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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024

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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024 Empty 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024

Post by JJJohnson Sat 29 Jun 2024, 8:07 am

*Eddy Kent is kicking off tonight's show from in the ring. There are some "Genesis" chants from the die-hards whilst others boo every word that comes out of the world champion's mouth. Kent is here to address the ridiculous notion that without Tyler Roth or Michael Sweetwater that he is somehow "weak". Kent needs 6CWF to understand that he is "God around here" and "What Daddy says, goes". Kent believes the roster and, most importantly, his challengers at Scars and Stripes need a reminder in exactly why he is the 6WF World Heavyweight Champion and everybody else just works here.

Kent also wants to address Liam Wood, in particular. Liam Wood is a disgusting, vile, human being who showed his true colours last week when he attacked Roth from behind because he wasn't man enough to get the job done like a man. He knows the management want to discuss Wood's future and potential punishment for those actions but Eddy Kent is a man, he is "the man" in this industry and unlike Wood he doesn't need to run and he doesn't need to hide...Kent doesn't need to attack anyone from behind and he sure as hell isn't afraid of any challenge....he doesn't want Wood punished by fine or suspension, he wants to dish out his own punishment and that is why he is demanding that Liam Wood be given the final spot in "The Hour" match. The commentators are shocked by this but Kent goes on to say that he will turn back all of these pretenders and prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that he is number one in this industry.

Liam Wood interrupts now and the crowd reaction is huge. There is a long staredown before Wood starts marching to the ring and it looks like there will be no talking on tonight's agenda. Wood leaps up on the apron and steps through the ropes as Eddy Kent smirks and then climbs out the opposite side. Boos fill the air now as Kent holds the 6WF Championship in the air and walks around the ring toward the aisleway. The commentators are wondering what Kent's play is here because inviting Liam Wood's challenge just seems unlike his usual tactics. JT believes Kent must have "some kind of a plan, the champ usually does". Wood remains in the ring and he points at Kent and motions a belt around his waist. We get a graphic with the completed line-up now for "The Hour" match at Scars & Stripes.

*Rex Adamson is shown watching the action at ringside when Chris Patricks interrupts him. The two rivals go nose to nose as Patricks tells Rex that his only chance to use that FFTR briefcase is here tonight because he is taking it from him at Scars & Stripes and teaching him a lesson in humility that he has needed for a long time. Rex wants Patricks to know that he could have picked any match, made any kind of demands to try and stack the odds in his favour but the result will always be the same....he believes CP is lost in this notion that he was Max's "equal" so that automatically puts him on a level but Rex's level is far beyond that and he will never, ever, lose to a man who could barely keep up with his Uncle. Rex doesn't break eye contact as he tells Patricks "Even Max knows you don't measure up and you know it...that's why you had to beg Andrews for the shot....tells you the whole story when your best friend doesn't even believe in you"......Rex makes the walk away but Patricks puts a hand on his chest....."Or maybe....I knew Max, despite everything you have done to him, would never agree to let me end your career.....Andrews, on the other hand, he gets off on that kind of thing....keep my case safe, boy".

*We see Robin Reborn arriving with his entourage. Ojore is already waiting and looks ready for war. The commentators hype up the opening contest as we then see JJ Johnson & The Saint relaxing in their locker-room. Who will be facing The Coalition for the titles at Scars & Stripes? The door then flies open and Acer is standing there. JJ & Saint want to make jokes but Acer is in no mood and he wants a word with JJ. JJ says "shoot" but Acer looks angry and accuses JJ of "interfering". JJ looks bemused but Acer points to last week and the attack on Daniel Reilly. He reiterates that he wants to do this alone and prove he belongs at the top level. JJ takes exception now and says he & Saint have done nothing but respect Acer's wishes but he needs to "calm yo s***" because last week he was out there fo' business and Reilly was collateral damage. He says "the word yo a55 looking for is thank you" but Acer scoffs at this. There is plenty of tension now as Saint decides to stand and diffuse the situation. Acer takes a step back and says "I can do this, alone" as JJ responds "Be my f***ing guest then". Acer storms off as Saint shrugs at JJ. JJ looks annoyed/hurt by Acer's outburst.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024

Post by JJJohnson Sat 29 Jun 2024, 8:14 am

Bout 1
6CWF Tag Team Title Tournament (Semi-Final)
Chris Patricks/Liam Wood vs The Wolf Gang

*We get a recap on last week’s action and Liam Wood’s heinous assault on Tyler Roth as well as the combined effort to ensure Percy Percival defeated Eddy Kent. Wood makes his entrance first and we are reminded that 6CWF officials are still deciding on whether Wood should be in “The Hour” match or not. Wood looks focused as he rolls into the ring and waits for Chris Patricks to join the fray. Patricks looks ultra-confident as the commentary team hype his ladder match with Rex Adamson at Scars and Stripes. Patricks leaps over the ropes into the ring and nods at Wood before heading to the corner in order to pose for his fans.

*Reborn & Ojore enter together and are met by huge boos. Reborn trash talks the fans on his way to the ring whilst Ojore looks as menacing as ever. We are reminded of the ongoing issues with The Coalition (who have already qualified for the finals) as Reborn leaps onto the apron and stares at his opposition. Ojore circles the ring and then he grabs Patricks by the heel and drags him under the ropes. Ojore looks for a big lariat but CP ducks under and lands a flash kick to the stomach and then leaps onto the announce desk before moonsaulting back into a takedown. Reborn takes the opportunity to springboard in for a flying forearm but Wood sidesteps. Reborn rolls back onto his feet as Wood attempts a helluva kick but RR ducks it and springboards off the ropes into a moonsault takedown of his own.

*Reborn drags Wood up for a “God’s Last Gift” suplex but Wood counters into a suplex of his own before slamming RR down on his chest. He gutwrenches him and deadlifts him into a powerbomb position but it is countered into a headscissors to send Wood to the corner. Reborn gets up and charges in with a huge corner dropkick, slumping Wood into a seated position, and then follows in again with a low sliding clothesline against the bottom turnbuckle. Wood rolls back toward the middle of the ring as Reborn clambers up on the apron and springboards in with a legdrop for a two count.

*Reborn heads up high again and looks to fly with a legdrop to the back of the head but Wood moves and sends his opponent against the deck. Reborn stumbles up and Wood scoops him on his shoulders before spinning him into a flapjack across the top rope. He pulls Reborn into a snap dragon suplex. RR rolls over on his knees as Wood runs into him with an exploding knee to the face for a nearfall. Wood offers the tag to Patricks now and the crowd cheer at the prospect. Patricks springs off the ropes with an axe handle to the spine as Wood drags Reborn up. He whips Reborn off the ropes now. RR ducks first contact and handsprings off the opposite ropes but Patricks is ready with a brutal dropkick to the back of Reborn’s head as he returns for the back elbow strike. Patricks follows up with a standing moonsault for a two.

*Patricks lifts Reborn into a scooped slam and then runs the ropes for “rolling thunder” but Ojore is back on the apron and clatters CP around the back of the head. Patricks leaps into a retaliation dropkick which sends Ojore off the apron but that allows Reborn to take advantage with a backstabber. Patricks rolls over on his front as Reborn runs the ropes and returns with a sickening low dropkick to the mouth. Reborn tags in Ojore now. Ojore pummels and brutalises Patricks before dragging him up and launches him against the turnbuckle. He stomps at his midsection and lands solid shoulder thrusts to the gut before lifting him up top. The crowd are shocked to see Ojore climbing the ropes for a superplex but Patricks fights back and then he clambers onto Ojore, locking his legs around the shoulders, and twists off into a crucifix bomb from the top rope for a two count.

*They struggle up and Patricks ducks a clothesline and springboards into a tornado DDT. He follows up with “rolling thunder” as the crowd applaud his offense. Patricks points up high now as the audience go wild. CP leaps up for the “Puzzle Solver” but Reborn runs over and shoves him off the turnbuckle to the outside, causing Patricks to land in a heap. The referee admonishes Reborn as Ojore rolls outside now and he charges into Patricks, slamming his spine into the steel steps. Ojore throws CP back in and lands more punishing blows to the back before applying a bearhug. Patricks is forced to endure the hold for nearly two minutes before he claps his hands across Ojore’s ears to break his equilibrium. Ojore stumbles as Patricks gasps for breath. CP runs the ropes but Reborn lashes a kick into his spine and then Ojore lifts him into a huge spinning belly to belly slam for a two.

*Reborn is tagged back in and he climbs onto Ojore’s shoulders before leaping off with a meateora takedown on Patricks. Reborn rolls back up and dropkicks Wood off the apron in one fluid movement before turning his focus back on CP. Patricks stumbles up and Reborn looks for the “Worldstar” neckbreaker but CP grabs the ropes as Reborn slams down into the mat. Patricks turns and runs forward but is drop toe holded to the canvass. Reborn then looks for a lionsault but lands across Patricks’ knees. They both get back up and Patricks nails the “Enigma Bomb” (Sky High) but he cannot capitalise. Both men are in need of a tag and it takes them an age but the audience go wild as Wood gets the tag at the same time as Ojore.

*Wood storms the ring and he dodges Ojore’s attack before returning off the opposite ropes with a huge big boot. Ojore sways but doesn’t fall as Wood nails a discus forearm smash and then lands a vicious kick to the side of Ojore’s leg to buckle him. Ojore’s head drops as Wood runs the ropes for the “Psycho Crusher” stomp but Ojore leaps into it and lifts Wood into a powerbomb position. Wood just manages to jump out back and he catches Ojore on the top of the head with a pele kick as he turns. Ojore stumbles to the corner and Wood splatters him with a “helluva” kick and then beckons him out before nailing the “Manson Driver”. The three looks imminent as Reborn nails a “shooting star press” from on high, landing across Wood’s spine to break the pin.

*Patricks rushes the ring now and he smashes into Reborn with a clothesline to send them both over the top and into the aisleway. Ojore is first to his feet in the ring and he scoops Wood on his shoulders before running him into a huge powerslam but somehow Wood manages to kick out. Ojore drags Wood up again for a “World’s Strongest Slam” but Wood struggles and battles free. Ojore tries to attack but Wood dropkicks his knees from under him. He then runs the ropes for the “Psycho Crusher” but Ojore shows speed and agility to leap to his feet and drive his head into Wood’s chest cavity as he comes back. Wood is winded as Ojore drags him to the corner now and climbs up. A “Banzai” drop is on the cards as Patricks gets back on the apron now and runs along before jumping into a dropkick which slams Ojore’s head into the top of the ringpost. Ojore is slumped on the turnbuckle now as Wood clambers up behind him and nails a Russian legsweep from the second rope. Wood tags Patricks back in and CP nails the “Puzzle Solver” drawing massive cheers from the crowd. The referee’s hand is just coming down for three when Reborn dives back in to break it up.

*Liam Wood returns to the ring but Reborn drags the ropes down and sends Wood over to the outside. Reborn then wows the audience as he springboards onto the ropes and nails a shooting star takedown on Wood in the aisleway. Patricks is up and he wants a second “Puzzle Solver” but Ojore is up and clatters him with a big right hand. Ojore wants a muscle buster now and he lands it, much the audience’s chagrin, but CP demonstrates his mettle by kicking out. Ojore drags Patricks to the corner again for the “Banzai”. Reborn has dragged Wood up but is shoved back into the ringside barrier. Eddy Kent suddenly walks out from backstage and stands at the top of the ramp, the 6WF Championship strapped around his waist. He glares down at Wood. Wood walks to the bottom of the ramp now and is beckoning for Kent to come and face him.

*Reborn staggers away from the Wood/Kent confrontation as we head back to ringside. Ojore looks for the “Banzai” but Patricks moves at the last second and sends him clattering into the canvass. CP then nails a split-legged moonsault in the corner as Reborn tries to break into the ring. The referee moves to stop him as Rex Adamson comes through the crowd and almost takes Patricks out of his boots with a devastating “Gore”. Rex rolls from the ring with a grin as Ojore follows up with the “World’s Strongest Slam” and this one is a wrap. The Coalition vs The Wolf Gang will be for the tag titles at Scars and Stripes.

*Liam Wood spins as he hears the bell and sees Rex Adamson grinning at him. Wood looks annoyed but then turns again as Eddy Kent smashes him in the face with the championship belt. Wood is busted on the bridge of his nose as Kent kneels over him now to let him know he will never win this title. It seems Kent & Rex are fully on the same page and Genesis is still in control.

*Robin Reborn is celebrating as though he did all the hard work as Ojore merely motions for a belt around his waist. Are The Wolf Gang taking the straps on July 14th? Chris Patricks is clutching at his ribs as the commentators wonder if the damage taken tonight will affect his ability to climb a ladder at Scars and Stripes. Rex Adamson tips CP a wink before swaggering around to join Eddy Kent in the aisleway, standing over Liam Wood. Kent & Rex raise their arms in the air, the hype for Scars and Stripes is at feverous levels.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024

Post by JJJohnson Sat 29 Jun 2024, 8:27 am

*Max Adamson is talking with Clarissa backstage when Rex Adamson swaggers up to him. Rex wants Max to know that what happens to Patricks at Scars & Stripes is on him for being stupid enough to pursue this fight. Max looks at his nephew and it is clear that he is torn. He tells Rex that he'd rather the match not happen but urges him "don't take Chris lightly". Rex laughs this off and says once he takes care of Patricks he will finally become world champion (holds up the FFTR case). Max nods and says "I just hope you make the right choice when the time comes".

*Dicey Reilly is doing media duties for Scars & Stripes. Dicey acknowledges Enforcer's achievements and is expecting a war but he also fully expects to walk out of Texas the same way he walked in; European Champion. Perfect Jack steps into Dicey's path now and the two former partners/rivals stare one another down. PJ looks at the European belt now as Dicey smirks. Jack walks away now as Dicey makes sure to watch him disappear.

*Damien Andrews has designed a showcase for the tag title match at Scars & Stripes as Robin Reborn & Ojore arrive backstage. Cameras and media are on hand as JJ Johnson & The Saint enter the fray now. Andrews is talking up the return of the tag titles and believes this is as huge a match as we have seen for the titles. There is plenty of back and forth between the two teams as Reborn tries to aim a slap at JJ but JJ dodges it and then lands with a solid right hand to the jaw. Reborn is staggering as all hell breaks loose now and Saint & Ojore clash whilst Reborn's entourage try and storm the stage that has been set up. Andrews is shaking his head but it is clear he enjoys the chaos as security pile in to separate the combatants. Reborn spits in JJ's direction now and is promising to "humble yo Uncle Tom a55" at Scars & Stripes.

*Eddy Kent is looking pleased with himself as he makes his way back toward the Genesis locker-room but he finds his way barred by Daniel Reilly & Oliver Keane. Reilly tells Kent that their history goes back way longer that anyone else in this match and it will be a great pleasure of his to be the man to finally destroy "Genesis" once and for all and take the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship. Kent advises Reilly "take your best shot" but Reilly just laughs. He commends Kent for "fronting it out" but he knows deep down that he's swimming with the sharks now and his time is up. They walk away and we hear Keane yelling "And the new" down the corridor as Kent is left with a concerned look on his face.


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Age : 34

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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024

Post by JJJohnson Sat 29 Jun 2024, 8:28 am

Bout 2
6CWF European Championship
Open Challenge
Dicey Reilly (c) vs ???

*We see Enforcer walking through the crowd and taking a seat in the front row as we return to ringside. It seems he is a spectator tonight for Dicey’s open challenge. The commentators hype Enforcer’s challenge at Scars & Stripes but will it be Dicey he is facing?. The crowd in the Ballroom rise high now for Dicey Reilly. Dicey takes it back to the old school as he walks down from the upper tiers and he swigs a can of beers before crushing it against his head (Sandman style). Dicey tags hands with the fans and then he walks over to Enforcer. Big E rises from his seat as the two men go nose to nose. Dicey raises his European Championship (drawing a huge roar) and then he climbs over the barriers into the ringside area.

*Dicey is up in the ring and awaiting his opponent when “Don’t Fear the Reaper” blasts out. There is shocked faces all around as former world champion and Trash TV founder Hobo walks out on the stage. There is a “Holy s***” chant all around now as the commentators remind us of Hobo’s history in the company. JT tells us that Hobo wrestles in MLW now but he’s obviously been granted special dispensation to compete here. Enforcer is standing now as Hobo walks around ringside toward his former ally. Hobo offers a handshake and Enforcer accepts. Could the two Trash TV’ers face one another at the PPV? RJ also reminds us that Hobo only needs to win the European Championship to complete the original 6WF Grand Slam. The commentators are in agreement that that is the reason Hobo is here tonight. He rolls in the ring now and stands up as the audience cheer.

*There is a staredown between Hobo and Dicey as the referee keeps them apart. The official then holds up the title belt as Hobo stares up at the gold. Enforcer nods his head at the duelling “Let’s go Dicey” & “Trash TV” chants that are hammering all around the Ballroom now. The bell sounds as the two legends circle one another and then lockup in the centre of the ring. Dicey applies a side headlock before Hobo steps back into the ropes and shoves his foe across the ring. The champ returns with a shoulder block takedown and then he beckons Hobo back up into a hiptoss throw. Hobo gets up again as Dicey kicks him in the gut for “Craicdown” but Hobo shuffles backward and backdrops Dicey over the ropes to the arena floor. The crowd are applauding as Hobo clambers out on the apron and then he runs along and dives off with an elbow drop (ala Mick Foley) which crashes into Dicey’s chest on the concrete.

*Hobo drags Dicey up and throws him back in the ring. The challenger scales the ropes now and he throws himself into a crossbody takedown as Dicey stands but the champion kicks out on two. Hobo lets Dicey up and looks for the “Down and Out” combo but Dicey ducks the last shot and counters with a neckbreaker. Dicey heads for the corner himself and he looks over at Enforcer before throwing himself into a frogsplash, only for Hobo to move at the final second. Hobo smashes Dicey into the canvass with a double armed DDT now but Dicey throws his shoulder off the canvass.

*Hobo pulls Dicey into position for a pulling piledriver but the champ swipes his legs and then catapults him to the corner. Hobo smashes into the turnbuckle and sways back around as Dicey scoops him up and nails him with a back to belly piledriver (White Noise) for a two. Dicey watches Hobo crawl to the corner and then readies to run in for the “Hangover Cure” but Hobo rolls out at the last minute. Dicey takes his turn to climb out on the apron now and he dives off with a flying shoulder tackle that sends him crashing into the barrier where Enforcer is sitting. Dicey walks over and he smashes Hobo’s head off the railing time and time again, never breaking eye contact with Big E as he does so.

*Dicey launches Hobo back into the ring now and pulls himself onto the apron. He waits for Hobo to stand before catapulting himself over the top but Hobo catches him with a heavy kick to the gut as he comes over the ropes. Hobo then gets Dicey up on his shoulders for “The Dumpster” (Torture Rack) but Dicey fights off the back and runs the ropes only to be drilled by the “Hobo Cuddle” (Sidewalk slam) as he returns. The crowd cannot believe the shock is on the cards but Dicey kicks out.

*Hobo circles and stalks Dicey as he stands and tries to set him up for the “Soft Shoe Shuffle” (Face-first Russian legsweep) but Dicey fires huge elbows to send the challenger staggering away. Hobo runs back in but Dicey drops his shoulder and sends Hobo over the top and onto the apron. Dicey grabs his opponent now and slams huge punches into his chest (ala Sheamus) before he runs Hobo along the apron and tries to smash him against the ringpost. Hobo gets his boot up and blocks the impact before seizing Dicey’s head and he guillotines him across the top rope. Dicey staggers away as Hobo climbs up the ropes and jumps off with an axe handle but Dicey gets his boot up and floors his opponent. The champion pulls Hobo back up and nails a brainbuster but Hobo just manages to get his shoulder off the mat.

*Dicey drags Hobo up now and flips him for a powerbomb but Hobo lands out on his feet and slams a knee into his opponent’s stomach. He grabs Dicey in a headlock now (The Turkey) and looks for a running bulldog but Dicey uses the forward momentum to lift Hobo and launch him against the turnbuckle. Hobo is upside down in a heap as Dicey circles the ring and then runs back in with the brutal “Hangover Cure” knee strike. The audience are applauding as Dicey stares over at Enforcer and then he pulls Hobo up and nails him with the “Craicdown” in the middle of the ring for the three count and yet another successful title defence.

*There is applause from the audience for Hobo’s efforts as Dicey has his arm raised in victory. The referee presents the title belt to the champ and he holds it up over his head. He beckons for Enforcer to come into the ring now for a staredown ahead of their contest. Hobo suddenly clatters Dicey from behind and he urges Enforcer to pick up the European Championship to hit the champ with. Enforcer looks at the belt and then at Hobo before shaking his head (the crowd pop at this). Hobo prods Enforcer in the chest now and we hear him say “That’s why you’ll never be a great”….Hobo turns to the booing audience now and flips them off, a complete change in his demeanour. Enforcer seems deep in thought as Dicey is trying to get up. Enforcer looks down at his rival and then runs the ropes and returns with a huge “Facecheck” on Hobo just as Dicey is getting to his feet.

*There is an intense but respectful staredown now as Enforcer picks up the European belt and throws it over Dicey’s shoulder. The commentators hype the historic showdown between two hall of fame talents.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024

Post by JJJohnson Sat 29 Jun 2024, 8:54 am

*Uryu is here in New York and there is a big ovation from the crowd. Ishida knows he isn't 100% and he knows tonight isn't going to help in that respect but he needs Perfect Jack to understand that he is no pushover. Uryu believes, after some time to think, that he has finally worked out why Jack has targeted him and it comes down to his "master" Clarke James. Uryu reckons that he set CJ's downfall in motion when he beat him for the world championship a year ago and now Jack believes he can succeed where James failed. Uryu tells Jack that CJ believed he was "too good as well" but he found out that the reality is much different. Uryu says he may not be as technically gifted as Jack but he's got twice the heart and he'll fight until he can't fight anymore, he isn't convinced Jack can say the same.

*Geoff Steel is being mobbed outside the arena by fans. Jack Reynolds has come outside to talk with Geoff about tonight and also his match with Marty Helms at Scars & Stripes. Steel says his is the leader of "Xtreme" so it is an honour to be here tonight where Extreme Wrestling was born. He says he is looking forward to the challenge of tonight and at the PPV. A black car pulls up outside now & Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade climb out. Kincade glares over at Steel before they walk inside of the building. Steel goes on to say that he knows the threat in front of him but it is his goal to elevate this belt on the same level as a world title and that means fighting the baddest and the best under any circumstance in any environment.

*A downtrodden GazzyD is looking at himself in the mirror. He holds up a picture of Christy & Willow before letting out a deep sigh. The shadow of Edward Plague passes over now and he places a hand on Gazzy's shoulder. Gazzy almost represses a shudder. "It is time, Gareth". The 6CW Championship belt is on the side and Gazzy looks over at it, almost longingly, before he snaps his attention forward as Plague picks up the belt. Gazzy closes his eyes and is talking to himself, soundlessly, as he follows Plague out of the room.

*Damien Andrews walks out of his office as Logan/Dragon are entering the building. "My boys"....Dragon glares at Andrews and keeps walking but Logan stops momentarily. Dragon turns and watches as Logan almost takes a step toward his father but then thinks better of it and snarls before storming past his brother. Dragon looks back at Andrews again before walking away. Andrews is left with a coy smirk on his face. Max Adamson wanders over & Andrews invites him for a "congratulatory drink" to celebrate their first month in charge. Max looks suspicious but agrees.


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Age : 34

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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024

Post by JJJohnson Sat 29 Jun 2024, 8:55 am

Bout 3
Xtreme Rules
Blue Dragon/Geoff Steel/Logan Kincade/Uryu Ishida vs Edward Plague/GazzyD/Marty Helms/Perfect Jack

*Back at ringside and there I a huge “EC-Dub” chant all around the Ballroom. The commentators are hyping the next match and saying it is a homage to the early days in this arena. RJ believes this is a big call from Max Adamson & Damien Andrews to sanction this match so close to the Scars and Stripes event but JT chimes back that there was no way we could have set foot inside this building without one “Xtreme” match on the card.

*The combatants begin to make their entrances but it seems all hell has broken loose backstage. The cameras show Geoff Steel and Marty Helms brawling in the back as Helms slams a knee into Steel’s stomach and then whips him into a production case. At ringside Perfect Jack is waiting in the ring as Uryu comes through the crowd and crashes a kendo stick across his back. He then slams the weapon into PJ’s stomach before springing off the ropes, tucking the stick under his legs, and legdropping Jack across the back of the neck. Edward Plague & GazzyD are the next to make their entrances but Blue Dragon and Logan Kincade rush out to get the fight started on the top of the stage. The commentators are expecting an all out war here and there is absolutely nothing that anyone can do about it.

*Perfect Jack has rolled from the ring as Uryu springboards onto the ropes and dives to the outside with a crossbody takedown on the concrete. It is utter madness and bedlam which is being greeted by the old school ECW fans in attendance. We switch backstage once again and Marty Helms and Geoff Steel are now fighting at the top of a stairwell and Helms headbutts the Xtreme Champion before attempting to lift him into a powerbomb position but Steel drops out and then he lifts Helms into a tackle and drives back through a door with enough velocity to break the hinges.

*Ringside and Blue Dragon is beating the brakes off of Edward Plague and then GazzyD lashes a steel chair across Dragon’s back. Dragon staggers but then turns as Gazzy draws the chair again only for Logan to rip the weapon out of his hands and he jabs it right into Gazzy’s ribs. Logan drags Gazzy back up the ramp now and launches him against the steel entrance structure. Plague has rolled into the ring as Dragon gives chases, clearly looking to send a big message ahead of Scars and Stripes. Plague, however, spits his black liquid up into Dragon’s face and blinds him instantaneously. Plague rips the covers off the top turnbuckle and he repeatedly smashes BD’s head until the black mist is mixed with deep red blood. Dragon staggers to a knee as Plague runs the ropes and dives into a brutal clothesline from hell. It seems that the 6CW Champion is confident in his own chances to retain against Dragon at the PPV.

*Uryu and PJ are brawling through the crowd now. Jack launches a chair at Ishida but he slaps it away only for Jack to kick another at his knee and drop him. He drags Uryu back up and suplexes him across a stack of chairs as the audience go wild. Jack looks deranged as he pushes fans out of the way and then he comes back with a table. Jack sets the table up so that it rests between two railings, hanging over the concrete floor. He pulls Uryu up again and he wants a suplex but Ishida floats over and he superkicks PJ in the back of the head. Jack staggers and Uryu follows up with a buzzsaw kick to the temple that leaves Jack sprawled on the table. Uryu then looks around and he decides to climb up into the next tier before launching himself down into a senton that crushes him and Jack through the table and leaves them wrecked.

*Logan Kincade and GazzyD’s fight has gone backstage now and out toward the parking lot. Gazzy shows amazing athleticism to leap on top of a dumpster and then he jumps off with a headscissors takedown which sends Kincade staggering into a nearby wall. Gazzy staggers up and he is clearly contemplating just getting the hell out of there but Logan is already clambering up. Gazzy sees the ambulance parked up and looks like we are getting a preview of what is to come. Gazzy climbs inside and he begins to reverse the vehicle back toward the arena wall so that he can crush Logan but we see Gazzy sitting in the driver’s seat and he isn’t sure of his actions. Logan rags the door open now and he hauls Gazzy back outside and then slams his head against the side of the ambulance. Gazzy tries to get to his feet as Logan runs back in and crushes Gazzy’s head against the ambulance with his knee. Gazzy is slumped, his breathing ragged, as Logan stares down at him. It is now Logan who is looking around the lot and he then walks over to another car. The commentators are shouting for security on the scene as Kincade prepares to drive the car straight into Gazzy and crush him. Damien Andrews and Max Adamson are suddenly on site and Andrews stands in front of the car as Max drags Gazzy away. Andrews and Kincade continue to stare at one another through the windscreen. What is going on?

*The scene switches and Marty Helms has clocked Geoff Steel in the head with the cowbell from the bullrope. Steel staggers and falls to a knee at the top of the stairwell once more and Helms runs and punts him in the head so that Steel topples down to the floor below. Medics are called immediately to tend to Steel, who is clearly in a lot of discomfort, as Helms just glares down the stares and yells “That f***ing belt is leaving with me”.

*The commentators reiterate that it was a huge gamble to book this match so close to the pay per view. Uryu and Perfect Jack are battered, Helms has kicked Geoff Steel down a flight of stairs and Logan Kincade just tried to rundown GazzyD. In the ring and Edward Plague is on his knees next to the bloodied Blue Dragon as the lights dim in the arena. Suddenly six of Plague’s hooded “followers” begin to carry the casket down to the ring and they slide it inside. Plague lifts the lid and he clearly has every intention of putting Blue Dragon away before they even get to Scars and Stripes. Flames suddenly explode from the stage and Logan Kincade is marching right back out to ringside with his barbed wire steel chair in hand. He destroys all of Plague’s followers with no trace of remorse before standing at the base of the ring and he stares up at the 6CW Champion. Plague is watching Logan closely but then he takes a step back and removes himself from the ring as Kincade climbs inside. Plague shows no mercy or care for his “followers” as he walks around to the aisleway and begins to back away. Logan stares after him as Dragon starts to get himself back to a vertical base.

*Plague stands on the stage now and a smile starts to return. He is humming “He’s got the whole world in his hands” as BD wipes blood and black mist from his eyes and walks to the side of his brother. Logan’s focus is completely on Plague as Dragon stares from one to the other and tries to process the situation. RJ cannot even begin to guess what is going down at “Scars and Stripes” but JT is expecting “something beyond what we have ever seen before, I’d almost guarantee it”.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024

Post by JJJohnson Sat 29 Jun 2024, 9:22 am

*Liam Wood is standing by with Tim Allen. Wood says he knew Genesis "or what's left of it" would screw his chances of winning the tag titles but all that has done is added fuel to the fire. He dismisses that he has Kent to thank for his place in "The Hour" because 6CWF Management would have had no choice but to put him in the match anyway, it was an inevitability. Wood says Eddy Kent has no idea what he is facing when it comes to "The Viper" because he is unlike any challenge previously. Wood doesn't care about being liked or being portrayed as a "Good guy"....he will do anything he has to in order to leave Texas as world champion and if that means crushing Kent's skull in the same he did Tyler Roth then that is exactly what he will do. "Nice guys finish lucky for me, I'm not a nice guy".

*Eddy Kent is just finishing getting ready for the main event when Rex Adamson walks back in. Rex places the FFTR briefcase down on the coffee table and Kent shoots it a look. Kent asks if Rex saw the "Plague/Dragon exchange" and goes on about how they will rip each other apart at Scars & Stripes which is the perfect chance for Rex to cash in. Rex says "Yeah, maybe" but Kent raises an eyebrow. He doesn't understand Rex's outlook. He wants to be world champion and he will never have a better chance but Rex looks up now. Rex says Kent needs to understand that he doesn't need to better his chances because he could give "any" world champion notice that he was cashing in and he'd still leave with the belt....Kent stands on business and says " will be champion, I have known it from day one.....but do not forget Genesis' role in your position".....Rex picks up the 6WF Championship (Kent's eyes widen) and he places it on the champion's shoulder before he says "I forget nothing" before picking up his FFTR briefcase and walks out of the room. Eddy Kent is left alone, looking contemplative.

*Scott Harris is finishing up his training when Clarissa looks to grab a word. Harris says it has been a long road and the last 12 months have taught him a lot but he wants to finally end the wait for championship gold and that means leaving Scars & Stripes as the 6WF World Heavyweight Championship. Harris has no problems with "The Hour" premise after competing in "Iron Man" & "Elimination Chambers"....he reminds us he has already gone sixty minutes with Eddy Kent twice in the last year but the third time will be a charm.....Mike Masters interrupts now and he says Harris' "desperation" will be his downfall....Masters promises he will show Harris what a "real world champion looks like"....Percy Percival and his congregation enter the shot now and the choir are singing. Percival wants everyone to rejoice and bask in the knowledge that he will be bring 6CWF into a new era when he leaves as the champion.....Masters laughs at this but Percival wants to know who else has a "one on one victory over Kent" and this stumps them all....Daniel Reilly & Oliver Keane enter the scene now and Reilly smirks at them all. He says he has been "Putting Genesis in their place for over a decade" so advises everyone else to sit this one out because nobody is stopping him from his destiny. He turns and finds Acer in his face now. Acer and Reilly glare at one another as the commentators hype the upcoming main event.

*Max Adamson & Damien Andrews are arguing about what just happened between GazzyD & Logan Kincade. Max has sent Gazzy for a check up but he tells Andrews that "your psychotic son is out of control". Andrews doesn't dispute it but merely smiles at the suggestion. Max shakes his head and says "If you won't do anything to stop it then maybe I will" but Andrews fires back "You can try". Max walks back in the office and finds Chris Patricks sitting there. Patricks makes it clear to Max that he needs to get on board with what is going to happen at Scars & Stripes because it isn't going to be pretty....he and Max are best friends but he is going to feel no remorse whatsoever for being the man that ends Rex's career....Max pours a glass of whiskey from Andrews' desk and downs it before looking straight at Patricks and he says "You can try". Patricks glares at Max before storming from the room.

*Dragon catches up with Logan backstage and he wants to talk to his brother about the "rage building inside". Logan pushes Dragon's hand away and says "I'm in control" but it is clear that Dragon doesn't believe him. Kincade gets in his brother's face and he says "Gazzy tried to end you.....if I hadn't come back he would have, him & Plague....he doesn't just get to decide when his conscience works and when it doesn't...this isn't random, this isn't unjustified and you f***ing know it....he deserves what is coming...they all do". Logan walks away as BD rubs at his temples.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024

Post by JJJohnson Sat 29 Jun 2024, 9:23 am

Main Event
Five-Pack Challenge
Acer vs Daniel Reilly vs Percy Percival vs Mike Masters vs Scott Harris
Special Referee: Eddy Kent

*It is main event time after a wild evening in the build to Scars and Stripes. The commentators are talking about this huge match and who will, potentially, carry the momentum into “The Hour” match. The competitors make their entrances and the Hammerstein Ballroom is making a raucous amount of noise. Percy Percival is the final entrant and a rendition of “Like a prayer” is still belting out some five minutes later. Eddy Kent makes sure to keep everyone waiting before he making his entrances, dressed in a referee’s jersey. Kent stares down all of his challengers and makes sure to parade the 6WF Championship in front of them. Scott Harris properly eyeballs Kent as they get close to one another.

*There is plenty of gesticulating and bad mouthing as the contest gets underway. Daniel Reilly thinks it is a good idea to get up in Acer’s face but takes a headbutt to the face that staggers him backward and then a right hand to send him through the ropes to the outside. Mike Masters looks for a quick superkick on Scott Harris but it is ducked and Harris lifts his rival into a German suplex and dumps him over the ropes. Percy Percival quickly rolls Harris up and gets a two count. Percival is here to win the title.

*Harris storms up and slams a knee into Percy’s gut before launching him with an overhead suplex. He stalks him now for the codebreaker but Reilly has rolled back in and drops Harris with a beautiful dropkick. Reilly drags him up and nails a fallout neckbreaker before he heads for the corner. Reilly is up top for the frogsplash but Acer leaps back on the apron and pulls his legs from under him. Acer is up on the turnbuckle now and he connects with a devastating fisherman’s suplex from on high. A three count is potentially in the offing but Mike Masters breaks the count.

*Masters beckons Acer up and looks for a disaster kick but Acer dodges it and nails a rolling German suplex (ala Chad Gable). Masters staggers back in the corner now and Acer crashes into him with a clothesline before beckoning him out for the “Barry White” Driver. Masters flips out on his feet and looks for a “killswitch” but Acer shoves him away and Percy Percival nails the superkick as the crowd go nuts. Percy wants the cover but Acer pumps through with a knee strike to the temple which sends him through the ropes to the outside. Acer covers Mike Masters but Scott Harris breaks it up.

*Harris and Acer go nose to nose as the crowd are torn in their allegiance. A firefight breaks out between the two men before Harris blocks a “downward spiral” attempt and scores with a codebreaker before following up with the “Shot in the Dark”. He is looking for the cover but Eddy Kent is just grinning at him. Harris is up and exchanging words with the world champion now. Harris shoves Kent in the chest as Kent points to his referee’s badge but it doesn’t look as though Harris cares. A fight looks imminent but then Reilly spins Harris around and drills him with the “RKO”. Reilly makes the cover now and Kent makes the count but Percy Percival pulls Reilly from the ring at the final moment.

*Reilly looks angry as he boots Percy in the gut and then runs him into the steel steps. Reilly pulls Percival toward the announce area now and lifts him into a back suplex before releasing him to crash on top of the tables (ala Randy Orton). Reilly heads back to the ring and he stalks Harris before attempting a second “RKO” but Harris counters into a backslide for a two count. They scramble up and Harris sidesteps before sending Reilly into the turnbuckle before scoring with a t-bone suplex for a two count. Harris backs in the corner now and is setting up for “Kneeds More Harris” as Masters springboards back in and wipes him out with a dropkick as he is in mid-run. Masters scores with a disaster kick on Reilly now and covers but Reilly throws his shoulder up in time.

*Masters stalks Reilly and tries to get him in position for the “Gringo Killer” but Reilly spins through and looks for an “RKO” but Masters counters into the “Killswitch”. Masters thinks he has the three count but Acer flips from on high with a shooting star kneedrop across the back of MM’s neck to break the count at the final second. Acer drags Masters back to his feet now and he obliterates him with the “Barry White” driver. Eddy Kent’s hand is just coming down for the three when Scott Harris drags Acer off the cover and twists him over into the sharpshooter.

*Acer is yelling in agony as Harris turns the heat right up and applies maximum pressure. Acer is shaking his head and refusing to quit but it is clear he is feeling it. Eddy Kent doesn’t seem to want to even check on Acer, refusing to give Harris the win, as Percy Percival rolls back in. Percy looks for the superkick but Harris breaks the submission and catches his leg before nailing a dragon screw and applies the sharpshooter on Percy now. Percy is shrieking in pain and looks ready to tap his hand to the mat when Mike Masters clatters Harris from behind to break up the submission.

*Masters is trash talking Harris now and slapping him around the head. He then springs off the ropes for a disaster kick but Harris ducks under it and tears off the ropes himself for the “Kneeds More Harris” but Masters moves and Eddy Kent takes the full brunt, wiping out the world champion. Masters tries to take advantage and pull Harris into a “Gringo Killer” but Harris fights free and scores with a hat-trick of German suplexes. Harris heads up top now and he scores with the frogsplash. He is setting Masters up now but Daniel Reilly clatters him from behind and launches him from the ring. Reilly drills Masters with the “RKO” but there is nobody to make the count.

*Reilly crawls over and he slaps Eddy Kent around the face to wake him up. He then gets back up to his feet as Acer catapults in from the apron and destroys him with a rolling spear. The crowd are on their feet and making a deafening noise as Acer stalks Daniel Reilly now and then he drills him with the “Barry White” driver. It should be a three but Eddy Kent is still trying to get his bearings. Acer gets to his feet and shakes his head at Kent before deciding to inflict more damage on Reilly. He grabs him by the head but DR responds with a low blow. Acer is doubled up and rolls from the ring. Reilly is trying to shake off the cobwebs as he stumbles back to his feet but then he turns and is taken out by Harris’ flying knee. Harris staggers over and we hear him say “Wake the F*** up” to Eddy Kent before making the cover. There is no count and Harris looks annoyed as he gets back up to revive Kent again but the 6WF Champ is already up and he takes Harris out with the ”Genesis Kick”. The crowd are booing furiously now as Kent drops on top of Harris and lands vicious right hands. The champion has snapped and wants to send a message.

*Percy Percival rolls back in and Kent almost takes his head off with another “Genesis Kick”. He rolls from the ring now and grabs his 6WF Championship belt and then he blasts Mike Masters in the head with it, leaving him sprawled on the outside. Acer is also getting back to his feet as Kent smashes him in the head with the belt, leaving him decked on the concrete. Eddy Kent rolls back in the ring now and he waits for Daniel Reilly to get to a standing base before he twirls him around and smashes him into the mat with the “Mic Check”. The commentators are talking about how the world champion has send a pretty loud and clear message to the rest of the chasing pack as we head into Scars and Stripes.

*”Revival Mode” then hits the airwaves and the Hammerstein Ballroom is alive with electricity. Liam Wood charges out and he locks eyes with Eddy Kent. Kent stands and he beckons Wood to come and fight him. Wood does not need a second invitation as he sprints to the ring and dives in. Kent looks to swing the championship belt but Wood ducks underneath and comes back off the opposite ropes with a leaping high knee takedown. He ushers Kent up now and kicks him in the gut for the “Manson Driver” but Kent counters with a backdrop. Kent looks demented now as he looks for the “Genesis Kick” but Wood ducks it at the final second and then lands a vicious side-kick to the gut which drops Kent on all fours. Wood runs the ropes for the “Psycho Crusher” as Kent grabs the 6WF Championship and rolls from the ring. There is a long staredown and JT believes Kent is “looking at the man who might just take his title away”. Kent is cradling his championship belt and RJ wonders if Kent can survive the odds with Genesis by his side. Wood looks ferocious as he stands against the ropes and just continues to stare out at the champion.

*The rest of the combatants have got back to their feet now and they form a line in front of the ring. Eddy Kent has staggered up the rampway and he looks back as Liam Wood, Scott Harris, Acer, Daniel Reilly, Percy Percival and Mike Masters glare back at him. The commentary team believe Eddy Kent’s number may be up.


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6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024 Empty Re: 6CWF Proving Grounds Results - 28th June 2024

Post by JJJohnson Sat 29 Jun 2024, 9:35 am

*We are backstage after the main event and Blue Dragon has confronted his father, Damien Andrews.

Dragon: I told you to stay away....and now you're f***ing with his head....

Andrews: Am I? Is that what you really believe? Be truthful to yourself.....he isn't like us, not like you....or me....

Dragon: I'm nothing like you either....

Andrews: You wish that were true....but you know exactly what I mean....ever since he was a baby, this was something different....his wiring was "faulty"....

Dragon: F*** you....he's like that because of what you did to him, to all of us...

Andrews: I pull no punches, I know I am no angel....but this is beyond that and certainly beyond me....your brother, he doesn't think like you....he doesn't see the world like you are both monsters in your own right, beasts, warriors....but in here...

*Andrews points at Dragon's chest and BD has to suppress the feeling to slap his hand away

Andrews: You have might not like it but you'll maim and you'll destroy, you will cause untold damage and crush any obstacle in your path...but there is conscience....there is method...the same thing that told you that, despite what Gazzy has done...he has a wife and he has a child and you offered him the chance to walk away....

*Dragon's nostrils flare at the reminder

Andrews: But Logan....Logan doesn't care....he does not see sentiment....he does not feel mercy.....he is a killer....and once he decides what he is going to do.....nothing and nobody will stop him....

I know you think you're protecting him from me......but the question you should be asking yourself is this; who is going to protect you from him?

Who is going to stop him? You brought him back here but you can't control him....

Dragon: And you can?

Andrews: I never proclaimed I could....but at least I accept him for what he is...

*We see Logan Kincade standing outside of the room listening to every word as the show comes to an end.


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