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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 7:12 pm

*The show goes live on air following a length "Night of Glory IX" package. The crowd are belting out a "Thank you Max" chant inside the Birmingham Bowl during the pyrotechnics, drowning out the music playing to the audience. The commentators are getting ready to welcome us to a brand new season of 6CWF when JJ Johnson's music interrupts and it looks like the big dog gone be kicking this show off right tonight. JJ is all manner of buzzed up as he pays homage to the fans inside the building as well as the millions watching around the world. JJ pays respect to the 6CWF roster for what they produced last time out at Night of Glory IX but now all eyes turn to the new year and getting this mother started off the way they mean to go on.

So first thing is first....Alex Walker's a55 is Audi 5000 (crowd pop) and as far as he is concerned so is Exodus. JJ said he hasn't cancelled no contracts, he "ain't gone fire a motherf***er" but if he sees something he don't like then he not gone hesitate to "slap a b1tch". JJ says everyone done seen the advertisement and that he was coming out here to address the future of 6CWF and how we gone make business tick going forward. He is about to carry on speaking when "Numb" hits the airwaves and Eddy Kent is here to cut him off. Major hype in the audience as "Daddy" goes face to face with JJ Johnson now (Anyone wanna see these two fight?!?).

Eddy Kent wants to congratulate JJ Johnson. Not for winning at Night of Glory, not for helping put on a great show, but because he was smart enough to bring Eddy Kent to this company and the rest his history. Eddy says he is "ready for my thanks" but JJ raises an eyebrow. It seems Kent is expecting JJ to thank him for being a part of the roster and making 6CWF as big as it is but JJ responds with "You got this all kinds of f***ed up, you absent father fetish motherf***er". The only people that put 6CWF where it is today are sitting in the stand and watching at home. They made 6CWF as big as it and for that they have eternal thanks. Kent looks less than happy but JJ shuts him down because he is happy he is out's gone help real nice with what he has to say.

*Suddenly Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade interrupt and the "Brothers of Destruction" march to the ring. They circle Eddy Kent, who looks less sure of himself, and then Blue Dragon wants a mic. He is keen to hear what JJ is proposing because he is tired of playing nice and "you've been skating on thin ice a long time" he tells Johnson. JJ shows no intimidation but he agrees that "Big Blue" and Logan came out of Night of Glory IX on a tear and rightfully so deserve the spotlight heading into a new season. But they ain't the only about Dicey Reilly (huge response from the audience) or "The Sharpshooter" Scott Harris (major cheers).....the new Xtreme Champion, Geoff Steel (BD's eyes narrow at this)....

Daniel Reilly interrupts now and he knows JJ has suffered some trauma over the years but he obviously isn't doing too well in the brain cell department because he's talking about superstars in the spotlight and yet failed to mention the "King of 6CWF". JJ smirks and says Reilly is right, he didn't mention the "King" but then it isn't fair as the owner of the company to hype himself up (huge pop from the crowd as Reilly snarls).....JJ wants everyone to just hold up and take a goddamn minute....this is a great time for everyone, 6CWF is higher than ever before and that means huge opportunities aplenty...

That being said, some difficult and complex decisions had to be made after Night of Glory IX and that starts with the running of the company. After much deliberation JJ has decided he wants to return to active in-ring, full time duty (sparks the biggest reception of the night)....which spells a big "we f***ed now" to the rest of the roster (he glares at Daniel Reilly when he says this)....but that means he can't, in good faith, be responsible for the day to day running of this show....he's the owner, ain't never gone change.....but it is time 6CWF had themselves a General Manager to run Proving Grounds.....JJ didn't have to think too hard about it because the decision felt just too easy to make....he turns to Eddy Kent now and says "You gone like this one, Daddy"....

*The noise is deafening now as Max Adamson is revealed as the brand new General Manager of 6CWF. Eddy Kent looks like he just shat himself as Max makes his way to the ring, taking his time to celebrate with the fans around ringside. Max gets in the ring now and he shakes hands with JJ as a huge "Welcome back" chant starts up and "There's only one Max Adamson". Max is gloating and getting up in everyone's face, especially Eddy Kent, but promises he is going to run things properly and help 6CWF go to the next level.

That starts tonight with an amazing show lined up but also with the new match concept designed by 6CWF to debut at Scars & Stripes on July 14th in Texas. He rounds on Eddy Kent and says he is the perfect man to bring this match type to the masses. Kent looks smug now but that soon changes as Max defines and outlines "The Hour". At Scars and Stripes....Eddy Kent will defend the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship against 6 other men.....60 minutes on the clock.....after 50 minutes the man with the least pinfalls/submissions (Pinfalls worth 1 point, Submissions worth 2) will be eliminated.....same on 40, 30, 20 and 10....the final two superstars will contest the final ten minutes in a one on one match to the finish....the winner will truly be worthy of the world championship.....

Max smiles as he tells Eddy Kent " won't be you".....the crowd are going nuts at this whilst Eddy Kent looks ready to blow a gasket. Max is preparing to leave the ring when he finds his way blocked by Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade. They want some answers about their direction....Max is about to retort when there is a blast of pyros and an unknown man walks onto the stage. Except to BD and Logan he is no stranger. The audience are stunned to see Damien Andrews standing on the stage with a smile on his face.

JJ looks confused, as does everyone else, but Damien Andrews wants the world to know that just before Alex Walker fled into the night he sold his 50% share in 6CWF to the real "Blue Dragon". Damien Andrews calls JJ "partner" and lets Max Adamson know that he is very much looking forward to sharing General Manager duties with the Hall of Famer.

The commentators cannot believe the start to the show as Logan and Blue Dragon stare at their father with very different expressions on their faces

Last edited by JJJohnson on Tue 28 May 2024, 7:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 7:35 pm

*We are immediately backstage following some advertisements and it seems JJ Johnson is rifling through some documentation that has been provided by Damien Andrews. JJ looks up at Damien Snr and says "F*** it. This s*** be watertight". JJ turns to Max and says "This gone be fun" and Max nods in agreement. JJ swings the office door open and looks outside before popping his head back through to tell Max & Damien "S*** this queue be longer than a motherf***er, good luck playas". JJ walks out as Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade walk in. Damien Snr says to Max "Can I have a moment with my sons?". Max smirks and says "I'll go sort my own office, far too much ego in here".

Max leaves as Damien signals to two chairs and says to his sons "So shall we get started?".

*JJ Johnson has barely made it out of the GM's office when security are getting involved to separate JJ and Robin Reborn. Reborn is making an awful lot of noise but isn't actually trying to push past security. "Ain't no suit no more b1tch, so me and you gone meet....either in here our out in the streets, best believe".....Acer plants a hand on JJ's shoulder and says "Good to see you're mixing well" as he and Johnson head off in a different direction. Ojore appears by Reborn's side now and Reborn is still seething about his interaction with JJ.

Max Adamson has just arrived on scene and he has a clipboard with a "List of people's s***" that JJ left him. First port of call is telling Robin Reborn that he'll be competing on weekly shows going forward, starting tonight. Reborn retorts "And what you gonna do if I don't play ball?" to which Max just grins and whispers to Reborn "My new Co-General Manager used to bury people under building you really want me to answer that question?". Reborn just looks angered as Max swaggers off.

*Geoff Steel is live in the Birmingham Bowl and receiving a huge ovation from the audience as he starts an interview with Clarissa. Steel is fired up and proud to be representing the company as the Xtreme Champion. Steel cannot wait to make the first defence of his title but first tonight he can take the first step to becoming a double champ....something very few have ever achieved before. Steel says he is proud to be teaming with Enforcer and believes they will make quite a formidable team.

Clarissa asks about Marty Helms and a potential fight in the future. Steel knows how good and how deadly Marty Helms is. He knows Helms came very close to winning the title at Night of Glory but "very close isn't close enough" which is something Steel has been all too aware of over the last year. He will defend the title against anyone, that has always been his MO and nothing will change going forward.

In walks Enforcer now and he stares at the gold on Steel's shoulder. He says the "Hardcore" division in 6WF was his first title and he was pretty good in that environment. Steel says "Just say the word". Enforcer nods his head but then says "Let's get through tonight first". Steel nods in agreement as they walk away. Marty Helms steps out to watch them leave, a dark expression on his face.

*Scott Harris is with Jack Reynolds. Harris says he is ready to make this season the season of "The Sharpshooter". He is riding the crest of a wave and he wants in on the big time. Harris heard the announcement about "The Hour" and he wants in. He believes he deserves one of the spots but isn't willing to rest on his laurels so tonight he will become the first man to beat Rex Adamson and force management's hand. Harris doesn't care who runs 6CWF as long as they recognise that nothing will stop him from going to the very top.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 7:36 pm

Bout 1
Tag Team Championships (1st Round)
Enforcer/Geoff Steel vs The Wolf Gang (Ojore/Robin Reborn)

*The Birmingham Bowl is bouncing following the explosive beginning to the show. The commentators are still in shock at the revelations but admit there is no time to dwell because the action is coming thick and fast here this evening. Robin Reborn looks less than impressed as he and Ojore make their entrances. Reborn is obviously still reeling from the ultimatum that he competes on the weekly shows or he will be fired. Ojore is still sporting wounds from Night of Glory IX but looks as ferocious as ever. RJ says this “represents a great opportunity for the Wolf Gang to reverse their recent fortunes”. Reborn leaps up into the ring as Ojore pounds around outside.

*The fans are out of their seats as Enforcer arrives on the scene first and then he is joined by the new Xtreme Champion, Geoff Steel (who is afforded an even bigger ovation). We are reminded that these two former world champions have also cut their teeth in the tag division. JT believes the very similar styles of Steel & Enforcer will make them extremely formidable and, potentially, a real shoe-in for this whole tournament.

*The bout starts off with Enforcer tackling Ojore. Ojore uses his power to launch Enforcer into the corner and looks for a splash but Enforcer avoids. Big E runs the ropes and returns with a clothesline but cannot knock the big man down. He repeats the process but with a shoulder tackle and Ojore is knocked into the ropes but stays up on his feet. Enforcer tees off with right hands and then looks for an Irish whip but Ojore stands firm and then he drags Enforcer in close and smashes a headbutt into his face. Big E is rocked as Reborn quickly tags in and he springboards in with the huge forearm smash (ala AJ Styles). Steel is forced to break the count.

*Reborn trash talks Steel and Enforcer now as he stomps at E to keep him grounded. He bounces off the ropes and returns with a twirling legdrop before he forward rolls and springs onto the ropes into a moonsault foot-stomp to the midsection. RJ cannot help but applaud Reborn’s “incredible offense”. Reborn stalks Enforcer now and then leaps in behind him for the “WorldStar” (Zigzag neckbreaker) but Enforcer manages to kick out on two.

*Reborn is regaining his swagger now as he heads for the corner. He leaps for a crossbody but Enforcer catches him. Big E looks for a fall away slam but Reborn leaps out on his feet and then nails a step-up enzeguiri. Enforcer is staggered into the corner and eats a helluva kick to the mouth. He falls to the mat as Reborn leaps onto the turnbuckle and he front flips into a “Houston Hangover” legdrop but Enforcer shows his extreme resilience to kick out on two. Reborn is slapping the canvass in frustration now.

*Reborn runs the ropes and returns with a heavy knee (ala John Morrison) which keeps Enforcer grounded. He then climbs the ropes and launches into the shooting star press but Big E rolls out of the way at the final second. Enforcer is hurting badly but he manages to get across and make the tag, sparking a huge response from the audience. Reborn is able to tag in Ojore as well. Ojore storms the ring but Geoff Steel ducks under and runs the opposite ropes before returning with a flying lariat (ala The Undertaker) to take the big man down. Ojore stumbles back up and Steel dodges a sloppy right and launches the Ugandan with a release full nelson slam. RJ & JT are in agreement that Steel’s strength is “other worldly”.

*Ojore stumbles back to his feet again and Steel smashes into him with a clothesline in the corner before dragging him out into a suplex. The fans are making a huge noise as Steel sets himself and then he gets Ojore up on his shoulders. He is preparing for the “Attitude Adjustment” when Reborn lashes a kick into his face (Side-thrust ala Haku) which causes Ojore to fall on top of the Xtreme Champ for a two count. Ojore stomps down on Steel now and then he bounces off the ropes and returns with a jumping splash, slamming his posterior down into Steel’s chest for a two count. Ojore drags Steel up and headbutts him into the ropes before clotheslining him over the top to the outside. The referee tries to keep Ojore in the ring as Reborn runs along the ringside barrier and leaps off with a dropkick to Steel’s spine which sends him clattering into the ring steps. Enforcer drops down to fight with Reborn but RR backs away as the referee gets involved. Ojore has rolled to the outside now and he lifts Steel into a bearhug and smashes him back into the ringpost before tossing him into the ring.

*Ojore drags Steel to the corner and looks for a “Banzai” drop but Steel moves at the last second and sends his foe crashing into the mat. Steel heads high now, wincing in pain, and then he jumps off with a shoulder tackle to knock Ojore down. Steel gets up and he grabs Reborn and launches him into the ring before he lifts him on his shoulder and throws him over the ropes to the outside with an “AA”. He beckons Ojore up now and sets for the “Bladecutter” but the big man shoves him back into the ropes and almost breaks him in two with a Samoan drop on the comeback for a near fall.

*Ojore drags Steel up now and gets him on his shoulders. He looks for a running powerslam but Steel kicks his feet to drop off the back and then he dodges an attack before exploding off the ropes with a spear. Steel tags in Enforcer now and they deliver an impressive double spinebuster on Ojore. Big E heads for the corner and nails an awesome moonsault. He covers but Reborn breaks it up with a shooting star press. The referee is trying to get some semblance of order back as Steel nails a right hand to send Reborn through the ropes to the outside. Enforcer sets for the “Facecheck” now but runs straight into a battering ram headbutt to the chest. Ojore follows up with the “Banzai drop” but Enforcer manages to get his foot on the ropes before the three can be completed.

*Ojore looks for the head crushing submission now but Enforcer kicks repeatedly at the stomach until he releases. Enforcer runs the ropes but returns into a big back elbow which sends him crashing to the corner. Steel makes the blind tag as Ojore runs in. Enforcer dodges and the big man clatters the turnbuckle. Steel is in the ring now and nails the “Bladecutter”. A three count looks inevitable but Reborn drags Steel from the ring and they brawl on the outside. Reborn swivels and nails a heel kick to the gut before he leaps onto the steel steps and moonsaults back. Steel catches Reborn on his shoulders but RR drops behind and shoves him into the ringpost. Reborn then runs the ringside barrier and springs off it for a “Superman” punch but Enforcer is there to catch him and launches him across the arena floor with a fall away slam. Enforcer drags Reborn up and slings him in the ring now.

*Ojore rolls from the ring now and he drags Steel into position for a gutwrench powerbomb through the announce tables but Steel lands out on his feet and then nails a huge European uppercut. The audience are cheering the Xtreme Champion on as he unloads with vicious right hands and forearms before he scoops Ojore onto his shoulders and smashes him through the “Spanish” announce table with an “Attitude Adjustment”. RJ calls Steel the “Epitome of Xtreme”.

*In the ring and Enforcer explodes from the corner and drills Reborn with the “Facecheck”. He has the cover but the referee is shaking him and trying to explain that he isn’t the legal man. Enforcer is confused and arguing as Marty Helms leaps the barricade at ringside. Helms has a rope and cowbell in his hand and obliterates the solid metal object off Geoff Steel’s head to leave him unconscious on the arena floor. Helms stares down at Steel with cold venom and then raises the weapon in the air. RJ and JT talk about how Helms told Steel they weren’t done after Night of Glory and this is yet another very clear indication of that.

*Enforcer is still disagreeing with the referee as it goes unnoticed what Marty Helms has done. Helms has swaggered around ringside now into the aisleway as the referee starts to deliver a count. Ojore is battered and beaten but he rises from the wreckage of the announce table and rolls in the ring on eight whilst Steel remains motionless. Enforcer clambers from the ring to check on Steel as the count reaches ten. The crowd are booing as Ojore drags a half-conscious Robin Reborn to his feet and they gloat on their count-out victory. Geoff Steel is just sitting up, a huge bruise forming over his right eye, as we get another shot of Marty Helms up on the stage. The Wolf Gang are advancing in the tag title tournament and Geoff Steel looks on collision course with Marty Helms. What is next for Enforcer?


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 7:54 pm

*Tim Allen is waiting outside the GM's office as Damien Andrews walks out. TA wants to talk to the new Co-GM (50% owner) about his vision of the future and what his presence means for 6CWF. Andrews wants to make it clear that he isn't here to "rock the boat" but to help this company become the best. And the way to do that is by "natural selection" and "mandating the best to fight the best". Andrews says he will ensure that we see the best matches possible and anyone who "isn't pulling their weight" will either find themselves demoted down the card or looking for a new place to work. He goes on to say he has already looked over several of the contracts and "cuts are inevitable".

Tim wants to know if Logan or Blue Dragon will receive "special treatment" but Damien Andrews' expression turns darker now. He says he doesn't believe in anyone getting "a leg up" and that his sons certainly won't be getting it. He "raised" them to fend for themselves and destroy anything that stands in their way of what they want. If they want opportunity during this new season in 6CWF "Then they'll need to snatch it from the unconscious hands of their victims".

*Eddy Kent is pacing back and forth whilst Michael Sweetwater and Tyler Roth sit on the benches along the outside of the "Genesis" dressing room. Kent is ranting about anyone from "JJ Johnson, to Max Adamson" about how everything is one big conspiracy to usurp him from power and steal his 6WF Championship. "But they don't understand that nothing and nobody can defeat Genesis"....he holds up the 6WF Championship belt now and says "Let them try....and one by one they'll fall by the wayside....nobody can beat me"....the door opens now as Rex Adamson walks in holding the FFTR case. Roth nudges Sweetwater and urges him to walk out with him. Kent and Rex stare at each other and then Kent sits down on his "throne" chair and beckons Rex to sit beside him. "We have much to discuss, my son"......Rex sets the FFTR case down (Kent casting it a look) and then sits next to Kent as the scene ends.

*Marty Helms is just walking back from Gorilla when Clarissa tries to grab a word about what just went down at ringside with Geoff Steel. Helms shrugs her off and says it was clear and simple. He doesn't need to make a huge song and dance about things. He wants the Xtreme Championship and he just let Geoff Steel know that in no uncertain terms. "People don't like what happens if they don't give me what I want". Helms turns now and finds himself looking at Damien Andrews. Damien looks at Helms for a good minute and says "The eyes of a's been awhile since I saw that glow....exciting times ahead". Andrews smiles as he leaves Helms looking angered.

*We see GazzyD arriving at Birmingham Bowl alone as the commentators debate on Gazzy's frame of mind following "Hell in a Cell" and whether there will be any update on the condition of Edward Plague. The scene then changes and we see Daniel Reilly and Oliver Keane. Reilly is angered by JJ Johnson's trash talk but is making it clear to Keane that he wants in on "The Hour" match at Scars and Stripes. Keane believes it is a "no brainer" decision for management and that between Max Adamson & Damien Andrews they will see that. But just in case anyone needs a reminder then he needs to go out there and absolutely destroy Percy Percival here tonight. Reilly is shaking his head and is thinking about "walking out on this piece of S*** contract" for the disrespect of facing Percival. Keane understands but he wants Reilly to keep his focus and not lose sight of the goal....becoming world champion again.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 7:55 pm

Bout 2
Daniel Reilly vs Percy Percival

*The crowd are in fine voice as Percy Percival makes his entrance surrounded by his choir and congregation. “Like a prayer” is belted out around the Birmingham Bowl and Percival certainly has the audience in the palm of his hand. The commentators talk about Percival’s surprise return at Night of Glory and how he seems to have found a new sense of purpose. The crowd interaction goes on for nearly five minutes until Daniel Reilly’s music interrupts.

*Reilly, being in his hometown, is actually cheered by sections of the audience but there are still plenty of boos ringing around for the “King of the Streets”. Oliver Keane is by his side as the commentators remind us that Reilly is no longer European Champion and will be looking to bounce back from that disappointment. Reilly is looking at Percival with disgust and we are reminded of Reilly’s comments leading up to this match.

*The bell sounds and Reilly shoves PP in the chest. He looks for a clothesline but Percy ducks under and lands a spinning heel kick to take him down. Reilly rolls from the ring, holding his jaw, and looks furious. Percival uses the ropes to catapult himself to the outside with a crossbody takedown as the cheers continue from the audience. Oliver Keane looks to step forward but Percy feints for the superkick and sends the agent scurrying away. PP tries to get Reilly back in the ring now and slings him under the ropes. PP is climbing through the middle rope as Reilly boots him in the head and nails a hangman’s DDT for a very close two count.

*Reilly punishes Percival with stomps to the wrists and ankles before he leaps into a kneedrop. Reilly whips Percival into the corner now and stomps repeatedly at his midsection before lifting him up high and delivers massive superplex. Reilly is sure he has the three count but Percy shows heart to kick out at two.

*Reilly drags his foe up and flips him up for a fallout neckbreaker but PP drops behind and counters into a backslide for a two count. They scramble back up and Percival leaps into a headscissors takedown which sends Reilly into the ropes before rolling him up for another two count. Reilly flies up again and actually flips Percival inside out with a jumping clothesline. Reilly throws Percival against the ropes and chokes him with his knee to the count of four. He stomps on his foe repeatedly until PP is forced to roll from the ring for a reprieve.

*The referee tries to keep order as Reilly climbs from the ring and attacks Percival on the outside. He lifts him into a back suplex position and slams his knee down on the ringside barrier before lifting him into the same position again and leaves him to drop down, spine-first, across the railing. Reilly whips Percy into the steel steps, sending them flying, and then launches him back into the ring. Reilly slithers in now and he flips Percy up into a fallout neckbreaker but is too close to the ropes and allows a rope break. Reilly looks furious at this and the commentators talk about how his loss to Dicey has really effected his mood.

*Reilly heads to the corner now but Percy jumps into the ropes and forces him to crotch himself up top. Reilly flips off the turnbuckle and ends up in a seated position in the corner which allows PP to nail a bronco buster. Percy works the audience and he beckons Reilly up now and leaps out for the superkick but Reilly catches his foot and immediately applies the anklelock in the middle of the ring. Reilly looks savage as he rips and tears at the ankle until PP is forced to tap out. Percy’s congregation are at ringside and looking concerned as Reilly drags Percival back up and drills him with an RKO in the middle of the ring. He kneels over his fallen opponent as Oliver Keane applauds from the outside. It certainly seems like Daniel Reilly means business heading into the new season.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 8:32 pm

*Max Adamson is overseeing the structure of his new office when Mike Masters swaggers in. Masters tries to draw some comparisons between himself and Max but Adamson can't remember being "a full blown loser". Masters says he was robbed at Night of Glory and the whole world knows he should be contesting titles here in 6CWF. Masters wants to be put in "The Hour" match but Max laughs him off. They only people competing for the 6WF Championship will be those on a winning streak, making an impact. Masters says Max better start watching his TV then because Masters is about to make a massive impact at the expense of Acer.

*Geoff Steel's face is a mess as he is being tended to by medics backstage. Steel says it takes more than "a knock" to keep him down and if that was Marty Helms' attempt to "throw him off his game" then he failed miserably. Steel reiterates that he knows Helms is a top class competitor and he is more than happy to defend his title against "The Last Outlaw". But he wants Helms to know that "Xtreme" is in his blood and that this isn't going to be like any war he has had before.

Acer/Saint and JJ Johnson are joking around in the dressing rooms. JJ says he didn't realise "Every f***er wants a piece of me" as the other two laugh at him. Saint says it's "head in the game time" as they prepare for Perfect Execution but then they round on Acer. It seems Saint and JJ are trying to rile Acer up and get the very best out of him...."nobody actually believes this motherf***er gone win a world title"..."this guy?"...."Mr Old A55 never won a title even one time little b1tch".....Acer is looking from one to the other and then punches the mirror as it smashes. He looks at them both and pounds his chest "I believe in me....I....believe"......Acer walks out now as Saint looks to JJ and Johnson nods his head "That motherf***er bout to tear someone's head off".

*Blue Dragon & Logan Kincade are in the gym. Logan is staring at himself in the mirror, his eyes devoid of emotion. Dragon sets some weights down and then he gets up and stands in front of his brother until he turns to look at him. Logan's breathing is deep as BD grabs his jaw and makes him look up. Dragon says ""....he shows their duelling tattoos and shoves Logan away. Kincade snarls and goes head to head with his brother now. Dragon smiles at his brother's aggression....."there he is".

We find ourselves at the Plague Family Complex as we see some of the followers rushing around and grabbing supplies from the make shift garden including various different herbs before rushing over to a small building that has a beat up van parked next door to it.

The camera follows them in as they all take their place around a single bed, the bed looks worn and shabby and in it we see the motionless figure of Edward Plague lies on top of deeply blood stained sheets, his scarred and lacerated body still feeling every little effect from the Hell In The Cell match at Night Of Glory.

As the camera pans around they see various of the followers tending to his wounds and others mixing herbs in to medicinal pastes as others watch on as their leader remains still. Two follwoers can be overheard speaking as on, clearly worried, voices her concerns.

Follower 1:
He needs a hospital...

Followers 2:
He needs his family...he told us that this is his home and it's our job to look after him, like he did for us...

The first follower takes a deep breath and nods in agreement

Follower 1:
Do you think he'll come though? Edward sacrificed himself and put himself here for him...

Follower 2:
I don't know...but what I do know is that Gazzy is don't walk away from family...
...once Edward is awake we can deal with the lost sheep of our family...

...and then we get revenge on those who did this.

the first follower is clearly distraught and tears begin to roll down her face as she looks at her leader, the other follower pulls her in and hugs her and the two stand embraced amongst the chaos as the other followers frantically tend to Edward, as the camera pans back we see the 6CW World Champion lying on a table, the blood from the match still staining it's gold plating.

The scene then fades to black.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 8:34 pm

Bout 3
Acer vs Mike Masters

*Back at ringside and Mike Masters is swaggering out to a crescendo of boos. Masters’ defeat at Night of Glory doesn’t seem to have altered his attitude in anyway. He makes his way to the announce desk and he picks up a headset to proclaim that we are in for a “Masterful season” and it will culminate with him being crowned world champion once more. The audience then rise to their feet and there is a huge ovation (potentially the biggest of the night so far) as Acer enters the arena. He throws his hands up as pyros explode all around him and then he makes his way to ringside.

*Masters is talking trash and goading Acer as the referee keeps them apart. The commentators are talking about both men’s ambitions to contest titles in the new season and will be hoping for a W to kickstart proceedings on the first night. They circle and tie up in centre ring. Masters applies a side headlock but Acer pushes him across the ring. Acer attempts a pop-up powerbomb but Masters leaps out the side and then lands a dropkick. They rise again and Masters looks for a superkick but Acer catches his foot and spins him around into a back suplex but Masters flips out on his feet and into an “edge’o’matic” for a two count.

*Masters slaps Acer around the head and then runs the ropes. Acer misses with a backhand and Masters springboards for a disaster kick but flies back into a sit-down powerbomb for a two. Acer drags his opponent up and suplexes him into a front slam position but lashes a kick up into the spine as he throws Masters to the canvass. Masters stumbles back up and is bridged into a German suplex for a two.

*Acer circles and then looks for a spear off the ropes but runs into a leaping DDT (ala Dolph Ziggler). Masters grins as he heads to the corner and he wants a 450 splash but hits nothing but canvass. Acer lets his foe up and then waistlocks him and rushes him to the corner before nailing an exceptional roll-through “chaos theory” German suplex (ala Doug Williams). Masters rolls over on his knees as Acer grabs him and drives a brutal knee into the side of his face. Acer covers and it is a very near fall.

*Big cheers from the audience as Acer goes high with “shooting star” on his mind but Masters is up and leaps into a dropkick that swipes Acer’s feet. Masters clambers up high now and he delivers an exceptional top rope hurricanrana. Acer clutches his back as he rises and Masters lands flush with a disaster kick off the ropes for a two. Masters slams his hand into the mat and screeches at the ref but to no avail whatsoever.

*Masters circles and attempts the “killswitch” but Acer shoves him to the ropes. He runs over but Masters backdrops him over the top onto the apron. Acer looks for a shoulder thrust through the middle but Masters leaps up in the air and drives down across the back of his opponent’s neck with a knee. Acer is slumped over the ropes as Masters lifts himself onto the second turnbuckle and jumps across with an elbow drop to the neck which brings Acer back into the ring. Masters covers but Acer kicks out.

*Masters sets for the “Gringo killer” now but Acer spins out and gets him on his shoulders. Masters elbows his way free and runs the ropes before springboarding for a crossbody but Acer catches him and throws him across the ring with a t-bone suplex. Acer drags his foe up now and drills him with a piledriver but Masters finds the ropes with his boot.

*Acer looks for a spear out of the corner again but Masters leaps over for a sunset flip roll-up for a two. They scramble up and Masters dodges a clothesline and runs up the turnbuckle for a whisper in the wind takedown. He leaps over the ropes onto the apron now and springboards back in with a 450 splash but Acer is showing resolve and toughness as he kicks out. Masters confronts the referee now and wants a quicker count.

*Masters wants the “killswitch” once more but Acer steps to the side and smashes a hard elbow into his gut. He tries flip Masters to the canvass for a crucifix armbar but Masters drops backward and sends Acer crashing into the turnbuckle. Masters gets back up and he lands a hard superkick to the chest as Acer turns back around. He covers but Acer finds the ropes this time. JT believes if Masters’ kick had landed on the jaw it would have been game, set and match.

*Masters heads for the corner again and he waits for Acer to rise. He leaps but Acer ducks the crossbody as Masters is forced to transition into a roll. Masters gets up back up and runs forward but is popped up into a devastating powerbomb on the back of his head. Acer staggers to the corner and then bursts out for a huge spear. The entire crowd is on their feet and expectant of a three count but Masters finds a way to kickout again.

*The commentators are applauding both men’s efforts and believe we are watching a classic. Acer drags Masters to his feet now and prepares for the “Barry White Driver” (Powerbomb piledriver) but Masters counters out with a headscissors takedown. They scramble back to their feet and Masters ducks a huge lariat before springboarding onto the ropes for another disaster kick but he leaps back into a powerbomb position on Acer’s shoulders and eats the “Barry White Driver” on the second attempt. Acer listens to the roar for the crowd and he smiles as he heads high to deliver the shooting star kneedrop and this one is a wrap.

*The audience are on their feet and the commentators pay respect to both men for their efforts. Acer has a huge W to kick things off for a new season and he has his eyes firmly set on championship gold.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 8:54 pm

*We are informed that there will be announcements regarding participants of "The Hour" in the next couple of weeks as well as more matches in the 6CWF Tag Team Championship tournament. The scene is now with GazzyD talking with Jack Reynolds. Jack is asking Gazzy if "reality has set in?" and that maybe Gazzy needs to take his family and run for the hills. Edward Plague was destroyed at the hands of Blue Dragon & Logan Kincade and there is no protection for him if he chooses to continue this fight. Gazzy says nobody understands that he was "lost" and that Plague "found him in the darkness". It seems Gazzy is struggling internally with a lot going on and Plague's sacrifice for him during "Hell in a Cell". Damien Andrews Snr walks into shot now and he admits to being a big fan of Gazzy but "now is the time to start running". Damien says there is nobody and nothing that can protect Gazzy now and if he values his own life and the safety of his wife and daughter then he needs to "go very far away" because "my boys don't have the same remorse or mercy that I do".....Gazzy stares straight into Andrews eyes now and says "Whether I'm on Plague's side or not....I run from nobody, not today....not ever".....Max Adamson steps in now beside Damien Andrews and says "It's true....if you're expecting fear, this is the wrong guy"....Gazzy looks at Max and nods before walking away.

*We see Perfect Jack staring at his damaged eye in an already splintered mirror. Jack is talking to himself about "Making the world face up to the ugly truth staring it in the eyes".....a knock comes and it is Lex Hart telling Jack that they are "up next". Lex leaves as Jack looks back at the mirror and says "Tonight you'll see....eyes wide open".

*Acer is being clapped and congratulated as he returns to Gorilla and finds JJ & Saint standing there. They applaud their friend and then drag him into a double hug. JJ slaps Acer across the face and says "That's what the f*** I be talking bout".....Saint nods and says "And he's back"....Acer swells with pride and nods his head at his friends before heading off. JJ and Saint touch knuckles now...."Game time, playa....those tag belts got our names on them"...."About goddamn time" Saint replies as they start their walk.

*Rex Adamson is in the gym and lifting weights as Max Adamson steps in. There is a long staredown between Max & Rex. Rex throws his weights aside and opens his mouth to say something but Max shakes his head. He points at the FFTR case and then at his head as if to say "Make the time count" before walking out. A door opens to the side now as Tyler Roth walks in and says "Haven't seen you in a week, time to put you through your paces young 'un".....Rex launches the weights at Roth now, who catches them, and says "Like you could ever keep up with me, old timer"....Roth laughs at this "Cocky motherf***er, so glad to have you back Rexxy......glad you and Eddy sorted everything".....Rex looks at the FFTR briefcase whilst Roth has his head turned and then says "Yeah, same in any family eh? But in the end....Genesis"....."F***ING GENESIS BABY!!!" shouts Roth as the scene ends.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 8:56 pm

Bout 4
Tag Team Championships (1st Round)
JJ Johnson/The Saint vs Perfect Execution

*There is a raucous ovation as The Saint arrives on stage. He looks pumped and ready for action before JJ Johnson joins him and it is utter pandemonium in Birmingham for the Coalition. The commentators debate on JJ’s mindset considering everything that has happened tonight with the Damien Andrews reveal and the altercations with both Robin Reborn & Daniel Reilly. JJ and Saint are talking and both men seem ready to go.

*Perfect Execution arrive now and it is clear that the animosity between them has not quite dissipated. Perfect Jack casts Lex a look of mistrust as they make their way to ringside. RJ & JT are talking about how Clarke James is nowhere to be seen since Night of Glory IX and all of a sudden the “alliance” between PJ & Lex does not seem as strong. RJ believes Jack is currently undergoing some kind of “metamorphosis” and struggling with his mental faculties. JT reckons whatever “brainwashing took place” at the hands of Clarke James has screwed with Jack’s mind.

*Saint starts the match out with Lex Hart and they tie up in centre ring. Lex tries to use his wrestling skill and twists Saint’s arm behind his back but the big man steps in and uses his power to launch Lex over his shoulder and onto the canvass. Lex gets back up and Saint drops him with a heavy shoulder before he whips him into the turnbuckle with huge force. Lex staggers out and Saint benches him overhead before slamming him to the canvass. JJ tags in now, sparking huge cheers.

*JJ works Lex over with lightning quick combos to the head and body before whipping him off the ropes and nails a release spinebuster (ala Ron Simmons) as he returns. JJ drags Lex up and flips him for a powerbomb but Jack is in the ring and takes JJ out with a chopblock. Saint tries to intervene but the referee holds him back. Perfect Execution work JJ over now and Jack tags in whilst Lex’s back is turned. The partners are not vibing at all.

*Jack pummels JJ in the corner and then goes to work with vicious chops to the chest. He looks for an Irish whip but JJ turns inside and nails a jawbreaker straight into an overhead throw. Jack staggers back up and JJ lifts him for “emerald fusion” but Jack fights off and stomps at the knee again before he lifts JJ into a kneebreaker. Jack sets for the figure four leglock but JJ kicks him away to the ropes and Lex tags himself back in. There is yet another staredown now between PJ and Lex.

*Lex stomps at JJ and throws him to the corner before stomping a mudhole in the midsection. He lifts Johnson high and climbs for a superplex but JJ fights back with rights and lefts to the body before he pulls Lex in close and nails a huge “side-effect” neckbreaker from the top rope. JJ crawls over now and tags in Saint as PJ is able to tag back in from Lex.

*Saint dodges Jack’s attack and runs the ropes before returning with a massive shoulder tackle takedown. Jack staggers up and Saint grabs him by the throat before benching him upward and dropping him into a spear/spinebuster (ala Goldberg). He covers but Lex recovers in time to break the count. Lex stomps at Saint now and tries to pull him up for the “Hart Attack” (Jackhammer) but Saint spins free and then lands a massive knee to the gut. He lifts Lex into a suplex position now before he just throws him at Perfect Jack as he stands up. Jack is on wobbly legs as he rises and Saint drills him with a pumphandle slam for a two.

*Saint tries to get Jack up into a torture rack now but Lex returns to the fray and clatters him from behind. Jack doesn’t seem to appreciate Lex barking orders at him but shoves it aside as they nail a double suplex on the big man. PJ is arguing with the referee now as Lex nails the “Triple Bypass” off the ropes (moonsault off all three turnbuckles)…..Jack rushes over and covers now but Saint kicks out.

*Lex is back on the apron and is yelling at Jack and telling him what to do. Jack scowls and then attempts the “Perfect Slam” but Saint drops out and then shoves PJ into the ropes (where he collides with Lex and sends him off the ropes) before nailing him with a huge sideslam as he comes back. Saint crawls over and tags in JJ Johnson once more.

*JJ is electric with the punches again and whips Jack to the corner. He follows in but PJ drives his feet out into the face to knock JJ back. PJ runs out but JJ sidesteps and launches him against the opposite turnbuckle before nailing a dragon suplex as he comes back out. Johnson drags Jack up and explodes with an “emerald fusion” now. The three count looks imminent but Lex Hart drags JJ from the ring. Lex throws a right hand but JJ blocks it and pulls Hart’s legs out from under him before he catapults him straight into the ringpost and leaves him splayed in the aisleway.

*JJ returns to the ring now and he stalks Jack. He kicks him in the gut and attempts the “Access All Areas” (Stunner) but Jack counters into a German suplex. PJ keeps his hands locked and completes the hat-trick as some of the fans applaud in appreciation. Saint looks to come to his partner’s aid but Jack has a hat-trick of Germans for him as well. The commentators cannot help but be impressed by Jack’s performance here. PJ stalks JJ now and then attempts the “Perfect Slam” but JJ counters into an armdrag takedown. They get back up and JJ sidesteps and sends Jack off the ropes. He pops him up on the comeback and catches him on his shoulders before twisting him around for the “VIP Experience” (Sit-down tombstone) but Jack fights off and he nails JJ with the “Perfect Plex”. The referee’s hand is coming down for three when Saint breaks the count.

*The official backs Saint to the corner and removes him from the ring. Jack looks annoyed as he circles JJ and takes him out with another chopblock. He now applies the figure four in centre ring as Johnson yells in agony. RJ believes this is a “vintage display” from Jack and a warning shot to the roster. The referee is asking JJ if he wants to quit but Johnson shows heart and courage to survive nearly two minutes and then drag himself to the ropes to break the count.

*Jack stomps at JJ’s legs and keeps him grounded. He looks to reapply the submission but JJ drags him down into a rollup for a two count. They get back up and PJ is quicker with the kick to the stomach. He wants the “Perfect Plex” again but JJ spins free and lands the “Access All Areas” from nowhere. The stunner sends Jack flying back into the ropes and Lex Hart makes the blind tag. JJ is barely scrambling to his feet and doesn’t realise the tag has been made as Lex runs over for the “Canadian Destroyer” but JJ catches him and lashes him back into the turnbuckle with a variation of the “Alabama” slam. JJ tags Saint back in now and Saint drags Lex into position and flips him for the ”Divine Force” (Sit down powerbomb) but instead he drops Lex backward into a stunner from JJ. The crowd are on their feet as Saint covers and we have our three count. The Coalition are advancing in the tag title tournament.

*The audience are applauding as the commentators proclaim JJ/Saint “frontrunners” for the entire tournament. RJ is talking about a great performance from Perfect Jack, however, and notes that he will be “bitterly disappointed” that it did not lead to a victory for his team tonight. Saint and JJ high five and touch knuckles before they clamber from the ring to celebrate with their adoring fanbase.

*Jack has risen on the outside now and he seems to have difficulty processing what has just happened in his absence from the ring. He is rubbing at his head and blinking his scarred eye whilst watching Saint and JJ’s celebrations. He then looks into the ring to see Lex struggling to get up following his defeat. Jack starts to look angry as the realisation dawns on what has happened. He strides around ringside now and grabs a steel chair from the announce area. JJ and Saint are entering the aisleway now and it seems like Jack is going to pursue them but then he rolls into the ring at the final second and lashes the weapon across Lex’s spine as he tries to stand up. Lex falls into the ropes and then staggers back around into a “gunshot like” chairshot to his skull which splits him wide open. JJ and Saint have paused now and stare back at the ring as PJ is staring down at the blood-stained Hart with a deranged expression on his face.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 9:28 pm

*Dicey Reilly arrives and Max Adamson steps out to greet the new European Champion. Dicey jokes "F*** me, thought you'd died the way they were going on and yet here you are".....Max is happy to see the European Championship in the hands of a "fighting man" (calm down Tyson Fury) and cannot wait to see who steps up to face Dicey here tonight. Dicey shifts the belt on his shoulder and says to Max "Fancy it, big boy?" Max laughs and then they turn to see a bloodstained Perfect Jack staring at them both. PJ stares Dicey down for a long while and then walks away. Dicey says "Time of the month?" as Max shakes his head and the scene ends.

*Daniel Reilly is standing in Damien Andrews' office now and is expecting to be announced in "The Hour" match but Damien Andrews wants to "see more". Oliver Keane is scoffing and shaking his head; "was hoping there'd be some sense from the new management" and this is where we see the first flash point of Andrews' temper as he grabs Keane's tie and drags him down so that his face slams off the desk. Reilly looks at Keane and Andrews now with a raised eyebrow. Andrews releases Keane now and adjusts his suit. "Things are very different around here now'll either grow to love it or find a job somewhere else".

*JJ Johnson returns from ringside and he grabbing a drink of water when he finds his path barred by Ojore. "Let's dance then playboy....I ain't never been hard to..." suddenly a glass shatters over the back of JJ's head as Robin Reborn comes from nowhere and we see a broken champagne bottle in his hands. There is a yell as Saint comes running into shot now but Reborn has already scarpered. Ojore doesn't want to back down but he follows Reborn as Saint checks on JJ. Johnson rubs blood from the back of his skull as the scene ends.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 9:30 pm

Bout 5
6CWF European Championship
Open Invitational
Dicey Reilly (c) vs ???

*Dicey Reilly is given a hero’s welcome as he makes his first entrance as the brand new European Champion. Dicey is on the mic now and he says it is honour to be a champion once more in 6CWF but he wants to represent in the same way he has his entire career and that means living up to the billing that he was “Born to fight”. Dicey says he will be a fighting champ and he has no intention of hiding from any challenge, he welcomes anyone to step up and contest his title because that’s the way it should be. JT loves Dicey’s attitude but RJ thinks it is a “massive risk” to throw the floor open to anyone in the back, especially considering how talented the 6CWF roster is right now.

*There is a huge response as Logan Kincade answers the call and slowly walks out on the stage. It seems Damien Andrews’ words have registered with his son and Logan is here to put his name back on the map. Dicey nods his head at Logan’s appearance as a “Holy (beep)” chant starts to ring out all around the arena. JT doesn’t recall this match ever happening before but it is certainly a “showcase for the ages” whilst RJ labels it “worthy of main eventing a goddamn pay per view”. Logan continues his slow walk to the ring and then pulls himself up on the apron. Both competitors’ eyes are locked and unwavering.

*The audience are still making a heck of a noise as Dicey & Kincade stand across the ring from one another. The referee has some final words and instructions to give to both and then he signals for the bell to get proceedings underway. The two men go nose to nose, neither giving an inch, before they begin to unload with massive punches. Dicey staggers Logan back and whips him off the ropes but Kincade dodges an attack on the return before launching off the opposite ropes with a flying clothesline takedown. Dicey gets to his feet as Logan kicks him in the stomach and tries to position him for a package piledriver but the champ counters with a backdrop. Dicey bounces off the ropes and returns with a shoulder tackle which sends Logan into the ropes but Kincade returns with a discus forearm smash to the jaw which sends Dicey to the corner. Logan runs in for a splash but Dicey moves at the last second and then runs off the adjacent ropes and returns with a big boot to the face which gets him a two count.

*Dicey wants a quick finish with the “Craicdown” but Logan swipes his legs and stomps right down on the champion’s chest. Logan continues to brutal stomps and then he catapults Dicey into the corner. Kincade drives in with a leaping knee to the spine of Dicey and then he drags Dicey away and scoops him onto his shoulders. He prepares for a “Burning Hammer” but Dicey just manages to swivel off the back and counters with a neckbreaker. Dicey stumbles up and heads for the corner now before leaping into a frogsplash but lands across Kincade’s knees. Logan drags Dicey up and suplexes him into the air before dropping him down into a brutal DDT for a two.

*The noise in the Birmingham Bowl is electric for this huge clash. Logan circles Dicey now and grabs him by the back of the neck for “Rough Justice” but Dicey runs to the corner and drops down as Kincade goes over his head and slams his face into the turnbuckle. Dicey beckons Logan around now and he scoops him up before nailing a back to belly piledriver (White Noise) for a two count. Logan rolls out toward the apron now as Dicey drags him up and nails huge pounding blows to the chest (ala Sheamus). He lands five before Logan turns and seizes his head before guillotining him across the top rope. Dicey is swaying as Logan heads up the turnbuckle before twirling off with a sensational back elbow right to the face. He drags Dicey back up now and executes the package piledriver (ala Sami Callihan) but Dicey just about manages to kick out in time.

*Kincade wraps his hands around Dicey’s head and prepares for the “Blind Justice” (Deadly Dog) but Dicey waits until Logan runs up the turnbuckle and then he drags him backward so that he falls into a sickening crotched position on the ropes. Dicey runs the opposite side of the ring and returns with a clothesline which sends Kincade flying to the outside. The referee begins to administer a count but Dicey isn’t interested in keeping his title that way. He drags Logan up on the outside and slams his head off the steel steps before pulling him around to the announce area. Dicey is signalling for a powerbomb now through one of the remaining tables but Logan lands out on his feet and then lands a brutal chop to Dicey’s throat. Dicey is hunched over as Logan grabs him by the back of the neck and slams him, face first, on top of the “Social Media” desk with “Rough Justice” (face-first chokeslam). The commentators believe Dicey may be knocked out as Logan drags him back to the ring and throws him inside. He makes the cover but has left Dicey too close to the ropes and he is able to get his arm across the bottom.

*Kincade seems to be toying with the idea of introducing weapons but he changes his mind. He circles Dicey and sets for “Rough Justice” again but Dicey steps in and scoops Logan on his shoulders before scoring with a death valley driver from nowhere. Dicey struggles to the corner and this time he is successful with the frogsplash. The audience think the champ may have just about pulled it off but Logan throws his shoulder off the mat just in time. RJ believes this is “heading to deep waters”.

*Dicey drags Logan up again and tries to flip him into position for a running powerbomb but Logan backs to the ropes and counters with a backdrop onto the apron. Dicey lands on his feet and smashes a right hand into Kincade’s face as he turns. Dicey catapults himself over the top into a shoulder tackle takedown and then he drags Logan up and splatters him into a brainbuster but again Kincade is equal to it. Dicey has a wry smile on his face and shakes his head. JT wonders if Dicey is regretting his decision for the open challenge.

*Logan tumbles in the corner and slumps as Dicey circles the ring and then storms in for the “Hangover cure” knee strike but Kincade rolls away at the last second. Dicey turns and runs back out but Logan is ready for him and uses Dicey’s momentum to flapjack him up and drop him across the top rope. He then drags Dicey into the middle of the ring and drills him with the “Burning Hammer”. The commentators are sure we have a new champion pending but Dicey kicks out at the very last moment.

*Kincade is not the sort to complain to the referee so goes back about business. He stomps at Dicey now and then launches him to his feet. He prepares for a powerbomb of his own now but Dicey lands out on his feet and smashes his head into Logan’s face. Kincade staggers as Dicey kicks him in the stomach and prepares for “Craicdown” but Logan shows unbelievable neck strength to lift Dicey up and then spin him frontways into an electric chair position before dropping backward onto the canvass. They scramble back up and Logan scores with a massive chokeslam. We actually see the timekeeper readying to ring the bell but Dicey kicks out. There are shocked faces all around the Birmingham Bowl.

*Logan sets for the “Blind Justice” again and he runs to the corner for the “Deadly Dog” but Dicey jumps onto the turnbuckle behind him and nails a German suplex from the second rope. Logan bounces across the canvass and ends up in a seated position in the opposite corner as Dicey thunders into him with the “Hangover cure” knee. The crowd are counting along in expectancy of the three but Logan Kincade is able to kick out. Even Dicey cannot hide his surprise as he holds his head in his hands.

*Dicey signals to the crowd and he wants to end this now. RJ is calling it “a match of the year candidate” as Dicey sets up for the “Craicdown” once more. Logan struggles and fights before he succeeds in swiping Dicey’s legs again. He drops back and catapults him to the corner but the official is in the way and gets squashed. Dicey turns back around and tries to grab Kincade’s head but Logan lands a very borderline punch. Dicey is doubled up as Logan executes “Blind Justice” now but there is no official to make the count. Logan sits for a moment and contemplates before he gives in to his urges and rolls from the ring. Kincade returns with the barbed wire steel chair and slams it down on the canvass, drawing a huge response from the crowd. Kincade then rips the padding off one of the turnbuckles to expose the steel underneath.

*Logan gets Dicey ready now for “Rough Justice” on the barbed wire steel chair when the lights go out. When they come back on the disfigured features of Edward Plague are on display for all to see and he spits black liquid into the eyes of Logan. He then flips Kincade up into a “Border Toss” powerbomb and launches him against the exposed turnbuckle, leaving Kincade in a battered heap in the corner. “Bodies” then booms through the airwaves and the crowd are on their feet as Blue Dragon enters the fray. BD is trailing a huge steel chain as he makes his way down to the ring to fight with Plague but the lights go down again. Plague’s eerie laughter can be heard in the darkness but when the lights return he is nowhere to be seen. Dragon is searching high and low for Plague now.

*Dicey takes advantage of the situation and he nails the “Craicdown” to Logan on top of the barbed wire steel chair. Dicey kicks the weapon away and covers as the referee has recovered enough to count the three. There is a standing ovation for what the audience have just witnessed. Dicey Reilly has a huge title defence under his belt even if Edward Plague gave him a huge assist. Dicey rolls from the ring and is handed his title belt, the fans reaching over the barricade to pat him on the back, as Dragon rolls in to check on his brother. Logan’s head is bloodied and there is a wound on the back of his neck from where he hit the exposed turnbuckle but he looks more angry than anything. Dicey nods respectfully at the two brothers before making his way backstage.

*The commentators cannot believe Edward Plague was even capable of turning up here this evening after what happened to him at Night of Glory but RJ admits that he is a world champion and will be expected to fulfil his duties as such. JT believes there is no way on earth that Dragon & Kincade are going to accept what has happened here tonight and that another “showdown” is imminent.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 9:50 pm

*We head straight backstage and Damien Andrews and Max Adamson are staring at one another as the end of the European Championship match. Max is looking at his clipboard again and says "Well Plague is cleared to be here then" as he ticks a box. Andrews is watching the screen and he says "Well we've got our main event for next week then"....Max raises an eyebrow as Andrews says "Tag Tournament.....Plague/Gazzy, the man who doesn't run....versus My Boys......Steel Cage"....Max looks at the clipboard and then at the TV...."Deal...but I have a match of my own I want". Andrews smirks as the scene ends.

*Eddy Kent is standing with Clarissa. Clarissa wants to talk about "The Hour" but Kent shuts it down and says nobody deserves to step in there with "Daddy". He says management is trying to screw him as he retired Max Adamson but none of that matters because nobody will ever take his title. Clarissa asks about Rex Adamson if "all is well?" but Kent laughs her off and says "Genesis cannot be broken". He calls Rex a "Boy finding his feet in the world" and says his "youthful exuberance will mature" but states that he understands that Rex wants to be a champion, which is why Genesis will do everything to put the 6CW Championship on a plate for him.

*Uryu Ishida is sitting on the rooftops of the Birmingham Bowl and he watches the setting sun. The door opens as GazzyD walks out onto the roof and he sits down on the ledge next to Ishida. There is a long silence and then the two men stare at one another. Uryu says "A problem shared...".....Gazzy looks over and sighs "Just one about a Plague of them?".


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 9:52 pm

Bout 6
Marty Helms vs Uryu Ishida

*We are reminded of Marty Helms’ dismissive comments in regards to Uryu as we return to ringside. We then get several clips of clashes between the two starts during the “Time Attack” match at Night of Glory IX. JT is talking about Marty Helms’ earlier attack on Geoff Steel this evening but now his concentration will need to be on Ishida for the upcoming contest. RJ throws out the stat that these two men were the first reigning champions of the new era of 6CWF at “From the Ashes” last June and will be looking to regain that kind of footing in the company as we start a new season.

*Helms is first to make his entrance and he looks as formidable as ever has. RJ remarks on how Helms’ seems to be in the shape of his career and that is only going to spell danger going forward for the rest of the 6CWF roster. Helms has certainly made it clear that his short term goal is Geoff Steel and the Xtreme Championship but he cannot afford to underestimate Uryu here this evening even if he doesn’t hold him in high esteem.

*Uryu enters now to a giant ovation and he ensures to greet all of his fans around ringside. Helms is bored as he rolls out of the ring and attacks Uryu from behind before launching him into the steel steps, leaving him in a battered heap on the arena floor. The referee wants to get the action in the ring but Helms drags Ishida around to the announce area and he suplexes him into the air before slamming him down, rib-first, across the top of the “Japanese” table. Uryu rolls off onto the floor as Helms dismisses the referee’s proclamations.

*Helms finally launches Uryu into the ring to get the contest underway and Ishida is in a bad way. Helms whips him into the corner with such force that Uryu collapses on impact. Helms repeats the same to all four corners and is making sure that his opponent is fully aware how little he thinks of him. Helms is almost laughing as Uryu grabs at his boots to try and pull himself up. Helms flips Ishida for a lungblower but Uryu counters with a hurricanrana out of nowhere. Back to their feet and Uryu dodges a Helms attack and takes his opponent off his feet with a spinning heel kick. He then beckons Helms up and springboards off the ropes into a sunset flip bomb (Code Red) for a two count.

*Uryu heads for the corner and is looking to build momentum. He prepares to leap off for a meteora but Helms sidesteps as Ishida is forced to transition into a roll. Uryu gets back up and sprints forward but is tilt-a-whirled into a vicious gutbuster across Helms’ knee and then smashes into the canvass with a release uranage slam for a two count. Helms spits in frustration now and runs off the ropes for “Blade of the Ruined King” (ala Adam Cole) but Uryu avoids the flying knee and then he rolls Helms up for a nearfall.

*Uryu ducks under a clothesline and he handsprings off the ropes but returns into a brutal forearm smash to the back of the neck. Helms lifts Uryu into a back suplex position and then whips him forward so that he crashes, chest & rib-first into the canvass….he drags Uryu up by the back of his hair into an inverted DDT position. He lifts Ishida off the deck and then releases him at the top so that he falls down across the outstretched knee of Helms….the commentators are talking about how Helms is clearly targeting the body in the knowledge Uryu is not fully recovered from Night of Glory.

*Helms looks to go old school in his arsenal now with a “Bullhammer” elbow but Uryu ducks at the very last second and he springs onto the middle of the turnbuckle before twisting back with a tornado DDT takedown. The crowd are applauding as Uryu hauls himself off the deck and heads for the corner. He climbs high and his “Split Second” on the mind but Helms drives his knees up into the already damaged body. Helms drags Uryu up and destroys him with the “Infinity Edge” (Lungblower). He covers but Uryu is too close to the ropes. Helms looks like he wants to punch the referee’s head off.

*Helms circles now for the “Bloodthirster” (Punt kick) but Uryu avoids and pulls his head off the line before rolling Helms up again for a two. They reach their feet and Uryu sprints forward but is backdropped over the ropes onto the apron. Helms turns and Uryu nails a step-up kick which staggers him and then springboards back in with an x-factor facebuster which garners a two. The crowd are right behind Uryu and willing him on as he ushers Helms up and targets him with brutal calf kicks. Helms is staggering and then he spins for a discus lariat in a rage but Uryu avoids and nails a superkick to the back of Helms’ head. Helms is sent crashing into the turnbuckle and stumbles back into a poisonrana. Helms rolls over on his knees as Ishida runs the ropes and returns with a destructive shining wizard to the face which gets him a very close two. Some of the fans believed it was a three but Helms is as tough as they come.

*Uryu heads up top now and he walks along the ropes to the middle as Helms is stumbling up. Ishida turns on his heel and moonsaults off but Helms catches him on his shoulders. Helms then throws Uryu into the air and punt kicks him right in the midsection (ala Jack Hurst’s “Washboard Stomach) which takes all the wind from Ishida. Helms grabs Uryu from behind and he ripcords him around now into a “Bullhammer” elbow which spins Ishida inside out. Helms looks annoyed as he looks down at Uryu and then runs the ropes and returns with the “Blade of the Ruined King” knee strike to the back of the skull for the three count.

*Helms slaps the referee’s hand away as he raises his own arms in victory. He looks down at Uryu with disgust and seems to be plotting a further attack when “Last Resort” blasts out and here comes Geoff Steel, much to the delight of the audience. The right side of Steel’s face is bruised badly from earlier but the Xtreme Champion dives straight into the ring and goes to war with Helms. They are trading with huge punches now and then Helms drives a knee into Steel’s gut. He attempts to flip him into a powerbomb but Steel scrambles off the side and then scoops Helms on his shoulders. Steel is prepping for an “Attitude Adjustment” but Helms fights free and rolls from the ring. There is a long staredown between the two rivals now as the commentators hype an inevitable collision course between the two.


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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 10:14 pm

*GazzyD walks into the parking lot as the unmarked van pulls up and the side door swings open to reveal the battered and bruised form of Edward Plague sitting there. "Gareth...we must talk". Gazzy looks like he is contemplating turning his back but then he hears a gurgle and and his face drops to see Christy and Willow sitting in the fan alongside Plague. Christy looks terrified. Gazzy slowly climbs into the van and it drives away.

*Rex Adamson is doing his final prep before he starts his walk to Gorilla. Genesis are there to join him as Rex looks them up and down. Rex looks at Eddy Kent now and Kent nods his head "We'll be here if you need us"....Rex nods his head and heads from ringside. Kent turns to Roth and Sweetwater "Be prepared....this is bigger than Rex....I don't want Har...".....Kent suddenly stops talking as Scott Harris walks into shot. Harris is bobbing from one foot to the other as he eyes all three remaining members of Genesis and then he looks at the 6WF Championship on Kent's shoulder. Harris puts in his gumshield and snarls before following Rex toward the entrances. Max Adamson is stood off to the side and says "Everyone just f***ing hates you don't they?" and he laughs as Kent is left seething.

*A banged up Dicey Reilly is in the back following his war with Logan Kincade. Dicey is more than happy to still be champion but isn't overly happy about the manner of the result. He tells Jack Reynolds "Only one thing for it.....we'll have to do it again in ten days challenge #2"....the crowd are roaring in delight as Dicey starts to walk off but finds himself face to face with Enforcer. Big E nods at Dicey and then looks at the European belt. Dicey adjusts the belt and smiles as the scene ends.

*We get a breaking announcement from 6CWF

Scars & Stripes (July 14th) - Geoff Steel (c) vs Marty Helms - Texas Bull Rope Match for the Xtreme Championship

*Final scene and Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade are standing outside the Birmingham Bowl. Logan is coated in blood and is muttering about entering the "Plague Compound" for retribution but Dragon wants him to see sense because "the war comes to us next week and we finish this"....we hear footsteps as Damien Andrews walks out and is stood away from his sons...."So different and yet exactly the same....the same bloodthirst....the same need to main and destroy....the need to be the week it is time you showed the world exactly what the "Blue Dragon" tribe means".....Logan is glaring at his father and then he walks back inside as Damien Snr smiles. Dragon heads back toward the door but then his hand flies out and he blocks his father's entrance into the building...."Let's get one thing very control nothing.....not me....not him.....nothing....and the moment I decide you've overstepped the mark.....(he points to a scar on Snr's face) just remember what happened last time you upset me".....Dragon leaves the scene now as Snr takes a moment and then his sinister smile returns.


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Age : 34

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6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Presents "Aftermath" Results - 28th May 2024

Post by JJJohnson Tue 28 May 2024, 10:15 pm

Main Event
Rex Adamson vs Scott Harris

*It is main event time and the crowd hyped. The commentators are talking up tonight’s show and all the amazing things we have seen so far. RJ wonders on Rex’s state of mind considering Max’s announcement as Co-GM as well as the reveal of Damien Andrews, issues with Eddy Kent/Genesis as well as knowing about “The Hour” coming up at Scars & Stripes.

*Rex arrives first and there is a very mixed reception, albeit deafening from the Birmingham faithful. Rex paces back and forth with the FFTR briefcase in his hands and the commentators deliberate on when and where Rex may choose to use that case. JT was certain that the end of the “Hell in a Cell” match at Night of Glory would have been the perfect time but it seems Rex has something else in mind. Rex looks as fresh and prepared as ever as he leaps onto the apron (sending pyros from the turnbuckles) and then clambers through the ropes. Scott Harris’ music hits and the cheers are pretty much universal for “The Sharpshooter”. Harris marches out on the stage and looks extremely confident as he bobs from one foot to the other. The commentators believe Harris will certainly have “one eye on “The Hour” match” coming up at Scars and Stripes as he looks to capture championship gold in the new season of 6CWF. Harris is up in the ring now and there is a very tense standoff between the two competitors. RJ labels this as “Two of the leading lights in the new generation”.

*Harris and Rex continue to stare at one another as the bell sounds to get us underway. The two men engage in a fascinating and fantastic battle of wrestling ability as they look to one up each other. Harris ends up taking the back and he looks to lift Rex off the ground but Rex drops to a knee and slides to the side as he rags Harris’ legs out from under him. Rex immediately looks to apply a “stretch muffler” but Harris spins on his back and uses his legs to take Adamson down before he spins over to apply an anklelock. Rex pushes himself forward into a roll which sends Harris staggering to the corner. Rex is up and he locks his hands now around the waist but Harris smashes his head backward into the face of his foe and spins him to the floor with a snapmare before trying to apply a seated coquina clutch. Rex spins his body on his front and bridges over the top for a two count.

*Harris bridges out and he swings free before attempting another suplex but Rex runs to the ropes and then uses amazing shoulder and back strength to haul Harris over his shoulder and over the ropes onto the apron. Harris gets back to his feet as Rex cracks him with a right hand and looks to suplex him back into the ring. Harris battles and kicks his legs before he smashes a huge European uppercut under Rex’s jaw and suplexes him over the top rope to the outside as they crash into the aisleway in a heap. The audience are on their feet and applauding the death-defying move.

*Harris gets Rex up and tosses him in the ring before he clambers up the turnbuckle. Rex is already up and he sprints up the ropes to join Harris. They battle but then Harris headbutts Rex in the face, stunning him, before he twists his body to the side and lifts Rex off the top with a sensational back suplex. Harris stumbles up and he nails a mahistrol cradle for a very close two count. The commentators believe Harris is getting the upper hand with the more damaging moves right now. Could this be the first night we see Rex Adamson take a 1on1 defeat?

*Harris beckons Rex up and leaps in for a codebreaker but Rex lets the bottom drop out. He grabs Harris’ legs and catapults him to the corner before he spins up and launches Harris with a German suplex which flips him over on his face. Rex quickly follows up by deadlifting Harris off the mat into a double-armed sitdown powerbomb for a two count. Rex stretches his neck as he heads for the corner now. He walks along the ropes and then launches off with a crossbody but Harris rolls through for a nearfall. They get back up and Rex runs the ropes and then shotgun rolls back into a devastating dropkick to the chest which sends Harris flying into the turnbuckle and collapsing in a seated position.

*Rex circles the ring and then destroys Harris in the corner with a running cannonball splash (ala Kevin Owens). Harris rolls onto his back now as Rex sprints back in and uses the top rope to catapult himself into an imploding splash but Harris drives his knees up at the final second. Harris is back up now and he scores with a t-bone suplex for a two count. The crowd are applauding and there is a “This is awesome” chant ring all around. RJ “cannot believe they are giving this away on a TV show” whilst JT “Just knew this was going to deliver”.

*Harris is up top again now and he wants a frogsplash but is forced to roll through on the landing as Rex moves. Harris is back up and sprints forward as Rex pops him up for a powerbomb but it is countered again into a codebreaker as Harris comes down from the air. Harris is on the top rope again now and third time is a charm as he lands the frogsplash. The arena is expectant but Rex continues to show the heart of a future star as he manages to kick out before the count completion.

*Harris shakes his head in dismay before he circles Rex, waiting for him to rise. He sets for the “Shot in the dark” but Rex counters into an armdrag takedown. They get back up and Rex sidesteps Harris and pushes him off the ropes before launching him with a modified exploder suplex as he comes back. Rex gets behind Harris and pulls him up before ripcording him into a “rainmaker” lariat but Harris finds the ropes at the final second. Rex is smiling and clearly enjoying the level of competition as he ushers Harris up and scoops him on his shoulders for the “Fire/Thunder” Driver but Harris fights off the back and he looks for a German suplex but Rex spins out into his own waistlock and he lifts Harris into an electric chair position for “Croyt’s Wrath” but Harris transitions into a victory roll for a two count.

*Both men rise and slug it out with punches and vicious chops. Rex slaps Harris in the chest with his open palm (ala Gunther) doubling Harris up and then he scoops him into the electric chair position again but Harris falls off and he is successful with the “Shot in the dark” (Olympic Slam). He covers but Rex reaches his boot out and finds the bottom rope. The commentators are applauding the action that we are watching and it is clear the audience are enjoying what they are seeing. JT shouts “This is how you kick off a new goddamn season”.

*Harris wipes sweat off his brow and then he pulls Rex up for a suplex into a backbreaker but Rex floats over the back and shoves Harris into the corner. He runs in but Harris throws himself aside and then charges back in with a stinger splash. Rex staggers as Harris climbs the ropes but Rex suddenly sprints back up the turnbuckle from nowhere and nails a huge overhead throw. Harris is on shaky legs as he rises and Rex electric chairs him into the fallout German suplex (Croyt’s Wrath) for a two count. A “fight forever” chant has started now.

*Rex stumbles to the corner now and he beckons for Harris to stand and then charges out for a “Gore” but Harris leaps over him and sends him crashing into the corner. Harris scoops Rex into a pendulum backbreaker as he stumbles around and then he suplexes him into the air and drops him out into another backbreaker across his knees. The audience are going wild as Harris snaps on the sharpshooter now and Rex is trapped in the middle of the ring. This is finally looking like a singles defeat for the undefeated star!

*Rex is in all kinds of pain and trouble. He shows his courage to drag himself toward the ropes but Harris pulls him back and sits right back into the submission as the audience go wild. Rex’s whole body is shaking from the pain he is feeling and it looks like he is going to have to tap out. Eddy Kent walks out on the stage now and it is boos all around as the 6WF Champion begins to make his way down toward the ring. Scott Harris is trying his utmost to concentrate on the submission but it is clear that Kent has his attention.

*Harris releases the submission now as he strides to the ropes to confront his long-term rival. Kent is feigning mock innocence as Harris wants him in the ring to fight. We see the rest of Genesis making their way out toward ringside now and it is clear that Harris is about to be in for a very long night indeed. Harris turns to see Roth and Sweetwater approaching the ring and he tries to keep his head on a swivel.

*Rex Adamson is up in the corner (behind Harris) and he looks annoyed to see the rest of Genesis at ringside. Eddy Kent is indicating to Rex to finish the job but Adamson narrows his eyes and scowls at him. We then hear “Refuse/Resist” blasting through the airwaves as Chris Patricks comes running out from the back. Patricks leaps up onto the ringside barrier and he front flips off into a senton takedown on Tyler Roth as the audience cheer. Michael Sweetwater leaps onto the apron now as the referee hurries over to get him down which allows Eddy Kent to get in the ring. Kent looks at Rex, almost disappointed, and then he looks to take Scott Harris’ head off with the “Genesis Kick” but Harris spins and catches his foot before taking out his standing leg and applies the ”sharpshooter” as the audience go wild. Rex shakes his head in frustration as he rushes from the corner and rips Harris in half with the “Gore”.

*Chris Patricks rips Sweetwater off the apron now and he superkicks him right in the mouth as the referee spins back around and he counts the three to hand the victory to Rex Adamson, much to the anger of the audience. Eddy Kent is finally nodding his head and grinning now as he drags Rex up and raises his arm in victory. Kent is pointing down at Harris and it is clear that he wants to send a message to start the new season of 6CWF.

*Chris Patricks springboards over the ropes now and he dropkicks Rex in the back which sends him head-first into Eddy Kent. Rex staggers back up and he grabs the FFTR briefcase and swings it at Patricks but CP ducks it and lifts Rex into a “Enigma Bomb” (Sky High)….Eddy Kent is trying to get up now as “Revival Mode” blasts out and the crowd rise to their feet. Liam Wood marches to the ring and slides in. Kent is grabbing at his 6WF Championship (which has fallen from his waist) as Wood runs over and stomps his head into the belt with the “Psycho Crusher”….Patricks and Wood are staring at each other now and Patricks looks down at Rex whilst Wood is focused on Eddy Kent. The commentators believe these two have “selected their targets” but then Scott Harris staggers up and he stands in the middle of them both. Extremely muddy waters running freely here in 6CWF.

*Harris, Patricks and Wood are exiting the ring now as Rex Adamson starts to shuffle to his feet and he grabs at the FFTR briefcase. Rex is holding the case now and he is staring at Eddy Kent, who is slumped next to his 6WF Championship. We see Tyler Roth and Michael Sweetwater getting up on the outside and they freeze as they watch Rex with his FFTR case eyeing up Kent. The show ends with Rex looking from the case to Kent & the 6WF Championship before he turns to see his allies staring at him.


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Join date : 2011-03-09
Age : 34

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