A brand new year of 6CWF is kicking off and the King wants you all to remember what he said on the very first show of 2024, this is the Year of the King! You see, the King talks nothing but truth, the King is well on his way to making this the greatest year in the long and decorated career of Daniel Reilly!

A 'where's your Title?' chant breaks out amongst the fans as Reilly pauses as he looks out at the fans. Keane looks worried but Reilly simply smirks.

DR: You can all laugh but it is the King who is really laughing at all of you! You all thought the King was going to come out and moan and cry about losing the European Championship? Well sorry to disappoint you all but the King finds it funny. It's funny that you all think it is so great that Dicey is now your European Champion but the fact is you all get to watch a show in which one of the Championships now means next to nothing! No more is the European Championship the most prestige Championship in this Company, no more will the European Championship be looked at as a World Championship, and no more will it be carried, treated and defended with the grace in which it was when Daniel Reilly was your European Champion! So laugh away but you are laughing at this Company being cheapened and looking directly at a loss of stock now that Dicey is walking around with the European Championship!

Daniel Reilly has the longest ever reign of a European Championship in this Company's 15 year history! The King is the only man who has ever been able to take what is seen as a midcard Championship and turn it into something that is far past the World Championship, and it took not one, not two, not even three, but six people to take the European Championship off the King! It took Dicey Reilly cheating his way to victory, it took Diesel, Jack and Jill who have not been relevant in 15 years sticking their nose in the King's business, it took a crooked referee who refused to call the match down the middle, and it took JJ Johnson who has allowed the rules to be written against Daniel Reilly during his Night of Glory match!

Now Jack and Jill, how dare you show your faces around here and put hands on the very man who even gave you a chance in this business! If not for Oliver Keane, you pair of idiots would never of even had a chance to be on a 6CW show so to show up all this time later and disrespect the man who made you and in turn disrespect the King will only end in one way. So if either of you ever show your face around here again, Daniel Reilly will be here waiting to welcome you both!

Keane is nodding in agreement in the background.

DR: Now you may of all seen that JJ Johnson allowed some nerd to run around backstage during Night of Glory tweeting away every little thing that was happening in the backstage area. Now this little nerd dared to mention Daniel Reilly in his tweets when he revealed the King's personal information involving the King's contract situation. Well the King can only laugh at the unprofessionalism that JJ Johnson has displayed here and so JJ, if you want to make things public, then the King will very reluctantly agree and the King will talk about the situation with you publicly.

Reilly begins to laugh to himself.

DR: Now it is no secret that despite disrespecting the King week in and week out, JJ Johnson wants to keep Daniel Reilly signed to his Company and to be quite honest the King does not blame him. The King is in the form of his life right now and JJ Johnson knows he would be stupid to lose a talent as generational as Daniel Reilly! But JJ, it isn't going to be as easy as you may think it is. You see the King does not buy your little happy go lucky attitude, the King wants to punch that stupid goofy smile off your face and rip your arms clean off your shoulder when you walk around backstage with your open arm attitude act! And so seems as you allowed the King's contract situation to become public, then the King is going to publicly list just a few of a number of demands that you will fulfil if you want to keep the King from wandering off to another promotion.

Now you and the King can both agree that he has carried this Company for the last eight months during his historic European Championship reign and so the King's salary will not be doubled, but tripled to show that you know Daniel Reilly's true worth. You will personally pay for the King and Oliver Keane's travels to and from shows and this includes a private jet if the King is forced to wrestle abroad and a private bus for any shows taking place in the United Kingdom. And now for a clause that is very important to the King. You see, Daniel Reilly says what he wants to whoever he wants and that will not change. However, the King wants it written within his contract that there will be no repercussions and no fines for whatever the King may see fit to come out here and say when holding a live microphone!

Furthermore JJ, there will be no booking Daniel Reilly in matches against talent who do not deserve to be in the ring with the King like you have this week for example, against Percy Percival. You will instead book the King like the main event talent he is because the King wants their to be no doubt that he feels incredible disrespect that you allowed Daniel Reilly to defend his historic European Championship reign halfway into the first night of the biggest show of the year whilst you selfishly booked yourself in the Main Event despite only wrestling a handful of times all year! JJ, the King put blood, sweat and tears into that historic reign and for you to discredit the King in such a way so you and your little chums could end the show makes Daniel Reilly sick!

Reilly is furious now as he takes a second to compose himself.

DR: But the King is going off track, you see they are just a small number of a long list of things that it is going to take for you to keep the King, JJ! But make no mistake about it, if you want to continue your disrespect of the King and treat him in the way you have this last year, then the King will be out of them doors and believe the King when he says that he is not leaving empty handed!

You see, the King's shoulder feels just a little bit lighter tonight and so the King is going to do something about it. The King is not going to help you out and chase the European Championship again to add prestige back to it, the King is not going to go for the Xtreme Championship because if Geoff Steel is able to win it, then the King will not lower himself to hold such a cheap and worthless Title. JJ, the King wants you to let your two World Champions know that one of them is looking at their final days as Champion. The King is putting both Eddy Kent and Edward Plague on notice because Daniel Reilly has decided that he now wants a World Championship and so the King is going to go out and get himself a World Championship. And JJ, the King is going to capture one of your World Titles, and if you aren't careful, then come September, Daniel Reilly will be walking straight out of that door carrying one of your World Championships! Balls in your court 'boss'!

Reilly winks at the camera and blows a kiss before laughing.


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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by Bentyf1 Tue 21 May 2024, 12:43 pm

[6CWF Proving grounds, Aftermath, returns from a commercial break as the camera reveals a stacked Birmingham bowl, live from Birmingham. The fans are hyped albeit still reeling from the shocking events of Night of glory on both nights such as the match of the year contender between Rex Adamson and Liam Wood, Steel being crowned hardcore champion, Plague being metaphorically sent to hell by Kincade and Blue Dragon and of course the shocking retirement of Max Adamson. Suddenly, Numb screeches out with ferocity over the soundwaves inside the Birmingham bowl as the fans rise to their feet in respect, adulation and acknowledgment but also a ferocious antagonism at the incoming arrival of hall of fame group Genesis lead by Eddy Kent. Three men walk into shot as the camera races up the ramp as the fans let their voices be heard at Genesis. Flanked by the rottweiler of Genesis, Michael Sweetwater and former referee turned assistant and confidente, Ralph Santos, 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion Eddy Kent stands tall and proud. Sweetwater is wearing a black three piece suit with that infamous poison gree tie while Santos is wearing a three piece pinstripe grey armani suit with a poison gree tie and green cufflinks. Kent stands tall and confident as the camera zooms in on him with the 6WF world championship over his shoulder, glistening in the spotlights. The wounds from Night of glory are clear to see however as Kent is showing of a cut lip and also a slight abrasion under his right eye which looks slightly puffy and swollen following the biggest triple threat match ever and Night of glory. Kent is wearing a new "Inevitable" 6CWF black t-shirt with the lettering in poison green. On the back of the shirt is a silhoutte of Kent raising his 6WF undisputed world championship in the air with the words "Your Daddy" also in green on the back. Kent is also wearing black tracksuit bottoms and poison green air jordans. Sweetwater and Santos move slightly back into the background as Kent smiles evily and broadly as he removes his 6WF title and raises it into the sky slowly as fireworks shoot off from the sides of the titantron behind Genesis. The voices of RJ and JT can then be heard over the airwaves as the fans continue to stand with their phones filming the entrance of the daddy of the 6CWF with the camera zooming up to Kent who hands the title to Santos and smriks as he begins his descent to the ring.]

JT: And still...Our undisputed 6WF world heavyweight champion, Eddy Kent followed by some of his hall of fame group, Genesis. Michael Sweetwater and Ralph Santos in toe... have we ever seen a champion like this

RJ? Hall of fame Genesis in 2024... Greatness on another level. This group has been taken to new heights by our 6WF world heavyweight champ...As the shirt says, inevitable. Is there an inevitably about Eddy Kent these days RJ? is he unbeatable on the big stages? will this be the reign to end all reigns?

RJ: 6WF undisputed world heavyweight champion Eddy Kent is certainly looking confident and why shouldn't he be? the victor of the biggest triple threat match of all time... he has beaten almost every single challenger that has come to face him. Kent has removed the thorn from his side, Max Adamson once and for all on the grandest stage of them all. The fans are livid as we have seen on social media and on the shop floor...

JT: Max made his choice, RJ. Don't forget that. As did Patricks! they came for the Daddy of this company, arguably one of the greatest of time... on what seems to be me the reign to end all reigns of all time, Eddy Kent. They made their choice and now the fans and the two friends have to live with the consequences of their actions... you come at daddy and you better not miss.

RJ: Eddy Kent's hold on the 6WF world championship, JT, has certainly been one of a kind so far JT. He has been to war with legends and top superstars of this company, Max Adamson, Chris Patricks, Dicey Reilly and Scott Harris. He has defeated them in some of the best matches we have seen in 6CWF.

[Kent reaches the steel steps by ringside and the camera zooms in on the champion. Kent looks up at the camera and smriks, winking his left eye and yelling "Daddy always wins" and "I am inevitable". Before moving up the steps and making his way through the ring ropes. Santos and Sweetwater do the same as the crowd remain on their feet. The spotlight is on the three men as they pace the middle of the ring. Santos hands Kent his title and Kent slowly raises it once more over his head and more fireworks explode from the titantron with fans still on their feet, the tide has turned however as the vast majority of fans are now booing Kent after Night of Glory. Kent then hands Santos back the title and exchanges it for a microphone. Numb dies down as a minority of fans start a Daddy's home chant while the vast majority are starting a Max Adamson chant and some are loudly booing for good measure. Kent cricks his nec and toses the microphone around in his hands as the camera once again zooms in on the champion. Kent's ice cold blue eyes peer around the arena as he raises the microphone to his lips to speak poison, while Sweetwater stands behind him, arms folded.]

Kent: Birmingham... Birmingham Bowl... Daddy is home!

[The crowd now boo ferociously at Kent with the Max Adamson chant becoming more prevelant. Kent nods his head in agreement with a snigger. Kent scratches his cheek and purses his nose as the crowd simmer down after a few seconds. Kent then raises his microphone to his lips and then tries to speak again.]

Kent: I don't think it's a secret... Michael, Ralph? it's not is it? I've made a lot of people in my world very angry, upset, sad and so on with what happened the other night. It's fair to say post Night of Glory I've put a lot of new eyes on 6CWF as the shockwaves continue to be felt around the world. Fans speak to people who become fans and so on... so for the new viewers, I'm going to tell you what I did on the biggest stage in this company's history in the biggest triple threat match in this company's history. In the biggest main event in this company's history for my 6WF undisputed world heavyweight championship.

Kent: First off, there is Chris Patricks. Who is a former champion, sold out arenas all over the world, beaten some of the best in the business. Represented 6WF in some of the biggest matches in that company's history and if we're all being honest, a certified 6CWF hall of famer in the future. Chris Patricks name is synonmous with that never say die attitude 6CWF represents and when he returned at Day of Reckoning, Wargames, you cannot argue, the 6CWF universe were celebrating the return of a famous son. And then of course... there's 6CWF Hall of famer, Max Adamson...

[The crowd go wild at the mention of Max Adamson's name, cutting Kent off. Kent looks over his shoulder at Ralph who rolls his eyes at the crowd while Michael Sweetwater stares at Kent with a grin and mocks "scraping his shoes" on the mat. We want Max begins as Kent rolls his neck and looks to the rafters with a evil smirk. Kent then raises his head back down and raises the microphone back to his lips and continues his self serving tirade.]

Kent: And then there's Max Adamson who is a 6CWF Hall of famer, a five time 6WF world champion, who has main evented some of the biggest nights in the business and is more than a household name. Max Adamson is an institution and it's hard not to disagree with the notion that Max Adamson will be a two time hall of famer with project X. Max Adamson has won the european title, 6CW world title multiple times and 6CW tag team championships multiple times. But guess what? I did what I said I would do... I would retire Max Adamson at Night of Glory. I destroyed his friendship with Chris Patricks...

Kent: You could take Chris Patricks and Max Adamson accomplishments together over the past decade, the enormity of their accomplishments of these men is undeniable. They came up against me in what was arguably a handicap match, let alone a triple threat match at the main event of Night of Glory...And guess what? like Muhammed Ali, Michael Jordan, Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt... I took my shot. What did I say? I said I was going to retire Max Adamson... I was going to break Chris Patricks fragile ego and freindship with Max Adamson. And I'm going to pin Max Adamson 1,2...3. And then at that moment, guess what they both did? they knew I was inevitable. It says it on the shirt. And let's be honest, was it ever in doubt? it's embarassing, you all know it and I know it.

Kent: Put it this way, any other man wouldn't want to be in my position or place. If I was another man I would never want to be put in that situation. A triple threat match and retiring one of the greatest of all time? You people need to realise that 6CWF will probably never put me in a triple threat match again after what I did at Night of Glory. Nobody, and I mean nobody wants to face me. You ask any other wrestler in the business, they don't want to face me... and why would they after what they've seen me doing the past nine months.

Kent: At Night of Glory these were hall of famers... and guess what? I smashed them. Broke them... Pinned one of the greatest of all time 1,2,3 and then these Hall of famers finally understood that I was inevitable infront of 52,000 and millions of viewers around the world. And if i'm doing that to men like Max Adamson and Chris Patricks...Who's going to want it next? Nobody... nobody. Nobody is going to want to step up to me now. Nobody is going to want to put their ego and reputation on the line for that championship and this, it's not worth it. Nobody can stack up to me 6CWF. Nobody is on my level...I'm going to let you all into a secret.

Kent: After Wargames, I spoke to my advisor and long time friend, Ralph Santos and we talked... we talked that Genesis and 6CWF needed to be free of the likes of Max Adamson if we were going to evolve and move on. It wasn't enough being just a champion in his god mode era... No, I need to add something. I needed to erase a legend because this is my era. This is my time. This is the era of Genesis and this is inevitable. So we waited... bided our time and guess what? I eneded the career of Max Adamson and so begins the reign of reigns and a era that is defined by Genesis and Eddy Kent.

Kent: So what's next for your daddy? What are the next steps for the end game boss? honestly? I don't think i can do much more... I've done it all and got the t-shirts. But there's still plenty left to do for Genesis to achieve. This week there has been so many videos, hype and memories about Max Adamson and it got me got me thinking that Genesis could easily overtake the achievements of the likes of Max Adamson. I saw the 6WF undisputed championship... the title that belongs to me. I saw the 6CW world championship which is going to belong to my son, Rex Adamson... I then saw the tag team championships which is going to belong to Michael Sweetwater and Tyler Roth.

Kent: I had an epiphany... the epiphany was Genesis holding ALL the gold. My son, the future, Rex Adamson under the Genesis banner with his prize, the 6CW world championship and my boys, my ride and die boys... Tyler Roth and Michael Sweetwater as 6CWF Tag team champions. Hear me out... in twenty twenty four, Genesis is going to be holding ALL the gold... I told you all a long time ago that Rex Adamson, Tyler Roth and Michael Sweetwater are going to be elevated levels they could only have dream of a couple of years ago.

Kent: It's my personal mission to lift my boys and my son to greatness that only a small minority have ever accomplished. There's only one way to do that and it's time for Genesis to start a complete takeover of 6CWF... I want my boys, Tyler and Michael to bring me those 6CWF Tag team championship. I want my son, Rex to bring me that 6CW world championship, not just for me, but for all of Genesis. Because Genesis with all the gold... 6CWF is winning. And when 6CWF is winning because of Genesis, you're all going to realise that I'm truly inevitable... I'm the daddy of 6CWF, the end game boss and that Eddy Kent is simply levels above them all.

[Kent passes the microphone back to Ralph Santos who nods in agreement as the crowd groan and boo at Kent's tirade. Kent clicks his knuckles and is passed back his 6WF undisputed world heavyweight championship and raises it back into the air as the crowd go wild with boos but also some respect with the greatness and intensity their watching. Kent shouts into the camera "You come at Daddy you better not miss" and "The era of Genesis is here... don't hide, embrace it!" as the scene slowly fades away to a TeamZoomZoom commercial.]


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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by Perfect Jack Thu 23 May 2024, 6:39 pm

The room is dark, but there is a solitary light hanging from the ceiling. A lone figure sits upon a leather chair, breathing heavily and coughing from obvious injuries to the chest. The camera angle slowly pans around to Perfect Jack, who is wrapped heavily in bandages from head to toe. In particular he has a bandage covering his damaged eye, covered in small cuts and scrapes, with the a notable scar across it.

Perfect Jack stares at the camera, his breathing becoming more aggressive but at the same time more laboured. He struggles to maintain composure before launching at the camera in a fit of rage. He throws the camera on the floor with small bits flying everywhere. The camera lies on the floor at angle which is still able to capture what's happening in the room. Perfect Jack lifts up his chair and throws in on the floor breaking it in two pieces, he picks up the broken parts and continues to throw them across the room before falling to his hands and knees in agony from his injuries from Night of Glory.

He is next to the camera on the floor and begins to speak.

PJ: This....isn't....over......Acer.....Saint.....Johnson....all...of...them....shall....suffer.....The.....Coalition......shall.......

Before Perfect Jack can finish his sentence, he manages to get to his knees so he can finish, but lets out a scream of anger and rage before collapsing to his knees. The camera catches Perfect Jack coughing up blood onto the floor before the scene comes to an end.

Perfect Jack

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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by BlueDragon1205 Sun 26 May 2024, 12:02 am


I'm sorry, for what happened on sunday.

I'm sorry you're still involved in this. 

I'm sorry that you can't keep out of it.

I hope that Christy can talk you out of this, before it's too late... Everything we've done so far, all of it has been to warn you off. But you just won't do what's right for yourself, your obsessed with doing what's right for Plague. All the time, it's you, that's the real victim here. Months ago I approached you, in the back of an ambulance, do you remember the conversation we had?
I told you that I was happy for you, that you had the world at your feet, you where 6CW World Heavyweight Champion, you had a beautiful wife and you had a child on the way, and that I wanted to challenge you for that title, I wanted to beat you at your best, I wanted to beat everyone, but you most of all. You everything anyone could want, but you had one thing that I didn't envy, you had him.... Plague.. your master.

You where the champion, with everything he didn't have and yet you where beholden to him for what? You won that championship, you where the man that Christy fell in love with and it was you and her who created that life that was growing in her. And yet you acted like it was Plague that done those things? I told you that there was one thing that was inevitable in your life, that your future was up for grabs, Christy and the baby would be there for you, as long as you where there for them, that depended on you, and your ability to leave Edward Plague behind, the one thing that was always going to happen, was that you would lose that Championship, one way or another, and yes that did happen.

Plague convinced you that I was the one playing games, that I was the one sneaking up behind you, but I told you and I told everyone from the beginning, I'm not sneaking anywhere, I told you, whoever I come for, I was walking straight upto you and I was attacking face to face. No Gazzy, the real wolf here, the real threat to you was Plague, the real enemy. But once again you don't see it, your blinded by whatever pathetic sense of honour you have for that man. And he took advantage of it, he took your title and he tried to take your family, he tried to keep you away from them, please god don't let him do that again.
He has earned my attention, he has earned himself the ire of me and my brother and by association, you have too. I'm really sorry that you're involved in this now, with a wife and a young child at home, I really don't want to take you away from them, but you can rest assured Gaz, if you don't back down, if you don't stay out of our way, I will do. Logan , will do. The fall from the cell will be nothing compared to what we are willing to do to anyone who gets in our way, and the sad part is, I know your going to get hurt. I know Christy and Willow will suffer for your ignorance, and it hurts me to know.. deep down... It will make me sad when I take you away from them. 

I'm sorry for what happened on Sunday

I'm sorry that you can't stay out of this.

I'm sorry for everything I'm going to do to you...


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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by DP Sun 26 May 2024, 2:33 pm

We go backstage to Jack Reynolds.

JR: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, 'The Sharpshooter' Scott Harris!

The crowd in the arena cheer loudly as Harris appears in the shot. He looks exceptionally cheery, as he grins at the interviewer. There is an air of lightness about The Sharpshooter that hasn't come across before.

JR: Scott, a huge win for you on Night Two of Night of Glory. Talk us through how you're feeling.

Harris continues to smile.

SH: Jack, I'm not going to lie, I feel pretty damn good right now. All I can say is that I feel like a weight has been lifted. I was bogged down for 10 years by the spectre of Mike Masters. He lived rent free in my head for years and I didn't realise just how much of an effect that had had on me.

I was torturing myself and was bogged down by my own psyche. I was fighting a war against my own opinion of myself as well as Masters.

As soon as he started squealing like a pig and tapped out, it was like an out of body experience. I physically felt that weight lift off of me.

It was the most beautiful feeling I've felt in my career.

JR: What next for you? There's talk of you finally breaking through and winning the gold that has eluded you so far?

SH: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't aiming for that. Only time will tell. What I will say though is that I've never felt this good. I've never felt so on top of my game. I wrestle rings round people for fun, that's the way it is. I feel free... And that's such a dangerous thing for the 6CWF locker room.

JR: You face Mr. Fight for the Right, Rex Adamson in the main event. Do you have any messages for Rex?

SH: Quite simply, see above.

Rex is one hell of a competitor. Him and Liam Wood put on the match of the decade at Night of Glory but like everyone else on this roster, he's on notice. I will gladly go through whoever it takes to get to where I want to be and he is just the first step on the Needs More Harris tour to the top.

I'm walking into Aftermath ready to make a statement and beating someone like Rex would be the perfect way to put an exclamation point on that.

Of course I haven't forgotten about my last with Genesis, either, so there's some extra needle there. But ultimately, I want to wrestle the best and Rex is right up there at the moment. He might be distracted by everything that happened at Night of Glory and when he should use that briefcase of his but he shouldn't take his eyes off me on Tuesday, otherwise he's staring down the barrell at The Sharpshooter Mk.2.

JR: Scott, thank you.

SH: Any time.

With that, Harris walks away and we cut off to commercial.


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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by DP Sun 26 May 2024, 3:02 pm

*A exclusive from after Night One of Night of Glory*

The Saint is shown sat in The Coalition locker room after the battle against Exodus. People outside the locker room can be heard celebrating wildly. Inside the locker room, the atmosphere is different. The legend sits quietly, taking it all in as he holds an ice pack to the back of his head.

His phone goes off and he winces as he answers the video call.

TS: Hey baby, how's it going?

His wife, Nicole, can be seen on his phone with their young son sat asleep on her lap.

N: How's it going?! Are you f***ing mental?!

TS: Don't swear in front of the boy!

N: I'm going to kick your ass when you get home! You said things wouldn't get so dangerous when you signed the contract. We were in pieces when that cement block was smashed off your head...

The Saint smirks.

TS: Try being on the receiving end...

His wife starts to laugh.

TS: Did he watch it?

N: He couldn't take his eyes off it.

The Saint smiles and things stay quiet for a moment.

TS: Look, Nic, I need to tell you something...

N: Oh no, you haven't?!

TS: Blame JJ, he only has to flutter those baby blues of his and I can't say no! I know I said I'd walk away after Night of Glory, that there wasn't anything else to achieve if we stopped Exodus but if I'm honest...

The Saint winces again as he moves the ice pack over.

TS:...It was like turning back the clock.

Maybe, just maybe I've got a bit more left to give. Maybe I'm not the old campaigner I thought I was.

So, yeah... I've signed an extension.

Nicole is seen shaking her head.

N: You know I don't like it but if that's the way it's got to be, you know I'll support you all the way. Now go and enjoy the party!

The Saint smiles at his wife.

TS: Thank you... Nic?

N: What?

TS: I love you.

N: Love you too!

The call terminates and The Saint carries on staring at his phone, smiling warmly. He receives a text that breaks the smile and he opens the message. The top of the screen shows the sender as JJ Johnson.

The message is simple:

"How about them Tag titles, playa?!"

The Saint smirks and types his reply.

"I thought you'd never ask!"

He sends the message and puts the phone to a side. He reaches for the bottle of beer next to him and takes a large swig before sitting back against the wall, looking content.


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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by Lee Sun 26 May 2024, 11:26 pm

Logan is sat in the car park of the arena post Night Of Glory. He is still covered in blood as the camera zooms in to show he is mumbling to himself.

The camera operator slowly moves closer so we can hear what Logan is saying.

LK: I tried, I tried but they won't let me, now I've let you down... I know what you're gonna say and I agree but what more can I do?

Plague is a lunatic, he's dangerous but there's stuff about him I don't like as well...

What I did to him wasn't really that bad... I've been through worse and look at me, I'm fine..... Right!?

Logan stands up and the camera operator seems to retreat out of fear but Logan still hasn't seen him and continues his rambling.

LK: it's fine, I'm different now, I did this to save Gazzy, Blue told me we did good...but...he would say that, he hates Gazzy, he hates everyone, I hate everyone...I hate Blue Dragon...I hate you.

Logan begins laughing hysterically which again causes the camera operator to panic but they continue to film.

LK: haahahahaha! NO! We.....I am past that, you told me what I needed to do, and I did it... So why won't THEY let me be different? Why must I continue to be labelled the crazy one? I'm not crazy! Not any more... I'm not.... I'm...

Logan suddenly feels someone looking at him in the shadows.

LK: you must have a death wish to try and sneak up on me...what do you mean calm down? Whose not calm? WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS?.... I'M NOT OUT OF ORDER, YOU'RE OUT OF ORDER...I..I am calm, I am calm....

Logan breathes deeply and seems to have everything under control.

LK: Whoever's there, I'll give you one chance to show your face and explain yourself... Cos if not I'll come and find you and break your legs...

The Camera man walks out and begins to explain himself

Camera Man: Sorry Logan I was just getting some B-roll and heard a noise so I thought I'd check it out... i didn't mean to startle you...erm.... I'll get out of your way.....

Logan puts a hand on the guy's back and turns him back around to face him.

LK: I hope you don't misunderstand what you...think you just saw..

CM: No no...I just assumed you were thinking out loud, or something

Logan smirks

LK: Yeah... That's right, just a mental exercise I was taught by an.... Old friend...yeah. I wouldn't go telling anyone about this though if I was you, very dangerous place Glasgow, you never know WHAT could get me?

The Camera man can barely speak but manages to squeak out a response

CM: you, I'll get going then. Sorry to bother you Mr Kincade

LK: Who are you calling Mr Kincade?!...I mean Logan will do fine kidda. Right, off you pop....good lad.

The man walks slowly away with the camera still pointed at Logan who smirks before his face drops and he begins following the man...

The scene cuts to black.


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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by Marky Tue 28 May 2024, 2:40 pm

DP wrote:We go backstage to Jack Reynolds.

JR: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, 'The Sharpshooter' Scott Harris!

The crowd in the arena cheer loudly as Harris appears in the shot. He looks exceptionally cheery, as he grins at the interviewer. There is an air of lightness about The Sharpshooter that hasn't come across before.

JR: Scott, a huge win for you on Night Two of Night of Glory. Talk us through how you're feeling.

Harris continues to smile.

SH: Jack, I'm not going to lie, I feel pretty damn good right now. All I can say is that I feel like a weight has been lifted. I was bogged down for 10 years by the spectre of Mike Masters. He lived rent free in my head for years and I didn't realise just how much of an effect that had had on me.

I was torturing myself and was bogged down by my own psyche. I was fighting a war against my own opinion of myself as well as Masters.

As soon as he started squealing like a pig and tapped out, it was like an out of body experience. I physically felt that weight lift off of me.

It was the most beautiful feeling I've felt in my career.

JR: What next for you? There's talk of you finally breaking through and winning the gold that has eluded you so far?

SH: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't aiming for that. Only time will tell. What I will say though is that I've never felt this good. I've never felt so on top of my game. I wrestle rings round people for fun, that's the way it is. I feel free... And that's such a dangerous thing for the 6CWF locker room.

JR: You face Mr. Fight for the Right, Rex Adamson in the main event. Do you have any messages for Rex?

SH: Quite simply, see above.

Rex is one hell of a competitor. Him and Liam Wood put on the match of the decade at Night of Glory but like everyone else on this roster, he's on notice. I will gladly go through whoever it takes to get to where I want to be and he is just the first step on the Needs More Harris tour to the top.

I'm walking into Aftermath ready to make a statement and beating someone like Rex would be the perfect way to put an exclamation point on that.

Of course I haven't forgotten about my last with Genesis, either, so there's some extra needle there. But ultimately, I want to wrestle the best and Rex is right up there at the moment. He might be distracted by everything that happened at Night of Glory and when he should use that briefcase of his but he shouldn't take his eyes off me on Tuesday, otherwise he's staring down the barrell at The Sharpshooter Mk.2.

JR: Scott, thank you.

SH: Any time.

With that, Harris walks away and we cut off to commercial.

Rex Adamson is sat backstage, watching back the Scott Harris interview from earlier on a big screen TV, Rex sighs and rolls his eyes as Jack Reynolds approaches Rex

Rex: Let me guess. "What are your thoughts on what Scott Harris said, on facing Scott tonight, and on what happened at Night of Glory?"

Jack Reynolds nods

JR: Yeah, pretty much!

Rex rolls his eyes again

Rex: More groundbreaking journalism... Fine. I'll bite. Night of Glory was not exactly how I anticipated it. Liam Wood and I stole the show, but despite me telling the guys not to get involved... They got involved. I still maintain it didn't change the outcome, but Liam Wood now has a bee in his bonnet about Genesis, and if they'd just stayed out of my way, he'd have had no recall. Tyler and Michael have now added another enemy to the list of Genesis and it was so avoidable...

Rex looks at his Fight for the Right Briefcase and sighs

Rex: And then Max Adamson handcuffs me to a f*cking radiator so I can't cash in... Not that I was definitely going to, obviously... But I earned the right to choose when I cash in. It's literally in the name Jack! I have literally fought for the right to decide when and where I have a match for the World Championship, and he took that choice away from me. But he's retired now, so as much as he was one of my heroes growing up, he's no longer a hurdle for me to overcome. And speaking of childhood heroes... Scott Harris.

Rex smirks

Rex: Scott knows he was my inspiration, and not because of characteristics or charisma, obviously... But because he wrestled how I wanted to wrestle. When all the kids my age were fawning over the big personalities like Max Adamson, JJ Johnson, TGA, Hero... I was the biggest 10 year old Scott Harris fan in the world. The f*cking Sharpshooter. And it's a funny world where I'm better than him now, but it's true. It's gonna be an honour to add him to the list of megastars I have defeated, and then maybe I can actually focus on becoming World Champion.

Jack Reynolds looks a little confused

JR: So, why didn't you use your Fight for the Right to cash in on the very vulnerable Edward Plague at Night of Glory? And bring both World Titles to Genesis, as was the will of Eddy Kent?

Rex grins and laughs

Rex: I fought for the right, Jack. Nobody else. I choose when, where, and against whom. And after that Hell in a Cell match, it wasn't the right moment. There were still variables in play, it's not like Blue Dragon or Logan Kincade were going to stand idly by and watch me take advantage of their handiwork. They would ruin it. I'm very aware of what happened in my last World Title match. I had Uryu Ishida beat, and then outside interference caused a disqualification. This is why I have Genesis, to keep people out of my business. Going after Plague, after Hell in a Cell, with Kincade, Blue Dragon, and GazzyD still lurking, with Genesis focusing on Max Adamson and Chris Patricks, would have been naive at best Jack.

Rex pauses to look at the briefcase once more

Rex: I fought for the right. Nobody else. Me.

With that, Rex stands up, grabs his briefcase and leaves the area


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6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32) Empty Re: 6CWF Presents Aftermath - Tuesday May 28th 2024 (Episode 32)

Post by Marky Tue 28 May 2024, 7:12 pm

A shadowy figure with a familiar voice is reading aloud from a book in a church

??: Leviticus 20:13 tells us that when a man lays with another man, he must be stoned. The Book of Percy tells us, that he does not have to be stoned, but it certainly helps...

The lights go up and the man is shown to be Percy Percival, stood wearing a full priest outfit, all in black with the white collar, he does a 360 spin which reveals his trousers have the buttock holes missing, and he claps his hands as a gospel choir starts singing

"Life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone"

Percy: You all worship false prophets, but none are more false than Daniel Reilly...

"I hear you call my name, and it feels like home"

Percy: Daniel Reilly thinks he is a Champion, just because he held a belt...

"When you call my name, it's like a little prayer"

Percy: Not only is he a Champion no more...

"I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you there"

Percy: ...But I would argue he never was a Champion...

"In the midnight hour, I can feel your power"

Percy: Champions are leaders. Real leaders, who lead their people...

"Just like a prayer, you know I'll take you there"

Percy: A Champion isn't a belt holder, a Champion is a person people can look up to...

"Just like a prayer, your voice can take me there"

Percy: ...A person people can rely on, who fights on their behalf...

"Just like a muse to me, you are a mystery"

Percy: ...I am a Champion of the people. I am a Champion of my Community...

"Just like a dream, you are not what you seem"

Percy: ...I am your God.

"Just like a prayer, no choice your voice can take me there"

The choir stops dead

Percy: For I will not lead you into The Temptations, or any other Motown acts... But I will save you from evil. Just take my hand. Let Percy Percival into you. Let your God come into you. Or unto you... I don't mind where really...

Percy grabs The Book of Percy from the church pew and raises it into the air

Percy: This book will guide you away from the evil, and into my light. Follow Percy Percival and oh let him unload his sermons all over your body and soul... Amen.


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